Best Reputed Server

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: FhakE.9063


For the lolz

In your opinion, which server has the best reputation?
Respond and say why.

EDIT: Can’t say yours and be mature

Primordus Virtus Guild – Balls Deep Crew
Blackgate Server

(edited by FhakE.9063)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Maguuma. Because grub.

/close thread

This thread is either going to blow up or turn into a circle jerk. Either way, I can’t wait.

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


Pete Sampras – obvious reasons.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Zinrae.3769


Best reputation for what?
Because your question is very vague.

Henge of Denravi [PD]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

Kodash i have to say.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Rookni.2469


Vabbi. They dont seem to be in a fight with anyone

Commander Yolo Oh Trollo. The power is in the moustache

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


Tarnished Coast.

Yes they may be roleplayers with an unhealthy Yak “obsession” but they are some of the nicest folks to have a matchup thread with.

Cookies and rainbows abound.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Piken => Best world medium server in the Gw2 <3

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Boulderbolg.3460


TC… role players are nice to each other, but mean to the enemy!

GL for Team Riot [RIOT] on Blackgate NA – Small Group WvW Focused

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Probably Tiger Woods.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills)
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


My favourite server is at this sushi place I go to. He always remembers me and asks me how I’m doin and even what my order is. Great service.

Gate of Madness

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I’d agree with TC.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: kfarb.6732


Maguuma is probably the most polite. Is that what you’re asking?

Maguuma – considered by many to be the best

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Maguuma is probably the most polite. Is that what you’re asking?

Lol, only after I wrestled you to the ground and stuffed you with cookies :p

L’enfer, c’est les autres

(edited by Jayne.9251)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


Rata Sum definitely has the best reputation as a server.

“I smell like pomegranate.”

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Definitely TC for NA servers, hands down.

Beastgate is a close second – classy, skilled, and awesome fights.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184



Oh wait… Wrong game…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


For NA, Tarnished Coast hands down.

They have been in crazy extended matchups where they have been green for weeks and red for weeks with some of the trolliest forum warrioringest servers in the game and have for the most part stayed positive and amicable through it all.

-Desirz Matheon

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Anatolian Turk.4057

Anatolian Turk.4057

In EU we dont have any server of good reputation. Just look at our tier 1 thread and you’ll get your answer. We like to fight each other on the forums more than in the battleground for some reason :D.

Honourable Guardian | Desolation
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Insignia.6345


Just posted this in our thread however i say Maguuma. And this is why.


Asuranaut Tarnished Coast

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Vodka.3958


TC and Kaineng are both amazing servers

Commander [ICoa] Hollywood Fiend
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Balefire.7592


I think most of, if not all would agree TC takes the NA care here.

Scrubbiest Necro NA.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319


Best reputation? Maguuma. No other server has managed to maintain their reputation as long as they have. Not even close.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


I think most of, if not all would agree TC takes the NA care here.

I agree…… TC are such a fun bunch…. ingame and on here.

But dont touch their yaks….. they get super mad :P

The LOVE asura <3

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kript.3291


Nicest server: TC. Always positive and always friendly. This server rains candies and have pink ponies flying everywhere.

Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Jade Qaurry: your typical bandwagons server; unofficial FOO private server.

HoD, ET and Northen Silverpeak: Relics of the past.

i am frudoo,a forum warrior, an expert wvw analyst, and a closet fanboy of Jade Quarry server.

(edited by Kript.3291)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Nicest server: TC. Always positive and always friendly. This server rains candies and have pink ponies flying everywhere.

Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum.

Jade Qaurry: your typical bandwagons server; unofficial FOO private server.

HoD, ET and Northen Silverpeak: Relics of the past.

Ahh the good old days of getting stomped on by Northern shiverpeaks back during the 24 hour match ups. Those were the days

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Ruin.3461


I’d say TC. Bunch of fun, friendly people.

Tier 1 Casual

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


Personally I’m a fan of Federer’s.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Waage.2047


Nicest server: TC. Always positive and always friendly. This server rains candies and have pink ponies flying everywhere.

Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Jade Qaurry: your typical bandwagons server; unofficial FOO private server.

