02/15 Aurora Glade - Gandara - Riverside
@REQ Nice to see you guys staying classy ;D Just a note; Maybe we (Dius) can organize a night (Probably friday) for a bit of 5v5? We don’t expect to win, being 5v5 not our strongest point, but maybe we can give you guys a ncie fight. it will be a giggle and maybe if you thrash us, we can learn a bit from you all
Would be fun
W3 becomes frustrating recently. Even me was raging on TS
Had some fun fights vs TTA or TDA (can’t remember the exact Guild-Tag. The Guild with the yellow armors). One of your Guards gave us a really hard time
Recently we are altering our Setup quite a bit. Dunno if it works out.
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
will you put more glass cannons or more ragequitters ?
Both i guess
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
Five thieves.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Prefer five mesmers. Gives us our own zerg
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
Since I have my Twilight on my Guardian I dont feel like playing Mesmer anymore :-/. Can I play Ranger instead?
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Would be fun
W3 becomes frustrating recently. Even me was raging on TS
Had some fun fights vs TTA or TDA (can’t remember the exact Guild-Tag. The Guild with the yellow armors). One of your Guards gave us a really hard time
Recently we are altering our Setup quite a bit. Dunno if it works out.
TDA it was. Yeah, that Norn-Hammerguard was everywhere :-D.
Pity they had to get more numbers because KISS started zerging ruins. They were really good to fight with. Looking forward for more of it.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Since I have my Twilight on my Guardian I dont feel like playing Mesmer anymore :-/. Can I play Ranger instead?
Only if you play it melee.
Had some fun fights vs TTA or TDA (can’t remember the exact Guild-Tag. The Guild with the yellow armors). One of your Guards gave us a really hard time
Recently we are altering our Setup quite a bit. Dunno if it works out.
It’s BANANA! And lets have a bunch of small man battles soon! :P
Since I have my Twilight on my Guardian I dont feel like playing Mesmer anymore :-/. Can I play Ranger instead?
Only if you play it melee.
Luraj from Warhammer? If so: cheers /10cheers
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
@Zumy: If someone’s going to play ranger, it’s gonna be Krittekat vom LLS. Best ranger I’ve met so far
@PUZ: What was your group-size yesterday? The first time we encountered you, it looked like 7 or 8 people. Shortwhile after it looked like 10-12?!
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
@Zumy: If someone’s going to play ranger, it’s gonna be Krittekat vom LLS. Best ranger I’ve met so far
@PUZ: What was your group-size yesterday? The first time we encountered you, it looked like 7 or 8 people. Shortwhile after it looked like 10-12?!
You just say that to make me feel bad. I want to play a ranger since release :-(.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
And because you want to play ranger since release u leveled 2 mesmers, 2 thieves, 1 guard and an ele?!
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
Since I have my Twilight on my Guardian I dont feel like playing Mesmer anymore :-/. Can I play Ranger instead?
Only if you play it melee.
Luraj from Warhammer? If so: cheers /10cheers
But ofc! /waves
… and yes, I am playing an asura ranger^^
And because you want to play ranger since release u leveled 2 mesmers, 2 thieves, 1 guard and an ele?!
I also levelled 3 Rangers to level 20-ish and deleted them :-D. After finishing Bolt for the Guard, Ranger will be my new Baby and you cannot do anything about it! :-D
@Jarul: Nice! Server/Guild?
I was in Warhammer few days ago. Its a mess. Everybody walking with fancy eventbuffs and also duelling with them. You can get to 150% RR buff just from events and items, so powerlevelling to rr100 is 1 day of grindnig now :-D.
Imagine little Zumy trying to dodge the zerg GW2 style. It was hilarious :-D.
I bet ppl were thinking I sold the account or something. So much failure.
Owmahgawd I love highjacking threads.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
From someone who is a solo-roamer mostly I’ve seen some pretty kitten guilds from both AG and RS. NP, FURY and GLAD you guys hurt.
Cheers from a Gandara random, I hope to find my dagger in your behinds.
