Blinds are out of control

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Blinds are completely out of control. There are WAY too many blinds being tossed around by way too many classes. Blinds are slapped onto low cool down skills with no risk at all. Some classes can literally SPAM blinds. Thieves (can have) blind on stealth every 3 seconds Black powder shot (which can be used multiple times in a short period) blinding powder, shadow shot, tactical strike from the front, signet of shadows, infiltrators arrow… THIS IS JUST ONE CLASS.

Necros can spam blinds in plague form, well of darkness, dagger 4… Guardians have Tons of blinds they can spam blind 15 points in radiance and virtue of justice, sword 2 (10 second cool down) focus 4, greatsword 3. Engies now have even more blind with acid costed bullets and SO ON.

Most of these skills are on a insanely low cool down for a complete shut down, and to make things extremely worse the problem is SERIOUSLY Exemplified with Multiple classes or multiple people in a fight.

Blind completely shuts down warriors. Hammer and mace, is a joke against blinds, all of our class mechanic burst skills minus sword are a joke from blinds, eviscerate, earthshaker, skull crack, kill shot, arcing slice (lol) shut down. No one else’s class mechanic skills are shut down by blinds (shatters are multiple hits, and steal still gap closes), and the issue is Exemplified against multiple of these classes.

Any thoughts from fellow warriors?

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713

Gundam Zephyr.6713

I don’t PVP much but I think it’d be fine if Cleansing Ire worked while blinded. Since it doesn’t, thereby defeating the whole purpose of the trait in PVP, I’d say it’s a very big problem.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Mid-High damage. (A lot less then we used to.)

Low defense against CC/Blinds.

Condition Removal that relies on hitting a foe, which we have problems with.

We need some kind of Anti-Blind…

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I don’t PVP much but I think it’d be fine if Cleansing Ire worked while blinded. Since it doesn’t, thereby defeating the whole purpose of the trait in PVP, I’d say it’s a very big problem.

Even then it wouldn’t be fine. We’d be forced to carry a trait around even if we don’t want to. This discourages build variation, the opposite of what they claim they are promoting. It was fine before but they have to buff a thief because warrior was actually getting to ground level in comparison to some classes. Devs: 1 Warrior community:0

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Deus Fatorum.2473

Deus Fatorum.2473

I guess start praying they make dredge a playable race. =P

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Warriors need a passive minor trait that allows us to resist a blind every 10 seconds. The condition completely destroys Hammer even though hammer is nearly useful now. It doesn’t require “skill” to use blinds every few seconds seconds as a thief or a guardian, or a necro….or an engi. So many other classes have some passive condi removal so being able to resist ONE condition isn’t much to ask.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


- Remove Thick Skin.

Replace with: Blind Rage. When blinded, cure blinds and become immune to blinds for 4 seconds, gain 4 seconds of quickness. (Cooldown: 15)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


- Remove Thick Skin.

Replace with: Blind Rage. When blinded, cure blinds and become immune to blinds for 4 seconds, gain 4 seconds of quickness. (Cooldown: 15)

Ok, now you’re just trolling.

Why the hell would you slap on 4 seconds of Quickness there for no reason?

And why are you replacing Thick Skin, a minor trait, with something that strong? And why are you replacing it with something that isn’t even remotely similar?

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


I like what Daecollo said, about blind rage, but Quickness is a bit much… I was dueling with a thief who would just love to pull me into his small smoke ring so he could rip off my stability, stun me and use his whirling attack :P it sucks. but in pvp, you gotta get used to landing one minor attack just to get blind off, then you can burst with cleansing ire (especially with hammer.) I guess it all comes down to timing and skill with warrior. You cant rush into a duel or spvp/tpvp without stability at all. warriors MUST have 1 at all times. For blinds, idk. Use Lyssa runes? just keep working with builds. you cant just assume you’re gonna rush head-on in a fight and expect to be invincible, as much as you’d like. :P

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I guess start praying they make dredge a playable race. =P


Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Seetoo.9316


I would like something that screams “don’t blind the warrior!!”

