Concept Build: Condition Warrior

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571



If there’s one problem warriors have is that if you want to do a condition based build you don’t have many conditions that are affected by the +cond dmg items/skills. I haven’t been able to test it yet (Stuck at campus QQ) so I’d like everyone to help me make a true conditions warrior. Warriors have 3 conditions that they can use, yes 3. We have bleed obviously, bows deal burning, and confusion. That last one comes from a master tier perk in strength called Distracting Strikes, it gives 3 stacks of confusion every time you interrupt someone. Problem was, how do you constantly interrupt people when you are using swords and bows?

I decided then that I wanted to use physical utility skills because all 3: Bulls, Kick, and Stomp can interrupt. I also use a shield with the sword for some burst defense. Of course 3 physical utilities means no stun break which is a big problem. As for runes I have 2 that both give +15% fire duration and 1 with +15% bleed duration. I’m not to sure about these but atm it’s the best idea I got.

This is VERY MUCH a concept build. I’m getting tired of only having basically a GS burst build or a Healing Shouts build to run in PvP. So please post any changes you have. Maybe a mostly conditions war is just not doable.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


I think right now the only real PvP requirement Warriors have is on-demand stability. Specifically for stomping, contesting a point or ressing.

I would like to see something like Longbow / Sword-Shield work with Fast hands (actually working) and the fighters rune (i think) where it reduces weapon swap cd by 1sec (4 sec cd between weap swapping).

Simply to Longbow burst down for additional condition dmg.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Lurkerfox.7684


I play as a condition War and i have had a blast with it from level 1 :P

Currently level 80 i sit at a 30/30/10 build for that added bit of Toughness i also run a full set of Undead superior runes becuase of the Condition + Toughness bonuses ^^
Full rampagers gear for my dps
so my total stats are:
Attack = 2892
With condition damage at 1300 rounded up
Critical chance stays steady at 61%

armor is at 2500

and health is 19272

My skills builds are dual sowrd and Great sword. (yes i know no range can be bad for WvW but i usually use my siege weapons in WvW for most of my kills in defense and attack xP)

Utility Skills are:
Healing signet (regens quite well since im not hit to hard)
Bulls rush (nice gap closer and stun/knockdown)
Frenzy( for instantly stacking 25 bleeds with one Flurry even with or without a condition removal >;3)
For great justice (For that extra stack of might for power and Cond :P)
Signet of Rage is amazing for spamming flurry for bleed stacking)

No before i changed to undead Runes i had alot of Bleed duration+ but my mobs die to quickly for me to continuously calculate if they actually factored in or not.

This build of mine is everything i wanted in my condition Thief but i have yet been able to level one so im sticking to my warrior. People might try to put me down on this build but guess what? ITS MY GAME I’LL PLAY IT MY WAY xP

Im no cookie cutter warrior and i have fun doing so.

Also on an Edited Note :P

My weapon sigils are
2x Superior sigil of Earth ( one on my off hand sword and the other on my GS)
and a Sigil of Agony (Might change this to something else since i opted out for Bleed duration) :P

Server: Sanctum of Ral
Hasseo: Thief 80
Caex: Necro (Main) Power/Reaper

(edited by Lurkerfox.7684)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I think right now the only real PvP requirement Warriors have is on-demand stability. Specifically for stomping, contesting a point or ressing.

I would like to see something like Longbow / Sword-Shield work with Fast hands (actually working) and the fighters rune (i think) where it reduces weapon swap cd by 1sec (4 sec cd between weap swapping).

Simply to Longbow burst down for additional condition dmg.

Yah I definitely need that Balanced stance but idk which skill I wanna take out, probably Stomp even though looks wise I think it’s such a cool skill.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Lurker, that’s more of your standard Glass Cannon that has some conditions, that HP of yours if VERY low imho. GS doesn’t have any conditions that are enhanced by condition dmg. My goal was to make a build that has good dmg but not just from whacking people in the face.

I just edited it with balanced stance as it is needed. With Bulls, Kick and bash that is still a potential 9 stacks of confusion.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Lurkerfox.7684


in no way is mine the “Standard” for condition builds but you may think that if you will :P

Server: Sanctum of Ral
Hasseo: Thief 80
Caex: Necro (Main) Power/Reaper

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


s/tPvP perspective:

Personally, I don’t think its the right time for a Condi Warrior. So many other classes are hyper focused on Conditions where as its more of a Warrior Hobby.