Hi you guys from AG,
there where some epic fights yesterday for the bay on the RS border lands. And your spawn supply camp was extremly armed … even more than most of our keeps and towers
At least i saw 4 trebs within
You fought really tough for about 2 hours to get into bay … one time you managed it to get into the inner circle. It was really hard to kick you out of the bay and out of your spawn supply camp.
Hope we meet again for some epic battles.!
Thanks also to all from RS-BL which followed my command and joined the TS. Otherwhise it would have been impossible to stand against your tenacious attaks.
Best regards
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)
(edited by Pheppo.9286)
Hi you guys from AG,
there where some epic fights yesterday for the bay on the RS border lands. And your spawn supply camp was extremly armed … even more than most of our keeps and towers
At least i saw 4 trebs within
You fought really tough for about 2 hours to get into bay … one time you managed it to get into the inner circle. It was really hard to kick you out of the bay and out of your spawn supply camp.
Hope we meet again for some epic battles.!
Thanks also to all from RS-BL which followed my command and joined the TS. Otherwhise it would have been impossible to stand against your tenacious attaks.Best regards
Yeah it was really frustrating because we had to abandon the attack on Bay just as your supply was almost 0, (I think it was around 100 when we left) because Gandara were in our BL attacking our keeps.
Would of loved to of kept up the attack for a little longer, good fights and whoever that Necromancer Commander with the Shadow Armour was, I was the annoying Warrior that would chase you through your allies just to get you downed.
Playing on an alt was fun and seeing what a hammer warrior can do makes me value them even more. (I main Necro too!)
Good fights and I’ll be looking for you Commander Necro
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander
Guise plis!
I need to work here, stop making this so entertaining!
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Guise plis!
I need to work here, stop making this so entertaining!
We are helping you relax a bit!
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
This hammer build warrior was really hard enemy^^ I saw You and mentioned … no not the warrior with his hammer again.
Perhaps I was the Commander (Necro from [VU]) I had the lead till 5:30 am. At the end we where 10 ppl. in our hole TS ;( and could do nothing, only deff that what belongs to us. That is sad^^
Greetings from RS,
“The skill of a guild is not only about winning a fight, its about picking your fights and controlling them. In the video you posted on youtube you clearly just rush into our entire group, if you do this -knowing you are severely outnumberd- don’t complain about getting wiped. [/quote]
video is here:
If u watch put sound off, its terrible.
Beginning of attack was okay (veil and etc), but in middle, na-na-na – maybe “turtle” would be better idea or running together in circle like u did later on AG bl – on last encounter with Fury? Fury out played you but it was nice turnaround from your group.
But yes heat of the battle is something totally different from watching just youtube channel.
Do you have guardians on your group?
“Plaque” was fine:), we used same tactics yesterday against rs and gand, its working fine, but u need at least 3 hammers (sometimes with warriors also). yeah but my necro is only lvl 57…
Was Gandara on a break last night? Were not many around and we were hoping for some good fights.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
almost every party with a mesmer starts the fight with veil.
culling is bad, exploiters are worse
We use mass-invis as we tend to spread a bit when under pressure. But we run only 4-6ppl, max 8. So I dont see much cullingissues with us.
BTW: a party is 5 ppl.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
almost every party with a mesmer starts the fight with veil.
culling is bad, exploiters are worse
I dont know, if anet keeping this spell in game it means (to me) that at the moment everything is okay. They (anet) must know what they’re doing?
@Lonny It was just 5 of TDA there , on your first encounters , then we got some more people and a lvl 5 mesmer (we dont require ppl to play certain class/build just bring what you like)
Later on we had 8 people as we tried to play some with Kiss then for about 10 mins it was 10 people , i liked the 3 way on ruins with you and kiss
Such a shame you relly on heavy stealth wich causes some of culiing to triger as well.
I dont know, if anet keeping this spell in game it means (to me) that at the moment everything is okay. They (anet) must know what they’re doing?
yes of course, they never said a word about culling … everything’s ok.
tbh i don’t care… i’m a thief.
i just think it’s ludicrous someone’s complaining about the most used way to start a fight, also considering he uses it too.
@Nemesys: live by the zerg, die by the zerg.
