Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


Forty-Two Alliance is the new American and Euro Time Zone Alliance on Sea of Sorrows. We are looking for more American and Euro Time Zone WvW guilds to come to Sea of Sorrows and join up.

Since coming here we have been able to shore up a definite bleed during the Euro and US peak times which has made the server more competitive. With such a strong oceanic population Sea of Sorrows it is a shame to not be one of the top servers. We brought over 750 new WvW players for NA times this week. However on the scale of a server this is not a huge number.

There are still zones that don’t have queues during NA peak times and we need to fix this. We are looking for individual players and whole guilds at this time. The best days to transfer to the server are Sunday through Wednesday at any time.

We look forward to fighting along side you.

If you are interested but have questions please feel free to send me a PM.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Glad to hear this and I hope to see more Americans join our server.

Also, if you are an Oceanic player, please remember to LOG OFF completely from the game when you go to sleep. No one is sure how server population control works, but it could help stop our server being “full” all the time.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


Thumbs up to this thread.
We are one of the smaller guilds who transferred to SoS recently, and theres definitely a lot of skill and teamwork there and a great community to go with it.

As the Op said, we just dont have enough in the euro/NA timezone to have a force on every map, maybe 2 of the 4, which is why we sit mid pack (though we were leading our game until yesterday). Our oceanic is definitely strong, usually a +500 minimum when i log on each morning.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


We are still growing everyday. Early week right now the server is not FULL so it is open for transfers. The transfer American guilds have built upon an already amazing Oceanic force. We need a couple more large WvW guilds to close up this American gap and take things to the next level.

Everyone on this server is really nice and work together without egos getting in the way. This is one of those servers that wants to win and puts that first. Not every server is like this and we encourage people to get on board before free transfers close up.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


Well it seems that Cayden (8 hrs after his above post) and RUN have jumped ship and left to SoR, after convincing several guilds to come to SOS they leave them all high and dry because the world didnt fall into their laps within 4 days on the server.

Stay clear of this guild, theyre special thats for sure and their leader (if you can call him that) is dragging people around like puppets looking for his glory with no regard for anyone or anything.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Four Leaf Clover.7908

Four Leaf Clover.7908

^ I hope this isn’t true.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Gizmo.8921


I heard same thing – RUN left just after 4 days… made me chuckle…

Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


Hate to say I told you so…

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

Well it seems that Cayden (8 hrs after his above post) and RUN have jumped ship and left to SoR, after convincing several guilds to come to SOS they leave them all high and dry because the world didnt fall into their laps within 4 days on the server.

Stay clear of this guild, theyre special thats for sure and their leader (if you can call him that) is dragging people around like puppets looking for his glory with no regard for anyone or anything.

Haven’t heard this internally at all (in-game or on our communication channels), and I was online less than 6 hours ago. We did do some internal voting last night to get an idea on how people felt about SoS so far, but that’s all I’m aware.

Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Mythmar.4903


People fail to see the potential SoS has with it’s strong oceanic presence. If we just had more NA and EU players/guilds on to hold our towers/keeps, we could easily be one of the best worlds.

Mythmar | 80 Elementalist | Sea of Sorrows Allaince [SOS]
Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


Well it seems that Cayden (8 hrs after his above post) and RUN have jumped ship and left to SoR, after convincing several guilds to come to SOS they leave them all high and dry because the world didnt fall into their laps within 4 days on the server.

Stay clear of this guild, theyre special thats for sure and their leader (if you can call him that) is dragging people around like puppets looking for his glory with no regard for anyone or anything.

Haven’t heard this internally at all (in-game or on our communication channels), and I was online less than 6 hours ago. We did do some internal voting last night to get an idea on how people felt about SoS so far, but that’s all I’m aware.

Which shows how bad the kid is as a leader. He said they were having a meeting last night about moving servers because not enough NA players had moved there (i guess 500 in 4 days isnt enough) , then a second /w later saying they are moving to sanctum of rall.

Which server next when Rall dont live up to his expectations? I feel sorry for his guildies.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


Dear Sea of Sorrows,

We warned you.

Yours sincerely,
Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Dwok Immortalus.2763

Dwok Immortalus.2763

Well it seems that Cayden (8 hrs after his above post) and RUN have jumped ship and left to SoR, after convincing several guilds to come to SOS they leave them all high and dry because the world didnt fall into their laps within 4 days on the server.

