1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KwayZee.5742


I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

KwayZeee -=[ 80 Asuran Thief ]=-
[PRO] Commander

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

Spies are not something you use only when you’re losing. While the majority of our mumble community frowns upon it, it’s a valid tactic regardless of what place you’re in. We’ve been spied on numerous times, and yes, even while losing. We know what to say when we want to keep something secret, we know who to PM and talk to when we’re on a secret mission.

Honestly, at this point, I would guess the spies are there out of boredom. If anyone really cared to resort to spies to win even harder, then they’re the 1%.

I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

GOON does not outnumber you. Don’t lie. It’s not hard to know what to hit when it’s the ONLY thing on the map with swords. We also have roamers and scouts everywhere and we communicate to each other when we find enemies. Shocking, I know.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KwayZee.5742


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

Spies are not something you use only when you’re losing. While the majority of our mumble community frowns upon it, it’s a valid tactic regardless of what place you’re in. We’ve been spied on numerous times, and yes, even while losing. We know what to say when we want to keep something secret, we know who to PM and talk to when we’re on a secret mission.

Honestly, at this point, I would guess the spies are there out of boredom. If anyone really cared to resort to spies to win even harder, then they’re the 1%.

I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

GOON does not outnumber you. Don’t lie. It’s not hard to know what to hit when it’s the ONLY thing on the map with swords. We also have roamers and scouts everywhere and we communicate to each other when we find enemies. Shocking, I know.

I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

KwayZeee -=[ 80 Asuran Thief ]=-
[PRO] Commander

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.9508


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

Spies are not something you use only when you’re losing. While the majority of our mumble community frowns upon it, it’s a valid tactic regardless of what place you’re in. We’ve been spied on numerous times, and yes, even while losing. We know what to say when we want to keep something secret, we know who to PM and talk to when we’re on a secret mission.

Honestly, at this point, I would guess the spies are there out of boredom. If anyone really cared to resort to spies to win even harder, then they’re the 1%.

I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

GOON does not outnumber you. Don’t lie. It’s not hard to know what to hit when it’s the ONLY thing on the map with swords. We also have roamers and scouts everywhere and we communicate to each other when we find enemies. Shocking, I know.

I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

Only 90% accuracy? I expect better from our spies.

Verdict – 80 Mesmer – EVOH – Maguuma

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma

Uhh, yeah. Judging from your post history, your level of respect for us has nothing to do with spying.

I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

I guess the flying projectiles from the siege is a bad indicator of where the siege is O_O

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

(edited by saiyr.3071)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

I mean… GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1.

How did I misunderstand that?

You sound like you’re just coming up with conspiracy theories to justify why you’re losing or why we appear competent. While I will give you that there may be spies (none that I know of or we have actually used btw), just because something is not going your way and we know something you think we shouldn’t know doesn’t mean it’s a spy 90% of the time.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

Just as a point…there is no such thing as an “Original” placement for Siege anymore. I can destroy all the Siege at a number of locations without ever seeing it…Can hit walls and gates, Trebs, Catas, whatever in 1 shot because of practice knowing the locations to hit and how much power to use, etc. You don’t need spies to destroy Siege accurately, just practice and common sense.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Notus.5769


If you are talking about the arrow carts on the dome of course we are going to check there every time. When we got to inner we did indeed all run up to the top while like 5 ran into the lord. We’ll do it every time. That is not original or new. Once you’re up there you can see any seige basically anywhere on inner.

That can be the only thing you’re talking about because we just took garrison, ran into inner, and went to the world’s most obvious place for arrow carts to take them out.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Just as a point…there is no such thing as an “Original” placement for Siege anymore. I can destroy all the Siege at a number of locations without ever seeing it…Can hit walls and gates, Trebs, Catas, whatever in 1 shot because of practice knowing the locations to hit and how much power to use, etc. You don’t need spies to destroy Siege accurately, just practice and common sense.

Yea, also this.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

We are a very communicative server. It only takes one person running around to spot a seige and report it to the rest of us to bring down fury on it. Why something so simple apparently requires spies in your mind is beyond me.

