The Reckless Healer

The Reckless Healer

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


First a preface: I have a lot of fun playing my Warrior and experimenting all the time with builds that suit my mood. Therefore, the build presented herein is designed to suit the player of a similar mood. This build would likely best suit the player who wants an aggressive warrior but one that isn’t a glass-cannon and has good sustainability/support. Should it mimic the build of another I am pleased but by no means was my endeavor to upstage. Please criticize, praise or suggest. Thank you.

Here is a look at the statistics of this build:

Playing your warrior this way is a lot of fun. I have found this build most affective in PvE and WvW. I haven’t tried it yet in SPvP but my hunch is that it will only fair moderately poor to moderately well.


I use Clerics armor with Superior Runes of the Soldier. Jewelry I change out often based on my area. I might throw in some ‘crit’ jewelry for open world, healing for Dungeons or WvW etc.. On my axes I like to use Superior Sigils of Strength/Bloodlust but really Sigils don’t seem to matter much in a build and so really any sigil works with this build.


*Great team support with shout healing and condition removal (Supp. Rune of the Soldier)
*Constant Bursting. 90% or more of the time your Eviscerate is ready to go. The speedy player wins here.
*Moderately high to high DPS. Lots of AoE to boot.
*Permanent Fury and Vulnerability application.
*Moderately high to high solo success.
*Axe is fun: Period. It’s fast, sexy and each hit is aesthetically satisfying.


*Low crit-chance. (see below)
*Incoming damage will spike with slow swinging power-hitters. Mostly during boss fights.

Additional comments:

A fairly low Critical Chance will only look bad on paper. In play I have found that I ‘crit’ quite often with 39-40% Critical Chance (which is the lowest you can possibly have but will always be present with this build). Because there is so much AoE and speed in this build your eyes will fool you to believing you’re landing critical hits more often then dry ones. Certainly, the output is still there and that’s what matters.

I have found that carrying a shield and ranged weapon for swapping is ideal for moments when you need to change it up. At least, that’s how I like to play (especially in dungeons with a bad pug). The nice thing about this build is that it also offers some easy change-ups with weapon and traits that allow you to instantly modify your output. Like easily adding in a Warhorn or extra range for your Longbow when you’re defending/sieging a structure in WvW.

I don’t want to to be too winded so I will close with saying this: My play style is usually aggressive but I hate glass cannons. I enjoy the feeling of being not only a threat to my opponents but a valuable support to my allies. I like to play fast (usually) and require some sense of sustainability while doing so. This is my first time posting a build. If you already play this way or bother to try playing this build let me know how it goes.


The Reckless Healer

in Warrior

Posted by: Jay.3284


- Offhand Axe is terrible. Use OH Mace for dps, shield for tanking.
- Clerics scales badly, you’d be better off running PVT and taking more of the attention off your team than trying to heal that extra 100
- Dungeon are about sustained DPS, Burst skills in warriors… are well you know; BURST

If you want DPS with support and tankyness, I strongly suggest;

20/0/30/20/0 | 20/0/20/30/0

Dungeon Master 8/8 | Fractal 50
80Rng – 80Wa – 80Thief – 80Grd – 80Ele – 80Engi – 80Necro

The Reckless Healer

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Precise Strikes and Rending Strikes are a waste. According to the builder your crit chance is 8.76% – not counting Heightened Focus which is another waste if you use F1 all the time – which equals a 2.89% chance to proc those. That’s like 1 out of 35.

I won’t criticize your build other than the above. I simply can’t image playing such a build. I’d simply swap to my support ele which does everything twice as better than this and more.

The Reckless Healer

in Warrior

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

Might i just add that going 30 in discipline and not benefiting in those 30% crit dmg due to poor crit chance is 30 points wasted.
Also with only 10 in arms line you would be better off with furious reactions, again due to very low crit chance.
One more i forgot to mention about axe offhand, it really does not suit your build. Why? Dmg on that skill is not great, what is great about it is it hits 15 times for durration. Using it in high crit build with life stealing food and signet is very powerfull. And you can move and evade while spinning. Using it for purpouse of dmg is weak.

(edited by kRiza krimos.1637)