Easy Fix for the Shield

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


As it stand the warhorn is a better defensive item than shield as kiting and dodging is much more effective than trying to simply mitigate damage.

Decrease both the stance time and recharge time significantly

This promotes skill and by no means breaks the game and makes it overpowered. Warriors raise their shield to block attacks in battle they don’t sit behind it for a few seconds to block a few attacks and then forget they are holding it for 30 seconds. We aren’t using tower shields.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

(edited by Thirsty.2875)

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


In regards to s/tPvP.

I’ll take a shield over a warhorn anyday of the week. 10x over. No questions asked.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Sounds like you want a mace.

You can block an attack every 8 or 10 seconds.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


In regards to s/tPvP.

I’ll take a shield over a warhorn anyday of the week. 10x over. No questions asked.

I wasn’t thinking about sPvP when I wrote this but my suggested change would just make it more skill based. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought sPvP was supposed to encourage high levels of player skill.

Sounds like you want a mace.

You can block an attack every 8 or 10 seconds.

No, I want to use a shield the way a shield should be used. I shouldn’t have to pick one specific main hand weapon for a defensive purpose when you are using a shield.

My change only encourages using the shield stance more skillfully, it will reward players that time blocks better.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


In regards to s/tPvP.

I’ll take a shield over a warhorn anyday of the week. 10x over. No questions asked.

I wasn’t thinking about sPvP when I wrote this but my suggested change would just make it more skill based. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought sPvP was supposed to encourage high levels of player skill.

Of course you want a high skill cap. But blocking one attack in s/tPvP is negligible.
Example: Mesmer shatter burst.
Blocking 1 attack every 8-10 seconds (on command) would just negate 2k of almost 10k damage.

Current block mechanic is basically invulnerability for 3 seconds. I don’t know how many times my life has been saved by the shield block. And I would never trade that for some terrible 1 block on a small CD.

You need to consider how quickly attacks come in in s/tPvP, and more importantly that Burst comes in spikes every 30ish seconds. Having an invul for that burst is way more important than having a single block every few seconds.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


Of course you want a high skill cap. But blocking one attack in s/tPvP is negligible.
Example: Mesmer shatter burst.
Blocking 1 attack every 8-10 seconds (on command) would just negate 2k of almost 10k damage.

Current block mechanic is basically invulnerability for 3 seconds. I don’t know how many times my life has been saved by the shield block. And I would never trade that for some terrible 1 block on a small CD.

You need to consider how quickly attacks come in in s/tPvP.

I never said it would only block one attack.

On a side note it should probably be different for sPvP and PvE/WvW. They play out very differently and trying to balance for both at the same time will never really work. You should have the skills do the essentially the same things and many skills will stay the same but they have and probably will be more making more changes like that.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Of course you want a high skill cap. But blocking one attack in s/tPvP is negligible.
Example: Mesmer shatter burst.
Blocking 1 attack every 8-10 seconds (on command) would just negate 2k of almost 10k damage.

Current block mechanic is basically invulnerability for 3 seconds. I don’t know how many times my life has been saved by the shield block. And I would never trade that for some terrible 1 block on a small CD.

You need to consider how quickly attacks come in in s/tPvP.

I never said it would only block one attack.

On a side note it should probably be different for sPvP and PvE/WvW. They play out very differently and trying to balance for both at the same time will never really work. You should have the skills do the essentially the same things and many skills will stay the same but they have and probably will be more making more changes like that.

I would be ok with a change if the CD was reduced, but the stance time was reduced from 3 seconds to 1.

But I wouldn’t be ok if it followed standard block mechanics for Sword OH / Mace MH (1 block then its gone).

