VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

Target happened to be afk, and I had to get way closer because he was on a hill making ground targeting difficult. You can initiate this combo from 900 range and it’s all on a knocked down opponent. Fire Grab did massive overkill but still would have been at least 10k without bolt to the heart (+20% dmg on target below 25% health).

I don’t think this combo was possible until a few patches ago when they fixed the responsiveness of stomp abilities like earthquake.

Feedback appreciated. I realize this is a very cheesy combo.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: felivear.1536


lol nice. So, was that earthquake, portal in, use to arcane moves, switch to fire and fire grab..and that’s all?

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

lol nice. So, was that churning earth, portal in, use to arcane moves, switch to fire and fire grab..and that’s all?

It was …

-lightning flash mid cast
-cleansing fire (to burn opponent)
-arcane wave
-fire attunement
-fire grab

You’d get more damage using fire attunement right after lightning flash but I find it’s easier my way as the combo goes utility 1,2,3 which is a lot easier to hit.

(edited by Cosmic Teapot.9162)

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: felivear.1536


Link to your build and sigils and runes? I am quite impressed by this damage output.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: skupuz.6940


Awesome video. I like the high numbers.

Every ele should spec like this guy. Please!

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Heh, and there goes every single argument and complaint any ele had about not being able to pull off what thieves do. Thanks OP.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

build: copy paste;2BJ-V0z4kM-Z0;9;4TT-9-35205B;15;3SN;4G3G3G3G35Bo

I would never seriously use this build. I was doing testing to determine maximum burst potential. The alteration of that build I actually use for hotjoin glass cannoning is

-take 10 out of fire and water and put it into arcana for renewing stamina and elemental attunement
-bloodlust sigil on offhand
-mist form instead of arcane wave (you could probably do without mist form though)

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Noctred.6732


As mentioned, this build is completely impractical against any kind of non-random competition – nobody would ever run it seriously.

It doesn’t prove much outside of raw damage potential, which is mostly irrelevant.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

As mentioned, this build is completely impractical against any kind of non-random competition – nobody would ever run it seriously.

It doesn’t prove much outside of raw damage potential, which is mostly irrelevant.

Not my fault anet doesn’t know how to balance their kitten. Reduce attunement swap to 12 seconds (9 at best with full arcana), lingering elements actually works, remove evasive arcana heal and compensate by majorly buffing water attune weapon ability heals. (The class is balanced around EA’s heal just make equivalent healing baseline for kitten sake). Maybe then builds like this could be effective as other professions running the same trait setup. Nobody wants to be pigeonholed into a build where they water attune swap mid dodge roll to be viable it’s kittening kitten

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


No one try and follow this build, it is the complete opposite of sane, I also cannot understand why you posted this in the main forum and not the Ele forum.

You might be thinking that you can do a “sick burst damage combo” similar to thieves but he literally wastes a stun break teleport and a stunbreak which also cures 3 conditons, as well as a third damage utility, leaving you kittened whether or not you pull it off.

Also note that much high burst damage could be achieved instantly following the fire grab and starting with updraft would let you start off with a Dragon Tooth into Phoenix into Fire Grab into Air Burst.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

Secondly you would have missed with 70% of that against the equally broken thief .

The thief was knocked down for the entire duration of the burst which gave me an additional 20% damage. Yes he was afk and he might of used a stunbreaker if he had been at his keyboard. However if no stunbreaker is available you can land the entirety of the burst inside the knockdown (except lightning flash which hits before earthquake).

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jewel.1457


The funny thing though is that I think this is a rather balanced burst option as you leave yourself completely vulnerable and everything needs to go right to pull it off. The damage is a little excessive compared to health though.

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Mogar.9216


problem is he dodges or hit you with a knock down you are toast. unlike a thief ppl WILL see you coming.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

problem is he dodges or hit you with a knock down you are toast. unlike a thief ppl WILL see you coming.

