While still giving us more utility/viability/niche in PvP without drastic incoherency between the two modes.
Right now warriors have a number of problems:
-Forced into damage/hp centric builds
-OP because of the horrendous damage we can push out through just autoattacking
-Boring/stale/afk: engis have to swap between everything they have just to reach the same damage as us
-Predictable (Who wants to take bets on how long that GS warrior will take to rush/bulls charge me?)
-Lack a role that’s not done better than someone else
-Lack useful utility
-Forced to use greatsword to be mobile
-Locked into certain builds
-Burst skills generally useless, nothing to sacrifice for
And now my proposed changes:
-Decrease autoattack/rotation ability damage slightly, increase validity of burst abilities
I’m not sure if the decrease in autoattack damage should be in pvp because big autos are all we have going for us, but this has to happen in PvE. Right now because of traits like berserker’s might and furious precision, (Which are really good for PvE) it’s actually worthwhile to do nothing but autoattack and use rotation skills like cyclone axe off cooldown. Which is incredibly boring, and even more skillless. It also encourages min/maxing to a degree, because some level of skill is taken out when you don’t use anything but 2 to three skills which are just more damage. Example: It’s actually less dps to use something like Eviscerate unless you can get that adrenalin back really quickly, so why would you? I’ve taken to positioning my warrior in front of a boss, alt-tabbing to read something else and tabbing back in to hit FGJ every now and again because that’s almost my max effectiveness as a warrior in PvE. Eviscerate shouldn’t have a straight up damage buff (We all know how that turned out) but maybe something in terms of 8 vulnerability per adrenalin bar or something. Arcing Strike is utter tripe and I don’t know who would use this ever. Hammer/Maces burst skills are okay but those weapons are generally poor outside of lesser creep pulls (Which everyone skips). Honestly at this point I think 100 blades and Arcing Strike should swap places, but that might be too drastic a change this far into the game.
-Give warrior a third weapon slot, using F2, F3, and F4 to switch
Sounds drastic but hear me out: warrior traits seem to be built around being a master of weaponry but we’re locked into simple builds because you’d love to use a mace but if you don’t have a greatsword then you lack mobility and if you don’t have a ranged weapon then you lack finishing power and all the other benefits that come from a ranged weapon. It would also raise the skill cap dramatically – I think we can all agree that ele’s are the hardest to play class in the game, a change like this would turn warriors into pseudo-ele’s, needing to keep an eye on cooldowns and switch between weapons for the required skill. In PvP it would give us the utility we need (As we’d be able to take something like mace or hammer without forfeiting greatsword damage) and in PvE it would force us into switching our weapons constantly to be as effective as we can be. Some op combos might need to be tweaked (Hammer burst skill into 100 blades holy kitten) but other than that it should be fine. So many dungeons requiring a ranged weapon also shoehorn you away from this kind of build right now – I use Hammer/Axe+Warhorn in dungeons I’m familiar with right now, but I just can’t get away with that in something I haven’t done before or high level fractals because there are so many enemies that will tear you apart in melee if you’re unfamiliar with their attacks. An extra weapon swap would also help to alleviate what I like to call the “Ursa” problem by letting us use gap closers and making us a lot less predictable.
really bad engineer