More uses for adrenaline
So here’s my idea:
This is an addtional mechanic to adrenaline, available to all warriors without requiring a trait:
A warrior can use a skill that’s currently on cooldown. It will consume one adrenaline bar.
This also works for dodge – a warrior can dodge when out of endurance, using up a bar of adrenaline.
First part seems to be OP. Maybe with some limitations as mentioned. On the other side, we have a lot of skills with too long CDs.
I like second part. It gives adrenaline that biological feature : “fight or run”. Well, maybe “fight or dodge”.
I like second part. It gives adrenaline that biological feature : “fight or run”. Well, maybe “fight or dodge”.
Well, on that topic, I’ve always thought that endurance should have more uses as well
I think all classes should be able to consume endurance in order to boost their offense somehow (like Ele’s Evasive Arcana, or skills that you can channel and hold, and it will consume a bar of endurance and perform a super-version of the skill etc.)
I agree with you that adrenaline mechanics is way to boring compared to other professions. But I think your suggestion would be too OP.
I really like the general concept of having adrenaline gainers and spenders + passive bonuses if you dont use the spenders. But IMO there are way to few spenders and bonuses to make the warrior mechanics fun to play.
So here is my suggestion:
1. Add more passive adrenaline bonuses (one for each trait line):
- Strength: Berserkers Power (up to 12% damage bonus)
- Arms: Heightened Focus (up to 9% crit chance bonus, move from discipline to arms)
- Defense: Adrenal Health (health regen)
- Tactics: ??? (up to -25% condition duration)
- Discipline: Warriors Sprint (up to 25% run speed bonus)
2. Add 2 new adrenaline abilities to each weapon (3 adrenaline skills per weapon). First adrenaline skill becomes available at 1/3 adrenaline at the cost of 1/3, second at 2/3 for the cost of 2/3, third as is.
IMO that would make playing warriors much more fun.
Afterwards Anet should rework banners, to make them more useful in WvW.
(edited by teg.1340)
I like the first idea teg, though I think it should be a 10 point trait in each line
Strength: Berserker’s Power
Arms: Heightened Focus
Defense: Warrior’s Endurance. gain 50 toughness for each bar of adrenaline or stances last 20-35-50% longer
Tactics: Lions Comfort? I don’t know. Healing Skills are 5-10-15% more effective (this includes the passive effect of Healing Signet)
Discipline: Thrill of Victory? Again I don’t know. 30-20-10% chance for adrenaline skills to not use adrenaline
it is a very good idea. +1.