40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


I’m pretty new to pvp and I’m perplexed at the “play now” match-making in hotjoin works. Last night I was playing in a low level team against a team in the 40’s and 50’s and one guy at 69. We scored something like 30 points.

Is that intentional, or is it broken?

If it’s broken, that’s fine. If it’s not, what the hell are Anet thinking? On what parallel earth would that match-making produce a positive new pvper experience?

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Rank has nothing to do with the hidden rating system. The more you win, the higher your rating will be (generally—it depends on who you beat and their rating).

Basically since the system is brand new anyone with less than 11 wins will have a base-line rating and then after 11 wins you’ll get a volatile rating. The more matches people play the more stable the system will become.

Basically, for the first few weeks there are going to be crazy match-ups like that, but in theory pro players will be playing pro players and new players will be playing new players at their appropriate skill level because of MMR.


40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.

Oh ok, thanks for that. Explains a lot.

It seems like a topsy turvey arrangement. As a new pvp player, tourney or team or whatever its called seems like its something you “graduate” to after playing hotjoin for a while, but it seems like you’d actually learn more from tourney games than getting constantly facerolled in hotjoin.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: PVStar.3658


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.

Oh ok, thanks for that. Explains a lot.

It seems like a topsy turvey arrangement. As a new pvp player, tourney or team or whatever its called seems like its something you “graduate” to after playing hotjoin for a while, but it seems like you’d actually learn more from tourney games than getting constantly facerolled in hotjoin.

Apart from learning your class, the only thing to learn in hotjoin is bad habits because the majority of people farm glory in hotjoin. If you want to actually learn PvP, yes, you’d learn a lot more in tournaments. Getting facerolled comes naturally, you’ll eventually get better. Besides, you’re going to learn a lot more playing experienced players rather than playing new ones.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


High Rank players tend to intentionally go on the opposite team from people whom they know are good.

1) This provides better practice.
2) Facerolling noobs who are not in your league is not fun as it isn’t challenging.

Low rank players will tend to do the opposite thing. They will tend to go on the teams with good players because they are not confident enough in their skills and know that they need to be carried to win a match.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I just click the giant Dice :/

But if you are new to PvP you should know something, Rank means nothing….it is as farmable as gold in PvE, it doesn’t prove a players skill, it simply shows the amount of time they have spent in Hot-joins.

I always laugh when someone tries to call another a noob and then points out that they have a lower rank than them, most of the time the complainer is the one who cannot adapt to the situations.

Hotjoins is fine for learning the maps, then head into Tourny if you feel confident in your actual abilities in controlling your class.

I am only rank 28 (750 for Solo Q Leaderboards), but that is because the time it takes to get into tourny matches and the fact that you don’t care about getting personal score in these matches means you get Glory slower…but hey, I could always hop on an alt account and roll some people as a Rank 1 just for lulz too ;p

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

(edited by Zietlogik.6208)

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.

Oh ok, thanks for that. Explains a lot.

It seems like a topsy turvey arrangement. As a new pvp player, tourney or team or whatever its called seems like its something you “graduate” to after playing hotjoin for a while, but it seems like you’d actually learn more from tourney games than getting constantly facerolled in hotjoin.

Unfortunately that is the case for Hotjoin.
Fear not there is a hidden feature called Hotjoin 5v5.
To find this, simply press filter, then choose 5 v 5 for team size and leave all maps turned on. Then on the left you will see the “Filter” which you can name in the filter window. Click that then click refresh and if the settings you input were correct then presto, 5v5 hotjoin. This Filter will be saved for the next time you want to play. The 5v5 match’s will show up as 10/10 slots, that’s due to 5 slots of spectators per team.

5v5 hotjoin is a little closer to solo que pvp as a stepping stone (no one will complain about you if you are new). 5v5 also have generally less zergy games.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Is that intentional, or is it broken?

Both, these people are all joining the same side to ‘farm’ new players. When you see a server with this going on just leave.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


High Rank players tend to intentionally go on the opposite team from people whom they know are good.

1) This provides better practice.
2) Facerolling noobs who are not in your league is not fun as it isn’t challenging.

Low rank players will tend to do the opposite thing. They will tend to go on the teams with good players because they are not confident enough in their skills and know that they need to be carried to win a match.

Yes I agree, low ranking players are bottom feeding scum who make up for their lack of skill by leeching off better players.

High ranking players on the other hand are goodly saints who only want to help everyone be better players.

Is that pretty much the narrative you’re trying to sell?