HoD, ET and Northen Silverpeak: Relics of the past.

BG never had that chance to take out JQ and now we are stuck fighting both SoR and JQ in our own BG to dam often to keep going. We got a handful of more guilds, but most of us are taking it easy until the next patch.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: xiv.7136


I think TC in US and Piken in EU.

Just the kind of crowd that’s on those servers.

I like pizza

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


I’m partial to my own server, but among the opponents I’d have to go with Tarnished Coast.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raynor.1973


Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match. Then they got lucky with the rating change and shot to T1 despite having no legitimate reason to be there. The past 2 weeks have been Blackgate vs Sanctum of Jade (or Quarry of Rall, your choice), and it’s not even remotely fun.

Secondly, Kaineng is the product of numerous T1 and T2 guilds server transferring before the paid transfers were implemented in order to stack a server and stomp the lower tiers for their own circle-jerking amusement. It is less of a “tremendous journey” and more of “giving a third-world country advanced weaponry and tactics, but only letting the foreigners that brought the weapons use them.”

The grand irony is that T1 will actually be good again once Kaineng kicks SoR out.

The more you know.

Roy Raynor, Tactics Warrior
Shaquille O Norn, Ridiculously Tall Guardian
Violent Tendencies [vT] on Blackgate

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


aaaaaaaaaaand WE’RE OFF!

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

oh dis gon b good

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Amori.7598


Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match. Then they got lucky with the rating change and shot to T1 despite having no legitimate reason to be there. The past 2 weeks have been Blackgate vs Sanctum of Jade (or Quarry of Rall, your choice), and it’s not even remotely fun.

Secondly, Kaineng is the product of numerous T1 and T2 guilds server transferring before the paid transfers were implemented in order to stack a server and stomp the lower tiers for their own circle-jerking amusement. It is less of a “tremendous journey” and more of “giving a third-world country advanced weaponry and tactics, but only letting the foreigners that brought the weapons use them.”

The grand irony is that T1 will actually be good again once Kaineng kicks SoR out.

The more you know.

This is interesting……. I suppose this is why I have been fighting SOR much more than Blackgate the last couple weeks. But for the sake of the educated…I would like to leave you with this qoute…..

“Every uneducated person is a caricature of himself.”

Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel

Good luck…See you on the field

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Got to love uneducated opinions.

The grand irony is that T1 will actually be good again once Kaineng kicks SoR out.

The more you know.

You been posting this drivel in every thread you can find. Considering SoR is gaining much more points then kaineng, and BG is losing points, and in fact BG is third in the match currently, what makes you think Kain will ever kick SoR out?

Rather then QQ in every applicable thread on the forums, you might want to adjust how you play in game if you want to see Kain any time soon.

~ AoN ~

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Bonzi.7324


Karak Hirn & Karak Norn

~less QQ more PEWPEW~ [EC] roaming since BWE2
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / Meíster ~ Guardian

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Nicest server: TC. Always positive and always friendly. This server rains candies and have pink ponies flying everywhere.

Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Jade Qaurry: your typical bandwagons server; unofficial FOO private server.

HoD, ET and Northen Silverpeak: Relics of the past.

BG never had that chance to take out JQ and now we are stuck fighting both SoR and JQ in our own BG to dam often to keep going. We got a handful of more guilds, but most of us are taking it easy until the next patch.

Everyone on BG deserves a small break till the patch. Don’t worry though, we will come out of the gate swinging after the patch

Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match. Then they got lucky with the rating change and shot to T1 despite having no legitimate reason to be there. The past 2 weeks have been Blackgate vs Sanctum of Jade (or Quarry of Rall, your choice), and it’s not even remotely fun.

The grand irony is that T1 will actually be good again once Kaineng kicks SoR out.

The more you know.

Its called WvWvW because so called “2v1 fights” are supposed to happen. I’m happy the fight is being brought to us, it keeps it interesting, gets us more experience, and gets us thinking about managing objectives.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Genocide.4506


Why are we even discussing 2v1s happening on out tier?

My vote is TC best reputable server if given the chance they would escort enemy yaks to towers…

Blackgate thief :)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match.

