1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

We know DB’s NA period has gotten stronger. We know you had some NA transfer in. We know. We also know we have almost no Asian coverage when we are at work which is the reason for the big point ticks when you golem all our gates down and re-colour our map. We know.

Guess what. We know.

AND….I seriously can’t resist…


Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: The Goat.1940

The Goat.1940

Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

We know DB’s NA period has gotten stronger. We know you had some NA transfer in. We know. We also know we have almost no Asian coverage when we are at work which is the reason for the big point ticks when you golem all our gates down and re-colour our map. We know.

Guess what. We know.

I’m guessing that you know. not quite sure though you were not very clear.

Necrotic Sushi – Necro
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Wispy.8679


Wispy, I invite you and anyone else for that matter, to go register at yaksbend.com and read our public forums concerning WvW. We do not tolerate cheating, hacks, exploits, whatever. You will find post after post of our commanders preaching to anyone that will listen, that this is not how we roll, and this is not the reputation that we want. We want to keep the play real, win or lose.

If you can provide a screenshot of anyone on Yaks Bend exploiting, cheating, or hacking, I can guarantee you they will be dealt with quickly.

We pride ourselves on being competitive, having a never-say-die attitude, great community, and a zero tolerance policy on cheating, or even something that would be considered ‘shady’. (ie, going into another servers voice chat and relaying to our commanders what they are doing.)

We can’t control everyone, and we do our best to let everyone know that this is not tolerated. If a Yak’s Bend player is seen cheating, we would actually welcome and encourage you to send us screenshots, preferably to yaksbend.com, so we can take action. I fully understand that getting screenshots can be difficult, but you have to understand that we can’t take action unless we have indisputable proof. Because, as has been pointed out already, as unlikely as you feel it is because of your extensive sweeps, there exists the possibility that someone has found an effective legit hidey-hole.

Having spent hours running with just about every commander on Yaks, I would find it extremely difficult to believe any of them would instruct anyone to utilize a portal created by a mesmer that knowingly exploited/hacked thier way into a building. As far as they knew, it was legit.

Just my 2 cents, take it for what it’s worth.

I know Yak’s Bend as a whole does not condone exploiting, and if they knew the mesmer was exploiting I don’t think they would be taking the portals. It is for that reason why I made those posts, because most likely no one, or very few people would be taking the portals if they knew they came from an exploiter. There would be no point in me putting those posts on a forum where the server commiting them doesn’t care.

I’ll try to take some screenshots if it happens again today, but they possibility of being able to screenshot an exploiter is well… very low. We’ve spent hours searching for them before so forgive me if I am unable to find him.

My view is probably a little too negative on the forums, probably because one of these exploiters even made an account on DB for the sole purpose of taunting and misleading our server. You could be standing next to him in SM, knowing he is the mesmer exploiting above you, and yet you can do absolutely nothing about it because he doesn’t care.

[VoTF] – votf-online.net/

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Haven’t been able to play much but roaming this week has been surprisingly fun even though I play during late night/early morning.

I’ve had some really good fights and duels from [BS] Badger Spirits, [LoS] League of Shlong, [Dark], and [TTT].

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


I find it hilarious when YB can’t use their oceanic presence due to DB they always lose.

Stop trolling here bunzy, go back to ur t5 thread.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: zuube.5930


We don’t. I don’t know where and DB player has ever said that we don’t have an outstanding Asian Presence. We just take offense to the claim that NA prime is awful and we are just being carried when the scores don’t show that at all. Go look at the scores again. EB and YB keep acting like DB is ticking 50 all of NA primetime every day and in the morning we are ticking 500+. It just isn’t true.

Well heres a crazy idea:
Why don`t all of your NA prime time players pick a lower tier server with players that hardly WvWvW transfer there and prove us all wrong and let us know how it turns out.

accept the fact DB has superior coverage. Further, your server will have much more difficulty keeping up with DB as our NA group grows and builds on our solid foundation.

Yea but you have to ask yourself these simple questions:
*How many of our new people will stay if we start to fall in rank?
*Are they fair weather players only here as long as we win?(most important question)
*Do we have what it takes to get to a higher tier and stay?

