Experience earned though PVP

Experience earned though PVP

in PvP

Posted by: VeddeV.2146


just a thought, I find this game extremely fun to play when it comes to solo q pvp, that i find myself uninterested in pve most of the time. I would think it’d be very great if you could earn a small amount of experience through solo q battles. I think it’d be sweet if each battle completed maybe gave you like a quarter of a bar of xp perhaps?

also, I could see certain issues like afkers, but what if the xp could only be earned if you were to earn a certain amount of points? like roughly 65-100 maybe. Another issue i could see ahead woud be gear, but surely a small reward system could work like getting a couple of items your level randomly after a certaina mount of games maybe.

anyways, just thinking it’d be a nice thing for ppl who aren’t interested in leveling a whole lot after they lvled up a character already. I feel like that this feature would be aimed for ppl who have already been through the story once or a couple of times.
I know there is already WvWvW, but I and surely others love doing the battlegrounds more as well.

Experience earned though PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Experience earned though PVP

in PvP

Posted by: VeddeV.2146


definetly will, this is an idea that should be known and should happen