Stay clear of this guild, theyre special thats for sure and their leader (if you can call him that) is dragging people around like puppets looking for his glory with no regard for anyone or anything.

Haven’t heard this internally at all (in-game or on our communication channels), and I was online less than 6 hours ago. We did do some internal voting last night to get an idea on how people felt about SoS so far, but that’s all I’m aware.

Which shows how bad the kid is as a leader. He said they were having a meeting last night about moving servers because not enough NA players had moved there (i guess 500 in 4 days isnt enough) , then a second /w later saying they are moving to sanctum of rall.

Which server next when Rall dont live up to his expectations? I feel sorry for his guildies.

Correct. There was an all-hands meeting last night.

The primary problems brought up were:

  • The Aussies appear to only be demonstratably active for roughly 4-5 hours. Not enough to qualify as an actual oceanic presence.
  • While there has been an amazing turnout for RvR on the NA side, we still have huge holes between 12pm-> 7pm EST where we are getting turned inside out. (The guilds that transferred in don’t appear to have a large presence until after 7pm or so).
  • Basic combat ability of the general populace seems to need a lot of work. We’re seeing fights being lost that should have been easy wins. (See: 40 person SoS force losing to 15 FA force)
Dwok, the Undying
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server

(edited by Dwok Immortalus.2763)

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Winterwolf.3782


^ And these are all things that should have been painfully obvious before you even transferred to SoS. They were to EP, Pink, TSG…

Tarnished Coast Rough Riders

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

I can confirm that RUN has/is leaving Sea of Sorrows. I have spoken to Akadios/Cayden about the issue.

However, the reasoning behind it was because RUN was being blamed for some of the hackings that occurred on 9/10 and wanted to preserve their reputation.


Our Oceanic presence is that of a casual one. Normal players have lives which consist of working from the standard 9am-5pm. If you wish to say that we’re not an actual Oceanic presence because starting WvW at 6pm and ending at 11pm due to work in the morning, I guess that’s fine.
I don’t know who decides what qualifies though, as we have taken the entire map bar FA BL tonight, and we’re still going – current time is 1:50am AEST.

Another point on the casual player base, most of our WvW players are also fair weather warriors. We experience high queues when we own most of the maps but we are scarce when we do not own more than half in each.

I cannot comment on the skill level of players that I do not play with. I am an Australian and play mostly during the late afternoon/evening. However, if you only see us Oceanics during the 4-5 hour gap (late afternoon/evening) -meaning the Aussies wouldn’t be on yet-, I apologize that your members/our current NA players are not a match for FA’s seasoned warriors.

SoS is still finding its feet in the WvW scene, but we are slowly becoming stronger. However, we cannot do that without NA/Euro guilds. We welcome all guilds to Sea of Sorrows, however, if you’re going to leave because of some hackers which are plaguing every server/prone to server hopping, you may as well stay where you are.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


I can confirm that RUN has/is leaving Sea of Sorrows. I have spoken to Akadios/Cayden about the issue.

However, the reasoning behind it was because RUN was being blamed for some of the hackings that occurred on 9/10 and wanted to preserve their reputation.

I cann BS on that. He straight up sent me a whisper saying theres not enough people transferring in. I told him to give it some time as theyd only been there for 4 days, but i guess he wants everything to happen at the click of a finger.
Also they have no reputation, other than that of selfish server hoppers seeking something they will never get (i.e to be the commanding force on a top quality server)

And that 40 man loss to a 15, i recall it was his other 2 commanders who were failing so hard in every aspect that the server even called out Daish to put his tag on and started following him instead, how ironic is that? Im guessing that was what inspired them to move when people started to realise how bad they were.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


I would like to formally invite any and all SoS guilds, groups or single players to transfer over to a server with a promising future, Tarnished Coast. While we are battling it out for second place in our current match up, it is no secret that had we an established oceanic presence, it would be a battle for first.

If interested or if you have any questions, please PM here or at

Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: whiran.1473


Mablung, does that include RUN? (totally tongue in cheek)

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


However, the reasoning behind it was because RUN was being blamed for some of the hackings that occurred on 9/10 and wanted to preserve their reputation.

