Warrior's Sprint Speed

Warrior's Sprint Speed

in Warrior

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


How much % faster does one run with Warrior’s Sprint trait?

I want a way to move faster with my rifle warrior so my options are:

1) Get Warrior’s Sprint
2) Use warhorn as my secondary off-hand weapon

Warrior's Sprint Speed

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


I didn’t time it, but I’m sure it’s about 10%, 15% at max.

It also doesn’t stack with Swiftness, meaning you will always move at 133% with Swiftness, trait or no trait.

Warrior's Sprint Speed

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


10 percent.

Can’t seee it being more. Also once you enter combat it seems to fade down to normal pace?

That’s the feeling I got.