Warrior rotation

Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Iconik.8712


I’ve seen in more than one place online that for a 6/5/0/0/3 build with Greatsword/Axe OH the rotation should be as follows (again, this is what I’ve seen plenty of quality “speedrunners” say is optimal):

1. Buff up
2. 100b
3. Rush
4. Bladetrail
5. Whirlwind if against a wall
6. Auto until 100b is back up

6/5/0/0/3 usually has Signet of Fury in it which we all know gives adrenaline. OH axe does some serious damage…especially Eviscerate. When Evis hits, it hits hard. Which is why, coupled with Signet of Fury and perhaps Healing Surges newfound popularity (perhaps) after the warrior changes I figured the following rotation made more sense. Correct me if I’m wrong. I apologize if this is common knowledge but I haven’t seen it posted around a lot (DnT guides, etc.)

1. Buff up
2. 100b
3. Rush
4. Bladetrail
5. Whirlwind if against a wall
6. Switch to 1h Axe (adrenaline is full)
7. Eviscerate (adrenaline is spent)
8. Signet of Fury or Healing Surge (adrenaline is full)
9. Auto with 1H axe until weapon switch CD is done (1h axe DPS is pretty good/ CD is usually up.)
10. Buff up


I don’t feel like this is a loss in DPS as Eviscerate can crit for large amounts and you aren’t sitting on your adrenaline or losing DPS from Berserker’s Power because you are basically always at Stage 3 when you need it most.

Am I wrong in this? If you Mace offhand with the 1h Axe you can stack vulnerability while you’re switched to axe and make your DPS go even further. Let me know.

Oh Hey Girl – Troll Thief Extraordinaire Tarnished Coast – www.twitch.tv/iconikk

(edited by Iconik.8712)

Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

OH axe does not do serious damage. Even when the 17% damage increase to whirling axe happens it still won’t be worth using in PvE. Maybe you meant to type MH instead of OH?

I’m not doing A/M for this because I rarely do much besides Arah/FotM 50 these days, where sword OH or warhorn are generally preferable over mace with the exception of a group doing something like for example, Old Tom in harpy fractal or the final encounter there as well. You won’t have a consistent rotation for either of these anyways.

So, with that cleared this is my general rotation for GS + A/S

Eviscarate is not a good idea to use unless it’s a finishing move because you want that extra precision with 65003. If you were somehow able to keep fast hands trait while taking 1 of discipline and going 6 into arms, then yeah you could probably sacrifice the precision from the signet to add it into your rotation but as it stands, even with deep strikes I still very much want more precision. To add a burst skill into your rotation here would mean a large enough crit chance loss to miss on everything else that you do with GS and that not only means less damage from not critting, it means less damage from less might stacks (forceful greatsword won’t proc as often).

Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Iconik.8712


I did mean MH. And isn’t it the single best 1H DPS for warrior?

Oh Hey Girl – Troll Thief Extraordinaire Tarnished Coast – www.twitch.tv/iconikk

Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yes, but if you’re looking to maximize DPS with a 65003 fast hands build you don’t want to camp axe especially in a solo setting. Instead, use it along with the super-hard hitting Rip from sword OH while hundred blades is on cooldown, but only on the rotation that Rush isn’t available for. Forceful greatsword is just too powerful of a trait for axe to compete with :P

Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Tree.3916


Miku’s video is good.

In a group setting where you will have Axe/Mace you want to start the fight in Axe/Mace, use #4, #2, #5 (unless saving it for utility), swap and then do the GS rotation. this will give you a nice vuln burst to start the fight. If the fight is going to be extremely short (like if using FGS, just do 100b, WWA, Rush and the fight will be more or less over.)

As far as Eviscerate goes, you can/should always swap to Eviscerate when the boss gets low for a final burst. Ideally Eviscerate will be the death blow, so you won’t have any DPS loss.

Using your signet of fury or Healing surge to do a mid fight burst skill is always a waste of time and dps.

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Warrior rotation

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

^ Exactly.

I have tried healing surge + evisc and it was pretty terrible. I tried it on Korga and Ancient Ooze. It’s especially terrible if you use scholar runes :P

Also one more thing to mention is that you should be very mindful of when you use tremor in groups, because you don’t want to be wasting cc on champs/legendaries that have defiance when people could be using situationally useful cc like deep freeze, fear me, etc. Just something to take into consideration.