^ This is pure comedy gold right here! How do you do it with a straight face?

Dear Sea of Sorrows,

We warned you.

Yours sincerely,
Tarnished Coast


Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Arkard.3970


So that’s what the 4th server they’re on now? Well, TC warned you guys at SoS. Oh well.

Miyako [Kupo] – 80 Thief
Tarnished Coast Server

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


Mablung, does that include RUN? (totally tongue in cheek)

Well, they left our server for various reasons as I understand it. They are welcome to transfer wherever they like.

Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


Did they really leave? I logged in an hr ago and took a quick peek, 130 ppt atm, nothing really changed…

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Glaucon.6298


I can confirm that RUN has/is leaving Sea of Sorrows. I have spoken to Akadios/Cayden about the issue.

However, the reasoning behind it was because RUN was being blamed for some of the hackings that occurred on 9/10 and wanted to preserve their reputation.

I cann BS on that. He straight up sent me a whisper saying theres not enough people transferring in. I told him to give it some time as theyd only been there for 4 days, but i guess he wants everything to happen at the click of a finger.
Also they have no reputation, other than that of selfish server hoppers seeking something they will never get (i.e to be the commanding force on a top quality server)

And that 40 man loss to a 15, i recall it was his other 2 commanders who were failing so hard in every aspect that the server even called out Daish to put his tag on and started following him instead, how ironic is that? Im guessing that was what inspired them to move when people started to realise how bad they were.

I agree. I don’t believe this excuse either. How does leaving the server solve this “problem”? They must have just gotten frustrated by the slow pace of building a WvW server population. That kind of thing takes time, and it takes a real commitment to your server community that you’re going to stand by them.

Transferring so often will likely do more harm to their reputation than anything else.

Darkhaven >>> Tarnished Coast >>> Sea of Sorrows >>> Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Glaucon.6298)

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.5420


The best thing I find is that some people believed the lies (even when other people were telling them different) about SoS having a decent sized Oceanic WvWvW community that sprouted from this bloke. Simple fact the SOS oceanic community that plays WvWvW would be lucky to be the 6th or 7th biggest in the game.

You reap what you sow.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Haha, just to clarify guys, I just typed what I was told. I wasn’t told anything about a lack of transfers, if anything, I thought there was a nice number of NA players that had come across. I played with them a couple times.
However, we definitely felt it more when they left because FA took the entire pie at 5am AEST.

Not pointing fingers or blaming people. I don’t really care what the truth is, at this point we just want the drama that the Moderators of the SoSU have had to deal with to come to an end.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Brynna Stormclaw.9621

Brynna Stormclaw.9621

^ Yep.
Saw it coming.
Not a single care given this day.
See ya RUN.

Eris Ataxiar [HLX] – Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

RUN would make for a good web comic, me thinks.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: fixit.7189


Do not go to SoS if you are NA.

You have been warned.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


everyday, arong 1am EST, SoS starts to rise

30mins later, we cleared our own BL, well, FA glitched it, but, whatever.


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


before 4am EST. we managed to get No.1 potentiol ppt. u Americans never sleep?

Magguma managed to hold their keep with orb in FA BL for about 30 hrs, they outnumbered, but fought great, normally one guild against whole server, gj. but, u guys have to sleep, so, we took it finally.


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


5:50am EST, then we changed BL, and prayed for them to take the glitched keep, then we can try again, how it so massy? I have no idea…

6:15am EST, it worked! thx Mags! and, orb still glitched…


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


6:50am EST, +600, and then, 6 commanders went to Lion’s Arch… some commanders stayed for upgrades

8:30am EST, its 11:30pm for aussies, they went to bed, some 10 ppl zerg took our undefended towers and keeps…


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


This happens all the time, against FA/maguuma a day ago, or TC/YB weeks ago, or some other servers.

really hope we have more NA or EU players to fill the rest of the day


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


0:03pm EST, our last lead of the day, so 8 hrs a day, oceanics did well. we need NA/Euro


Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Dixa.6017


crap like this is why they need to disable the free world transfers now. it’s been up long enough. turn it off, turn on guesting. wvw needs to settle down

turn it back on only after you are seeing huge disparities.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


so, u actually enjoy FA take all point during US primetime and SoS conquer the whole world during Oceanic primetime, and they cant find any enemies on the map?

u think its fun?

u know how i feel in SoS primetime? boring! in tier 4, during oceanic time, we just zerg around, take empty towers and keeps, 10 rams can conquer the entire BL. and during US times I logged in, just be the only one playing WvWvW, its one vs world vs world! u really think its fun?

if u think the transfer is not a solution, then give one

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Jeul.1068


The transfers were never in place to help with WvWvW. They are there to allow players to find friends and group up with them. It is intended for players new to the game, so that they don’t feel locked into a server and then find out that all of their friends are somewhere else.

