Sanctum of Rall vs Northern Shiverpeaks vs Yak's Bend - WvWvW 10/5/12
in WvW
Posted by: Melphina.9035
in WvW
Posted by: Melphina.9035
If only all matches could be this balanced.
in WvW
Posted by: kingxcon.5607
Every Server has a hacker i believe. Northern Shiverpeaks, a Warrior of [war] guild also has the Teleport Hack. I dont really Remember the Date but its like 2-3days ago.
When we are at Northern Shiverpeaks. The time that We took Cliffside, and Longview and hold it for 2-3hrs. Thats The time that 2 Walls are down in Longview but we have full of Balista, Cata and Arrowchart. We hold it very good.
A Warrior of [war] teleporting and Destroying Balista’s. I was shooting at him with balista and he Dodging me With hack (Its not double Tap) Its teleporting. Then He Teleport to my Location and “Freenzy + Hundred Blade on me” Destroying Balista. I Turn on my Fraps but he did not do it again. On that time, WE ALSO HAVE HACKER ON OUR SIDE fighting and defending Longview. That might be the reason they hack aswell.
I know this very well.. Because i am the Commander on that time who we took BlueLake, EH, Longview, and Cliffside + Supply camps(without hacker until the defend of Longview). Cool Story. It was really fun.
TIP: If you guys going to hack. Leave your guild. Otherwise, It will give you a overall bad reputation.
My dear World V. World.
What a fun game we play now!
No more Rofflestomp.
You should all reply
In proper Haiku format.
(edited by Toble.2968)
What ended up happening with the FOO golem army last night? I didn’t stay around to see the results. Great battles last night!
Kozak from Yak’s
One got spotted and died, the others no clue, they poof’d while I was on.
What ended up happening with the FOO golem army last night? I didn’t stay around to see the results. Great battles last night!
Kozak from Yak’s
This is not haiku!
I wasn’t kidding man!
One got spotted and died, the others no clue, they poof’d while I was on.
That is close enough.
It’s five, seven, five most times.
but at least you tried!
I will find you!
And I will kill you, I swear.
Liam Neeson rocks.
in WvW
Posted by: mangarrage.1062
Man what a great matchup guys must be a ton of fun
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
Every Server has a hacker i believe. Northern Shiverpeaks, a Warrior of [war] guild also has the Teleport Hack. I dont really Remember the Date but its like 2-3days ago.When we are at Northern Shiverpeaks. The time that We took Cliffside, and Longview and hold it for 2-3hrs. Thats The time that 2 Walls are down in Longview but we have full of Balista, Cata and Arrowchart. We hold it very good.
A Warrior of [war] teleporting and Destroying Balista’s. I was shooting at him with balista and he Dodging me With hack (Its not double Tap) Its teleporting. Then He Teleport to my Location and “Freenzy + Hundred Blade on me” Destroying Balista. I Turn on my Fraps but he did not do it again. On that time, WE ALSO HAVE HACKER ON OUR SIDE fighting and defending Longview. That might be the reason they hack aswell.
I know this very well.. Because i am the Commander on that time who we took BlueLake, EH, Longview, and Cliffside + Supply camps(without hacker until the defend of Longview). Cool Story. It was really fun.
TIP: If you guys going to hack. Leave your guild. Otherwise, It will give you a overall bad reputation.
Sanctum of Rall | Warrior | [WF]-Leader | Part-time (Commander)
The real leader has no need to lead—
he is content to point the way. INFRONT OF THE BATTLEFIELD!!! -Kingxcon
Those are strong words, friend. War has a zero tolerance policy on exploits and hacks and have kicked/reported members 2 weeks ago. The crew online actively and vocally criticizes and threatens potential exploiters on our side. I’d go so far as to say that I highly doubt either your perception of the fight you lost or your honesty. I have not witnessed anyone in War so much as kid about using exploits. If you witness this please right click on the player, choose report, and get the account information. Also please bring some evidence. The extreme clipping issues right now, I think, are adding to the perception of exploitation via misinterpretation and frustration. I have seen many baseless acusations lately after last weekend. Last night the orb in NSP garrison was dropped by lightning and the whole of map chat errupted in rage over hackers. While catching hackers and exploiters no matter their server and guild is very important, lets make sure they are accurate accusations.
(edited by Radiodread.8469)
No one wants to play?
Well, I think haikus are fun.
Don’t you guys think so?
in WvW
Posted by: Coolmoos.8546
Good matches… and to be honest.. I would be happy to fight these guys every week if the pvp stayed the same but we all know server transfers are going to ruin that :P
Having fun with NSP-SoR-YB
Thanks dudes and dudettes
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
Want to leave work
These customers are stupid
Want to play guild wars
Let’s try and leave the hack(s) discussion off this thread, all server has them and it’s not accepted by most people in any situation, if we can we will report them and let Anet deal with it. Arguing who does the hack only adds to the bad blood.
