Balancing WvW - Thoughts

Balancing WvW - Thoughts

in WvW

Posted by: Ivano.2604


I am currently playing WvW in Fissure of Woe server, as you may notice we are runnig on low population for the moment, at least regarding the WvW aspect of the game.

I ve heard about other server complaining about night capping which i do not think is the real issue.

Main problem in FOW battleground is that we are often heavily outnumbered by enemies, resulting in creating a scenario in which we are regularly slaughtered without standing a chance. Obviously this will eventually lead the few left fighting in an even worse scenario in which the “cost” of any action in WvW will grow esponentially and ultimately being the leverage which would force them to drop any resistance and leave the BG.

Now, since we cannot predict how many people (from each server – in real) will ever take part to WvW, I assume we can only implement mechanics tied up to the very core of the game.

1. Depending on numbers of Keep/Fort/Camps owned by each faction a direct bonus or malus shall be applied to the various factors that really matter in balancing the game (no i am not talking about the almost useless bonus when outnumbered)
Crucial strategic factors are:

a) Supply carrying capacity by each player

Example: server who owns a lot will be able to carry only 5 supply by each player while those who have very few forts or none even, should be allowed to carry 20 supply each (we will avoid the outnumebered factor related to siege weapons deployment at least)

b) Cost of siege equipment and repair

Many players who are losing badly because outnumbered are often forced to quit any hope because they simply cannot afford any more repairing gears costs, let them have a cheap repairing cost instead and maybe let them buy a catapult for half its price, while OVERWHELMING server should pay double the cost for each siege equipment (if they own very wide areas)

c) Unit needed to build siege weapons

It may seems a little extreme, but we could just introduce a mechanic which allow losing servers to build up siege equipment requiring less unit resulting in faster deployment.

To summarize, whoever wants to EXPAND his territory farther than its own homeland should as well consider the involved raising cost of the campaign, after all it makes sense, pushing forwards and launching an aggression campaign should always involve more sacrifice. The mechanics explained above can help resolving balancing without considering population and night capping, It relates on conquered ground only.

Just my thoughts… thanks for the attention :p

Elite PvP Raiders [PvP] – Fissure of Woe
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