I don’t remember ANet stating that transfers were there to help with anything related to WvW, let alone to help with off-hour capping.

Ranger of The Eventide Concordat
Tarnished Coast

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


I dont care the reason or the bad side of free transfer

I need a solution

its either ppl come to this server or I finally bored then leave my server or the game

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

Leaving your server to a NA one might not be a bad idea.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Mablung.3519


I believe that ANet is indeed trying to funnel the different time zones together so that there is better balance through their ladder system. This can be the only reason why transfers are still available.

By doing this they are showing us, the player base, the disparity in peak times and how hard it is and will continue to be, to compete with the top tier servers. On TC we hold our own against CD during our peak time but off time is another story. Once the servers balance with a steady population of NA, Oceanic/Asian players will we then begin to see more competitive matches.

It is not healthy for the game to constantly have the same 4 servers vying for the same positions week in and week out. So those on lower ranked servers should research the best server destination for them and move there. TC has no queue time during our NA off peak hours.

Mablung- Co-Guild leader of Mortis Umbra [MU]

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Dixa.6017


so, u actually enjoy FA take all point during US primetime and SoS conquer the whole world during Oceanic primetime, and they cant find any enemies on the map?

u think its fun?

u know how i feel in SoS primetime? boring! in tier 4, during oceanic time, we just zerg around, take empty towers and keeps, 10 rams can conquer the entire BL. and during US times I logged in, just be the only one playing WvWvW, its one vs world vs world! u really think its fun?

if u think the transfer is not a solution, then give one

took me a minute to understand what you were saying here.

i live in california. i play during PST times, not aussie times and i’m on sea of sorrows. i STILL think that server transferring for free needs to stop now. it’s a global epidemic affecting wvwvw on all servers.

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Zynthetic.2954


How is stopping free transfers going to end Oceanic and NA player v dooring the whole map off eachother? If anything free transfers improve it because the worldwide population can move around and mix, creating more realms with a 24 / 7 presence. Free transfers got TC a few oceanic guilds, and it got SoS like 500+ more NA members.

Dixa, if you read the rest of the thread, you’ll see your own servermates are asking for NA transfers. Turn off free transfers, and SoS, along with so many other realms will be condemned to where they are in the rankings, and we’ll be stuck with 4 tier 1 realms, 3 tier 2s, and the rest practically uncompetitive.

That being said, they should probably stop free transfers to JQ, HoD and SBI. Possibly ET to, but they seem to have a population problem still, and thus no 24/7 coverage.

If anything, Arenanet needs to make an official post, encouraging players of different timezones to move around for a more even, balanced, and 24 / 7 WvW.

Tarnished Coast - Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]
Commander Zynergise – 80 Hammer Guardian

(edited by Zynthetic.2954)

Sea of Sorrows NA/Euro Alliance recruiting guilds

in WvW

Posted by: RiversOnFire.3607


so, u actually enjoy FA take all point during US primetime and SoS conquer the whole world during Oceanic primetime, and they cant find any enemies on the map?

u think its fun?

u know how i feel in SoS primetime? boring! in tier 4, during oceanic time, we just zerg around, take empty towers and keeps, 10 rams can conquer the entire BL. and during US times I logged in, just be the only one playing WvWvW, its one vs world vs world! u really think its fun?

if u think the transfer is not a solution, then give one

took me a minute to understand what you were saying here.

i live in california. i play during PST times, not aussie times and i’m on sea of sorrows. i STILL think that server transferring for free needs to stop now. it’s a global epidemic affecting wvwvw on all servers.

the transfers should be stopped among the worlds we fight against only. ppl jump ship to winning side. lots of my friends went to ET or TC, coz they won.

it also help with the problem with spies