[Blacktide] Battle reports

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: steb.7048


Yeah, would really like to know who we’ve got joining the fight! Heresy has also gained a few new members from our adventures in WvW. Soon we’ll be able to zerg with our guild alone, which should help for some serious attacking power when combined with ThUn, CIR and Xaos.

Charr Warrior & Asura Necromancer
Proud member of Heresy on Blacktide EU.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[31.10.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Blacktide

In our battle with Far Shiverpeaks we won in advance.
We prove that our evolution model is good enough. Primarily for ourselves, secondary for all russian community. We are zerg with big time covering and we should pride of this. We made model, what cannot make another russian guild. But we should understand our weak sides. Our organization and skill are not so good. Big staff turnover, people constantly changing. It is very hard to use new tactics and rise skill, when every week there are many new people and many people left game. As result average guild skill is not so good and of course we work hard on improving those moments.

As for our current match, now we haven’t got priority to attack Far Shiverpeaks, the same way for them. It doesn’t mean, that we attack only Elona’s Reach, it mean that we will fight such as usual, without any priority, but it cannot affect to current week results.

New video:
Xaoc – [31.10.2012] – Blacktide Garrison Defence. Far Shiverpeaks atacks

Situation on 11pm (UTC +4)
Blacktide have query; Eternal, Elona’s Reach, Far Shiverpeaks haven’t got queries. There are many free slots.


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Triffek.9268


any reports for new match?

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ins.7139


We now have organised guilds in every BL and in Eternal, every week before this we lose the weekend and then gain points back during the week. With this amount of points coming from the weekend i find it hard to believe that the other 2 servers can organise to counter us mid-week.

Either way, it’s going to be a very fun week

CIR – Ins For Da Wagh

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


Report will be soon)

Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[03.11.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Blacktide vs Riverside

It is very nice, that first day passed so well. Our new and old allies laid out on the full. Nugos fighting from the beginning of the match. As a result we almost all time we were first on points in 15 minutes. All maps were very good, despite Elona’s zerg. Earlier we hadn’t got abilities to cover 3 borderlands when opponents have zerg, and slowly lose towers and keeps, but today we hold on very well. In the night Nugos conquer important objects on Elona’s borderland. On the Riverside’s borderland we, CiR and Nugos were defending all map for a long time. Our main power was in the Elona’s borderland, in the evening european guilds and GF and Thun join us here. As a result despite this, map defending now.

Query on BT and Eternal was 30 minutes, Elona’s and Riverside – around 10-15 minutes. Tolerably to weekend with massive refill.

It would be very interesting to watch our abilities on weekdays (we don’t think that weekend is main factor, but it is very important). Many guilds endeavor in weekend and sometimes they lacks sufficient strength to fight well on weekdays, and here beginning another war,with night losses, full upgraded keeps and towers in the morning and etc. Even sunday is pretty different to saturday.

Video: http://youtu.be/8v7XUCNwE00


(edited by llexa.2396)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


any reports for new match?

Don’t worry =) reports posting here on the next day morning, so if match begin in Saturday report post here on Sunday.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[04.11.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Blacktide vs Riverside

We confidently moving forward. But, how I said yesterday, it will be more interesting what we will see in weekdays. However, Monday is day off for us, so it won’t be indicator. Although europeans will go to work and we won’t have so excellent cover for night time. So we can do conclusions only in Tuesday.

Its important to understand that BT now is unstable, and we got queries on weekend, we don’t see it for a long time and out new allies don’t expect it. Our new allies from Far Shiverpeaks have big pressing from some members who don’t like transferring to BT. And many other problems that can made BT weaken. However, we have good results, and it is very important to many and many. We can rate BT in 1-2 weeks and will see can we rise to tier 1.

From practical point of view, all that we need for good war in tier 1, are few american guilds. Or we need to strengthen our morning online and need to take advantage to Ruin, at least for 4-5 hours, to take full control on all maps at the midday. Beside this we need to cooperate with untags, need to lead them in voice. This we could teach from Elona.

