Possible pvp hack
Ive gotten a few obstructed messages , more than usual, and in circumstances where the target was is direct line of sight as well. It might have something to do with engineer ai, as I seem to remember being obstructed by them
(edited by dylan.5409)
A common mistake people make when playing pvp is that they try and kill someone with there back facing their opponent and let me tell you, you wont land any attacks on them, and when they fight behind your turrets the turret wont be able to land any attacks on him either.
Just joking, maybe if you have a screenshot to post of the combat log with it showing everything that would help show evidence of this and the developers would look into it. Also don’t forget to submit bug report.
yes, I posted bug report with combat log in it, too bad the log isn’t storring missed attacks. I have a lot of experience playing on skyhammer as a engi, so it was quite surprising to me.
Either the ai is broken, I was a victim of hacker, or I had a really terrible match, where everything which can go wrong actually goes.
As a side note it was interesting to see when I charged into skyhammer and unload all my skills on unavare ranger who was shotting laser all of my attacks missed him, saying it’s Obstructed. I tried shooting him from every possible angle, even using Supply crate on him and nothing….