I have never seen a mesmer on our server exploit. If you see one, please let us know. Conversely, I’ve seen BP mesmers stick themselves inside of walls at East Keep.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

The mesmer exploit called “preying on a servers inability to sweep a keep”? Yeah, we abuse the hell out of that one. I thought your guild split over philosophical differences, but I see you still retain some of the same philosophies as the ones that left.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KwayZee.5742


Almost every other time I have seen you take the Garrison, you have never ran up there until after the lord was down. Like I said, make it less obvious. Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

If you think our mesmer’s are exploiting, then you’re proving how dumb your other arguments are without us having to try.

Look I’m not going to get into everything I heard over the last 24 hours about your mesmers.

KwayZeee -=[ 80 Asuran Thief ]=-
[PRO] Commander

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Notus.5769


If you are talking about the arrow carts on the dome of course we are going to check there every time. When we got to inner we did indeed all run up to the top while like 5 ran into the lord. We’ll do it every time. That is not original or new. Once you’re up there you can see any seige basically anywhere on inner.

That can be the only thing you’re talking about because we just took garrison, ran into inner, and went to the world’s most obvious place for arrow carts to take them out.

Almost every other time I have seen you take the Garrison, you have never ran up there until after the lord was down. Like I said, make it less obvious. Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

I don’t know what to say to you. There was not some super-secret spy that told us about 5 obvious arrow carts on the inner part of garrison. Did you at all see how unorganized our golem rush was? Or that we lazily put up like 5 trebs then just forgot about them to let you kill them while we rammed the door? These are the actions of people being fed info?

You enter the inner gate and there are two paths. One up, one down. Commander says “check for seige” and so you do it.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


Almost every other time I have seen you take the Garrison, you have never ran up there until after the lord was down. Like I said, make it less obvious. Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

If you think our mesmer’s are exploiting, then you’re proving how dumb your other arguments are without us having to try.

Look I’m not going to get into everything I heard over the last 24 hours about your mesmers.

I think it would be best for you because otherwise you’re making yourself look quite foolish.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You believe everything you hear, do you?

Edit: If you were serious in believing it then PM me with your stories and evidence. Otherwise stop with your slander.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

WaR is a small guild that just transferred from Borlis Pass to Maguuma. I doubt they would send one member to a server that is losing by a large amount to spy.

Think before you post nonsense.

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


If you are talking about the arrow carts on the dome of course we are going to check there every time. When we got to inner we did indeed all run up to the top while like 5 ran into the lord. We’ll do it every time. That is not original or new. Once you’re up there you can see any seige basically anywhere on inner.

That can be the only thing you’re talking about because we just took garrison, ran into inner, and went to the world’s most obvious place for arrow carts to take them out.

Almost every other time I have seen you take the Garrison, you have never ran up there until after the lord was down. Like I said, make it less obvious. Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

There are these things called mesmer portals and this other thing called not sweeping your garrison properly, or at all. We have a legendary mesmer on our server, if you knew about his abilities, you wouldn’t be crying. The dude is AMAZING and the fact that he’s so good only show how bad you guys are.

But please, go ahead and be like every other kitten server and person that cries exploits because they’re too blind to know what’s going on.

Because Saiyr requested: Abloo bloo bloo

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: KwayZee.5742


But I will give props to whoever figured that kitten out.

KwayZeee -=[ 80 Asuran Thief ]=-
[PRO] Commander

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Let’s move on from this exploits talk, it’s a slippery slope to getting the thread locked again. If you’ve got the proof, send it to ANet and stop trying to find new (actually old) reasons for why you’re losing.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous..

But lets just say a guild on our server sent someone over to your server to learn them.

Hmm, so what’s this about spies?

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


Spies are acceptable, sabotage is not. Spies provide intel and -CAN- be worked around…Sabotage is abusing the system and can’t be stopped. This is how I’ve always viewed things and always will.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


free server transfer=spies for everyone


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Nihilas.5374


Man Being Away From WvW makes me depressed! Work & No Play is No Fun!
Talking about spies.. its funny when i have the commander icon on.. the enemy seems to know where exactly i am ^^ although i am just a decoy commander icon.. ^^ LOVE U MAGUUMA Hope to c u guys online soon!

Also! Score Update Pretty Please!