As a class, we have a lot more going on in the direct damage sector. While its admirable to want to create a build, I don’t want people to purposely handicap themselves just to make a point.

Beware of condition removal/reversal.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


s/tPvP perspective:

Personally, I don’t think its the right time for a Condi Warrior. So many other classes are hyper focused on Conditions where as its more of a Warrior Hobby.

As a class, we have a lot more going on in the direct damage sector. While its admirable to want to create a build, I don’t want people to purposely handicap themselves just to make a point.

Beware of condition removal/reversal.

I would actually tend to agree, I will test this however as if it comes close in terms of DPS to a standard GS build but with more HP and takes an approach that people don’t expect it could work. When people see wars they expect either 100b or Heal shouts, so a Sword/Bow may throw them for a loop.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


well, I usually can hit an enemy between 2.5-3.5k a hit.

That’s going to mean at (round number) 100 dmg per bleed, and at a 1200 hit (sword) you’ll need:

Probably greater than 10 bleeds constantly on an enemy in order to at least break even on damage from more power/crit friendly builds.

While its easily doable to stack that many bleeds, quickly. The problem is more so how condition removal/reversal sets you back to square one.

Essentially, if the enemy doesnt have condition removal you’ll come out ahead – slightly.

If they DO have condition removal, you’ll be far behind.

It’s a tricky area in terms of numbers, and the success of a Condi build will result in enemy professions and how attentive they are to removing conditions.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


With bleeds only yes, but don’t forget that I have long lasting burning and confusion on interrupts of which I have 3.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Where are you getting burn damage from? Longbow?

Also, the confusion damage is hard to apply. Tried it for a bit since it requires an enemy casting, I found it unreliable to my overall damage.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Yes,the burning is from longbow and I have the runes that make it last 30% longer. Also, I’m pretty sure just kicking or bullsing someone during even their 1 attack counts as an interrupt.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Hmmm maybe. I’ll take a look again when I get home from work (its been a slow, slow day).

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Know the feeling, stuck at college and thus this build was born from dull lectures.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



First off, I wish you the best of luck.

I have been running and tweaking my warrior for sword/x + longbow as a condi warrior as well. The most important thing to get out of the way is:
I do not play him in TPvP any more. Just not worth the heartache from how poorly compared to the other classes he performs there unless running very specific standard builds (GS, MAYYYYYBE hammer), but that’s been discussed more than enough in other threads so I digress…

Anyways, in PvE it works awesome and I have no complaints. Though i could say that about a “blank” build with any weapon for pretty much any class and roll through PvE just fine so that leaves W3. I run in W3 probably 80% of my time any more.

For reference the build I’ve been running most recently has been:

30 (III, V, XI)
20 (V, IX)
10 (IV)
10 (VI)

Sword/Shield + Longbow (earth/rage/earth respectively)
Armor is dungeon toughness/power/vitality and accessories are rampager’s gems.
Runes currently are nightmare but I intend to get a full set of melandru because more condi/CC protection is sorely needed.

Bulls Charge
Signet of Stamina
Signet of Rage

I’m not all that happy with parts of it but it’s born out of necessity from what I’ve found during play in 1v1’s, 1v2’s, group play, defense, offense, roaming, and everything in-between in PvP.

The reason I took the vunerability on crit is because it’s a dps increase for not only myself but every teammate that strikes the affected target as well. The 50% bleed duration I’m still not sold on because every other class seems to either auto remove conditions every few seconds or have enough condi wipes that getting a full 12-15 second duration just doesn’t seem very likely except for PvE.

I find that the 10% dps increase on bleeding targets is the most solid dps increase boost we have. Furious I took because we use adrenaline like it’s crack. Flurry I try to use with only 1 pip of adrenaline unless I need a longer immobilize as the damage stays the same regardless of adrenaline usage. The extra adrenaline on crit helps me to build up to 2 more pips before switching to longbow, where the Disc 5 trait will bump it up to a full 3 pips for combustion shot.

The shield imo is crap unless you trait for it, and then cd’s become “ok” enough to use. Reflecting missles is a tossup really, turtle’s defense would be solid as well and if you have time to swap it out for each other depending on the class you’re about to fight that’s probably best.