In summary, now situation is very good, all guild in BT do what they can. And we have to laid out on the 200%, even if we think that match result is clear.

New video: Xaoc – [04.11.2012] Clashes Compilation

Situation on 11:30 pm (UTC +4)


(edited by llexa.2396)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Sorry what is the latest score?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


You can check the latest score via our stream:

The current score:

Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[05.11.2012] Current match-up: Elona’s Reach vs Blacktide vs Riverside

Now there are strange loss. All upgraded keeps on all maps, excluding Elona borderland, werre lost, and later we particularly intercepted back. Elona borderland fully belongs to us. From midday we have strong pressing on Eternal, Riverside and Elona were not fighting themselves only BT. Almost all day we have 500+ points in 15 minutes. But at 9-10pm all started, there is rumor that Elona and Riverside made alliance, like in Eternal.

Nugos controlled Riverside borderland from 1-2pm, they said that they even in weekdays they start on 10am with little forces. But even this is very big help in morning-day war, which is very important, and we would be very happy if there will be another one morning-day guild. How longer we can pressing opponents, so later theirs zerg can get together. If we lose one tower for only half hour, then they would rally in midday.

Situation on 11:30 pm (UTC +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


I chuckled at that NPC quote in the picture you posted.

Pretty accurate.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

(edited by Scribbles.7493)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: vipeout.2485


Yeah, my guildmates (along with many other players) have been defending our last keep on eternal for hours while zerg after zerg was coming in. After 2nd hour of that we’ve had no siege, no gates and close to no walls on the keep at all. At the time I was going offline we have however managed to defend it.

It’s strange thing you know when Elona zerg gets pushed back, 5mins later Riverside comes in, then back again Elona. Keep lord died several times. I very doubt that for those hours they never spotted themselves running from waypoint to our keep. Still, it was extremely enjoyable and challenging. I’m not that mad after all on you guys – whether you really cooperated or not – that’s the kind of fights we love and play the game for. I expected tough week from Elona after what they’ve shown us last week, guess it became even harder with Riverside.

Many people whined on /map about you guys because it’s unbelievable for such a long period to happen. Still – the best players are the ones who do not whine but keep fighting. The ones who show the “never let down” attitude that we are known for. Let the best win.

Piken Square | Xiana [XT]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


It was epic and very fun =)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


IF there is any kind of alliance between ER and River, they really are bad at being allies :P. They have been attacking each other all day yesterday. Both Elona and River came out in BIG numbers on Riverside BL around 16:00 GMT+1 and once the first tower fell they started outright destroying the Blacktide grip on that map (and others too but I wasn’t there so don’t know how that went down).

Ofcourse it feels like Elona and River are working together but that’s only because we (blacktide) own 90% of the map when they start logging in.. Which means attacking each other would be really freakishly weird and not at all effective.

Anyway I love the German mentality and you guys have insane numbers at certain points during the day. And nothing is more scary than big numbers AND organization. Props to you!

Honestly I don’t want to leave this match up next week but it looks like we will be replacing Arborstone in T1 at which point I honestly think T2 is going to be the most fun! Arborstone, Elona Reach and (according to the points right now) Miller’s Sound. FR/DE/DE. I don’t know much about Miller’s Sound but if they bring the amount of epic fighting during the daytime T2 is going to be amazing.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


As for replacing Arborstone, I don’t think that’s going to happen next matchup.

I doubt our score will go much higher this week, and the French seem to collaborate in order to make sure neither of their servers drop out of tier one.

But who knows, maybe we can pull a Desolation.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473



can tell you that a lot of player or Arborstone would like to be in T2 next week, there is no collaboration between french. Vizunah took us the second place yesterday and don’t think we will take it back.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


I chuckled at that NPC quote in the picture you posted.
Pretty accurate.

I didn’t saw this words, but it is really truthfully =)

(edited by llexa.2396)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


How is the score at the moment?

