Piken Square Vs Gandara Vs Augury Rock x3!
Yeah, the defence was a shambles.
There was no reason we should’ve lost Garrison there, but hey, well played to whichever of you it was who decided to go for water gate under cover of treb fire from Cliff. Was a good move; if our group had gotten itself in gear about taking those trebuchets down, we probably would still have a t3 Garrison right now.
Oh, and well played to that single engineer who got my counter-treb down at an undisclosed location.
Judging by how much effort was being put into EBG at the same time, I guess most of Gandara wants a week off in t4.
on the other hand i just stole your hills with 4 ppl , whlist there was a russian megablob around , lasted only 10 mins tho due to already mentioned skilled 60 valiant russians =)
gandara lol
1.5 hour on your map, lost 3 t3 keeps and most towers
good take the rest now,ty.
Riverside want your spot just so you know
Its going to be close but i think GD will edge it and remain tier 3
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Would love Riverside to take it personaly, some fresh matchup with different enemys will be nice
Riverside want your spot just so you know
Its going to be close but i think GD will edge it and remain tier 3
Yeah, we need a concerted effort of apathy, misplay and plain old misfortune if we want a holiday next week.
And for all I know it was the other way around in higher tiers. You getting overrun by even bigger groups.
Thats actually not how it was tbh… the SFR guilds all run about 15-30player teams. They were simply massively organised, massively geared, massively skilled and hit like an army of angry trucks on PCP!
I can assure u that the largest zergs weve ever seen are on AR lol
As i said we definitely havent introduced a mentality of growing the zerg to stupidly large numbers, weve simply introduced how powerful the organised zerg can be… or something like that anyway
You must of played on a different tier 2 to me… I remember alot of “organised guilds” hand holding singing kitten by yah as they run around together circle jerking
I remember Very skilled enemy warbands perma stealthed until fight was over then they dropped their perma stealth and rendered on screen, and very impressive number 1 spam as the other abilities didnt fire… very pro and exciting gameplay all to be admired and copied no doubt to prove who has the biggest kitten
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Lol kitten is censored
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Rofl. Mad we come together with some people to defend a keep/tower? And by the way we don’t get a queue on gbl before 7p.m. gmt.
Lmao you really don’t get it, do you? You’re (dunno if it’s you personally or someone else, not in the mood to check) the one complaining about us zerging, we couldn’t care less if you do or don’t. We will adapt to the situation either way and have our fun, but don’t complain when WE occasionally blob together as well.
And we’re not angry at Gandara or anything, dunno how you got that idea. We have our fun, trust me. Lootbag galore and enough winning fights. I can;t imagine how you have your fun winning fights from smaller groups than you, but for us its fun to fight larger groups. If you haven’t noticed, we jump into any fight, big or small.
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios
(edited by Centrix.4065)
I think Nugos’ most charming features are their fingers and toes, which they are often seen using when counting their own numbers.
Well we had a GvG against scnd tonight and got absolutely slaughtered.
We didn’t play particularly well (we were pretty lousy actually, the lack of participation recently has taken its toll) but they were definitely the toughest guild we’ve fought in these things. Gave us a good lesson and plenty of tricks to pick up from it.
(edited by Caid.4932)
Thank you everyone for great matches so far Here is our newest video from this matchup o/ So far we have loved this matchup. Our guild events have been full of action and we have had few amazing guild vs guild sitations in open field
In this past 3 weeks we have learned lot from our opponents, thanks for that
(edited by Rukiel.4920)
Thanks HOB for skirting a fight we were having today. For sure I thought it was all over when I saw you xD
(Doesn’t end very well as it all gets a bit out of hand but I was impressed with HOB!)
And for all I know it was the other way around in higher tiers. You getting overrun by even bigger groups.
Thats actually not how it was tbh… the SFR guilds all run about 15-30player teams. They were simply massively organised, massively geared, massively skilled and hit like an army of angry trucks on PCP!
The 2-3 guilds grom sfr blobed in one group or farmed doors from morning I remember there was only 2 big guilds OSC and ZD.
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Second Law had two great GvG’s tonight against Yak and Dius
Huge thanks to both of those guilds for an amazing night with some great fights. Most fun i’ve had in months on this game
We lost direly to Scnd but it was a good learning curve.. DAT MELEE TRAIN! <3
I was not there… Just saying…
No seriously. Sad I missed out. Scnd is a amazing group of players. Tanks with mounted attackchoppers and fighter jets as I said earlier
I already said it a bazillion times but imma say it again; Thank you soooo much Dius & YaK! This night was awesome! This is why I play this game.. you guys are awesome
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
Much more thanks to Dius and YaK! We had so much fun tonight!
Our group pic with YaK after our most epic intense decider match
Second Law.
Such good GvG times against Dius & YaK last night! Had supreme fun, while feeling that a second “Stand your ground!” would’ve been useful.
Bess, far right in the group pic. <3
Search better and u can fight without blobs and zerging.
Hope u will enjoy this 7 min fight over a camp, it was a blast for us ^^
Bring Moar
(edited by Penuil.3679)
Here another SS of the afterparty.. YaK was going crazy, dropping rams everywhere XD
Ofcourse we couldn’t stay behind
And LOL! Bess, you’re the ghost?
-Tsuki.. The porno blonde asura in the group pic :P
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
(edited by Emikodesuyo.5941)
Thank you to PS and Ganda for funny fights in EB, yesterday evening! Sometimes there were blobing and sometimes there were small (or very small ^^) scale fights, and both were fun.
