Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


Congrats for achieving what you wanted to – but still – all this was only possible with people leaving other other servers – basically – the meta-game and not the actual game.

For every server that gains from transfers – at least one server is hurt by it. Not a good foundation for the game in my book. I’d rather win on the field than in the forums.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Azariah.8420


Congrats for achieving what you wanted to – but still – all this was only possible with people leaving other other servers – basically – the meta-game and not the actual game.

For every server that gains from transfers – at least one server is hurt by it. Not a good foundation for the game in my book. I’d rather win on the field than in the forums.

Agreed to an extent, it was only possible from transfers, but seeming as they were mostly bailing from another server anyways, I’m ok with that. Plus I only grant the transfers brought us up to servers who also had larger coverage areas(T2), we still won on our own merit after that.

80 Thief – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Ira.5172


Congratz SoS, whatever the reasons you guys worked hard to get where you are!

Ira Souleater – Necromancer
Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


it doesnt matter if someone transfered servers or not. if they come, stay and contribute they are part of sos.

who seriously keeps a log of what server people are from?

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Royel.6852


You guys are doing great, even earned quite a bit of respect from me as most .. not all, but most of you guys seem to have class, quite a few of you have bowed in 1v1, even 1v2 fights and you’ve proven to be quite tough and coordinated.

But.. the macro’ers trebbing from SM?? Do you really need that going on? Makes all of you look like cheaters. Everyone has commented on how strange it is that the treb operator at SM continues firing at QL long after you guys have taken the tower, truly you guys aren’t this desperate are you??

PS. Yes I am going to report it.

GL, cya and fun

(edited by Royel.6852)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Ashlov.3819


This obviously means we’re all in on it.

I imagine every server has their percentage of cheaters. They should all be reported.

Chuck Chuck Bobuck – Dwarec Mercs [DM] – NA Guild on Sanctum of Rall

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Royel.6852


It really reflects on your entire server though, and you’d say the same thing about us.

I tried to be nice about the way I stated it, but it’s a problem and needs to be addressed.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: xtorma.1283


It really reflects on your entire server though, and you’d say the same thing about us.

I tried to be nice about the way I stated it, but it’s a problem and needs to be addressed.

Yes , but wouldn’t you agree that the forums are not the place to do so?

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415



So now both EU and US top server is a server with most focus on off-time.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


So now having dedicated Treb operators is cheating? Are you sure you guys have played in Tier 1 before?

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Royel.6852


It really reflects on your entire server though, and you’d say the same thing about us.

I tried to be nice about the way I stated it, but it’s a problem and needs to be addressed.

Yes , but wouldn’t you agree that the forums are not the place to do so?

Absolutely not, I think anything like this should be brought to the attention of the population and let people know about it.. Does this embarrass you? My apologies if so, but doesn’t change the fact that people on your server are damaging the game for everyone by doing this.

(edited by Royel.6852)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Royel.6852


So now having dedicated Treb operators is cheating? Are you sure you guys have played in Tier 1 before?


The treb operator is continuing to treb even when the tower is owned by SoS? Is that practical?

… and the really funny thing about it was that his aim was off due to the keep previously having been upgraded and when we took it back he didn’t readjust his aim to the correct spot and macro’d the ground for over 2 hours.

Don’t try to play this one off, it’s been being talked about for 3-4 hours this morning by everyone. You wont use that excuse and get anyone to believe it, best bet is to just admit people do cheat and move on, expect that person to be banned soon.(hopefully) and lets all play a clean game.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Bots is not a server problem.

It’s a MMO problem that plagues every single game. Please don’t blame any server for it.

The best we can do is report and let Anet deal with it.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Vyrance.1723


You all have played very well so far in this week’s match. If you do end up winning, then you’ve earned every bit of it. My guild is responsible for EB primarily, so end up running into PRX a lot. Great response times by you guys. Hopefully next week though we won’t dig ourselves into such a hole the first few days. Good luck!

Vyrance – 80 Guardian
GAF – Gaming Age Force // Stormbluff Isle

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Please explain how it is the same, without the orbs.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Please explain how it is the same, without the orbs.

People lost the stat bonuses, though skills, siege, and the like never changed.
Other then giving a winning side a benefit how did it change WvW?
Also didnt all the tiers change? not only tier 1?