The handover from yesterday didnt work so well, we lost a lot of keeps. Lets try and defend well when we do it this afternoon.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


No reporst last few days, because the result is obvious and nothing interested happen)

Perfect today’s achievement


Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


It was quiet last night, fought over a tower againts Elona.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[10.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Today went excellent, we even doesn’t expect so good score. Now there are difficult battles on all maps. In the morning Ruin was defeated by us, despite online around 50 peoples. Vizunah Square loosing even in prime time, we think they are slightly better than Elona Reach. But may be later they can surprise us and we didn’t saw their real power. Desolation doesn’t surprise us, the same old Ruin. So we expect that problems will begin in weekdays. Ruin have night prime time, even if other guild decide to have a rest, then Ruin fight in their prime time and they will have tens of thousands points. If we relax and will have insufficiently people, we quickly move to second place. We are glad that it seems that we will have a good gap in start of weekdays.

That funny to read official forum, where Ruin wrote that they are glad to see new international server on tier 1, and with our help can drop Vizunah Square out of tier 1, and Desolation place on summary not the main goal. Vizunah happy we stay ahead of the Ruins and revenge them for French losses on last week. All are happy. We happy too, we have first place. Idyll =)

Situation on 10:30 pm (UTC +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Centrix.4065


[10.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Today went excellent, we even doesn’t expect so good score. Now there are difficult battles on all maps. In the morning Ruin was defeated by us, despite online around 50 peoples. Vizunah Square loosing even in prime time, we think they are slightly better than Elona Reach. But may be later they can surprise us and we didn’t saw their real power. Desolation doesn’t surprise us, the same old Ruin. So we expect that problems will begin in weekdays. Ruin have night prime time, even if other guild decide to have a rest, then Ruin fight in their prime time and they will have tens of thousands points. If we relax and will have insufficiently people, we quickly move to second place. We are glad that it seems that we will have a good gap in start of weekdays.

That funny to read official forum, where Ruin wrote that they are glad to see new international server on tier 1, and with our help can drop Vizunah Square out of tier 1, and Desolation place on summary not the main goal. Vizunah happy we stay ahead of the Ruins and revenge them for French losses on last week. All are happy. We happy too, we have first place. Idyll =)

Situation on 10:30 pm (UTC +4)

Did they really say you are avenging the french loss? Lol

It’s always about them….

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


[10.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Today went excellent, we even doesn’t expect so good score. Now there are difficult battles on all maps. In the morning Ruin was defeated by us, despite online around 50 peoples. Vizunah Square loosing even in prime time, we think they are slightly better than Elona Reach. But may be later they can surprise us and we didn’t saw their real power. Desolation doesn’t surprise us, the same old Ruin. So we expect that problems will begin in weekdays. Ruin have night prime time, even if other guild decide to have a rest, then Ruin fight in their prime time and they will have tens of thousands points. If we relax and will have insufficiently people, we quickly move to second place. We are glad that it seems that we will have a good gap in start of weekdays.

That funny to read official forum, where Ruin wrote that they are glad to see new international server on tier 1, and with our help can drop Vizunah Square out of tier 1, and Desolation place on summary not the main goal. Vizunah happy we stay ahead of the Ruins and revenge them for French losses on last week. All are happy. We happy too, we have first place. Idyll =)

Situation on 10:30 pm (UTC +4)

Did they really say you are avenging the french loss? Lol

It’s always about them….

No it’s about you losing.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


@ Centrix
Somebody said in another thread that we’re “fighting for Europe”.
Which is “slighlty” ridiculous, to be honest.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[12.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Monday passed with Blacktide domination. In the morning we were glad about our online, but later it felled down and we lost income from 500 to 300. However we were leading during all day, in the evening opponents restored balance with constantly good battles.

Oddly, but in the evening as soon as we capture map, Vizuhan left map and went to another, without any attempts to retrieve towers. So we followed them on new map, they left it too and etc. We don’t know it was just a coincidence or it was their strategy. Thus we captured VS and Desolaton, CiR’s excellently hold the BT.

