LF GvG vs Arborstone/WSR

LF GvG vs Arborstone/WSR

in WvW

Posted by: Santus.3702


As title says, I’m trying to arrange some GuildvsGuild against our “enemies” from Arborstone and Whiteside Ridge. Every serious wvw player knows that this matchup has become a zerg vs zerg. My guild (Thian [TH]) can easily stomp groups under 15 players, but we’re forced to run when we meet the enemy zerg. Roaming an entire evening to only fight a decent battle is far away from being fun. Probably some guild in Arborstone and WSR feel the same. Fights will be from 5vs5 to 10vs10 (or more, depending on guild size), and they will take place in a part of the map where they don’t disturb the normal wvwers. Game type will be team deathmatch but (and this is the original part) I have some ideas for others game type. I won’t explain them right now, I wanna be the first one to post a video^^. This should be everything. My guild plays every evening (GMT +1), so if you are interested just contact me on Santus.3702. Good wvw!

Better to Reign in Hell, Than Serve in Heav’n.