Full knights set VS karma gear
All exotics have the same stats.
I would go with Knight’s armor and Zerk Jewels so you get a nice balance of tankiness and damage.
taken from GW2 Wiki
“Each Exotic piece of armor costs 42,000. All six armor sets have same appearance, but differ in stats they give.”
so my question still remains where can i get knights stats armour with karma….if i even can?
I recommend you read up on the stats and where to get them in those two guides.
I currently use them for gearing myself. However, it looks like there are no karma armor pieces with power/prec/tough so you probably have to mix and match.
If you want purely knight armor, crafting armor (or dungeons) seems to be your only way to get it.
The alternate to getting Pow/Prec/Tough exotic armor if you don’t want to craft is to either buy it from the trading post, or gather the materials and have a friend or stranger craft it for you.
Dungeons might be an alternate – but it somewhat requires you to be outfitted in decent gear to begin with in order to have a fighting chance of survival, haha.
Nah, you can do explorables just fine in greens + exotic weapon.
A full set of greens is like 15 silver, plus 2-3g for an exotic weapon and another 1g for some 2nd tier sigils (the yellow ones).
You can easily do any explorable in that gear.
I started off doing SE in greens and bought a couple of yellows. It was a bit tough but, after getting a few pieces, it really is easy. I think you can get a power/prec/tough set in Arah as well but, I’m not too sure. Doing dungeons I think is the way to go. You will save yourself a fair whack of gold in the process and make some more.