4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I had a good laugh at the accusations of “hacking”. Circus clowns, there are never a shortage of people who are willing to look stupid, and these forums seem to be a breeding ground for them.

But oh, you got screenshots you say omg!!! Cool story bro, because a simple screenshot proves that somebody is hacking right? Do you even know what hacking is? Doubt it.

Because you said its a fact we hack, it must be true! Because you said so! =D


Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Rykdean.6253


Figured I would share this on this thread because I didn’t know where else to put it…

Last night I was running around on of the BLs (Darkhaven I think), trying to collect a couple of vista’s that I didn’t have. I went to the one in the south/center of the map, where you have to run up the stone ruins to get to the vista at the top. I get up the ramp and there is a Darkhaven enemy there at the vista. He got off one shot at me and I waved to him, he waved back and let me through to the vista (although I couldn’t break combat so I had to jump down and come back up). It was a very nice gesture of civility on his part.

Just wanted to give a shout out for his kindness… good to see that we don’t have to hate each other ALL the time. :-)

-A Grateful Devona’s Rest Invader

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


@MOW Thief, Good dual was close.

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Git ’em gaz!


OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


@Partipack – I feel like we would be bffs, if only you were DH

@superman: a ele that could not be immobilized nor feared and he could tank about 10+ people and somehow got away

Oh I do hope you were talking about me That’s wut I do (with a suicidal streak). But I do think my lagsauce connection of late has probably made for some interesting visuals (the teleporting messes me up more than you I swear). But if not there are plenty other d/ds on my server that are magical.

Moar hax!1!

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


You know if you say @mow thief that only narrows it down to about thirty people.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


You know if you say @mow thief that only narrows it down to about thirty people.

Lol this is true! to determine which one it is just specify Human/Asura lol.

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


Yeah, watch the hack statements ( seriously for your sake as Anet doesn’t like it too much. ) If you think it’s a hack, instead of warning them out right on the forums, report it to Anet and let it be Anet’s problem.

There are some peple in this game who I say to myself “This guy must be kidding. I’ll beat him to death with a prybar just because I can.” There are others where I think “Well, this is going to be a quick death. Wish I knew what the heck that build was.”

You can’t rely on just what you see. The server culling fix has added a host of new issues ( pulling into walls, people bouncing all over the screen as the server catches up to where they really are, lag spikes where you died and it takes a second or 2 before the server actually tells the client that are are in fact dead, and many others. )

@melodey I think we already are bff’s

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


I get dirty messages when our mass-invis group blows people up sometimes.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Elric.2730


I can only hope that my supply drop/glue combo for above-mentioned invis bomb, somewhere, somehow, has made someone smash their head into their keyboard in a furious rage. BTW, what’s up with MoW thieves and the incessant need to spam heartseeker while i put 9 stacks of confusion on you O,o

Caey – Engineer
http://youtu.be/OrcAQZh150Q <—Engineer vid

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


@Elric – I’m sure there are more than a few “100 blades of lol” that wondered why attacking a poor little engi ended in a 2 second death. Btw, hit me up in game. I’d love to know how you do 9 stacks. I do 8 or 11 stacks, but never 9. Or I’m in our server TS most nights ( hanging with AoD cause they have real women in chat >.> j/k AoD, ya know I luv you guys)

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Elric.2730


@Part – i was implying they never travel alone even when I am 5 stacks from prybar and 2 from pistol 3 which bounces twice usually to give 4 so there’s the 9, sometimes its 7 stacks when noone else is around. Oddly enough, i usually don’t have that problem!

Caey – Engineer
http://youtu.be/OrcAQZh150Q <—Engineer vid

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


@Elric – Ah, that explains that. I never think about the bounce since I usually focus on 1 and CC another.

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


<— DH and in [SE], mostly just play www for fun on my main or alts.

All servers have good players, ugly players, and bad players. I will say (IMO) we have good commanders and we talk across maps and call for help if needed.

Downside is EB is queued during peak times

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


@DH & IOJ – Why you guys run away from a 1v1? Really just out there for the WXP train?

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


@Elric, if im gonna be confused its gonna be mid air doing some sweet ninja moves!

