Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


They’re pretty much useless as any other class can outshine them in both support and damage. I can vouch for that since I play one.

Just wondering if there’s anyone out there actually LOOKING to play with a necromancer, if so, can you explain to me why?

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


Ok there is a lot to explain really here but ill give u the brief version,

1. necromancers are fine and perfectly viable and no other class can put out as any conditions at the same time as supporting than the necromancer

2. when players design their comps instead of adding a necromancer they have to build a team around one, there are a lot of reasons for this

3. the only issue right now with necromancers and part of number 2 is that they can only be built for condition damage and stay competitive tpvp they lack versatility in builds

4. on the whole though they are amazing and if you expect a lot of team fights nothing will win a team fight more now than a plague necro perma blind is so good

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


perma blind isn’t immune to ranged or aoe attacks, or stuns (if they can get them off). Plague that is.

Condition in the long run probably is their best bet, problem is it does like no damage while all these other classes do burst high dps. Also, there’s plenty of classes that remove conditions on themselves.

I haven’t found or seen anyone looking for a necromancer, over another class.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Law.1704


the radius of plagued is the entire point almost so if their out of the blind their not on the point win/win and yes necromancers as I said have to have a team built around them so pugs wont usually take them and condition damage is higher in the long run that power builds its like you said not busty.

Necromancers don’t pub stomp like thieves etc do vs inexperienced players play a different class to pug and find a team or start one that runs with a necro

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: RaZaC.1963


just find a guardian after he puts on his shout that gives him like 6 buffs then counter that with the skill that changeds buffs in conditions. Best skill eveer xD didnt use it since last beta tho so i’m not sure about the name of the skills.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: XronttiX.1906


For necro to be good, you need too many different variables.

- for your ulti to be good, you kinda want to have nearly whole enemy team next to you.
- if you want blind spam to be useful while in ulti, you need their rogues and warriors not to spam hundred blades or any other multiple hit abilities…….
- if you want to get a good epidemic off you need enemy team to zerg.
-as far as i know, fumble doesnt help if enemy is critting, which nearly everyone is.

Personally i think necro still lacks something,
-necros aint that tanky compared to dmg output of other classes.
-also a lack of cc.

one thing where necros seem to dominate is in fights vs other condition damage users.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


For necro to be good, you need too many different variables.

- for your ulti to be good, you kinda want to have nearly whole enemy team next to you.
- if you want blind spam to be useful while in ulti, you need their rogues and warriors not to spam hundred blades or any other multiple hit abilities…….
- if you want to get a good epidemic off you need enemy team to zerg.
-as far as i know, fumble doesnt help if enemy is critting, which nearly everyone is.

Personally i think necro still lacks something,
-necros aint that tanky compared to dmg output of other classes.
-also a lack of cc.

one thing where necros seem to dominate is in fights vs other condition damage users.

lol… so we only good against other condition necro? haha… cuz rangers woop ourkitten if they go melee on us if we condition spec.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: XronttiX.1906


For necro to be good, you need too many different variables.

- for your ulti to be good, you kinda want to have nearly whole enemy team next to you.
- if you want blind spam to be useful while in ulti, you need their rogues and warriors not to spam hundred blades or any other multiple hit abilities…….
- if you want to get a good epidemic off you need enemy team to zerg.
-as far as i know, fumble doesnt help if enemy is critting, which nearly everyone is.

Personally i think necro still lacks something,
-necros aint that tanky compared to dmg output of other classes.
-also a lack of cc.

one thing where necros seem to dominate is in fights vs other condition damage users.

lol… so we only good against other condition necro? haha… cuz rangers woop ourkitten if they go melee on us if we condition spec.

i didnt say that, personally ive felt good vs any condition user.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: sorrow.2364


1. necromancers are fine and perfectly viable and no other class can put out as any conditions at the same time as supporting than the necromancer

Wait… What?
Warriors and Thieves can build much much more conditions than the Necro.
Just look at the autoattack skill of Sword Warrior. 8s bleed for the first 2 attacks, this mean you can stack about 12-14 stacks of bleed just with the autoattack, while the Necro barely hits the 7 stacks with his 4s bleed.
Also, while playing scepter, which is the only weapon coupled with offhand dagger which spams an acceptable amount of conditions, you have almost no burst damage, since Feast of Corruption (also with TONS of conditions on the target) and Deathly Swarm barely makes 1k damage in sPvP.

Do you want also to consider the Axe? It is totally useless, building just no damage at all to be viable. Same for the daggers.

The Necro really needs some love, a lot of love.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Kargion.6352


I play a necro.

I hold points better than most classes i see in sPvP.
I can 1v5 a group long enough for help and keep a point.
I can 1v1 people no matter what the class.
I play a MM.
I am a necro, and the class works fine. I wouldn’t mind a small buff of course

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Mundo.4036


Here is my successful sPvP necro bar, it is both good for damage and support, keeping down guardians and conditions teams.

You pull conditions to yourself and can eat for healing, or transfer to target based on recharges. Poison and Bleeding heavy stacks along with minions will slowly stack giving enemies a scare too late to escape. The goal is to draw out fights till bleeding stacks up massively. Its like degenway in GW1.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Maix.3579


No, elementalists are.

Necromancer least desired class in spvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


With the nerf to ToC for guardians I think necros will replace them for a mid defender.

Plague form blind spam really cuts down on a teams damage. Whether they’re a condition team or burst team, almost all will bring a thief & warrior with them. But dealing with ranged for blind spam isn’t that much more challenging.

Then you have the offensive power of blind spam of when downing a player it’s very difficult for a team to knock you off them and res, because their key attacks are most likely going to miss.

Boon removal is huge. Lots of people like to stab res and a necro can strip that from them with the 5 button from Focus & Corrupt Boon skill.

Lots of classes are gearing towards immunities. Warriors take endure pain. People get 2 second block skills. All this counters burst, not condition damage, so popping a 2 second block at 5k hp won’t stop those 10 bleeds from ticking away.

Then you have the fact that on maps like Khylo, most teams send 1 mid and stick to downing/defending trebs. This mid player is typically a bunker guardian, and a necro will destroy a bunker guardian 1v1. Plague form blind spam allows your team to reinforce you before you go down if they decide to zerg the point.

Biggest problem with necros is that their trait lines do no work. Probably over 50% of all traits do no function as stated or are completely useless.