Also, what it did do, is give the servers unable to hold orbs a fighting chance. Did you like it prior to orb removal, where people could get a stat bonus over their enemies and it was much less unbalanced?

In addition to that, I wasn’t stating specifically about the “orbs of power”.
Orbs didn’t make a tier good or not, and in reality it was the players on servers.

You mentioned that when orbs were in game were when the only real Tier 1 wvw fights were. Which is hard to believe, that’s why I responded how I did.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Please explain how it is the same, without the orbs.

People lost the stat bonuses, though skills, siege, and the like never changed.
Other then giving a winning side a benefit how did it change WvW?
Also didnt all the tiers change? not only tier 1?

Also, what it did do, is give the servers unable to hold orbs a fighting chance. Did you like it prior to orb removal, where people could get a stat bonus over their enemies and it was much less unbalanced?

In addition to that, I wasn’t stating specifically about the “orbs of power”.
Orbs didn’t make a tier good or not, and in reality it was the players on servers.

You mentioned that when orbs were in game were when the only real Tier 1 wvw fights were. Which is hard to believe, that’s why I responded how I did.

That’s a lot of words I am having trouble understanding. The fights without the orbs are different. There are no nerves of the possibility of having the orbs taken away and defending it. Now, it is just a fight to cap everything without the orbs. So, how can you say that the fights are the same when a huge part of the game was removed?

If you are saying that the game is the same without the orbs, then I have no response for you.

The fights were different with the orbs. Many more have gotten bored of the game since the removal.

(edited by profitsports.5789)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Dharnia.9860


I think the matches are probably the best they’ve ever been without the orbs of power. Would I like to see the orbs back? Probably not in the original form maybe, just make them as status symbols kinda like doing capture the flag style thing but with no buffs associated with them.

Khrystana Ranger in Sons of Arkham [SoA] @ Sea of Sorrows

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: iliketacos.9304


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

Keep wearing your trench coat sipping your coffee talking about how hard it was on a game that only a few months old.

Go back 10 years and do a little pvp on old everquest and die and lose 24 hours of ex on one lost fight 2 weeks if you were in a hell lvl. All Mmo’s get a little nerfed/easier to make up for the fact that the people who pay all the money on these games are grown adults with jobs not kids.

But don’t ever and i mean ever talk about 2 months ago on a game that only a few months old. Makes you sound bitter and your argument completely pointless.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


And you weren’t here when turtling was still around so I would think it is safe to say that you guys missed out on the good fights and are now just entering a tier one without orbs — three and a half months after launch

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

Keep wearing your trench coat sipping your coffee talking about how hard it was on a game that only a few months old.

Go back 10 years and do a little pvp on old everquest and die and lose 24 hours of ex on one lost fight 2 weeks if you were in a hell lvl. All Mmo’s get a little nerfed/easier to make up for the fact that the people who pay all the money on these games are grown adults with jobs not kids.

But don’t ever and i mean ever talk about 2 months ago on a game that only a few months old. Makes you sound bitter and your argument completely pointless.

Many people have quit the game during the first month, and many more after the removal of orbs.

Tier 1 is not the same, do you see my point or not?

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


Very proud of SoS, disregard those trying to undermine our win.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


All Mmo’s get a little nerfed/easier

You said it. Congratulations to SoS on their first tier one win!

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Please explain how it is the same, without the orbs.

People lost the stat bonuses, though skills, siege, and the like never changed.
Other then giving a winning side a benefit how did it change WvW?
Also didnt all the tiers change? not only tier 1?

Also, what it did do, is give the servers unable to hold orbs a fighting chance. Did you like it prior to orb removal, where people could get a stat bonus over their enemies and it was much less unbalanced?

In addition to that, I wasn’t stating specifically about the “orbs of power”.
Orbs didn’t make a tier good or not, and in reality it was the players on servers.

You mentioned that when orbs were in game were when the only real Tier 1 wvw fights were. Which is hard to believe, that’s why I responded how I did.

That’s a lot of words I am having trouble understanding. The fights without the orbs are different. There are no nerves of the possibility of having the orbs taken away and defending it. Now, it is just a fight to cap everything without the orbs. So, how can you say that the fights are the same when a huge part of the game was removed?

If you are saying that the game is the same without the orbs, then I have no response for you.

The fights were different with the orbs. Many more have gotten bored of the game since the removal.

