Alright, I’ve read other posts about this topic, and I’ve mained warrior since launch but like many others I swapped since warriors are garbage in higher tier sPvP. After dueling revs, and other classes I strongly believe that these simple changes are what’s gonna make warrior viable, nothing over the top.
1. There’s so much sustain in this meta, I’ve noticed a high up-time in protection and stability is pretty much a given to every class. So my suggestion to deal with this would be to add a trait that allows warriors to boon rip. This would make them more viable in 1v1 situations especially against specs such as revs since they can get perma protection. I would suggest 2 boon rips on a trait on a 20 sec CD, maybe less.
2. The trait Savage Instinct needs more condition removal. If you compare it to Druidic Clarity, it’s essentially the same trait, both are in the Adept line, and Druidic Clarity is far superior. You can argue that you can activate Berserker more often but if you roll a heal such as Troll Unguent on ranger it fills you Celestial Avatar Form insanely quickly, besides Celestial Avatar Form has far more utility use than Berserker mode. I would recommend at least 5 conditions should be removed, or you can even swap Smash Brawler with Heat The Soul putting Smash Brawler on the second trait line allowing it to synergize with Savage Instinct.
3. Head Butt is arguably the worst elite in PvP and of the specializations. I think this skill needs a range of at least 300, or make it unblockable.
4. Warriors need a better heal. Healing Signet essentially forces you to run Adrenal Health, Mending is too low of a burst heal, To The Limit has a huge CD, Defiant Stance is a kittentier version of Glint Heal, and Blood Reckoning is useless since people can just kite around you, block, invuln, evade, etc. My suggestion is this: warriors need a decent burst heal, I think Mending needs to be a pulse heal that heals for ~8k overall such as Troll Unguent, To The Limit having a 25sec standard CD, or giving warriors a Glint-esque type heal. Having a decent heal would allow warriors to free up a trait-line and not be as reliable on the Defense trait-line for Adrenal Health and Defy Pain.
5. Finally, if the option of boon ripping is not available, I think Rousing Resilience needs to be moved to another trait-line, I would recommend moving it to the Discipline trait-line and it can replace any of the Grandmaster traits in Discipline. Why? So it can compete with perma protection up-time and provide more sustain for warriors.
Post some suggestions down below. I think these changes are not over the top but can make warriors viable if played skillfully in higher tier sPvP.
-Mortal Wombat X