This is one of the biggest points of irritation for me: I took the stronger bowstrings trait only because I HAVE to in order to have a proper range on my bow. When you’re fighting a large force and everyone is squaring off being the only pleb standing at 900 range instead of 1200 like everyone else… well, it ends badly.

The reason I grab the signet CD reduction is because other than using a kitten warhorn ( : / Running around IN COMBAT with a warhorn in your offhand just looks dumb imo… it’s effects are ok and all, but it looks stupid to me) signet of stamina is my only way of getting energy regen slightly comparable to every other class who almost all have perma vigor. The active effect for full condi removal is something I sorely need as unless running a shout/soldier rune build we really lack in that department overall. This is also the reason I think i’ll switch to melandru runes.

Signet of Stamina because it’s the only one really worth using and it gives me access to swiftness.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


The reason I went away from gearing to increase burning duration is that it’s only 2s base. Going all out we really at best only gain about a second… just felt like I was investing WAY too much for far too little return.

I don’t have access to fast hands and mobile strikes… this bugs me more than I can express, but the only options I have to drop a few points to get it are:

Furious – Which kittens my adrenaline regen which unlike the cookie cutter builds we’re totally reliant on. Really we want to be dumping our adrenaline abilities as often as we can so…. weapon swapping could help with this though preferably I’d have both tbh.

Attack of opportunity: 10% extra damage to bleeding targets… yeah, possibly the best trait we have from a synergistic viewpoint so that seems terrible to drop.

Shield specialization: Could care less about the bonus toughness tbh when compared to the idea of having untraited shield cooldowns… which are horrible. Shield becomes fairly useless compared to other off-hand options without the trait and it’s only on par with them barely when traited.

Health regen from adrenaline: This we could drop tbh since we dump adren constantly, unfortunately means we drop the shield trait as well.

Or longbow increased range, which kittens us when ranged fights happen. Might as well go rifle at that point.

Longbow had a natural 1200 range this would be a non-issue.

So do we drop the shield altogether and go dual sword? This would let us grab both weapon swapping and mobile strikes. There would be no point to getting the 10 in defense at all in that case and could either grab Burning Arrows or Adrenal Reserves/Burst master for instance… I’ve been debating this a lot lately in fact.

My utilities are what they are because no matter what build I experiment with in PvP I find that stability is a must have. I think Defektive would probably agree with me on this one.

Bulls charge I grabbed because of the extra mobility it provides (the CC is nice too of course) but since we have downtime instead of perma swiftness, and only have our leap as a movement increase compared to greatsword (which will spoil you on how much more mobile it is) I just find bulls to be awesome all around.

Again the signet of stamina is because condi removal is a weak area and if you don’t have perma vigor like just about every other class you’re at a HUUUUUGE disadvantage so….

Another issue is the gearing. I went with this stat spread because it gave me power as a strong main focus, with solid numbers in prec, condi, tough and vitality. It’s one of the things that TPvP points out to me about many builds:
You simply can’t get the point spread you need for many builds to work at a decent level.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: garethh.3518


The class is sooo close to a good condi spec too.
I honestly, after seeing tooltips was going to switch over from my ranger.
(until testing left a ton of bugs out of the specs favor…)

Flurry looked like it would hit like a mother*ing truck.
With all the +crit traits and whatnot, hitting 10 times at 90~% crit rate, procing a 5s bleed on a 30% of the crits and a 7s one on 60% would have been roughly 8~k total in shortish duration bleeds.
And that’s every 10~ seconds.
(for being left vulnerable for the 3~s cast and whatnot, I could live with that kind of return)
—bugged so doesn’t though—
Longbows fire spreadshot lists a 2s burn from each arrow, that would be 6s of burning or 3.6k in burn dmg on that 6s CD. That is all around a lil better than the ranger’s splitblade on axe mainhand
—bugged so doesn’t though—
The longbow’s spammable also hits twice every volley which make a higher hits/sec than the ranger shortbow, that combined whith how warriors get better procs from critting and more easily gotten fury… in the mists I was usually getting up to 7-8 bleed stacks from the crit procs on longbow alone (with fury up). The ranger spammable caps out at 6-8~ WITH FLANKING.
That and longbow was building adrenaline like a beast, the ‘adrenaline on crit’ trait along with it hitting twice and critting 60-80% of the time made 2-4 (on average 3.4) adrenaline a volley…
That with the SOLID immobilizing, less but better controlled cleansing, much better self healing and toughness, endure pain (WHICH BREAKS STUNS!! (unlike the ranger ‘protect me’)) and leaps threw that fire field… ugh it seemed like it’d be close to if not a lil better than the ranger at times. The ranger has its pet (which does solid physical dmg without any stats in power), much better evading, poisons, better but not so controlled of cleansing, both weapon sets have ranged spammables, protect me is on a 48s CD (at least in my setup).