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Lysico.4906


I have had fun this week (Yaks player btw)..

My only “issue” is the few EB’ers that like to stay at the glitched spot south of Redlake supply. There is a little jut on a hill that gives you invulnerability buff.

So they run, tag and hit the camp and run back there if anyone comes. Of course they can fight but you can’t.

Now this bug might be on all maps, but no clue as I would never try it. Only see EB folks doing it.

Anet needs to fix that bug/exploit.

Outside of that,been a fun week. I don’t buy into the cry of hackers all the time. People complain the second they lose a fight/keep

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

We know DB’s NA period has gotten stronger. We know you had some NA transfer in. We know. We also know we have almost no Asian coverage when we are at work which is the reason for the big point ticks when you golem all our gates down and re-colour our map. We know.

Guess what. We know.

Ok, DB has a great oceanic presence. Thats a fact and everyone know it. The past few pages of this forum is not about arguing whether DB has a great oceanic presence or not, or that DB is gloating about our lead in this match because of our oceanic presence.

It is about some troll posting that DB NA is under performing. It is a fact that currently DB NA is not leading in ppt during NA primetime because our NUMBER of our NA players cannot match that of EB and YB. Exactly the same reason as why YB and EB oceanic players are not leading in ppt during the oceanic primetime. To say that DB NA is underperforming is totally untrue and uncalled for.

What if i said that your oceanic presence is underperforming and should be in tier 5 or lower, and the reasons YB and EB is in tier 4 is because of the their NA presence. How would your oceanic players feel?

So, stop this line of senseless arguement already and get on with the game.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


For the Yak mesmer in SM thingy… DB, pls stop posting accusation about exploit until we have video proof of it happening. It is not going anywhere and make us look like whiners. Of course it is frustrating to cap SM legitimately and couldn’t find a mesmer after spending many man-hours on it. Then next thing you know… yak zerg in lord room.

As i posted earlier, innocent until proven guilty.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


We don’t. I don’t know where and DB player has ever said that we don’t have an outstanding Asian Presence. We just take offense to the claim that NA prime is awful and we are just being carried when the scores don’t show that at all. Go look at the scores again. EB and YB keep acting like DB is ticking 50 all of NA primetime every day and in the morning we are ticking 500+. It just isn’t true.

Well heres a crazy idea:
Why don`t all of your NA prime time players pick a lower tier server with players that hardly WvWvW transfer there and prove us all wrong and let us know how it turns out.

accept the fact DB has superior coverage. Further, your server will have much more difficulty keeping up with DB as our NA group grows and builds on our solid foundation.

Yea but you have to ask yourself these simple questions:
*How many of our new people will stay if we start to fall in rank?
*Are they fair weather players only here as long as we win?(most important question)
*Do we have what it takes to get to a higher tier and stay?

We have gone as high as Tier 2 before. Honestly we have the Coverage to move up one more rank safely. As for fair weather players if they go worse case scenario is we will fall down to tier 5. we might be able to maintain teir 4 but we would be the 3 man down.

currently we would need something big to happen in tier 3 for us to move up. they seem to have flattened out in the score. Kaineng will be the only thing that could shake up the tiers.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


I have had fun this week (Yaks player btw)..

My only “issue” is the few EB’ers that like to stay at the glitched spot south of Redlake supply. There is a little jut on a hill that gives you invulnerability buff.

So they run, tag and hit the camp and run back there if anyone comes. Of course they can fight but you can’t.

Now this bug might be on all maps, but no clue as I would never try it. Only see EB folks doing it.

Anet needs to fix that bug/exploit.

Outside of that,been a fun week. I don’t buy into the cry of hackers all the time. People complain the second they lose a fight/keep

Its not a bug or exploit. Also, I’ve seen yaks do it too, amongst many other servers.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

We know DB’s NA period has gotten stronger. We know you had some NA transfer in. We know. We also know we have almost no Asian coverage when we are at work which is the reason for the big point ticks when you golem all our gates down and re-colour our map. We know.