Just to let you know, when I was a member of SBI server.
The whole game wasn’t “We Must have the orbs at all cost”
No, it was “We must gain locations, and points to beat Henge of Denravi”

So why would you say fights are less now that there are no orbs compared to when orbs were in WvW?

If you’re only going about Orb days I find it hard to believe.

Try saying" Tier 1 isnt the same as when it used to be SBI/JQ/HOD" in that case, it is true. It’s not the same. All 3 of the current servers have former HoD guilds located on them. (Former TA ones in fact.) Also guilds left JQ/SBI as well.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

As are you, considering all of the current tier 1 servers have guilds on them from prior servers which folded in Tier 1.

Tier 1 of the past is no different then tier 1 of the current, except 1 server is not dominating every match now, and fights are much closer to where a new server entering tier 1 has a chance to win.

Please explain how it is the same, without the orbs.

People lost the stat bonuses, though skills, siege, and the like never changed.
Other then giving a winning side a benefit how did it change WvW?
Also didnt all the tiers change? not only tier 1?

Also, what it did do, is give the servers unable to hold orbs a fighting chance. Did you like it prior to orb removal, where people could get a stat bonus over their enemies and it was much less unbalanced?

In addition to that, I wasn’t stating specifically about the “orbs of power”.
Orbs didn’t make a tier good or not, and in reality it was the players on servers.

You mentioned that when orbs were in game were when the only real Tier 1 wvw fights were. Which is hard to believe, that’s why I responded how I did.

That’s a lot of words I am having trouble understanding. The fights without the orbs are different. There are no nerves of the possibility of having the orbs taken away and defending it. Now, it is just a fight to cap everything without the orbs. So, how can you say that the fights are the same when a huge part of the game was removed?

If you are saying that the game is the same without the orbs, then I have no response for you.

The fights were different with the orbs. Many more have gotten bored of the game since the removal.

Just to let you know, when I was a member of SBI server.
The whole game wasn’t “We Must have the orbs at all cost”
No, it was “We must gain locations, and points to beat Henge of Denravi”

So why would you say fights are less now that there are no orbs compared to when orbs were in WvW?

If you’re only going about Orb days I find it hard to believe.

Try saying" Tier 1 isnt the same as when it used to be SBI/JQ/HOD" in that case, it is true. It’s not the same. All 3 of the current servers have former HoD guilds located on them. (Former TA ones in fact.) Also guilds left JQ/SBI as well.

Fights — and WvW — are different now because the orbs are gone.

(edited by profitsports.5789)

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Fights — and WvW — are different now because the orbs are gone.

They are more balanced.

Also Grats to SoS on their match, and how they’ve been doing this week. (SBI and JQ as well.)

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: profitsports.5789


Fights — and WvW — are different now because the orbs are gone.

They are more balanced.

Also Grats to SoS on their match, and how they’ve been doing this week. (SBI and JQ as well.)

Also less fun and no nerves of defending the orbs. Cap cap cap

Good luck with your queues this week, SoS

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Gaslov.9164


The orbs would have only increased the margin SoS won by.

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Psy.6153


An excellent close to the wonderful story of Sea of Sorrows rising through the ranks and reaching #1

We have created a legend this day. Be proud of what you have done for your server.

It is sad that you guys were not here when the orbs were still in the game (sigh). That was when real tier one fights were going on. The nerves and excitement just aren’t there anymore but I’m sure you guys were pumped up to FINALLY get here and even skipped the event entirely. LOL

We’ve been level 80 for over two months now, some even have level 80 alts. Sorry to spoil your legend but you guys are very late to the party. If you think you are fighting the tier one of past, you are greatly mistaken.

Bitter much?
You are forgetting that a large chunk of SoS are the likes of PRX who have been spanking you since HoD on day 1 son. Id be bitter too if they came up on a new server and spanked you again like that.

Grats to Sea of Sorrows, champions of the world.

Portal Bomber of
Sea of Sorrows NA

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Hello. Just want to remind everyone of the story of Sea of Sorrows WvW scene.

We need more European guilds to join us.

Our community is great, no drama, no blaming and shaming, everyone pulls their weight. Join now! Servers are NOT full.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

Sea of Sorrows, welcome to Tier 1

in WvW

Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Recent tier 1 smack talking has been most unseemly, myself included.

A humbling reminder of where we came from.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @