Hackers need to be dealt with.

Hackers need to be dealt with.

in WvW

Posted by: Damsel Delilah.9084

Damsel Delilah.9084

Title says it all, the hackers that are flying around taking orbs out of fully upgraded keeps is getting pathetic and is killing the fun of WvW for many players.

Demise – Elementalist/Warrior
We Have No Creativity [FML]- r.i.p. 2013

Hackers need to be dealt with.

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


There needs to be expedited way that hackers get banned. if i submit a video of someone hacking I hope we can expect quick IP ban and publicly show that the person is banned to deter further hacking.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

Hackers need to be dealt with.

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.2691


I haven’t seen this myself, but I’m hearing a lot about it and similar things. It’s really putting a damper on the fun I’m having in WvW. Between siege weapon exploits, queue bots, and this which I thankfully haven’t seen, it just seems like you can’t get anywhere by playing legitimately. Since I’ve already done all the PvE content… my choices now are basically farm gold for no real reason or do broken PvP. Might just have to re-install Skyrim until this stuff gets fixed.

Hackers need to be dealt with.

in WvW

Posted by: Karicus.8356


Im in favor of having their real name, address and social security number all posted publicly..name and shame, name and shame. lol

Seriously tho.. ANet, please.. lets not let GW2 become the new APB, where unless your cheating, or hacking, your the minority.

Stormbluff Isle – The Brewery

Hackers need to be dealt with.

in WvW

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

We understand that this is a very big concern for all of you for it disturbs your gaming experience and is indeed rather annoying. Be sure that our team is aware of these issues and we are working on the best solution to deal with them. We ask you to keep reporting those fellows, as this is the direct way of helping us.

Thank you very much for your understanding.
We will proceed now to lock the thread.