(edited by bssbruno.1487)
[PvP] Can you give me a Weapon Advice?
So your question is how to maximize the sword’s value?
In condition setups, there are many gears you can use: rabid (with precision), settler (without precision), Carrion (fragile, more offensive), Celestial (optimizing might stacking)… and many builds as well 00666 (optimizing the bow) or 06606 (optimizing condition damage), 60606 (optimizing interrupts). The choice of sigils depends on the intent of the build, its gear, stats (precision and condition damage) and trait template. Earth, Torment, Doom, Agony, Geomancy, Battle can all work correctly in adequate builds.
The sword isn’t only a condition weapon. It’s an excellent power weapon as well, not as much for its damage (although sword #3 hits as much as an Eviscerate, I had some 12k once), as for its utility (long immobilization with F1, cripple on AA, mobility and Leap Finisher with #2). Use the utility to support other power weapons.
In power builds, the bleed on AA isn’t important, but you’re likely to go into Arms anyway, so it’ll help with Bloodlust.
From my perspective, sw/shield – gs looks best in your list becuz of full mobikity that confuses your enemy by super fast mobility. Or Axe-shield / gs.
My Stream : http://www.twitch.tv/eSportsKorea see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!
Go, GS/Hammer/Rampage. It is currently amazing. Why not take advantage before it is nerfed?
So your question is how to maximize the sword’s value?
In condition setups, there are many gears you can use: rabid (with precision), settler (without precision), Carrion (fragile, more offensive), Celestial (optimizing might stacking)… and many builds as well 00666 (optimizing the bow) or 06606 (optimizing condition damage), 60606 (optimizing interrupts). The choice of sigils depends on the intent of the build, its gear, stats (precision and condition damage) and trait template. Earth, Torment, Doom, Agony, Geomancy, Battle can all work correctly in adequate builds.
The sword isn’t only a condition weapon. It’s an excellent power weapon as well, not as much for its damage (although sword #3 hits as much as an Eviscerate, I had some 12k once), as for its utility (long immobilization with F1, cripple on AA, mobility and Leap Finisher with #2). Use the utility to support other power weapons.
In power builds, the bleed on AA isn’t important, but you’re likely to go into Arms anyway, so it’ll help with Bloodlust.
First problem:
Can’t figure out which is stronger: A Condition Sword/Shield, a Might Stacking Sword/Shield or the Might Stacking Axe/Shield.
Second problem:
Should I really use a GS instead of a bow, considering that Lb have a Fire field that works AWESOMELY with Axe (Axe #2 is a finisher), Sword (Sword #2 and Sword F1 are Leap Finishers) and Shield (Shield #4 is anoher Leap Finisher).
Also, on the subject of Sword on the main hand, I can’t figure out which one is better: to optimize my rune, amulet and sigils toward Condition Damage or to ignore the condition and favour Might Stacking.
As far as I can see, those 2 (Condi or Might) are the only two “good paths” i can go with those weapons, but if it can be done differently, maybe I just need a new perspective =)
From my perspective, sw/shield – gs looks best in your list becuz of full mobikity that confuses your enemy by super fast mobility. Or Axe-shield / gs.
Thanks for the opinion. I’m just concerned I’m dropping a really good weapon (Lb) for it. Can’t figure out which one I should use. Lb have more sinergy with other weapons, while GS is just awesome by itself.
Go, GS/Hammer/Rampage. It is currently amazing. Why not take advantage before it is nerfed?
Rampage is awesome, I use it, but I don’t like GS/Hammer. That is just me, of course, but I really miss the shield =)
Thanks for all the answers !