I’m basing my part of this discussion as if you wanted the shield to follow standard block mechanics apart from it’s current use.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


Nope, my original idea was really to reduce CD to 10 and stance time to 1. I didn’t post numbers because I thought that would be more likely written off as a bad idea because of one reason or another.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Trump.9803


My experience using shields is limited, but instead of changing the active skills, why not simply have a passive x% chance to block 1 attack. This could be standard for any class that wields a shield, not just warrior.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


The Mace block is usually only good vs. low defense melee as a punish tool. It’d be nice if the damage was a little higher.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellie.3687


Depending how low they made the cool down, it would trivialize Dungeon content, when used in conjunction with Mace main hand. It is already super durable using mace and shield with a simple bit of time management.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t complain if they shaved 5 seconds off the skill, but you’d have to be careful with how it would effect dungeons, not just pvp unless it was a pvp/pve only change.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Defektive I will my shield block saved me as much as yours does. I have even seen myself still take conditions even while blocking, take damage while blocking, or my favorite was when I got KD out of shield block.

I would just prefer it become invulnerability.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: nldixon.8514


What if the stance worked more like Shield of Wrath? I like the way Shield Stance works now, but it would be much more useful if it were on a shorter cooldown. Maybe a happy medium with a two second duration and 20 second cooldown?

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


I wouldn’t mind if the timer was reduced.

1) 1 sec duration with a 10 second cd


2) 2 sec duration with a 20 second cd

Either one I could agree with. It should make you invulnerable, unlike currently. Kind of dumb that players can still affect you with certain abilities.

side note: give us protection…

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

(edited by Akumu.7238)

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Sounds like you want a mace.

You can block an attack every 8 or 10 seconds.

Funny thing is, with that mace in your hand, you’ll never be the target unless you’re all alone.

It should make you invulnerable, unlike currently.

Missile Deflection; try it out.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


It should make you invulnerable, unlike currently.

Missile Deflection; try it out.

Is there any other tier 1 trait better for a Tanky Warrior, with a shield? Be it bug or whatever, I have still been affected by abilities with my shield up.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


Is there any other tier 1 trait better for a Tanky Warrior, with a shield?

It’s not just the shield. Mace and offhand sword as well. I really want to test it out with aegis buff; it’s possible that it reflects for the entire duration the buff is active, as it does with mace and sword.

Be it bug or whatever, I have still been affected by abilities with my shield up.

I haven’t tested it, but I imagine ground target AOEs might get around it.

EDIT: Looking at the tooltip, it obviously only reflects “missiles.”

(edited by Ansultares.1567)

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


CD’s are definately too long for what the abilities do. I’ve “whined” about it before (cause I know many people will call it that so might as well get it out of the way).

After trying out the other classes I can’t help but think of the shield for warriors as another example of the class being left in “vanilla” mode while the other classes got improved versions of the same ideas. Shield 4 is ok but shield 5 is completely lackluster UNLESS traited for projectile reflection (which is bullkitten). CD’s are still too long for their vanilla nature.

Shield of Judgment ½ 30 Create a shielding wave in front of you that damages foes and gives protection to yourself and up to five allies.
~Compared to warrior shield 4 it’s almost even, except providing 33% damage mitigation to up to 6 people is arguably better in most situations beyond 1v1’s than the daze.

Shield of Absorption 1½ 40 Create a dome around you that pushes foes back and absorbs projectiles.
~ Aoe knockback, Bubble of protection and an aoe heal as long as you remember to detonate it right before it expires.

Magnetic Shield 3 30 Create a magnetic field that reflects projectiles and can be released to push back foes.
Magnetic Inversion Release the magnetic field to push back nearby foes.
~Projectile reflection standard and an AOE knockback as long as you remember to detonate it before it expires. Variable usage and utility.

Static Shield 1½ 40 Electrify your shield, preparing to throw it at foes. If you are hit, the shield discharges, stunning your nearby attacker.
Throw Shield ¾ Throw your charged shield. Dazes foes it hits on the way out and back.
~Reactive block which stuns the attacking player, OR can be used as a ranged attack which interrupts/dazes the enemy. Again dual usage and utility.