[WoT] – Maguuma
Thief -Ayranis, Guardian-SevenOfNines
“Even Pubbies Watch The Mini Map”

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Nihilas.5374


Em.. also when i played last week, i found out that the enemy teams/server/squads are very predictable in movement, hence it is easy to find out where they are ^^ and also its always the same bunch of players with the same repetitive tactics…
hint (its gets boring after we face the same thing every day/night)

[WoT] – Maguuma
Thief -Ayranis, Guardian-SevenOfNines
“Even Pubbies Watch The Mini Map”

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Almost every other time I have seen you take the Garrison, you have never ran up there until after the lord was down. Like I said, make it less obvious. Hell we’ve already heard about all the mesmer exploits your server uses..

If you think our mesmer’s are exploiting, then you’re proving how dumb your other arguments are without us having to try.

Look I’m not going to get into everything I heard over the last 24 hours about your mesmers.

Please do. I’m dying to hear more.

-A Maguuma mesmer

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


I like how we’re letting DR take back their BL. Man, this match up is soooo boring.

WHAT?! Who’s taking stuff back?! LEAVE THEM ALONE.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bunzy.8674


Let me start of by saying there is no such thing as spies, since the 1 week transfer option was added. People just accuse other servers of this because it makes them feel better about themselves, we aren’t losing due to poorly placed siege or our tactics… must be spies. While sabotage can exists it’s pretty obvious to find out if this is happening and who is doing it.

tl;dr no spies just excuses

ps: maguuma is known for having amazing memser hiding spots in keeps/towers you can even check our past match ups and see the praise they have been given.

Bunzy – I’m a mother father gentleman
WvW Roaming Videos

(edited by Bunzy.8674)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


A few Mag players above have said a few things about how they communicate. And Anyone watching them would see how well they do indeed communicate. They are fantastic. Not only do they communicate well across their map, they also appear to communicate across the different maps just as well. I do no’t believe all the force we see Mag stop us with is response from only the map , but I think people come from other maps depending on what the feed back is from around the entire “globe”

I have seen videos with them working together through common practice and understanding. They build siege at great speed as well. Our server isn’t there yet. It’s not. Anyone who has had to ask more than one time for a piece of siege to be built would see this. I will say that we have a lot of new “newbie” WvW blood, and it’s a great time to get into the practice of better habits.

Even if Mag was cheating, and I am absolutely not implying this, but if they were; it can not be the reason we are not winning. Communication is poor and team work, while improving over the last week, is lackluster. We have a tremendous amount of talent and looking for excuses to make our loss more palatable is a waste of it all.

I am willing to bet there are Borlis Members who think they have seen DR and Mag cheat, just as I am sure Mag has seen players in Borlis and DR appear to cheat. It’s as tired an argument as population related battle loss.

Yak’s Bend.

(edited by Sumwun.3846)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Last night was the most Fun I have had in a long time.

I was lucky enough to be part of the south western (Green) Tower and Camp for most of the late evening. We had a few RED with us, I Saw Ewok with us and a few stragglers from other guilds as well. Lot’s of fun guys. Some small back and forth over the bridge and Yes! Yes! above poster, I think it did get to about 50 Vs. 50.

I saw some kitten and some OG there, some QQ sowed up at one point as well.. quite a few people got in the mix and it was a fun time. Exactly what we set out for. The Laughter and friendly kitten talk we had going on in TS between my group of peeps was something I haven’t enjoyed in a week or two.

Thanks much to those who got a punch in.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Adaneshade.2409


You know at first I had respect for Maguuma, but seeing the amount of spies they is ridiculous.. I mean even after winning by so MUCH. You resort to spies to still make the game easy.. thats crazy…

Spies are not something you use only when you’re losing. While the majority of our mumble community frowns upon it, it’s a valid tactic regardless of what place you’re in. We’ve been spied on numerous times, and yes, even while losing. We know what to say when we want to keep something secret, we know who to PM and talk to when we’re on a secret mission.

Honestly, at this point, I would guess the spies are there out of boredom. If anyone really cared to resort to spies to win even harder, then they’re the 1%.

I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

GOON does not outnumber you. Don’t lie. It’s not hard to know what to hit when it’s the ONLY thing on the map with swords. We also have roamers and scouts everywhere and we communicate to each other when we find enemies. Shocking, I know.

I’m not saying GOON outnumbers us, but you guys were there. Also to have a 90% accuracy to know where we built everything and for 90% of your people to go straight to that location… I mean come on.. When you guys just took the Garrison I saw this happen. And I dont care how coordinated you are, unless you have a spy telling you, you will not have a 90% accuracy on that.

You just run straight there and wipe it, while the 5 random nubs were going to the Lord.