@Lonny It was just 5 of TDA there , on your first encounters , then we got some more people and a lvl 5 mesmer
(we dont require ppl to play certain class/build just bring what you like)
Later on we had 8 people as we tried to play some with Kiss then for about 10 mins it was 10 people , i liked the 3 way on ruins with you and kiss
Such a shame you relly on heavy stealth wich causes some of culiing to triger as well.
Hehe. We don’t rely on heavy-stealth, but Mass-Invis is still the best Elite-Utility to have since we usually can’t afford to stay in place for 10 seconds to make use of the quickness-bubble
Anyways. Nice fights indeed. Looking forward to fight you again
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
@Lonny It was just 5 of TDA there , on your first encounters , then we got some more people and a lvl 5 mesmer
(we dont require ppl to play certain class/build just bring what you like)
Later on we had 8 people as we tried to play some with Kiss then for about 10 mins it was 10 people , i liked the 3 way on ruins with you and kiss
Such a shame you relly on heavy stealth wich causes some of culiing to triger as well.
I dont want to start a discussion on this, but I counted otherwise :-D (kidding, see posts above). But if it is of any interest, we were 4 in the first two fights and 5 afterwards. I am really looking forward for more.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
I know i use the same elite on my messy , TW is just like yelling to your enemey i’m here please kill me
Its fun to fight you guys we either die or live =) , lot better than melting some 10 randoms in two seconds ….
To XXX – I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other over the week, do have to say you guys always keep us on our feet. Really do enjoy the constant fights between Riverside and Gandara. Keep it up!
Yeah I have the same feeling …we will face each other for sure…and hope without your friendly AG guilds sticked.
I am glad we “keep you on your toes” and when we will meet again….we will put some pressure on you.
Sadly this game is strictly number related…so 18 vs 30/40/n it’s quite hard when we face organized guilds like FURY rather than “unmanned Pugs”
But we will gather up our full roster next time..and i am telling you…it will be harder, it will be a bloodbath.
Lamfotha [VcY]
Soosick [VcY]
Yeah I have the same feeling …we will face each other for sure…and hope without your friendly AG guilds sticked.
I am glad we “keep you on your toes” and when we will meet again….we will put some pressure on you.
Sadly this game is strictly number related…so 18 vs 30/40/n it’s quite hard when we face organized guilds like FURY rather than “unmanned Pugs”
But we will gather up our full roster next time..and i am telling you…it will be harder, it will be a bloodbath.
Firstly I would like to say thanks to XXX and Judge for the fights last night Judge we defiantly did out number you (thanks for not kittening about it on the forums
)but you still put up one hell of a fight in that ogre camp!!!
Secondly could you please clarify why XXX were stalking us and repeatedly jumping us last night when apparently knowing they were out numbered and then when we wipe you proceed to the forums to cry about numbers even though you attacked us first apparently being out numbered and apparently already knowing this…..?
Thirdly in this video…..
It is XXX who initiate combat, the AG group were probably stacking up to take an objective but in your video description you try to claim "np+fury(40+) waiting behind a house to kill 12 XxX " when you could easily have avoided them if you were aware of their presence….
Fourthly <3 the irony of you video intro “You see, old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did.” then you end up crying on the forums about us out numbering you
Sadly this game is strictly number related…so 18 vs 30/40/n it’s quite hard when we face organized guilds like FURY rather than “unmanned Pugs”
But we will gather up our full roster next time..and i am telling you…it will be harder, it will be a bloodbath.
And what does it means? xxx wins – zerg killer! Glory! And if Fury wins – another “number related” issue to you and to your youtube channel?
Everyones picking on XxX : (
*hugs XxX
I still love you
To XXX – I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other over the week, do have to say you guys always keep us on our feet. Really do enjoy the constant fights between Riverside and Gandara. Keep it up!
But we will gather up our full roster next time..and i am telling you…it will be harder, it will be a bloodbath.
Haha, this is more like it! Look forward to fighting you tonight /salute
Furious Cookies[FURY]
I love to meet XxX in the JP when I am alone. They jump you with three people and end up giving loot.