But wait, the CD’s are longer right? Yeah but they also get more value out of the 20% cd reduction trait, they also don’t have to have an extra and arbitrary trait spent in order to give it full basic functionality (warrior missle reflect… should be standard.)

25s cd – 20.8s after trait (4.2s gain)
30s cd – 25s after trait (5s gain)
40s cd – 33.3s after trait (6.7s gain)

CD reduction (and even trade-off with shield 5 duration for stance) is a very fair change to the warrior shield skills imo for how vanilla they are.

off-topic: I actually have similar gripes about the warrior sword MH vs other classes sword MH abilities. War’s abilities are just “meh” while everyone else got actual use out of theirs beyond a travel-weapon and maybe an immobilize to swap to your real weapon (GS)

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


I just recently switched from greatsword to 1h sword + shield combo and i loved it.

This combo is great in both PvE and WvW, i traited with leg specialist, where i can leap into enemy, hamstring to apply 1 sec immobilize, strafe around with chain attack applying bleed, shield bush to leap and stun then Flurry, switch whatever 2nd set is and do the kill, it is a very smooth and powerful lock down attack. I don’t mind shield skill a little buff on CD but even no change warrior shield is a good off hand.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


I feel the same way Braxxus. Warrior is still a rough draft, while some others are clearly more polished.

We don’t even have access to protection. Also, lets not forget that most of our grandmaster traits are tier 2 worthy…

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Seren.6850


I’m fine with it how it is, keep your warhorn if you prefer it

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Snafoo.2869


Magnetic Shield 3 30 Create a magnetic field that reflects projectiles and can be released to push back foes.
Magnetic Inversion Release the magnetic field to push back nearby foes.
~Projectile reflection standard and an AOE knockback as long as you remember to detonate it before it expires. Variable usage and utility.

Their CD’s are bigger; I don’t see how the fact 20% gives them more flat reduction is an advantage? The CD’s are still longer if you take the trait and in fact it makes the trait even more of a must have for engineers.
But most of all: magnetic shield is an immobile skill and it only blocks ranged attacks.

I play 3 classes endgame, 2 of which are my 80 engineer and my 80 warrior and I’ll take the warrior shield over the engineer one any day, not just in a straight comparison of the skills, but also because of how well it synergizes with certain builds.
I might be slightly biased towards my warrior though (it’s the only one I have in full exotics at this time).

As to the main topic; I guess a reduction in duration for a reduction in CD could be nice.
Although a 2 second block on a 16 second CD (traited) might be a bit OP.

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Warrior shield as actually quite solid for what it does.

If you’re using a shield, your most likely doing sPvP. In which case there’s a good chance your traited for both cd reduction on shield as well as missile reflection.

The current shield stance is basically our only way to counter high burst glass cannon builds. The entire 3 seconds are needed to survive the huge amount of frontloaded burst that say a thief can do to you. Even if you build tanky, a thief can drop you to half life almost instantly, and without the current form of shield stance, you can’t recover.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: boni.7806


My experience using shields is limited, but instead of changing the active skills, why not simply have a passive x% chance to block 1 attack. This could be standard for any class that wields a shield, not just warrior.

For me this’i a great idea… a direct shield fix not a skill fix, and its seems a natural thing to have a chance to block.
However comparing the warrior shield skill with the guardian ones there is an abyss.
Need a skill that grant protection to warrior and nearby allies!
A warrior who does not protect himself and allies? Never seen in any RPG

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


Their CD’s are bigger; I don’t see how the fact 20% gives them more flat reduction is an advantage? The CD’s are still longer if you take the trait and in fact it makes the trait even more of a must have for engineers.
But most of all: magnetic shield is an immobile skill and it only blocks ranged attacks.

