OK while I’m also as most of players in W3 sick of nightcaps and waking up only to find the whole map in one color, or in little better case two colors just nowhere our. And since I’m mostly free during Nighttime I’m up for creating dedicated Night crew for our server. This means that those who sign up will have to also abide by few simple rules:
1. The commanders orders are absolute, you might not like them or not agree by them but you must obey them. You are allowed to voice your objection’s and suggestions and they will be taken in consideration.
2. If you sign up, you are obliged to support the night crew with siege, fort buffs and dedication. No whining how we cant do nothing on Tuesday night, and quitting until Friday evening, we are there to fight and we will fight tooth and nail if need be. If we lose we will lose in style and go down fighting.
3. There will be no name calling, no racist or nationalist jokes/cusses or religious provocations of any kind. We might not love that there are NA, Asian players on other or even our servers but we will deal with that in dignified way, and I believe that eventually we will be back if not in tier 1 we will stick to the tier 2.
4. Primary focus of Night crew will be not night capping (unless numbers allow it) but defending or forts towers and supply camps in primarily FSP BL and EB. (In case of owning orb in one of other BLs we will concentrate on it over FSP BL. FSP BL is primary while EB is secondary objective, we will leave EB to Guild Crews, and solo players.
The night crew will be divided in Primary Defense Force, Assault Force, Mobile Defense force, Raiding Squads and Supply Squads.
All ppl and commanders are invited to join and sign up, The main commander will be elected each week by the majority vote from members of Night crew. I will stay as adviser and defense coordinator after the first week until the whole crew gets shaped up and numbers get in some semblance of continuity.
For the beginning Night crew will use our public TS until I decide that there is actual reason for me to get our own TS/vent which will be pass/registration locked.
I’m available during early mornings or late nights online in 90% of time, or you can just mail me in game with questions/suggestions etc…
There is time to rest, time to work and there is time to kill something…
Kasumi Yashiro Human Engineer FSP White Dragons Legion (XIII)
I didn’t know Gunny played Guild Wars2!
Zed Trufar, Mesmer
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]