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


But if you are new to PvP you should know something, Rank means nothing….it is as farmable as gold in PvE, it doesn’t prove a players skill, it simply shows the amount of time they have spent in Hot-joins.

Rank is a guarantee of experience even if it isn’t a guarantee of skill, and that counts for a lot when its a lvl50 vs a lvl5 since one of these players is learning their class in pvp and the other knows every trick there is to know.

Occasionally I’ve fought someone and been surprised by their rank afterwards but overwhelmingly the ones that know exactly how to shut me down are NOT lvl1 first timers.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Geff.1930


Yes I agree, low ranking players are bottom feeding scum who make up for their lack of skill by leeching off better players.

High ranking players on the other hand are goodly saints who only want to help everyone be better players.

Is that pretty much the narrative you’re trying to sell?

No, that is not what I’m trying to sell at all. Both parties are acting out of self interest to do whatever is most fun taking into consideration their own skill level. I did not make any value judgements.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Eventine.8024


this is because they made matchmaking following the leaderboard’s informations and positions. Instead, they should make teams with players of the same “top stats awarded” and “match or tournament” played.


This situation really drives me mad. I’m really thinking about leaving GW2, and stop playing.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


there is no matchmaking in hotjoin. thats why it is called hotjoin. you’re welcome

Oh, so the “play now” button only joins you to the first server on the list with a free spot? It doesn’t do matching at all?

Only the solo arena/ team arena’s have match making. Hot joins are just rooms to mess around in. Play now just finds a server that has room.

Oh ok, thanks for that. Explains a lot.

It seems like a topsy turvey arrangement. As a new pvp player, tourney or team or whatever its called seems like its something you “graduate” to after playing hotjoin for a while, but it seems like you’d actually learn more from tourney games than getting constantly facerolled in hotjoin.

Unfortunately that is the case for Hotjoin.
Fear not there is a hidden feature called Hotjoin 5v5.
To find this, simply press filter, then choose 5 v 5 for team size and leave all maps turned on. Then on the left you will see the “Filter” which you can name in the filter window. Click that then click refresh and if the settings you input were correct then presto, 5v5 hotjoin. This Filter will be saved for the next time you want to play. The 5v5 match’s will show up as 10/10 slots, that’s due to 5 slots of spectators per team.

5v5 hotjoin is a little closer to solo que pvp as a stepping stone (no one will complain about you if you are new). 5v5 also have generally less zergy games.

Exactly. Do this!

Playing in a similar environment as tournaments will help you develop your skills as a player. You’ll learn to watch the minimap for contested points and start to see enemy patterns.

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Kazuno.9218


team balancing will never be fair, do the best with what you get.

Vizunah Square

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


ahhh yea 1v4 pwning dem newbs

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Dartanian.9623


Um..rank does have a meaning. I hate morons who act like someone who has played 2-4 THOUSAND games will generally be on the same lvl as someone wit 100-200 games under their belt. Generally large gaps in rank indicate a gap in skill simply due to practice.

But yes hotjoin is problematic, but its still fun and usually more lively than tourneys. The problem with tournaments was “premades” vs solo and they have adsresses that.

IGN: Mycasa Ackrman

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: transtemporal.2158


OK, sounds like its tourney for me then. I was trying to get some more experience under my belt before I went in but it actually sounds closer to what I want to play. Cheers guys!

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Starting in PvP is very un fun, and confusing in this game.

The HotJoin & what seem like funky ranks with titles/finisher animations. Is un-ranked, lots of AFK, groups farming newbies, at best a run around in a zerg defending nothing, cap’ing, running, capping.

As someone said, use it to learn the basics of the maps.

They added in new ‘Solo Join’ Torny. They’ll be more what you expect. Altho it’s shiny & new, so it’ll be a while before they rank the right skills of players together.

The other thing ya’ll notice, it’s very hard to tell if your doing good. If you say, take the center node (best to reenforce to other nodes) do a awesome job of holding it, and win the round for the team. Rewarded with ending up bottom of the ‘score board’.

So, if you actually want to get into it. It’s prob a good idea to join a ‘casual’ PvP guild. Where your not required to train 5hrs a day, but still have a group to play/learn with.
You can join up to 5 guilds in this game.

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: HolySoNg.5371


In solo arena ??

Early winners and losers in the game already decided before the start of

always team win vs team lose , team high rank vs low rank

no balance !!

40's & 50's vs new pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Socram.6587


Could you stop spamming this crap into every thread? Thanks a lot.