Guess what. We know.

Ok, DB has a great oceanic presence. Thats a fact and everyone know it. The past few pages of this forum is not about arguing whether DB has a great oceanic presence or not, or that DB is gloating about our lead in this match because of our oceanic presence.

It is about some troll posting that DB NA is under performing. It is a fact that currently DB NA is not leading in ppt during NA primetime because our NUMBER of our NA players cannot match that of EB and YB. Exactly the same reason as why YB and EB oceanic players are not leading in ppt during the oceanic primetime. To say that DB NA is underperforming is totally untrue and uncalled for.

What if i said that your oceanic presence is underperforming and should be in tier 5 or lower, and the reasons YB and EB is in tier 4 is because of the their NA presence. How would your oceanic players feel?

So, stop this line of senseless arguement already and get on with the game.

YB forces when DB is rolling huge horde is about 10 to 1 odds to both others servers combined. When Yak is rolling prime-time EB and DB are close to same numbers separate. That is when YB oceanic presence does not dominate.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.4836


Can some one please explain to me why we are even arguing over what tier DB’s NA “should” be in?

When Anet make it so that NA, EU and Oceanic have their own severs and are not allowed to transfer outside their region then i can see this being a useful discussion. As it stands now WvW is a 24hr game, and it will be for the foreseeable future. when discussing a servers tier you have to look at their 24hr coverage to accurately see their strength. when people start splitting up the severs into time segments then the argument looses solidity because now anybody can claim that “Your 10am-12pm crew sucks, and should really be in tier 8 because i just pwnd all you newbs!”

Oh and you better believe that DB’s night crew (relative term) played a huge part in getting them to this tier. Just as DB’s NA presence not giving up, but continuing to fight out maned for months, can claim that they also played a part in their tier position. so lets please leave the “night capping” debate out of this thread, and use it as it is intended to be used.


Preacher Roy-Guardian, Preacherroy-Engineer, Necro Preacher-Necromancer, Preacher Clone-Mesmer

(edited by Preacher.4836)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: eye floater.7140

eye floater.7140

also, what’s the difference between using the culling issue to your advantage and hiding in fake walls? both need to be fixed, and Anet obviously knows about them, but you don’t get banned for using cloak skills, do you?

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Markan.3460


If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

Honestly I think both are true to a degree. Starting from close to zero every evening is tough on moral. Momentum is important in these things.

The Older Gamers – Yak’s Bend

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Furey.6734


Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

I know its only a one day sample but did you even read my post about the NA prime time point gains in this thread? I swear YB is just like a recorder saying the same thing over and over and over again. We acknowledge that our NA prime time is not the best of this tier. However, I have posted the data showing that we do belong here. If not then you might as well say EB does not belong here also because the sample showed we gained slightly more points than them during the NA prime time period. Therefore, you need to get your facts straight before stating your opinions and claiming it as facts.

Now I wonder how long before we get another post reminding us that our Asian prime time is stronger than our NA prime time, and so what if it is?

Commander Cristyn
Masters of Combat [Duel]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: IonusX.7905


i see yaks has resorted to cheat and use exploits to take SM i saw the portals and the wall glitch u guys dont need to lie or cover up even tho you have to cheat we can still beat you so this quite sad that u have to act and play like scum to try and win

lol, what the hell? don’t get so angry over this, wow…
first off, it’s a game, and calling anyone in it “scum” just makes you look like a complete fool.
second, if you didn’t find the mesmer, it’s your kitten fault for not sweeping correctly.
third, if the mesmer WAS hiding in a false wall, you can’t say you wouldn’t do the same.
anyway, DB is winning by 25k+ points, there’s no reason to be so upset.
there’s been some talk of DB teaming up with EB too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true.