Maybe something like “blind retaliation”
- leap at the source of blind and deal (minuscule) damage
- throw a dart at the source of blind and deal (minuscule) damage
This would be something to remove the blind immediately (place an icd if imba)

Maybe something to reward us for being in melee. Call it “face to face”
- ignore blind effects when within 150 range of your target

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I would like something that screams “don’t blind the warrior!!”

Maybe something like “blind retaliation”
- leap at the source of blind and deal (minuscule) damage
- throw a dart at the source of blind and deal (minuscule) damage
This would be something to remove the blind immediately (place an icd if imba)

Maybe something to reward us for being in melee. Call it “face to face”
- ignore blind effects when within 150 range of your target

Blind Rage. When blinded, cure blinds and become immune to blinds for 4 seconds, gain 4 seconds of quickness. (Cooldown: 15)

Quickness just got nerfed hard awile ago, its not that OP of a minor trait.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Hitsuke.5304


Dogged March

Incoming immobilize, chill, Blind and cripple durations are reduced by 40%. Gain regeneration for 3 seconds when you are affected by one of these conditions (this regeneration can only be gained once every 10 seconds).

Not a huge change, but could be the answer imo.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: hobotnicax.7918


I agree. Way too many blinds, specially on thief where you get almost perma-blinded. I’ve made a topic along with a video about it, but it got deleted and I got infracted. I guess blindness is everywhere.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Made this in my spare time this morning over coffee.


tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


I agree. Way too many blinds, specially on thief where you get almost perma-blinded. I’ve made a topic along with a video about it, but it got deleted and I got infracted. I guess blindness is everywhere.

I just wanted to commend you on your 10/10 classy pun.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


Made this in my spare time this morning over coffee.

I think you used that meme improperly…

It does seem a tad counter productive that they made blind stronger to counter their new ‘feature’ to ‘help’ warriors even more so than before. It wasn’t so bad when it was ONLY burst to do damage, but now some rely on it for that removal.

Duty is heavier than death.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Made this in my spare time this morning over coffee.

I think you used that meme improperly…

It does seem a tad counter productive that they made blind stronger to counter their new ‘feature’ to ‘help’ warriors even more so than before. It wasn’t so bad when it was ONLY burst to do damage, but now some rely on it for that removal.

You sir may be correct.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Dogged March

Incoming immobilize, chill, Blind and cripple durations are reduced by 40%. Gain regeneration for 3 seconds when you are affected by one of these conditions (this regeneration can only be gained once every 10 seconds).

Not a huge change, but could be the answer imo.


Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Cirian.8917


So here’s my trollish blind counter, as we’re into theorycrafting traits:

Defence Trait: Blindfighting

Gain aegis and retaliation for 5s when blinded. (cooldown 5s)

Thought process: The warrior could trade misses with their opponent and reflect a certain amount of damage from subsequent attacks, somewhat like Spiked Armor but with a more niche trigger effect.

My 2c.

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

I don’t PvP much, but with the update to blinds it does seem like it would be a big issue. I think Frenzy would be the best skill to have an “Immune to Blind” effect from a logical point of view. It lasts 6 seconds and can be traited to last 8 seconds which is a good time period to be immune to blind. Or it could just add another effect that lasts 10 seconds like Engineer’s Utility Goggles

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Blinds are out of control

in Warrior

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

I do not have too bad a problem with blind. You can Dodge and block blind attack projectiles . Don’t stand in a blind well.

Cleansing ire works great with lb/gs.

I thought soloing camps would be harder in WVW but they are still the same difficulty. Its still easy to solo the camps.

But here is a suggestion. Give trait called blind rage. Random effect increase our DMG by 150-200% for 4 seconds and reduce the duration of blind by 50%. Cannot trigger more than once every 20 seconds. OR gain retaliation , vigor and protection for 10 seconds cannot trigger more than once every 30 seconds. Immune to blind for 3 seconds after blind rage ends.

Most blinds last an avg of 5 seconds. This would give us 1 second window of opportunity to do a hefty bit of DMG to possibly make up for that duration of doing no DMG. The other effect that could randomly trigger gives us some survivability against being perma blind till we are dead. This is just something I came up with on the spot so its obviously not a perfect version of a trait. But what are your thoughts.

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