This video isn’t the best example, I used lightning flash way too early in the earthquake making it easier to dodge. Also on flat terrain I would initiate the teleport from max range if possible.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


You might be thinking that you can do a “sick burst damage combo” similar to thieves but he literally wastes a stun break teleport and a stunbreak which also cures 3 conditons, as well as a third damage utility, leaving you kittened whether or not you pull it off.

So it’s balanced because he wastes 3 utilities to pull it off and leaves himself pretty weak afterwards? Kind of like warriors then.

Also note that much high burst damage could be achieved instantly following the fire grab and starting with updraft would let you start off with a Dragon Tooth into Phoenix into Fire Grab into Air Burst.

Ah, so actually he just did it wrong and can pull what a thief does then by not having to waste crap to set up the sick burst. Thanks!

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: MindlessRuff.1948


You might be thinking that you can do a “sick burst damage combo” similar to thieves but he literally wastes a stun break teleport and a stunbreak which also cures 3 conditons, as well as a third damage utility, leaving you kittened whether or not you pull it off.

So it’s balanced because he wastes 3 utilities to pull it off and leaves himself pretty weak afterwards? Kind of like warriors then.

Also note that much high burst damage could be achieved instantly following the fire grab and starting with updraft would let you start off with a Dragon Tooth into Phoenix into Fire Grab into Air Burst.

Ah, so actually he just did it wrong and can pull what a thief does then by not having to waste crap to set up the sick burst. Thanks!

Yep, he can do more burst damage than a thief as an ele, 0 people do that spec though, because eles dont have stealth to escape and would die in 4 hits with that build.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Caffynated.5713


I think everyone who read the grounded trait tried something like this at some point. Everybody gave up because it’s needlessly complex and burns too many utilities to be effective. The standard issue updraft → Burning Speed combo can do just as much in about the same time without having to use utilities to burn and get onto your target.

Those who want to compare this (2 seconds from first damage to killshot) to thief ( less than 1/2 second from first damage to killshot) need to settle down. 2 seconds is enough time to use a teleport or invuln to stop the damage, but between internet latency and human reaction time 1/2 second is not. They’re not even remotely similar in burst or situation. Notably, the ele isn’t invisible.

“We recognize that the changes to [ele] will essentially remove it from play. In the future,
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: tiboi.3108


lol nice, I always props to eles who pull something unexpected, but why target thief out of the profs. They will qq more that they are underpowered now :P

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: ryston.7640


Lol @ ppl trying to compare thief to ele cause of this.

They both burst too kittening hard. No need to compare rtl out with stealth out, just fix both.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Xom.9264


Seems fine to me because once a glass cannon ele is in the fight he is in it for good live or die usually die because even if he dropped a target he better hope its a 1 v 1 to get the stomp else he will die to teamates in seconds.

Thief however can get out the second things turn south. Or just stealth stomp the one person he killed then get out.

Ele burst is not even close to the same as a thief.

Nope I dont play ele, thief needs a tone down in burst.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: xiv.7136


This is why 100 blades is fine.

This elementalist burns his utilities and blows his full load to do even more damage than 100 blades does in that short amount of time.

So does elementalist burst need to be toned down?

Or can we agree that it’s fine since, just like warriors, this elementalist has to throw everything into the burst sequence to make it useful?

Personally I think this burst is fine.

Stunbreak and dodge, just like 100b warriors, the ele is all used up after doing this.

I like pizza

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Lol @ ppl trying to compare thief to ele cause of this.

They both burst too kittening hard. No need to compare rtl out with stealth out, just fix both.

Really? Do people suddenly draw those conclusions based on a newly-made video, after countless experience in spvp?

An elementalist can’t burst at all at the moment. Burst elementalists are the big reason why so many people were disappointed with the class and left it. Their burst combos deal less damage than thieves, require more time to set up and cast, are easier to dodge, and eles have no stealth to compensate for all that, and are punished with high recharges. In addition to that, the elementalist’s traits for bursting are either weak, or bugged and don’t work all the time.