well you see here is that its an exploit and if you had gonna and read my then next post you might have not need to say anything also referring to scum is decent word even if we are winning we took SM fair and square and when your mezmers have the kitten to use an exploit IE cheating i would call that lower than scum shows your character that you shouldn’t be on this tier or any tier for that matter if you want to play unfair as well the dev is also to blame that is why i have alrdy contact Anet about it and have receive a response on it. also he here is a coupe, pic on the area on which the mezmer used the exploit to by pass the walls

if english isn’t your first language then i might understand your lack of punctuation, but if it is, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE SOME. I have a very hard time understanding you. also, you absolutely CANNOT generalize certain servers as cheaters. last night me and my guild mates saw a DB guy OBVIOUSLY speedhacking. People on every server hack and exploit, including DB, and don’t you dare deny it.

yes english is not my first language i live in NA but i am not from here now i do not deny each server has their share of players using a exploit or even a hack and yes i am srry if does seem i am generlizing a full sever that is a fualt on my behalf and will fix my error but the fact is still their on this occurence on what happened either way anet has been notifiyed and lets all hope they fix the issue i only want a fair game played cause ill be honest when we all play fair the game feels 100% better would you not agree?

{TNT} Tactical Night Techs “We are the last line of defense”Commander Fire Warrior Scout

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: eye floater.7140

eye floater.7140

i see yaks has resorted to cheat and use exploits to take SM i saw the portals and the wall glitch u guys dont need to lie or cover up even tho you have to cheat we can still beat you so this quite sad that u have to act and play like scum to try and win

lol, what the hell? don’t get so angry over this, wow…
first off, it’s a game, and calling anyone in it “scum” just makes you look like a complete fool.
second, if you didn’t find the mesmer, it’s your kitten fault for not sweeping correctly.
third, if the mesmer WAS hiding in a false wall, you can’t say you wouldn’t do the same.
anyway, DB is winning by 25k+ points, there’s no reason to be so upset.
there’s been some talk of DB teaming up with EB too, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true.

well you see here is that its an exploit and if you had gonna and read my then next post you might have not need to say anything also referring to scum is decent word even if we are winning we took SM fair and square and when your mezmers have the kitten to use an exploit IE cheating i would call that lower than scum shows your character that you shouldn’t be on this tier or any tier for that matter if you want to play unfair as well the dev is also to blame that is why i have alrdy contact Anet about it and have receive a response on it. also he here is a coupe, pic on the area on which the mezmer used the exploit to by pass the walls

if english isn’t your first language then i might understand your lack of punctuation, but if it is, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE SOME. I have a very hard time understanding you. also, you absolutely CANNOT generalize certain servers as cheaters. last night me and my guild mates saw a DB guy OBVIOUSLY speedhacking. People on every server hack and exploit, including DB, and don’t you dare deny it.

yes english is not my first language i live in NA but i am not from here now i do not deny each server has their share of players using a exploit or even a hack and yes i am srry if does seem i am generlizing a full sever that is a fualt on my behalf and will fix my error but the fact is still their on this occurence on what happened either way anet has been notifiyed and lets all hope they fix the issue i only want a fair game played cause ill be honest when we all play fair the game feels 100% better would you not agree?

That, I can drink to.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.


I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.

I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact

If your statement was true then yaks should be able to close the gap during NA prime time. but as the score reflects your server cannot do so because our NA crew can effectively keep your income in check. So either DBs NA is getting stronger and more effective or your server is becoming weaker and less effective.

We know DB’s NA period has gotten stronger. We know you had some NA transfer in. We know. We also know we have almost no Asian coverage when we are at work which is the reason for the big point ticks when you golem all our gates down and re-colour our map. We know.

Guess what. We know.

Ok, DB has a great oceanic presence. Thats a fact and everyone know it. The past few pages of this forum is not about arguing whether DB has a great oceanic presence or not, or that DB is gloating about our lead in this match because of our oceanic presence.

It is about some troll posting that DB NA is under performing. It is a fact that currently DB NA is not leading in ppt during NA primetime because our NUMBER of our NA players cannot match that of EB and YB. Exactly the same reason as why YB and EB oceanic players are not leading in ppt during the oceanic primetime. To say that DB NA is underperforming is totally untrue and uncalled for.

What if i said that your oceanic presence is underperforming and should be in tier 5 or lower, and the reasons YB and EB is in tier 4 is because of the their NA presence. How would your oceanic players feel?