Ruin didn’t take points on the night. We have the impression that all our enemies already surrendered. So we confidently going to win, and it is very important moment. What will be later? We need to prove that Blacktide is single and unconditional leader of EU servers. Not for one match, but for long time and here is the huge danger. We will show all that we can solve all dangerous problems. So war just began, we need many moments to improve and it will be very interesting to see how our enemies would drop us off from first place.

New video from evening battles

Situation on 8:30pm (UTC +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


We had the unmanned bug at 10.30 gmt last night on the BT side.

it may be that people where tired after a very busy weekend push.

We will need to see how today goes.

Our next problem should we win is seeing if we can defend that position.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[13.11.2012] Current match-up: Desolation vs Vizunah Square vs Blacktide

Almost all maps belongs to us, in contrast to yesterday during all day we have income over 400 points. Most difficult moment was in early morning. In last night Red Guard leader could not command our server forces, and all maps strongly sag. Till the morning nightcappers income was around 500. In this situation you can see how important are all BT guilds. Only in 12am we got advantage and return night and morning losses.

During all day we are jumping on all maps, upgrade and kill everything. Start working on organizing parties on maps from allies, which would really help us. Everyday CiR with well organized several peoples help us with defending BT borderland. Balkan legion going to join us, and today help us with defending one of borderland. Nugos from case to case make such parties and regularly fight on morning/day. On allies parties we mean micro powers, which should control supplies, mobs events and defend some objects from little groups. Seems that is not so important, but it is so, because our zerg don’t need to jumping to defend all objects on maps from little groups of enemies, as a result we take much more income.

Situation on 7:30 pm (GMT +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Devitz.2136


Oh man this movie is crazy, completly stunning! Thanks for sharing

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


Oh man this movie is crazy, completly stunning! Thanks for sharing

Don’t forget to visit Blacktide server forum


Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[25.11.2012] Current match-up: Blacktide vs Vizunah Square vs Arborstone

We continue going very closely to VS. In the nights Arborstone take a lot of points. Actively creating idea about french alliance, which as minimum doesn’t attack themselves, and as a maximum coordinating and fighting together. Despite this now we can see that we can fight versus both two french servers.

In the morning our emphasis was on VS. Till 2 hours (to 8:30 msk) take all VS borderland, despite theirs opposition and hard battles for any tower. At that time Arborstone took another two borderlands. French people impress us with theirs desire to winning, they ready not to sleep in the night and wake up early morning for their goal. But it didn’t prevent them to lose Arborstone borderland today. One player build omega golem, for not to losing him we built 5-8 alpha golems and take upgraded map till hour, despite to defence in all towers.

The war should be like war in this week. Last two weeks were boring, but now we need to concentrate our energy and increase our power. But we need to state serious decline in all BT guilds. From one point of view it is pity but from another world changed and we need to take this and continue fighting, with new challenge and it is most important.

Situation on 8:30pm (GMT +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


I have been away but this match up looks very tasty indeed, i cant wait to get on.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


I don’t want to mess with your battle report, but don’t begin with French alliance, it’s RUIN™.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


We don’t think that there is an ally or something else between servers) But sometimes it seems like that – just because of WvWvW mechanic and strategic goals of each server.

For example, on Saturday I participated in a very funny moment at BT border – VS came from the left to our upped sup.camp, AS came from the right, and we came from our respawn and killed both while they were fighting each other)
It was really funny)

Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


Considering BT will gain alot of points during the week, it is best that AB and VS target BT for as much as possible. It obviously makes sense to do so. Which will make for alot of fun for BT guilds to constantly repell attackers. They probably should even continue to prioritise attacks against BT all the week long since BT will gain alot of points in the early hours of the day

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: llexa.2396


[26.11.2012] Current match-up: Blacktide vs Vizunah Square vs Arborstone

Today can named like “Day of the golems”. There were armies of golems, and all borderlands were token many times. During all day we defeat around 30 golems and built as many. In the morning with help of 10 golems we smashed VS conrner on Eternal, but we lose it fast, but we upgrade SM and all day it belongs to us. At 4pm another one golems raid to VS corner, but those time we defend it. All day we have hard battles. As a result we take all Arborstone, and leave their here with VS. And keep other two borderlands and big part of Eternal.