And the giant boulders arcing through the sky that you can see from across the map isn’t enough of a clue? Honestly, no one needs spies to find siege weaponry.


1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


Yorgy you are correct. I don’t post often on these forums and I am one of the mumble commanders for Maguuma. One thing we have is indeed amazing communication. Not just that, but despite the forum antics of some, we also don’t pull out our peakitten chests when someone needs help in another borderlands. What you all are seeing, during off-peak time, isn’t a consistent zerg across all borderlands but instead each time a major objective is under siege and we feel we need more to repel we have someone hop into each borderland channel and do a “risk assessment” of the situation there and then relay the information to them about our predicament. One thing we are definitely good at is knowing how many to send and how many to keep. We have some amazing commanders on here as well as mesmers and I hate to see people “tarnish” what we’ve worked so hard to accomplish and learn because they are indeed sore losers. Its bad enough to make me actually login to this forum account and post something. Borlis Pass I used to be with you guys as the WvW leader of LEET before we transferred to Maguuma months ago. You guys got more class than this, and I’m sure that you mainly do its just these select few forum whiners that are giving a negative perspective. And as for the people saying Wa(with the accented a)R band wagon jumped your incorrect. Beautykills had done a stint on Maguuma awhile ago with a few others and was planning to come back but that was delayed. Either way great fights from DR and BP around the board. I’ve plenty of fun fighting you guys and will miss those fights in the weeks to come.

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


How Mag works isn’t too difficult, and it’s a lot less :effort: than it might seem. Basically we try to get everyone in the server in one mumble to have fun, and then spread accross different borderlands in different channels. When things look “real” (as in not 10-15 random guys doing a futile attempt) we swap channels, ask for assistance, give the waypoint timer etc.

If it’s a super real threat like DR’s various 5-10 golem pushes, it’s all hands on deck and you’ll have 30 people there within 2 minutes. Sometimes we kitten up and don’t notice because no one is there at all like SM a while ago, but usually we know what you’re attacking on all borderlands.

I can see why it might seem like spying when we don’t put up resistance through 2 gates and then suddenly appear at the last second, but it’s really not.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Looks like we’re playing IoJ next week. That will be interesting.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Yorgy you are correct. I don’t post often on these forums and I am one of the mumble commanders for Maguuma. One thing we have is indeed amazing communication. Not just that, but despite the forum antics of some, we also don’t pull out our peakitten chests when someone needs help in another borderlands. What you all are seeing, during off-peak time, isn’t a consistent zerg across all borderlands but instead each time a major objective is under siege and we feel we need more to repel we have someone hop into each borderland channel and do a “risk assessment” of the situation there and then relay the information to them about our predicament. One thing we are definitely good at is knowing how many to send and how many to keep.

I Sincerely appreciate that you did. How your people move screams to me that you guys keep a very open line of communication across a good number of commanders, co-commanders (respectively) and hard working troops. I can tell that you are using numbers instead of blanketed “all on me” , “Zerg @”, “Need Help NOW” types of feedback.

Watching the out manned buff is a pretty good indication that you have response coming in from other maps and you are evaluating pro’s and con’s for movement on more than a single objective. It’s fascinating to watch to be honest. You have eyes everywhere and on top of it all your server does a fantastic job of padding their point spread just before the cycle restarts. This is all with balance, which I admire. Hands Down, Mag has been the smartest enemy we have had to face. I personally have had a fantastic time experiencing this.

I watched multiple mag players on multiple occasions sacrifice themselves to get in a position so corpse could report numbers, siege count, and placement. Then watched Mag respond in force, in smart waves, from multiple directions to eradicate our seemingly equal numbers. + or – it was a superb battle at Astral a few nights ago.

The announcement of the paid transfers has shied me from checking out Mag next week. I know you guys are moving up, and you are in for a battle. I wanted to watch how you do it under extreme pressure. I have enjoined seeing your servers overall positive outlook and team-team attitude on the forums. You have had members of your community post with logic, facts, information, and for the most part I would say without an air of arrogance.

I walk away from any stretch with a server appreciating my competition, even K after all this time. But Mag should be a learning experience for many of us on DR on the next level. And how to use previous methods with new methods. If not, we have probably met our wall and if things continue status quo, for both our servers, this could very well be our last meeting.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Fikfain.5849


I’m finally logging in again since Christmas. You can all go back to dying to me again. Thanks.