So, stop this line of senseless arguement already and get on with the game.

YB forces when DB is rolling huge horde is about 10 to 1 odds to both others servers combined. When Yak is rolling prime-time EB and DB are close to same numbers separate. That is when YB oceanic presence does not dominate.

what??? Which part of my posting says that YB oceanic presence is dominating? Please re-read my posting, because you make me re-read my own posting a few times Thought i make a typo or something.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

I have had fun this week (Yaks player btw)..

My only “issue” is the few EB’ers that like to stay at the glitched spot south of Redlake supply. There is a little jut on a hill that gives you invulnerability buff.

So they run, tag and hit the camp and run back there if anyone comes. Of course they can fight but you can’t.

Now this bug might be on all maps, but no clue as I would never try it. Only see EB folks doing it.

Anet needs to fix that bug/exploit.

Outside of that,been a fun week. I don’t buy into the cry of hackers all the time. People complain the second they lose a fight/keep

Its not a bug or exploit. Also, I’ve seen yaks do it too, amongst many other servers.

So you’re saying it’s ok because everyone else does it? While it seems more chickenkitten than anything else, this is something that is clearly a wrong and immoral thing to take advantage of. On a side note, it appears to be just two guilds using this (what I saw in the image), which in my honest opinion, looks very much like an exploit of a design bug/flaw. Personally, I enjoy my account and playing the game much more than risking losing it by abusing something like this. There’s always going to be players that will look for and use things like this. It’s up to those of us that are honest to keep those players in check.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Well, that was annoying. Got trapped inside a wall that spawned on top of me in east keep in DB BL. Was trying to waypoint out, but people spotted my tag while I was trying to do so and kept me in combat.

Such is life.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Man, this thread needs to tone it down a bit, here, a haiku of my day today:

Chasing Dragonbrand,
Thought said player was alone,
Buried in Arrows.

- Jornosh, Dead Arrow Covered Warrior of YB

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Lysico.4906


I have had fun this week (Yaks player btw)..

My only “issue” is the few EB’ers that like to stay at the glitched spot south of Redlake supply. There is a little jut on a hill that gives you invulnerability buff.

So they run, tag and hit the camp and run back there if anyone comes. Of course they can fight but you can’t.

Now this bug might be on all maps, but no clue as I would never try it. Only see EB folks doing it.

Anet needs to fix that bug/exploit.

Outside of that,been a fun week. I don’t buy into the cry of hackers all the time. People complain the second they lose a fight/keep

Its not a bug or exploit. Also, I’ve seen yaks do it too, amongst many other servers.

It has to be a bug (no matter the server).. If you have one small spot that has the buff where you can’t be hit, that is a bug.

I know a ton and I mean ton of us reported it.. see what happens.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425


Man, this thread needs to tone it down a bit, here, a haiku of my day today:

Chasing Dragonbrand,
Thought said player was alone,
Buried in Arrows.

- Jornosh, Dead Arrow Covered Warrior of YB

I love leading people on a chase when I can a whole bunch of green dots on the map. Lesson is don’t chase d/d eles, if you think you are catching us, it’s because we are letting you. (not saying Jornosh did, just saying I did it 4 times today) Once even led to a very nice duel with an EB mesmer.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: nalenb.1425



Pretty interesting graph too. I think DB is the only server to have a major fall in the ranks and recover so far.

~ Abbish – Dragonbrand

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Firellis.7954


Despite all the hate in this thread, i really love this week’s match up – WvW isnt boring (compared to last match up) X)

an asian person

at kung may pinoy sa yak’s bend- lipat na)

I’m gonna steal your heart.
-dragonbrand thief.

(edited by Firellis.7954)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: majinvegitto.7124


EB took over second place today and has now built a substantial lead on YB. I must say that is unexpected. Will EB suffer from a double team the next 2 and half days due to new position. It should be interesting.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


YB perform defence of valley in EB masterfully these 2 days. Hope we can reset it tonight

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: pigtaro.2749


Haha, kudos to u novi. U got e whole DB in EB ultra kitten n psych up for YB blood. Thanks for e tips. I m sure we will buck up in our sweeping effort.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Video proof of how much fun we’re having in this match-up.

Here is some footage of the opening weekend after both EB and YB pretty much wiped the floor with us on our BL. About 2 groups of us held Bluevale for longer than we were supposed to. We only went to flip it but but got stuck in the infinity sandwich of YBers from Bay and their rear spawn entrance, what transpired was a whole ton of fun.

“Not Ready to Die” – An Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand WvW Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUdGSzEq_t0

Keep up the fight Dragonbrand. A huge thank you to our Asian/Oceanic/NA crews for sticking it out with us even after our colossal fall from Tier 2. A big thank you and welcome to the new guilds that have joined the fight on Dragonbrand, we have many people to prove wrong and many more fights to win.

And can we all please stop the QQ already!? Makes all of our servers look bad


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


Wait wait wait… Yak’s is a nightcapping server? I’ve been blissfully unaware of this. Where’s the evidence that we nightcapped EBay/Mag with abandon in tier 4? Please provide it or be gone with the trash talking, really. Very few are the times I have awoken to a fully colored Yak map; in fact, every time we colored EBG green it was during the prime time of all three servers. I should know, I’ve been commanding it.

wait wait wait all this time you were winning you thought is was during NA pressence..? The reason maguuma beat both yaks and DB was because yaks nightforce wasn’t able to do what they normally do and cap everything.

Bunzy my little girl, why are you even here? From the looks of the score in tier 5 you only got a 4K lead over BP? which is giving you a -56 total point loss??? hahahaha

You seem to think Maguuma has the population of Yaks Bend or Ehmry bay. I would honestly say BP has more then us. We are just slightly ahead of DR in terms of population.

It’s always an excuse for you isn’t it? I’m starting to see a trend here.

No offense. But YB has no real room to trash talk any other server. You are in 3rd. You have been beat Maguuma within recent history in this same matchup. Your people are fairweather players. They whine about Oceanic presences. Whereas on Maguuma people show up throughout the week no matter the score. We actually liked DB.

Guys like Bunzy are not real team players. He hardly understands TWs, and uses as a launching point for attention kittening and ego boosting. Not really a representative figure of Maguuma at all.

But if you want to talk trash about Maguuma, you should really work on turning YB the right way. For much of your T4 visits you have been going the wrong way.


1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


EB took over second place today and has now built a substantial lead on YB. I must say that is unexpected. Will EB suffer from a double team the next 2 and half days due to new position. It should be interesting.

Given that as I type the DB has taken over most of the YB area of EB and their zerg is attacking YBBL as I type I’d say not.

I’d ask the same question that was asked of ebay 2 days ago why are DB seemingly concentrating solely on YB.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Squeaky wheel gets the grease! You guys squeak on the forums a lot more so they go for you. Just a theory.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Tynan.6279


Wait wait wait… Yak’s is a nightcapping server? I’ve been blissfully unaware of this. Where’s the evidence that we nightcapped EBay/Mag with abandon in tier 4? Please provide it or be gone with the trash talking, really. Very few are the times I have awoken to a fully colored Yak map; in fact, every time we colored EBG green it was during the prime time of all three servers. I should know, I’ve been commanding it.

wait wait wait all this time you were winning you thought is was during NA pressence..? The reason maguuma beat both yaks and DB was because yaks nightforce wasn’t able to do what they normally do and cap everything.

Bunzy my little girl, why are you even here? From the looks of the score in tier 5 you only got a 4K lead over BP? which is giving you a -56 total point loss??? hahahaha

You seem to think Maguuma has the population of Yaks Bend or Ehmry bay. I would honestly say BP has more then us. We are just slightly ahead of DR in terms of population.

It’s always an excuse for you isn’t it? I’m starting to see a trend here.

No offense. But YB has no real room to trash talk any other server. You are in 3rd. You have been beat Maguuma within recent history in this same matchup. Your people are fairweather players. They whine about Oceanic presences. Whereas on Maguuma people show up throughout the week no matter the score. We actually liked DB.

