Last Shout Warrior Montage

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: darkaheart.4265


Hey guys so I been working on this montage video for a couple weeks trying to get the best fights i had. Too bad I couldn’t finish before the year ended. Anyways I took out all the easy unskilled players out to give you guys pure action.
So witness me dodge, counter, break stun, control and survive my battles as all my opponents give me their best.
hope you guys enjoy
(build in description)

Feedback is appreciated

i7 3770k @ 4.5 ghz|Z77X-UD5H Motherboard|16GB @ 1600Mhz|GTX 1080|Corsair AX750 PSU|Windows 10 Home

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


pretty good crits for a shout build ^^

I often thought “ah, this time he’s gonna go down” .. but no, you kept surprising =)

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


no offense but your dodges are horrible, you ate every mirrorblade I’ve seen in this video

Grimkram [sS]

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: darkaheart.4265


thanks man, ill work on that

i7 3770k @ 4.5 ghz|Z77X-UD5H Motherboard|16GB @ 1600Mhz|GTX 1080|Corsair AX750 PSU|Windows 10 Home

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


You do hit decently hard for a shout build i have to admit, or maybe you are just facing squishier opponents, not sure. But with the bloodlust sigil, empowered allies you do have a pretty good amount of power for sure.

I think I would prefer a Sigil of Leeching with your shout build TBH. It is pretty much the equivalent of having an extra shout in your build, which I think is huge and I think you should try to work it out in your build. Perhaps even work in a Sigil of Intelligence to replace one of your critical chance sigils or perhaps a sigil of impact to deal even more damage. A sigil of impact (depending on your power) adds the equivalent of 200-300 power to your build if your enemy is CC’ed, and with your amount of power it should scale very well.

As far as your build is concerned, IMO I would go with Leg Specialist instead of Empowered Allies. It is just a bread and butter trait with Hammer/GS. It’ll allow you to land some of your combos better and it also messes up the opposing player’s rotations.

Also I notice you facetank alot of attacks, which is fine to do sometimes as you do heal your HP up very well. This is partly a fault of your own but also a product of a lack of dodges. Like taking the full duration of Drake’s Breath = not good. A sigil of energy I feel would do you wonders for a small investment.

Also I couldn’t help but notice that you waste alot of your skills and attacks randomly and out of nowhere, where they would have no chance of hitting. It happens from time to time, nobody is perfect but you seemed to do it alot. Especially against the warrior and thief at 11 minutes +. While the opponents you face aren’t half bad, there are many more skilled opponents that would make you truly pay for your mistakes. Your rotations seem to be decent however, you just have to stay more disciplined.

You could also clean up some of your dodging, though throughout this video I don’t think this was as major of a problem as some of your skill usage. It just seemed like you didn’t have enough dodging alot of the time and you were stuck on the offensive having to facetank everything in order to deal damage. That I feel is why you got really low a lot of the time and dodge regeneration seemed to be a huge problem for you. I think a sigil of energy would immediately fix that for you and allow you to be even more aggressive without taking as much damage. You weren’t able to dodge some of the Warrior’s hammer combos because of it. And also versus the bomb engineer, although throughout the whole fight it looked like you had the upper hand, you took ALOT of damage from the Engineer just bomb dodging, you might wanna be weary of that, it isn’t alot, but it adds up to be a lot over time. Its like 1K+ a hit.

Lastly, it would of been great if you showcased alot more variety in the players you’ve faced. While you can’t always control it, I saw no Guardians, Necros or Rangers. These three classes with the right build and a skilled person are a nightmare for Warriors to face, it would of been interesting to see how you handled them. Also not a whole lot of Celestial/Rifle Engineer and Shatter Mesmers (both of which are tough matchups but not unbeatable for the Warrior). Also I didn’t see alot of condition builds either, would of been interesting to see you handle those as well.

I did watch your whole video, I enjoyed it for sure. However some of the fights were a little long. Try to speed some of your footage so you can showcase more fights within a certain amount of time.

All in all though good video, keep up the good work and look forward to your next video cheers!

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

(edited by killahmayne.9518)

Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: oblivion.4067


Last Shout Warrior Montage

in Warrior

Posted by: darkaheart.4265


kitten man you review my whole video and everything lol but i sure i appreciated.
feedback is always a improvement and i sure will work on those dodges :)

guardians, necros, rangers are going to be on my second video for the future, i ran into some of them but they were unskilled and i was able to take them out quick while others like chilly necros and power rangers just made me feel hopeless. i hope i can run into them more often as a lot of people are in zergs most of the time.

overall thanks man

i7 3770k @ 4.5 ghz|Z77X-UD5H Motherboard|16GB @ 1600Mhz|GTX 1080|Corsair AX750 PSU|Windows 10 Home