@Gazden, i tend to engage u guys 5v1 quite a lot, can’t a brotha shoot the fair one?! All good i have fun when i see u guys.

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Are you the asura we keep end up killing? Usually don’t let thieves live because they end up adding. But if you won’t we won’t!

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


@Elric, if im gonna be confused its gonna be mid air doing some sweet ninja moves!

@Gazden, i tend to engage u guys 5v1 quite a lot, can’t a brotha shoot the fair one?! All good i have fun when i see u guys.

Can’t blame you for trying…. just get on Caey first and spam HS. He loves that.

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


You know if you say @mow thief that only narrows it down to about thirty people.

Lol this is true! to determine which one it is just specify Human/Asura lol.

Haha, this one was Char. Put the fight in my vid at the end.

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Are you the asura we keep end up killing? Usually don’t let thieves live because they end up adding. But if you won’t we won’t!

Im the asura in red/black that /waves ,/dances, /beckons, etc before hopping around in-front of the official [OiNK] squad usually in our or DR BL’s lmao. Sure i die, but i find it fun to watch your guys movement’s. I can almost hear u guys in TS like “why is he just hopping around, all those IOJ guys ran away what is he doing? OK just kill him” lol.

EDIT: It also seems that whenever i run into you guy’s ive just blew all my mobility cd’s to narrowly escape a zerg, so i just kinda shrug like “eh 5’s better then 25”. GG’s tho, i tend to scout you guys outto get a feel for how our little 3 man squad should move map wise etc.

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

(edited by urbanevil.7145)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


haha I think the conversation goes something like that

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Does anybody on DH not run in groups… jeebus its tiring to have solo thiefs run away from a solo ranger to come back with 4 or 5 friends.

Heck at this point ill take a 2 on 1 I havent seen anyone that didnt go afk, or lag out of the zerg moving solo.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564



<3 Gaz

Hey man. You guys are way too effective in your guild groups. Pain in the asz.

Gaz termed the phase “Oinked”

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


Can someone explain to me this..

I was standing in the middle of valley keep in between the inner gates with bad guys knocking and I was being hit non stop by either arrow carts or barrage… some folks suggested they build arrow carts up near the SM side gate they came through.. I know they didnt so whats the deal?

with a properly placed arrow cart ive been able to get a little further in than just shooting the gate but halfway across an inner courtyard is a new one on me?

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Good fights in IoJ south BL

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

Tarnished Coast

(edited by CrazyCanuck.4265)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


DH, why for you leave DR BL? Probably because you’re used to doors that don’t hit back.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

We are a smaller guild that prefers small group fighting and objective taking rather than larger attacks on keeps and towers. ^_^

Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

Good lord you guys are a joke, 10 of my members were there when we wiped you out of hills and out of bay. You failed so hard at taking 2 paper keeps in a row with about 50-60 people. DDLG only had 20 people on the map. And before they got on the map we had outmanned buff. Continue saying you are outnumbered when you have 50 people on a map

Tarnished Coast

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

25 man? Do you know how to count? DH easily had more than 25 people there.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Reality.1025


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

You might want to go through your guild roster and ask how many of your guildies passed math. You don’t seem to know how to count your own numbers XD

Human Warrior – Kelarris Good Fights [GF]
Charr Guardian – Kelarrasaurus
Sylvari Engineer – Reyarden

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: bellrang.1628


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

That is a load of bull, you guys easily out numbered us, You have both 30+ man zerg attacking both our Hills and Bay at the exact same time. If you guys are that sad and resort to making your self look good after a epic fail attempt then i suggest you uninstall the game. SS will come soon

Commander Bluevalle
[DDLG]- Co-Leader of Deadly Legends
[Bags]- Rally Bot

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

We are a smaller guild that prefers small group fighting and objective taking rather than larger attacks on keeps and towers.

Oh and taking your entire borderlands 2 nights in a row this week. My <100 man roster has more of a WvW impact than your 60 man zergs

Tarnished Coast

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Marcol.2349


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.