Guys like Bunzy are not real team players. He hardly understands TWs, and uses as a launching point for attention kittening and ego boosting. Not really a representative figure of Maguuma at all.

But if you want to talk trash about Maguuma, you should really work on turning YB the right way. For much of your T4 visits you have been going the wrong way.

Well we can go off of recent history and the last match up where YAK/MAG/EB all squared off the final score was —>

YAK – 234,118
EB – 200,960
MAG – 174,065

I think Yak’s was just trying to communicate that facing a non NA prime server is a bummer, versus the dynamic when you have 3 NA prime servers fighting. I will agree that Yak’s is a fair weather server, although there is a nice core group of us that fight no matter what. I will also say that I personally enjoy fighting EB/MAG more so than DB because in my experience from the people I have faced the quality of the players are better, and it’s a 3 way during all of our prime vs a 2 way.

I will give a shout of to EB, you guys have really shown up this round. The fights have been awesome, lots of skill and tactics. I look forward to more great fights, just wish Yak’s would show up!

Wreckd ~ Mesmer/Warrior/Necro
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast ~ FA

(edited by Tynan.6279)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Gator.7581


Can someone tell me the meaning of this peculiar ritual? O.o

I honestly have no other reaction but to say that i was… entertained lol

All the best though guys, good fights out there



That was me who threw that. You ran away for like forever till we caught you. So you deserved a funeral pyre via thy holy ram. Good fights man but stop running away from us we just want to give you hugs.

On a side note I really love to throw flame rams down. They are just so beautiful

Other Masterpieces

Ram Video:

The Maguuma Holy Bible, The Book of Ram – Chapter 2, Verses 4-6
4 -And he who places the Ram in all the lands shall be revered in Ram Heaven where he will be exalted by the voices of a thousand singing Krait.
5 – He who does not give his supply to the Holy Ram will be cast down into the pits, and there be destroyed by the gnashing teeth of a thousand Quaggan.
6 – If you pass by anyone on the road and he profanes the Holy Ram, then by the word of the Holy Book of Maguuma, you shall destroy this blasphemer, staking him with your flag of justice and banishing his spirit from the land.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yak’s was ticking under DB during Na prime all yesterday evening. Your bloated opinion of your NA prime is unfounded and getting tiresome. I don’t really want to fight about the DB Na prime again but good lord you keep talking like we aren’t there and it’s just false.

Give some credit to EB too not like they are not helping in your little alliance. Maybe YB should of not turned down offer from EB to go 2v1 against DB this week so could of made up for NA morning DB capping. But alas some thought it was cheesy to do this and EB then went to DB to work with. Oh well suck is nature of WvWvW.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yak’s was ticking under DB during Na prime all yesterday evening. Your bloated opinion of your NA prime is unfounded and getting tiresome. I don’t really want to fight about the DB Na prime again but good lord you keep talking like we aren’t there and it’s just false.

Give some credit to EB too not like they are not helping in your little alliance. Maybe YB should of not turned down offer from EB to go 2v1 against DB this week so could of made up for NA morning DB capping. But alas some thought it was cheesy to do this and EB then went to DB to work with. Oh well suck is nature of WvWvW.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Glitter.7634


Well the amount of fun I am having playing this week’s matchup is almost equal to the amount of moaning in this thread. I look forward to some great fights today defending what our awesome Oceanic/Asian players and guilds have captured, and losing them slowly until the end of NA prime.

I actually appreciate the time all of us on Dragonbrand spent falling from Teir 2. It conditioned us to enjoy playing the game whether we are karma training or scratching to hold on to the last few points on the map. Now – Come on, hit me! I dare you!!

Invictus Aeturnum (IA) ~ Dragonbrand since August 2012 ~
Glitter Monkey (Warrior) / Phlaxis (Thief) / Svetlana Demitrova (Guardian)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Give some credit to EB too not like they are not helping in your little alliance. Maybe YB should of not turned down offer from EB to go 2v1 against DB this week so could of made up for NA morning DB capping. But alas some thought it was cheesy to do this and EB then went to DB to work with. Oh well suck is nature of WvWvW.