Magnetic Shield and Shield Stance have the same CD and duration. Engineer’s Magnetic Shield lets them reflect projectiles untraited. This skill is better than warriors shield stance. Yes it is only reflects against ranged attacks but engineer is a ranged class, that is a big defensive advantage in itself but oh wait you can use this skill again and knockback enemies. So this one engineer shield skill is as useful as two warrior shield skills…. that makes sense.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


Warrior shield as actually quite solid for what it does.

If you’re using a shield, your most likely doing sPvP.

This is my point. The suggested change won’t hurt sPvP viability but it will help viability in other areas. The shorter duration would make you use it skillfully to block large attacks and the shorter cooldown will keep it viable.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Warrior shield as actually quite solid for what it does.

If you’re using a shield, your most likely doing sPvP.

This is my point. The suggested change won’t hurt sPvP viability but it will help viability in other areas. The shorter duration would make you use it skillfully to block large attacks and the shorter cooldown will keep it viable.

Actually it would very much hurt sPvP viablity….. The long CD isn’t a big deal because the goal of the shield stance is to block a large burst chain. 1 second of active blocking is a stupidly small window, and in most scenarios would only block ONE skill during that time frame.

What your looking for (a spamable, 1 ability block) can be found on a mace or sword. You can’t get enough block as a warrior, which is why you often see mace/shield as a common sPvP weapon swap set.

The power of shield stance is the ability to block multiple abilities from the same source during the duration. If anything, i’d rather have the duration be longer than shorter.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


I’m gonna help you out. Put a sword on your offhand. Now look at skill 5. Now look at the recast timer on skill 5. Now i think you just realized the skill that you were looking for was already on a sword.

Now pair that with a mace in your main hand. Now look at skill 2. Now look at the recast timer on skill 2. Now you have access to 2 skills in 1 weapon swap that has what your looking for.

You want the duration reduced from 3 to 1 second. Most classes are not gonna hit you with more than 1 ability in that time frame, unless its basic attacks (most skills have cast times of 1/2 second + factor in flight time/animation) So a 1 second shield stance is functionally WORSE than both mace 2 and sword 5, since those abilities give you slightly longer windows to trigger the block, and they also give secondary (damage) effects.

So you are asking for a strait nerf to shields. No thanks.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


Warrior shield as actually quite solid for what it does.

If you’re using a shield, your most likely doing sPvP.

This is my point. The suggested change won’t hurt sPvP viability but it will help viability in other areas. The shorter duration would make you use it skillfully to block large attacks and the shorter cooldown will keep it viable.

Actually it would very much hurt sPvP viablity….. The long CD isn’t a big deal because the goal of the shield stance is to block a large burst chain. 1 second of active blocking is a stupidly small window, and in most scenarios would only block ONE skill during that time frame.

What your looking for (a spamable, 1 ability block) can be found on a mace or sword. You can’t get enough block as a warrior, which is why you often see mace/shield as a common sPvP weapon swap set.

The power of shield stance is the ability to block multiple abilities from the same source during the duration. If anything, i’d rather have the duration be longer than shorter.

I have said it multiple times I am not looking for a 1 ability block. A shorter duration of the block maybe 1.5 seconds mixed with the dodge mechanic should be plenty for you to negate enough of the burst. Yes, a shorter duration will make it harder to use in sPvP but it would still be viable. If you are going from 100-0 from a burst as a warrior in this game in sPvP you are doing a lot wrong anyways.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild

Easy Fix for the Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Thirsty.2875


You want the duration reduced from 3 to 1 second. Most classes are not gonna hit you with more than 1 ability in that time frame, unless its basic attacks (most skills have cast times of 1/2 second + factor in flight time/animation) So a 1 second shield stance is functionally WORSE than both mace 2 and sword 5, since those abilities give you slightly longer windows to trigger the block, and they also give secondary (damage) effects.

So you are asking for a strait nerf to shields. No thanks.

One second can only block one attack so three seconds only blocks three attacks by your logic.

Spill The Blood <- Join The sPvP Guild