Fikbomber — Big Red and White Charr Engineer
Fikfain — Little Purple Sylvari Mesmer
Ascension [WAR] of Borlis Pass

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Maguuma will probably lose a lot of casual players who recently transferred next week, and I will be incredibly surprised if we win.

However, I am positive that Maguuma will have fun.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Dragus.4970


How Mag works isn’t too difficult, and it’s a lot less :effort: than it might seem. Basically we try to get everyone in the server in one mumble to have fun, and then spread accross different borderlands in different channels. When things look “real” (as in not 10-15 random guys doing a futile attempt) we swap channels, ask for assistance, give the waypoint timer etc.

If it’s a super real threat like DR’s various 5-10 golem pushes, it’s all hands on deck and you’ll have 30 people there within 2 minutes. Sometimes we kitten up and don’t notice because no one is there at all like SM a while ago, but usually we know what you’re attacking on all borderlands.

I can see why it might seem like spying when we don’t put up resistance through 2 gates and then suddenly appear at the last second, but it’s really not.

DR has a lot to learn from a server like Mag both in communication and motivation. Seems like almost all the legit Mag players make it a point to note that the reason they play is not to win but for the fun. If they win, so be it. I like that. Makes me want to transfer and be a part of it. However, I’d rather work with DR to develop this attitude here.

Mag, thanks for the good fights and lessons. Hope we meet again!

Theodragus [SoH] CD

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Feel so sorry for Borliss Pass, getting stomped 4 weeks in a row :/

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Feel so sorry for BP and DR, getting stomped 4 weeks in a row :/

It’s only been two weeks for DR. and don’t feel bad at all. We stomped for a long stretch. We had some in house cleaning happen and the server grew a bit in week number two. DR has nothing to hang it’s head over. Provided we continue to make efforts to better ourselves and accept ownership of our mistakes we can continue to grow.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Grae Knight.5921

Grae Knight.5921

Had another awesome evening of WvW. DR felt more alive last night with some good coordination of attacks and defense. Thanks for the fun!

Member of [GASM]

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Had another awesome evening of WvW. DR felt more alive last night with some good coordination of attacks and defense. Thanks for the fun!

Hell yea, man. Saw some Gasm down South with us last night as well. Lot’s of fun. for weeks to come!

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Pinko.2076


Next week DR might look to start targeting Kain from the outset. You will lose the nights, possibly worse than vs Mag, but their daytime crews are quite inexperienced. You and Ebay together should be able to pressure their day guys quite a lot and spend the nights playing the “die as slowly as possible” game playing keep triage. It will definitely be a time to learn some keep defense tricks.

I’m really interested to see how t5 does next week.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: ParaldaWind.4523


Next week DR might look to start targeting Kain from the outset. You will lose the nights, possibly worse than vs Mag, but their daytime crews are quite inexperienced. You and Ebay together should be able to pressure their day guys quite a lot and spend the nights playing the “die as slowly as possible” game playing keep triage. It will definitely be a time to learn some keep defense tricks.

I’m really interested to see how t5 does next week.

They have RE from Darkhaven as their primetime NA crew, I believe, so it won’t be super easy on reset.

No tears, only dreams
Maguuma – youtube.com/pyrogw2

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Last night was the most Fun I have had in a long time.

I was lucky enough to be part of the south western (Green) Tower and Camp for most of the late evening. We had a few RED with us, I Saw Ewok with us and a few stragglers from other guilds as well. Lot’s of fun guys. Some small back and forth over the bridge and Yes! Yes! above poster, I think it did get to about 50 Vs. 50.

I saw some kitten and some OG there, some QQ sowed up at one point as well.. quite a few people got in the mix and it was a fun time. Exactly what we set out for. The Laughter and friendly kitten talk we had going on in TS between my group of peeps was something I haven’t enjoyed in a week or two.

Thanks much to those who got a punch in.