What offer?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7498


Give some credit to EB too not like they are not helping in your little alliance. Maybe YB should of not turned down offer from EB to go 2v1 against DB this week so could of made up for NA morning DB capping. But alas some thought it was cheesy to do this and EB then went to DB to work with. Oh well suck is nature of WvWvW.

What offer?

There is no INTENTIONAL double team. DB focused on you because you were in 2nd. Now that your in 3rd we are TRYING to focus on suppressing EB. But when you continually treb SM, with a small Zerg to support, your asking to get rolled. So we have to bring our entire group to Durios or QL and retake the towers to destroy treb.

Now I’m not complaining, but when I run across map and steam roll your tower that you forced me to attack. You can bet I’m taking those camps and possibly another tower. So before you start complaining of double teams you should look at your tactics first. EB sees that we hit you and they come from the other side..we can’t help that. That’s just the other commander taking advantage of a opportunity.

On another note, this week has been great! I feel like the score should be even closer then it is ATM. Many great battles being fought. Keep it up!

Commander Mighty Fig Newton – Sylvari Warrior
[UhOh] Procrastination Nation

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


deleted double post

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


There is no INTENTIONAL double team. DB focused on you because you were in 2nd. Now that your in 3rd we are TRYING to focus on suppressing EB.

Well you weren’t 9-12 hours ago. YB slipped to clear 3rd 48 or so hours ago. 9-12 hours ago we were still losing ground to ebay but the DB focus was still all on YB.

Not complaining, just asking the question, it seemed strange to me at that stage that you would focus on the server in last place rather than 2nd.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


There is no INTENTIONAL double team. DB focused on you because you were in 2nd. Now that your in 3rd we are TRYING to focus on suppressing EB.

Well you weren’t 9-12 hours ago. YB slipped to clear 3rd 48 or so hours ago. 9-12 hours ago we were still losing ground to ebay but the DB focus was still all on YB.

Not complaining, just asking the question, it seemed strange to me at that stage that you would focus on the server in last place rather than 2nd.

As a Commander on DB,
I can tell you that if there was any double teaming organized by anyone, nobody passed the memo on to me.
So it was isolated, at most.

Put your mind at ease, young one


1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Boreal.9826


Is [Krew] new on DB? I’m seeing them everywhere and don’t remember them from last time. Just wondering.

This has been a very fun, if challenging, week of WvW. Thanks for the fights DB and Ebay.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Ethose.5694


Yes Krew transferred in from BP last week. They’ve been a welcome boost.

Ethose (EA)
Born and Raised on Dragonbrand

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


Glancing at the current score evolution, we’ll likely be in this same matchup for a good 4 to 8 weeks. The only server that has the potential to shake things up is Kaineng.

Better learn to love eachother.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Furey.6734


Glancing at the current score evolution, we’ll likely be in this same matchup for a good 4 to 8 weeks. The only server that has the potential to shake things up is Kaineng.

Better learn to love eachother.

Not sure if Kaineng will make it up this far. We will see what happens when they matchup vs Maguma.

Commander Cristyn
Masters of Combat [Duel]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Mag’s curious about Kaineng as well. We are often the roadblock for all these quick rising, large transfer, smash and grab kind of servers.

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Man, and I thought BP was bad for camping puzzles. There’s a big group of Yaks dedicated to camping the EB JP daily. I’ll be happy when we move out of this tier, hopefully in the right direction.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Vidar Oort.5234

Vidar Oort.5234

Glancing at the current score evolution, we’ll likely be in this same matchup for a good 4 to 8 weeks. The only server that has the potential to shake things up is Kaineng.

Better learn to love eachother.

I just realized this too and I really hope we dont have to listen to the same “night capping” talk for 2 months. Lets try to leave that topic in this weeks thread please.

I almost think I have the most fun around noon eastern time when its usually just a few vs a few. I’m going to enjoy getting to know these two servers.

Mornahk – Warrior