Paid vs Free Let's take a look

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: TheZeus.8617


Was wondering why the devs are not commenting on the state of Paid vs free tourneys?

Free tourneys atm are like the following:
- Solo Q and get matched up with others only sometimes to get other PUG’d groups.
- pre-mades that destroy PUG groups 90% of the time.
- Fast Q times for the most part.

Paid are the following:
-Long Q times.
- Virtually NO instant Q. Normally having to wait 30min sometimes a HOUR to play 1 round.
- No solo Q. (If i want to waste my tickets and get 1 chest 1st round why not?)
- Steep learning curve. If you go from free to paid it is litterally night and day. Better bring all or go home. (which is fine)
- Qualifying Points which are utterly broke atm.(b/c only top teams will get them)

So why can’t Anet do something about this. People are getting sick and tired of waiting in long Q lines for paid to pop. How about you re-work how free and paid are played? How about you do the following suggestions:

- Can make the cost of paid go down to say 3. You could make them pay up front or 1 ticket after they win a round. This would make more people Q for paid as it wouldn’t be considered a waste of there gems/gold/ real life money.
- Have a Q for solo paid(up to 2 in a group maybe)
- have a group for pre-made groups only.
- Have it so the winnings are more to everyones liking. (ATM QP are worthless b/c lets face it most of the time top guilds are getting them)

I know a new ranking system is suppose to come into play, but the players are getting tired of waiting forever for paids to pop. Something needs to be done, and done soon or else a lot more people will give up on PVP. Please can we get some response as to what is going on.. B/c waiting till Nov 15th is really going to hurt the paid/free/spvp scene if something is not done soon.

What are your thoughts on this everyone. Leave your comments in HOPES that the devs will do something soon for us!

Athena War Goddess
[TWIN] Anvil Rock

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: Im Too Godlike.5629

Im Too Godlike.5629

There are plenty of solutions to this problem we can only hope that anet figures out one of them. Tired of getting roflstomped with pug groups by teams that should be in paid.

They should create a new tournament system just for solo/duo queue but its not like they care what their playerbase thinks.

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: Yelisha.7413


Why dont you guys just request rewards for 8v8.. You can join solo, premades won’t bother, you ll have 1 more extra lovely map, you can play all day long without any goal… Seems fine to me

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


because 8v8 is not fun?

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: fiesta.3964


Why dont you guys just request rewards for 8v8.. You can join solo, premades won’t bother, you ll have 1 more extra lovely map, you can play all day long without any goal… Seems fine to me

Everytime I see a comment like this one….. I just wanna…….. Oh well, i wont say more cuz ill get another infraction. But I hope you get it.

Paid vs Free Let's take a look

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

You know, friends can jump in 8v8 with voip and gang up on pugs there too. They can often switch to the same team, or just go into the same server with several people and enjoy weeding out non-guildies. (not sayin anyone does that)

What if they keep 8v8, continue to allow friends or even groups to choose the same server, (and call it scorched earth mode)…

then add a 5v5 ‘random, play now’ pug spvp format,

and when two or more players wanna start playing competitively: free tournaments

(edited by Master Charles.7093)