OT: I woke up this morning and saw that Yak’s bend is in the lead with NSP on the high potential gain. Yak’s have been on the high end of things since yesterday(usually second or first in potential gain). Though SoR is last place it wouldn’t surprise me to see them make a huge push sometime soon and take the lead again seeing how I really don’t see a definite “peak” hours for any of the three servers atm.
Edit for picture:
(edited by Moderator)
Screw the haiku stuff,
Kei supposed back me up!
Not friends anymore!
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
Good job N S P
We need to beat yaks bend
Will catch up today
in WvW
Posted by: MacGuffin.2456
This one’s going to be close all the way to the finish, all three of us seem evenly matched. Great game this week, everyone.
I have really enjoyed this matchup. The difference this week is that we did not notice any blatant hacking by any of the servers this time.
Cheers All!
Yak’s Bend – OTG
Good job N S P
We need to beat yaks bend
Will catch up today
I’m proud of you dude.
I love the server match ups.
Hope this never ends!
to each their own. SoR was over 2K pts behind 2nd place, sitting in 3rd, today.
in WvW
Posted by: tkalamba.2541
to each their own. SoR was over 2K pts behind 2nd place, sitting in 3rd, today.
2k behind isn’t that bad, Yaks was close to 10k behind yesterday, now they have the lead. Things can flip pretty quickly in this match up.
Out of curiosity, anyone have the current point spread?
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
I also would really like to see a new screen shot score. No update on the matchups site in a few hours. The suspense is killing me!
in WvW
Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025
I just had to SS this
at one point NSP and SoR were tied in total score o-o!!!!
should have SS it quicker that like a once in a life time thing D;
in WvW
Posted by: kingxcon.5607
Every Server has a hacker i believe. Northern Shiverpeaks, a Warrior of [war] guild also has the Teleport Hack. I dont really Remember the Date but its like 2-3days ago.When we are at Northern Shiverpeaks. The time that We took Cliffside, and Longview and hold it for 2-3hrs. Thats The time that 2 Walls are down in Longview but we have full of Balista, Cata and Arrowchart. We hold it very good.
A Warrior of [war] teleporting and Destroying Balista’s. I was shooting at him with balista and he Dodging me With hack (Its not double Tap) Its teleporting. Then He Teleport to my Location and “Freenzy + Hundred Blade on me” Destroying Balista. I Turn on my Fraps but he did not do it again. On that time, WE ALSO HAVE HACKER ON OUR SIDE fighting and defending Longview. That might be the reason they hack aswell.
I know this very well.. Because i am the Commander on that time who we took BlueLake, EH, Longview, and Cliffside + Supply camps(without hacker until the defend of Longview). Cool Story. It was really fun.
TIP: If you guys going to hack. Leave your guild. Otherwise, It will give you a overall bad reputation.
Sanctum of Rall | Warrior | [WF]-Leader | Part-time (Commander)
The real leader has no need to lead—
he is content to point the way. INFRONT OF THE BATTLEFIELD!!! -KingxconThose are strong words, friend. War has a zero tolerance policy on exploits and hacks and have kicked/reported members 2 weeks ago. The crew online actively and vocally criticizes and threatens potential exploiters on our side. I’d go so far as to say that I highly doubt either your perception of the fight you lost or your honesty. I have not witnessed anyone in War so much as kid about using exploits. If you witness this please right click on the player, choose report, and get the account information. Also please bring some evidence. The extreme clipping issues right now, I think, are adding to the perception of exploitation via misinterpretation and frustration. I have seen many baseless acusations lately after last weekend. Last night the orb in NSP garrison was dropped by lightning and the whole of map chat errupted in rage over hackers. While catching hackers and exploiters no matter their server and guild is very important, lets make sure they are accurate accusations.
Ok this is the best i can do. As i explained from my post. As you see me on Balista just Shot him with “NUMBER 3”(Cooldown). The balista is FACING “75 DEGREES ANGLE” Then he Teleported on that Location “120-140 Degrees Angle”. Then He TELEPORTED ON MY LOCATION destroying my balista. Like i said, I turn on my Fraps and i dont see him again. If you try to appreciate and observe my screenshot… It will make sense…
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
Thanks, kingxcon. We are looking into it!
in WvW
Posted by: Elthurien.8356
So who is up for an all night romp before match ending? Imma buy another bottle of scotch friday night and load up on coffee. Match ends for me on Saturday morning at 10am, I’m going to see how long I can smash face until I waffleface on my keyboard.