Our global strategy began to bear fruits. Attacking VS, less Arborstone, but night cappers done theirs business. Arborstone overtaking VS, what it mean for us? They have more fights versus each other. In weekdays they have more such fights, in weekend they saw us as their main opponent, but now they compete between each other. And Arborstone really have chance to take 2nd place. And now we think that they have some cunning plan.

Situation at 7:30 (GMT +4)


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


All according to plan. Carry on comrades!


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Naikee.5936


I’m sorry for a reviving this thread, just would like to mention a few things.

As far as you can see, last month Xaoc was not so active as earlier. There are some reasons for this:
- we have reached our proclaimed goal in this game;
- current WWW status is boring & monotonous;
- many players left the game & moved to other projects.

From 02.01.2013 Xaoc GL (Maxs) with some other our players has stopped any activity in GW2.

Anyway, due to a community size, some players leading by a few commanders are still playing WWW. Everything is possible and they may take any decisions they want.

Personally I would like to thanks all comrades, allies and enemies for unbelievable feelings and very interesting fights/moments. I wish GL&HF all of you!

As a topic starter I would like to ask moderator to close this topic to prevent unnecessary flood. Thank you.

Represented by [Xaoc]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Thank you for keeping everybody updated, this thread was always fun to read

It was lovely playing with you guys, good luck wherever you go and whatever you do!

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Ins.7139


Was a pleasure fighting and working alongside you guys for months. Maxs leaving is a huge blow to BT and CIRs all but gone with afew other guilds. Hopefully we bump into you in the future.

All the best Xaoc, you are a force to be reckoned with

[PT] Ins For Da Waaagh
PuG Commander, blobbing it up since 2012!

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Yesterday was a good day for Blacktide, Xoac and allies, we glitched into many keeps and towers on all maps.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Well they actually moved to vabbi now..or whiever is left atleast.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Skoti.3195


This thread should’ve called ‘Blackthide hackers report’.


[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Last BT T1 battle report related post was a month ago when your guild [IRON] with Desolation was still in T3.
So, posting bs in a thread that is completely unrelated to recent hacking events, trying to devalue everything that was achieved by BT before the hackers even started rolling.
Seems legit…

Time to go to the Vabbi thread then and continue the generalizing drama, aye?
I bet you can find some more random threads to continue the flaming and make your guild [IRON] look bad.

Hackers started rolling only yesterday. Get your facts straight. You ain’t even funny.

Red Guard

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: piker.6790


Totally agree with Pannonica!
Max respect for all guilds who fought in blacktide for T1 o/
Hope see you again guys! It was awesome!

P.S. A special thanks to Xaoc for their wonderfull job!

[sr] Anticracy – Charr Engineer
Solo roamer
Currently roaming on Vabbi

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Starscream.7803


Valid update of events that happened at the time in my opinion. Not being on BT anymore you maybe wouldnt know about their very recent exploiting, it wasnt BS sadly.

I think Skoti’s post way funny xD

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Starscream, I read about the hacking before posting here of course and it sucks big time.
But this thread has been sleeping for a month because of apparent reasons and it is clear for everyone BT is finished for the time being, then people used it to say bye then you posted something silly which had nothing to do with the people paying their respect and saying bye just to throw a Kitten at the fan.

And I would have laughed at Skotis post if hackers were apparent since the beginning of this thread and BT would’ve come all this way just because of them. THAT would’Ve been funny. But saying this thread should be named ‘Blackthide hackers report’ without this, is a big disrespect towards those who worked hard to get BT to where it was.
I am sure you understand.

Red Guard

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: zin.1892


XAOC is a hacking guild from hacktide. Discredited whatever you did. Prolly hacked in T1 also.

Zinnu [Desolation]

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: omphin.1752


XAOC is a hacking guild from hacktide. Discredited whatever you did. Prolly hacked in T1 also.

You fail at trolling