Although the damage input of this video was impressive, it’s based on stacking bad traits for the sake of a little more damage, on wasting utility for the sake of a little more damage, on equipping the most damage-related runes ans sigils, and then expect a low-hp/ low-or-medium armored class like a thief to be randomly afk in a match to get them. Any good thief can acchieve the same faster, easier, and still have options to survive, and the target doesn’t even need to be afk.

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ottigan.2571


ouh plz my main is ele i have about 400 tourny games(you decide if that’s plenty to take my post as valid) on it and just for the luls i made a spec just for max fire grab dmg and that is the stupidest spec you could make as ele im 30/30/0/10/0 to have every single dmg boost through boons or fact im in melee etc.

I did use runes of scholar and force sigil plus battle on wep swap and yes my fire grab hit light golem for 15.8k dmg max, i will never ever run this spec seriosly….

Reasons why:
1. i have no points in arcana any ele player knows that below 20 is just plain dumb
2. for this combo to have the dmg output above, my ele has 1k toughness and 15k hp plus the idea of this combo is nothing but 1 trick pony if you fail killing a guy you can instantly RtL away or even a guardian will kill you. Plus CD on fire grab is 45s
3.this spec has 0 survivability- only 10 points in water for dmg no points in arcana and all utility slots are for having that combo.

Link to the spec:

(edited by Ottigan.2571)

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


You could up the damage potential of this combo even more by running Scepter/Dagger (rather than D/D, you don’t use any mainhand D skills in combo), and throwing in air attunement swap (electric discharge), lightning strike, blinding flash, RTL in at the end. All instant cast, so you can probably hit it before they get up (for the 20% dmg bonus), put an extra 5k out easily, and blind them to boot. Then updraft to knock them down again and probably water attunement (cause it’s all you have left off cooldown) for shatterstone, trident, ice shards.

If you’re looking for the most LOLwtfbbq damage possible, you could also stick a ring of fire and possibly a pheonix (dragon’s tooth is a no, it takes way too long) in there before going to air (after flamegrab).

Sure, you’d be a complete and total 1 trick pony with a 30+k damage combo on a 45 second cooldown and you’ll die if someone looks at you funny, but it might be entertaining

Good post cosmic, completely non-viable for real PvP but fun as hell I bet for “lol sPvP gankfest-ing.”

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

(edited by Bsquared.3421)

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ottigan.2571


didn’t rly put too much thought in actual combat just made a spec for max fire grab but yeah eaxtra instants from scepter air seem nice
atm doing 16k fire grabs every 45s doesn’t seem too fun.
Only fun thing about it is that i made max size male norn for this spec

(edited by Ottigan.2571)

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: ryston.7640


When anybody can ruin the day of a balanced build by rolling trash like this, the pub meta gets reduced to trash like this vs bunkers.

Are there better more balanced solutions? Yea, i only ever lost to IWAY once, but it still got ran a kitten ton in tombs because it was easy to get wins with.

Cheese like this should be nerfed out of the game

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


When anybody can ruin the day of a balanced build by rolling trash like this, the pub meta gets reduced to trash like this vs bunkers.

Are there better more balanced solutions? Yea, i only ever lost to IWAY once, but it still got ran a kitten ton in tombs because it was easy to get wins with.

Cheese like this should be nerfed out of the game

You are taking this way to seriously. The Ele build presented in this thread is for all intents, and purposes, a joke build designed for lulz to instanuke bad opponents. It is NOT viable for higher end sPvP (does that even exist), tPvP, and especially in tournaments. You will die if someone sneezes in your direction. Unlike thieves, Ele cannot become untargettable after this burst (this build has no room for Mist form on the bar).

This build is for the lulz, and in no way is it ruining “meta” or reducing tPvP to builds like this and bunkers. You will NEVER see a build like this in tournies, and if you do, you’ll die once and then go, “Kitten, watch out for that Ele,” and proceed to counter him and kill him easily whenever he engages.

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock

VID: Ele burst combo 25k dmg in 2 seconds

in Elementalist

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

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