Great matchup I can’t say this enough, I just wish we didn’t have the culling issue this week.
This weeks’ matchup would have been 10x more epic without the invisible enemies problem. Sadly just about everytime I went out, I couldn’t see anyone friend or foe. Really sucked. Was fun whenever people did appear though.
Ya, i hope it gets fixed, im playing less and less www that i normally do because of that =/
in WvW
Posted by: ghostchipz.2341
I would like to say its been more like playing MGS trying to get all the vistas and skill points this week.
I love running around turning the corner Whoops run
i Agree been a good match up this week enjoyed taking SM last night
in WvW
Posted by: Elthurien.8356
You know I can’t eat your ghost chups bro.
in WvW
Posted by: ghostchipz.2341
spoon Such a Kiwi thing
in WvW
Posted by: Elthurien.8356
Such a Kiwi thing
Monique thinks you’re dumb
I left my scooter outside the dairy….
in WvW
Posted by: ghostchipz.2341
Gald to know there are fellow Kiwis on SOR
NSP hacked the Garrison today, a mesmer flew there and ported everyone in SoR’s garrison.
Man, i sure hope NSP mans up to this.
in WvW
Posted by: Elthurien.8356
That’s unfortunate. At least it’s only 3 hacks this week. Could be worse. You are sure they flew in and were’t just hiding?
I hope all future WvWvW matches are this close. It will come down to the wire on who wins. Everyone in Yaks and NS, I am really enjoying this weeks match up. Kinda wish this was the start of the 2 week match ups.
Btw, I play on SoR. I have like 8 characters. I’m mostly playing on Mentally Here, my thief.
The hacking gets annoying. Luckily, I haven’t been on when it has happened. But all in all, the battles that have been going on have been epic.
(edited by Topix.6974)
Great match. My little crew is practicing are deep raiding skills. Lets us avoid zergs and invisibility bug and just have fun! Props to all.
Must say, Taking out an engaged Zerg on EB from behind rocks..
Great match so far, but you know whats annoying, ppl logging off right as you kill them >.< not blaming any server and i know that there are ppl on NSP that does it too but srs, dont be a kittenhead and leave like that >.<
in WvW
Posted by: Wildman.9641
I sure hope that there will be many more battles like this week!. This is like a 7 game series only with three good teams!
Go Yaks
Some good fights out there tonight against Yaks :P
Ehron the engineer with a bugged backpack dangling between my Golem’s legs as our group stormed the doors
ending my golem for the night with a nice hot oil bath before logging for bed
Go sanctum
in WvW
Posted by: Eliandal.8735
It’s been fun, especially during the days….but tonight was just awful! I’m not sure how it was for the other two servers…but it generally went like…running…running…running…..500K damage…..zerg of 30 enemies loads. It got to the point where I gave up and ran supply (Erm…defender bonus’ are nice when you’re continually trebbing WC)
Hopefully Anet can do something about this soon, as it’s en extremely enjoyable matchup!
Can’t wait for tonight..haven’t been on for 2 days due to an ITIL course that’s making my head explode…exam today and then back to the massacre
What a great line up
in WvW
Posted by: Radiodread.8469
Yeah, when OTG was using ballistas SW of garrison on NSP BL, I ran out there about 40 seconds after the rest of my guild, saw a cleanup in progress and just went to attack the ballistas since that was the objective..
Then I died. Quickly.
Then 50+ YB render on top of me.
in WvW
Posted by: Spetrix.3859
Radiodread, envisioning that makes me laugh a bit. (although I don’t think the rendering issue is funny at all)
Go Yaks!
NSP has a large oceanic guild – FOO – that night caps. This is not going to be an even match. SoR is very generic US guild based server without significant oceanic presence.
FOO were on Yaks Bend, did they move?
for the record, the FOO on NSP (or was on NSP, if no longer, i believe they may be on Maguuma now) is an asian guild, established a few years back during warhammer, standing for Fury of Order –
Foo from yaks bend is much older, and stands for just Foo –
and before you ask, no, we predate even the foo fighters
hope that clears up any confusion
in WvW
Posted by: Bunnehboo.6025
did yaks get new guiolds on their server?
before it used to be every server only had enough player base to control their BL and that its but now it seems that yaks has enough to attack SoR BL and defend theirs
in WvW
Posted by: Spetrix.3859
Yaks just got a lot more organized.
We had a big meeting of the guild leaders and decided that cooperation was a good way to go
in WvW
Posted by: Coolmoos.8546
@ monmon.7081,
The actions of one person does not speak for the entire server. Many guilds on our side have already stated that we hate that this is happening. We are actively looking for these hackers but in the end its still hard to do so without being there.
We apologize that this happened and I say again…… 1 man is not NSP
Thank you
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