Might Makes Right PvP build
Cool Build! The trait synergize really nice with Shield Master that going yolo with shield block up in the middle of the aoes turn being a reliable way to get some health back lol
This is what I’m working on atm
Frenzy can be pretty much anything you want, but I figure another stun break that also gives you might, quickness, AND vigor was a decent choice. So long as you land your shots you’re able to dodge so often it’s amusing. Between Mending, Hoelbrak runes, Berserker’s Stance, and Brawler’s Recovery you’re also decent against condis.
The other nerfs hurt, but this new trait is pretty boss.
EDIT: Actually you should probably take Axe Mastery to help with adrenaline gain.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
I think Bulls Charge is far and away the best choice for that 3rd utility, it turns your ability to stick to someone from good to god tier. And bulls charge -> arcing slice is a ridiculously strong executioner when you have might stacks built up (and you will)
I think Bulls Charge is far and away the best choice for that 3rd utility, it turns your ability to stick to someone from good to god tier. And bulls charge -> arcing slice is a ridiculously strong executioner when you have might stacks built up (and you will)
I do love Bull’s Charge, especially now that it works correctly.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Bulls Charge also evades during the charge now