Crystal Desert – Nameless Accord [NA]
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

That is a load of bull, you guys easily out numbered us, You have both 30+ man zerg attacking both our Hills and Bay at the exact same time. If you guys are that sad and resort to making your self look good after a epic fail attempt then i suggest you uninstall the game. SS will come soon

We had about 28 people on mumble which around 7 was doing dungeons. MERC only brought 3 people along. So, Not sure where you are getting the math. But you can keep crying about the massive numbers we have in DH when it only consists less than a handful of Big WvW guilds. Less crying, more fighting will help to your score point actually.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Divrocks.5718


Cleared out IoJ’s map and came straight to ours for some easy PvDooring? Well it won’t be that easy while we’re still around, love wiping the zergs for the lootbags!


Night Nighttt the Necro
Deadly Legends [DDLG]
Droppin baddies since 2012

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

That is a load of bull, you guys easily out numbered us, You have both 30+ man zerg attacking both our Hills and Bay at the exact same time. If you guys are that sad and resort to making your self look good after a epic fail attempt then i suggest you uninstall the game. SS will come soon

We had about 28 people on mumble which around 7 was doing dungeons. MERC only brought 3 people along. So, Not sure where you are getting the math. But you can keep crying about the massive numbers we have in DH when it only consists less than a handful of Big WvW guilds. Less crying, more fighting will help to your score point actually.

Ya cause mumble is the best way to estimate numbers… I don’t know why it is so hard for you to admit you got trashed? All you do is make yourself and your guild look like a joke when you make excuses and try and defend your failures.

Tarnished Coast

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: bellrang.1628


@ the SE zerg in DRBL right now. Please learn how to take paper keeps when you outnumber people 2-1. It all makes sense now why you guys cant leave t6.

To the Guild [Obs] Were you guys even in there? Didn’t see 1 of you clowns there except a massive amount of DDLG and other various guilds to match our 25 man zerg. Continue to make yourself look better by saying that you are outnumbered 2-1 when it reality, that’s us.

That is a load of bull, you guys easily out numbered us, You have both 30+ man zerg attacking both our Hills and Bay at the exact same time. If you guys are that sad and resort to making your self look good after a epic fail attempt then i suggest you uninstall the game. SS will come soon

We had about 28 people on mumble which around 7 was doing dungeons. MERC only brought 3 people along. So, Not sure where you are getting the math. But you can keep crying about the massive numbers we have in DH when it only consists less than a handful of Big WvW guilds. Less crying, more fighting will help to your score point actually.

then explain the golem rush with 20+ people at our bay PLUS the zerg of about 57 (With a personal count of every single invader) At our hills. Both all mostly from your guild.
Lie all you want, DH zergs most of the time. You cap EB + our BLs at lest 4 times a day. But cry when yall cant take ours

Commander Bluevalle
[DDLG]- Co-Leader of Deadly Legends
[Bags]- Rally Bot

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Reality.1025


Care to explain?


Human Warrior – Kelarris Good Fights [GF]
Charr Guardian – Kelarrasaurus
Sylvari Engineer – Reyarden

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


SE, can I join you guys? I have a thief and I can mash #2 in a big ball.

Please pick me to join your ranks!

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


Just had an epic failure on teh sneeky trebz at bay >.<

IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Marcol.2349


Care to explain?


Crystal Desert – Nameless Accord [NA]
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Hahaha if you guy bring 10 more you might kill 1 of us

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Accepting 5vX’s PST

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


Why do a majority of players run in groups of 20+?

Please explain…

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


Why do a majority of players run in groups of 20+?

Please explain…

RTL defense.

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Finally some actual drama.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


To a Charr Warrior from [risk], fighting in DHBL a couple of hours ago against the ADBBQSTUFF, quite a few of us were rather impressed at how you continued to charge into us, trying to take us down while the rest of the darkhaveners sort of held back and just watched you. Pity I didn’t manage to take any screenshots (at all tonight), but did manage to salute you before you were taken down.

Also was rather impressed by how stubborn a few DH were in spite of us managing to fight them off repeatedly at the southeast tower. (Well, if you could really call it a tower with holes in all the walls, and the trebs taking the time to start damaging the bridge as well for fun and giggles)

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Everyone needs to relax a bit. Why not here?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —