New to warrior, deciding on a path

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


New to warrior been leveling pve trying out different weapon types and getting a feel of how I’m going to build my character end game I know warriors have a really high damage potential and I really wanted to capitalize on that. So I was deciding on my gear traits and everything and I wanted to run it by everyone first.

I was messing around with the calculator and this was what I decided for my finale build.
I saw a lot of zerker builds with the greatsword and personally I didn’t want that for myself. I believe this set up has nice Syngey. I havn’t had a chance to try it yet but it looks like it’s going to hit like a truck.

Edit: You know after rethinking what player saidI went back to drawing board on this one. The fact that it hits kittene good time isn’t exactly what I imagine a berserk to be like.

I imagine a berseker as an unstoppable force that get’s stronger as the battle goes. I realized this build lacked boons and was really just a one hit wonder and that’s not exactly what I was going for to begin with. So I’ve revamped the build completely started over and focused on stacking might and CONSTANT fury.

for now I’m very satisfied with this build and I think this is going to fill the role I was looking to create. Link was updated in first post.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


That’s odd no one’s said anything about it. So I guess it’s not a bad build than?

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


That’s for PvE/Dungeons?

And could you use this builder –

That one is weird and I don’t think it shows any U-skills? Maybe I’m just not seeing it.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


you have to filter through the tabs on top to see the utilities gear etc and no it’s for wvw

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: galandor.1059


One does not simply play a warrior…

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I added another link I think the calculator I was using hasn’t been updated so I posted the new link underneath

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Segev.4108


No offense or anything but it looks like you just clicked a some sort of “Randomize Build” button and posted it. Either that or I’m really not getting what you’re trying to do here. Anyway, from what I can see this build is way too defensive for a pve build, if you don’t like the traditional GS build I suggest going for an adrenaline axe/? build with a longbow as a secondary weapon.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


…. you think this build is defensive? You should prob look at it again. It’s a glass cannon build. The only defensive part about it is the boost in vitality. The only reason for the vitality is to ensure I live long enough to get that lvl 3 eviscerate off

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Segev.4108


Endure pain is not very useful for most aspects of pve I can think of and you’re using soldier runes without a single shout in your build is what I meant, even if you want a defensive set of runes you should have gone for dolyak or something.

Also, you don’t really need vitality for pve.. I use a few armor pieces of power/tou/vit and the rest is berserk including trinkets and lyssa runes. It’s more than enough to survive pretty much anything.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


k lets recap your missing a lot stuff here

Not a pve build this is wvw
Using eagle runes not solider

Not looking for survivability at all
The point was to create an actual berserker (not to be confused with the name of gear I mean an ACTUAL berserker)
Lots of life tons of damage I get my crit chance from perks and food and by mixing trinkets. Also getting a crit boost from shield bash and bull rush. The goal is to stack vulnerability (hopefully) with axe 2 than from sigil with shield bash and roll right into f1 for massive damage. were talking a 15-20k crit

Endure pain is a stun breaker if any pvp situation you need at least one. Debated sigil of endurance for the condition removal still debating because vigor from/sigil of endurance sounds like being able to constantly dodge. Combined with power minor 5 that could be really useful of even if I ran with a stack might on dodge if I decided to mix it up.

Either way need to point this out again, THIS IS NOT a pve build. I’m playing pve right now to level and get a feel for it. Trust me I know this build is not working in pve I die enough to really kitten me off. Maybe if I was in party I wouldn’t suffer as many deaths. prob going to take the 100% rally perk for pve than swap it out when I go into wvw

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You have 1 stun with a 25 second cd but you took unsuspecting foe… and it’s a 1 second stun so you better be quick on starting that eviscerate animation.

(edited by Player Character.9467)

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I also have bull rush it doesn’t just apply to stun. the idea is to hit once and be done with it. Edit this is also wvw I’m not going to be alone I’m going to be capping objectives with my guild. As long as my target is stuned etc it doesn’t matter if I’m the one who did it.

edit: It would appear I read the tooltip wrong. The oudated version I used included knocked down foes either way you don’t have to be fast to pull it off use shield 4 and during the animation press f1. It doesn’t cancel the shield 4 and rolls right into f1 the second the skill is over. You’ll start your next auto attack before the stun wears off, it’s a very rapid transition. one second is MORE than enough time.

(edited by Jayw.1045)

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You’re still only using it once every 25 seconds, your adrenaline generation is not the limiting factor and if you miss then you got nothing.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’m fine with that it’s an all or nothing build to begin with.

New to warrior, deciding on a path

in Warrior

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Updated build and post.