Call someone’s opinion uneducated, then proceed to complain about 2v1 in a game designed around each and every server being 2v1’d.


Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318




Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: WoDan.4079


Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match.

Call someone’s opinion uneducated, then proceed to complain about 2v1 in a game designed around each and every server being 2v1’d.


^This. Holy crap, I just agreed with covenn on something!

Dread Rogue / Native Blackgate’ian

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match.

Call someone’s opinion uneducated, then proceed to complain about 2v1 in a game designed around each and every server being 2v1’d.


^This. Holy crap, I just agreed with covenn on something!

Covenn iz vewy edumacated.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

If you’re getting focused by both servers it’s either because you’re perceived as the easier target or the biggest threat. But it’s usually the former.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I have to say I have only met a few servers since I really got back into GW2 and WvW, and TC was the best by far. Was a joy fighting them, even if they did outnumber both DB and Mags.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Sticks.9374


Underdog: SoR. nuf said

Most impressive improvement: Kaineng. They went from a server nobody-cared-about to the top tier. You can almost make a film that depicts this tremendous journey.

Major disappointment: Blackgate (or SoSgate) has the potential of dethroning Jade Quarry but seems unable to keep the momentum going.

Got to love uneducated opinions.

First off, T1 has been a 2v1 against Blackgate since we got there, seeing as SoR still have pent up aggression toward us for maplocking them repeatedly in T2 during the BGvsSoRvsIoJ match. Then they got lucky with the rating change and shot to T1 despite having no legitimate reason to be there. The past 2 weeks have been Blackgate vs Sanctum of Jade (or Quarry of Rall, your choice), and it’s not even remotely fun.

Secondly, Kaineng is the product of numerous T1 and T2 guilds server transferring before the paid transfers were implemented in order to stack a server and stomp the lower tiers for their own circle-jerking amusement. It is less of a “tremendous journey” and more of “giving a third-world country advanced weaponry and tactics, but only letting the foreigners that brought the weapons use them.”

The grand irony is that T1 will actually be good again once Kaineng kicks SoR out.

The more you know.

If we did not deserve to be there then ummmmmm why we still here yo?

and also by “be good again” you really mean “we get to 2v1 JQ and our good Kaineng buddies just gonna hand us number 1 soes we don’t even have to work for it”

Get used to us BG we here to stay

edit: if you can’t handle a 3 way fight maybe you should try T2 again

Mallet the Mad
Knight Templars
SoR Mesmer of Madness

(edited by Sticks.9374)

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

T1 is so serious

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Oh look, the old “It’s always a 2v1 because there’s 3 servers!” ad hominem. That would be the case if all 3 servers were fighting both of their opponents. This has not been the case for the past 2 weeks. There have been far too many instances of SoR and JQ both conveniently attacking the same fort at the same time, one breaks down the gate, and then scatters in time for the other to waltz in and take it for themselves (usually SoR leading into a JQ capture). Why, this just happened again this very morning, at the BG Keep in EBG. Meanwhile, the entire rest of the map is devoid of any JQ vs SoR fights. Again.

It’s typical for people not to notice recurring patterns when they are a part of them. And it’s not even like I’m defending Blackgate in particular here. Half of our commanders are legitimate morons, and the ICoa fanboys are insufferable. Stop being defensive server-fanboys that kittenfoot around the subject, man up to your own crap, and I’ll stop calling you out on your bullkitten and leave you alone.

What, I just used logic again? Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot forum fanboys are allergic to that. Better start revving up those petty insults and prepare to use that tactic of “If we appear to be the calm and rational one in the argument, then it makes us look like we’re right!” again. I love that stuff. I get off to it.

Not sure if serious. Also just an FYI calm and rational people usually win arguments whether they are right or wrong. Pro tip.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: kerona.3465


Best reputation?

Maguuma has a reputation and has been the best at maintaining it.

What kind of reputation is up for debate.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief

Best Reputed Server

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Oh look, the old “It’s always a 2v1 because there’s 3 servers!” ad hominem.

That is not an example of ad hominem.

Unfortunately, that prevented me from reading the rest of your post.