See you…
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]
Thanks HOB for skirting a fight we were having today. For sure I thought it was all over when I saw you xD
(Doesn’t end very well as it all gets a bit out of hand but I was impressed with HOB!)
As a rule we generally try to leave smallscale folks alone when we’ve got the warband out, so it’s nice this is noted and appreciated! Though there are times when the rule is broken of course!
Namely, if someone from HoB is attacked first, in which case vengeance and retribution must be exacted upon the offending party.
The capture of an objective is being prevented.
If our glorious leader mistakes a small group for a culled zerg….
Or we haven’t found anyone to fight for a while!
Piken Square [EU]
Watching the Piken morning zerg sweep EB…
I won’t say it was fun – my hats off to Scnd/GG, HoB, VII – you guys made this matchup bearable (not that I was here for most of it)
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
And the AR morning zerg -.-
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/
Some footage from our GvG against Dius
Again, just want to say a huge thanks to those guys for a great night, and a great opponent for our first GvG.
I hope we can do this again soon
We actualy won one round, just the one you didn’t record? xD
Respect to Second Law. Best GvG guild i faced so far. I’m up for a rematch some day tho!
And shout out to the ele and necro for the duels.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
We actualy won one round, just the one you didn’t record? xD
The one round Soul had to sit out on the side :P
Second Law [Scnd], Baruch Bay
We actualy won one round, just the one you didn’t record? xD
Yeah, because we had slightly more people than you guys, we were rotating on and off each fight. I don’t mean to brag, but the one we lost, was the one I wasn’t in. Just saying.
But yeah, I’m not a fan of GvG’s recorded from spectator PoV so I didn’t bother to record, and just assumed someone else would have. Sadly not.
I feel really bad about it, because I wanted to include all the fights, win or lose. It’s in no way intentional.
I’m up for a rematch some day tho!
Right back at ya
record Stream SPRT
(edited by Xellas.9576)
I feel that we played bad but that’s no excuse. You guys are really good and deserved the win! When the update hits i expect Dius to be a lot more active again and get back into shape! Till we meet again!
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Yes, scumbag Soul sits out of a match, lets us lose it, then doesn’t even record.
Pretty annoying as I’m usually most interested in vids of wipes to see what went wrong. :P
Any chance Dius got it recorded?
Second Law.
I don’t think we recorded it but from what i can remember, we went through your first push, healed/buffed up really quickly and pushed back again. Because we did our second push so fast, we kinda had the advantage and kept pushing you in the back as you guys were running away from us. This downed a few of yours and caused a snowball effect and made us win the fight.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
Make the effort Gandara. The last matchup where Piken faced Riverside was probably the most boring time VII have had in GW2.
I don’t think we recorded it but from what i can remember, we went through your first push, healed/buffed up really quickly and pushed back again. Because we did our second push so fast, we kinda had the advantage and kept pushing you in the back as you guys were running away from us. This downed a few of yours and caused a snowball effect and made us win the fight.
Yeah pretty much this, we baited you into dropping all your crap, managed to survive it and didn’t let you get settled again.
There is still hope that Rvierside wont make to T3, according to the matchup site.
Sounds about right Darko & Caid, I remember making bad calls in that fight, being too late to pull back then pulling back when we should have pushed, pretty much getting everyone killed .
Still, supposed to have vids so I can see who died first so I can scream at them about how I will kill them myself if they cause any rallies. Apparently I wasn’t entertaining enough in TS.
“honestly, Zach is sadly not as funny in GvG, she’s too focused to swear” – from Soul
Second Law.
(edited by SabreWalrus.8647)
Make the effort Gandara. The last matchup where Piken faced Riverside was probably the most boring time VII have had in GW2.
No thanks…
- The roaming necro who was trying to get 1 on 1 on your server last night who you ran over 10 times while he was in the middle of a fight with a random.
Make the effort Gandara. The last matchup where Piken faced Riverside was probably the most boring time VII have had in GW2.
No thanks…
- The roaming necro who was trying to get 1 on 1 on your server last night who you ran over 10 times while he was in the middle of a fight with a random.
10/25 stacks. Be thankful that while you were of no use to your server, you were of some use to us.
(edited by zagaraad.2780)
I know faster ways to get your stacks up, in a way I stalling you then.
I know faster ways to get your stacks up, in a way I stalling you then.
NPC’s are less likely to cry on the forums which takes the fun out of it.
I know faster ways to get your stacks up, in a way I stalling you then.
NPC’s are less likely to cry on the forums which takes the fun out of it.
Don’t forget who came crying here first asking for our help.
Footage from our GvG last night against Yakslappers
Really close, great fights, against great guys and girls.
Thanks again for the fun
I must admit, a lot of my fellow gandarans need to grow a pair…
So many times I have gone into 4 on 4 fights (or what I thought were 4 on 4 fights) only to see the 3 Gandarans running away leaving me to die!
Do we really need to outnumber the enemy for you to grow some and fight? I just don’t get it.
Playstyle of Riverside changed since we met you last time give it a try.
There are some decent GvG Guilds, you will see;-)
Necrosis still on Piken?
If greetings to Apollo, for sure we will face your Guild on the battlefield^^.
Greets Myrmi
Cool, can’t wait to see how you guys have changed/grown
[VII] Seventh Legion | http://twitch.tv/censtudios