Props to Devona for last night, it was fun seeing large group fights. Also props to the AD engineer who fought me (charr thief) 1v1 near the spawn cliffs by Maguuma in DR borderland. It’s always fun to get in little fights like that among the chaos.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Commisar.8695


As a heads up DR, if what I hear about kain is correct, this makes them similar to DB, in the mag/yaks/db fight we knew we couldn’t hold the nights and the only thing we could do was hold on for as long as we could, you’ll want to be resetting ebay bl and ebay’s corner in EB before kain wakes up, making them a squishier target gives you more time and make sure you come in full force to the s towers the second kain start eyeing up your bl in order to scare them out, when kain looks to be getting weaker push them out and get into there bl as fast as possible, upgrade and hold until the night. You’ll want people specifically going to other bl’s to relay info on where kain is. This should make you a less tasty target to the kain zerg and give you more time with a decent ppt. Your own bl is more important than eternal so make sure you’re prepared to lose some of eternal early.

Colhearthlevel80ThiefWithAPet/BearhearthThe BoldLevel55BubbleTank/TushyhearthLevel18 CloneRPBot.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Seregdae.9085


Yah if I can leave DR with any advice against a server like Kaineng that would be DONT give up. Your gonna have breathers during the NA time slot, RE is there so it won’t be much of a breather, but expect to lose everything to night capping. Like people stated earlier do your best to lose as slowly as possible. For the ones who are fighting through the night capping try to take key points at the 5 minute mark of the point tally. You’d be surprised how coordinated 2-3 man teams can gain a decent amount of points by simultaneously flipping 3-5 supply camps at the same time to get that extra 15-25 PPT. Most of though do not give up despite what may seem like a lose/lose for you all. Be more confident and innovative with your siege placements. I’ve seen some good from you all during our fights but I’ve also seen some facepalm attempts. If your gonna do golems, move them via portal and keep them hidden as much as possible. Thats one thing I noticed and even streamed on twitch.tv. Catching your golems in open field is a major strategic mishap unless your already on a gate. If you don’t have mesmers to do that, make one. Mag is pretty good at that mostly everyone on mumble has or knows a mesmer. They may not be “resident” mesmers but I know most of my guild have all rolled mesmer alts JUST to portal and timewarp. Utilize combo fields more too in open field combat. Ethereals are your best friends, smoke combo fields and water fields are life savers, and fire is great for a pre-push. PM me if you want any more advice I’m an open book. This also goes for BP if you got any questions I have no problems helping you all out. Also, if you want to transfer to Mag nows the time to do it before its no longer free!

Seregdae – 80 Guardian – Kilrauth – 80 Thief
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Like people stated earlier do your best to lose as slowly as possible. For the ones who are fighting through the night capping try to take key points at the 5 minute mark of the point tally. You’d be surprised how coordinated 2-3 man teams can gain a decent amount of points by simultaneously flipping 3-5 supply camps at the same time to get that extra 15-25 PPT.

Mag has this to a science. and it’s a big contributor to why they have such a nice lead. I’m so happy that a Maguumian pointed it out. this is killer advice peeps. killer.

Yak’s Bend.

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


We will be dealing with nightcappers for the forseable future. Nightcappers going up tiers and nightcappers going down tiers. Looking forward to defending the alamo.


(edited by Ninein.4782)

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


Last night was the most Fun I have had in a long time.

I was lucky enough to be part of the south western (Green) Tower and Camp for most of the late evening. We had a few RED with us, I Saw Ewok with us and a few stragglers from other guilds as well. Lot’s of fun guys. Some small back and forth over the bridge and Yes! Yes! above poster, I think it did get to about 50 Vs. 50.

I saw some kitten and some OG there, some QQ sowed up at one point as well.. quite a few people got in the mix and it was a fun time. Exactly what we set out for. The Laughter and friendly kitten talk we had going on in TS between my group of peeps was something I haven’t enjoyed in a week or two.

Thanks much to those who got a punch in.

I hope for a repeat tonight! I was the asuran ele that kept mist forming in to burn down your siege. It got intense there for awhile we where so out numbered. Good job taking the keep though. By the way tell that ranger that was with you I’m calling the humane society. How many times do I have to kittenis poor panther?

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

1-11-13 Maguuma vs. Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Plok.6145


I mean WaR, ILL, SM, GOON all these guilds and outnumbering us at least 4 to 1. Yet they know where we are, when to hit, where we placed our siege. I mean at least fake it and pretend to not to know..

WaR is a small guild that just transferred from Borlis Pass to Maguuma. I doubt they would send one member to a server that is losing by a large amount to spy.

Think before you post nonsense.

Cmon Zara, we know for a fact, they still have members here.


Commander Plok The Original Leader of Shadow of Agony [GOAT]