Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


You should probably quote the tooltips as well

Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


You should probably quote the tooltips as well

Actually, it would be more convenient for you to look them up on the official wiki. You can find it here:

Lots of useful information on there, although some of it can be a bit incomplete.

Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I also see quite a bit of warriors running shield, especially with axe, so I’m not sure where this idea that shield is not being used comes from. It’s certainly being used more than mace (MH & OH), OH axe, and OH sword.

Yeah in spvp it is pretty much a staple for warriors a 3 sec invuln (pretty much) on a 24 sec CD? pretty please? I don’t trait mine and its still 30 sec which is still better than endure pain, especially since it will block incoming conditions as well.

In PvE though I see no reason to run shield unless you’re doing like grawl fractal 30+
Mace OH still brings a defiance removal and a bigger source of CC which when used right is more effective than blocking, while also giving more vuln stacks.
Sword OH is actually REALLY strong in spvp (sometimes) and PvE, I will use this now and again only because it provides a single block, which again just depends on how you use it but can be really effective while not having to have the much longer cd of shield. The #4 also does a substantial amount of base damage for being on such a short CD.
Axe OH is just sad, When starting the game almost a year ago in BWE2 I ran dual axe thinking whirling axe was just frickin cool as hell, it still is mind you but in todays speed clear of most dungeons you seldom get to use it I mean, using it vs a single target is fine but to me I can’t justify it knowing that auto attacking will deal more damage. And the #4 is a joke.

Shield Mastery Trait Idea:

in Warrior

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Sword OH is actually REALLY strong in spvp (sometimes) and PvE, I will use this now and again only because it provides a single block, which again just depends on how you use it but can be really effective while not having to have the much longer cd of shield. The #4 also does a substantial amount of base damage for being on such a short CD.

Sword OH is much stronger than you think it is. If you trait for missile deflection, then all projectiles do not trigger a block and all projectiles are reflected back until either the duration is over or a block is tiggered

Sword #4 is pretty awful for power build which mean i cannot use it the sword OH

Warriors have one of the highest skill cap blocks in the game.