I just dont understand why they wont complain in the forum. I mean one entire REQ Guardian and only three XxX lemmings. This game truely is about numbers, cant argue with that, guys!
Kudos to FURY and Dius, I like you guys. You dont brag and dont refuse to join a little trolly journey on the forums without bad feelings.
Even Dius’ emotes started to feel warm and friendly, like they are laughing with us. <3
Hugs, kisses and butterflies to you all.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
(edited by Zumy.6318)
I love to meet XxX in the JP when I am alone. They jump you with three people and end up giving loot.
I just dont understand why they wont complain in the forum. I mean one entire REQ Guardian and only three XxX lemmings. This game truely is about numbers, cant argue with that, guys!Kudos to FURY and Dius, I like you guys. You dont brag and dont refuse to join a little trolly journey on the forums without bad feelings.
Even Dius’ emotes started to feel warm and friendly, like they are laughing with us. <3Hugs, kisses and butterflies to you all.
Cheers for that mate, we’re just hear to have fun, and i’m glad somebody realises its just a bit of friendly banter.
Hope to see you on your battle front, I’m afraid Riverside may see a lot of FURY this week.
Aeyana x
Hi, is Turkish Air Force [TuAF] a regular/known guild for Gandarans? Had some nice small scale battles with them today.
I love to meet XxX in the JP when I am alone. They jump you with three people and end up giving loot.
I just dont understand why they wont complain in the forum. I mean one entire REQ Guardian and only three XxX lemmings. This game truely is about numbers, cant argue with that, guys!Kudos to FURY and Dius, I like you guys. You dont brag and dont refuse to join a little trolly journey on the forums without bad feelings.
Even Dius’ emotes started to feel warm and friendly, like they are laughing with us. <3Hugs, kisses and butterflies to you all.
Thats because we are <3
You REQ guys are too cuddly to hate/not like/<Insert any variation of the word Dislike here and continue until satisfied> !!
Great week in terms of guildevents, we lose a battle, we win a battle (against the same guild). Which makes it so that you have to be on your sharpest in order to keep winning those fights.
In terms of points, well I guess the first place has been decided, let’s fight for 2nd and 3rd!
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.
Well we had a bad evening.
Fighting [UNTY] guild + a lot of random infantry, dying every time consistently; we figured out after the first couple fights that we had no mesmers, one elementalist and that 20 vs 40-50 isn’t very fun… we’re generally the 40-50 though we don’t train to be the 20, and hence lose if we come against a trained fighting force, especially those with skill and tactics such as [UNTY]… on top of this we had both lack of organised consumables and uncooperative Infantry who wouldn’t come on TS, at that first fight at Mendons some random guy portalled about 10 of our guys into the middle of you randomly
generally I’m rather demoralised now.
I think from now on I will be checking which classes we have before going into battle, and adjusting and swapping around people’s characters accordingly, as the lack of some is just so devastating we could and did wipe the Riversiders with the same numbers differential, however they had no in-combat tactics, no preparation, and… well let’s say fighting against a bunch of disorganised Riversiders is a lot different then fighting one of AG’s best guilds.
I salute you guys for a stalwart defence and making me look like an idiot with your wipes of us; we’re definitely going to learn from this, as embarrassing as it was…
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
To XxX, if you guys are around and looking for a fun fight, FURY is roaming around Gandara atm.
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
Been winning, been losing…. been a hell of a fun night though :P!
No WV3 for us tonight.
Zumy forces us to go PvE
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief
Wicked awesome 3 way battle over Woodhaven @ RSBL. Absolutely brilliant!
@ Immolator, was fun indeed. We tried to get a commander flag on EB, but non was available atm, so most started to follow us^^
We managed to lose most of them, but then you guys looked to have left the borderland
Nice fights though!
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
To XxX, if you guys are around and looking for a fun fight, FURY is roaming around Gandara atm.
FURY or Fury alliance?
To XxX, if you guys are around and looking for a fun fight, FURY is roaming around Gandara atm.
FURY or Fury alliance?
FURY, guild event did pick up some stragglers on the way now.
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para
(edited by ZStefanovic.2475)