But flurry can only procs one sigil of earth bleed a cast (so you lose 3~k bleed dmg a flurry, or 37% of its dmg in a crit heavy setup).
The longbows fire volley actually only throws out a 1s burn per arrow instead of 2 (half dmg).
That really hurts.
Those were the main sources of condi dmg I was going to run short of the longbow’s fire field…
The 5s CD weapon swap would have let me just throw them out pretty much on CD every time (to be pretty much constant burning, dodge or long imobs left and right and flurry just coming home with a truck of bleed stacks, that combined with allright spammable dmg and a decent mix of utility would have been a solid spec.)

Because of all that, critting with the sword for condition dmg is near worthless since flurry doesn’t benifit and the spammable is not only melee but doesn’t attack notably fast, but the thing is, longbow needs crit to be a decent condition weapon… and critting was the builds main source of addrenaline…
That’s what annoys me to no end.

So close, I’ll post the build anyways it would have been decently high tourny grade if everything worked…;TsAAzCqoKyUkoIbRuikFtqYUxeEA

Swapping out bolas depending on encounter
(for a stunbreak against spike thieves.
balanced stance for group fights since I probly can’t save the elite signet for stability-stomps all the time, probly have to use it to full cleanse and throw up the fury/swiftness buffs more than not.
Fear me against those specs you have to interrupt (to stop heals or spikes or stealth rezes/stomps))
I was actually getting a bit ditsy before I tested stuff, flurrying people in their side (so they couldn’t attack back) was going to be hellsa fun.
Kiters who normally are a joke to get flanking on would be a joke to pull it off on, other people you could just shield bash then sidestep out of the frontal arc before flurrying, or longbow immob or bolas into the same deal.
It would have been BRILLIANT in group fights with all the long duration immobilizes, solid dmg, high toughness/invulns/cleanses/healing (healing surge goes FOR HALF your health!!!! and gives 1 bar of adrenaline, LOL) too.

If you want to make something out of the broken sigils and whatnot atm, go for geomancy, with weapon swaps being every 5s you can get an aoe out 3stacks of 11~s bleed every 5~s which is solid condi dmg in and of itself.
Then you can stick with something critty like my build or go for that rifle/sword-shield power/condi spec. A bit more offensive but loses a fair deal of toughness and whatnot.

(edited by garethh.3518)

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Nergrom.7592


If fast hands did actually work as intended, wouldn’t a sigil of doom on both weapon sets be good?

You get a high uptime on poison with constant switching, giving all the benefits of poison while also providing an additional cover condition for your bleeds/burns.


Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


If fast hands did actually work as intended, wouldn’t a sigil of doom on both weapon sets be good?

You get a high uptime on poison with constant switching, giving all the benefits of poison while also providing an additional cover condition for your bleeds/burns.


It very well could be actually. Of course that’s providing that fast hands doesn’t bug out every other moment, lol.

Hell I may give it a shot anyways and let you know how it works out.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Dignity.1389


Interesting i’ve been thinking of using a build like this
Intstead of the gs, using a sword/x

Concept Build: Condition Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


After thinking it through I’m starting to feel that atm Bow just isn’t worth the effort. It seems like just focusing on reapplying bleeds as soon as they get removed is the only way to go. Basically the bleeds appear to be the icing on the cake and I get the feeling ANet doesn’t want us to really focus on them. even if full spec’d into Rabid you’ll have only around 18k HP and even with toughness that sounds really low. I’m going to try something like this:;T0AAzCpo8x4jwHLMOYkwsqYEwJgXFzKA

but I don’t hold much hope for it. I’ll probably be forced back into berserker and dual swords which is basically just a different version of every GS build out there only with a but more sustained dmg.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)