Seriously... Can we get a change?

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


For one week I would like to fight someone other than Darkhaven and Gates of Madness… They have nearly 2x – 3x our population at all times in WvW.

Henge of Denravi is proud of how we fight, but it gets old when the 2 servers always gang kitten our side due to Numbers. Tactics and gameplay can only do so much when you cannot even load all the enemies onto the screen at one time.

Can we please fight a different server for a change?


Edit: Been fighting DH and GOM for about 2 months straight now.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Looks like it would be best if Sorrows furnace moved up and HoD moved down.

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

It looks like you would have to give up that server pride for a week or two and let Darkhaven move up and out of the bracket. Sucks, but that’s how the Glicko system works. Most of the US servers are now tier locked, and the EU servers are going that way too.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


This is pretty much true for all tiers.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master |

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Ahri.8204


The sad thing about this is pretty obvious, atleast for europe:
The system being stable does not mean that the matchups are balanced now. The gap in ratings just prevents some server to drop which belong to lower tiers and the other way round…

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Well just give up for a few weeks and you can join T8 when we move up. I f you don’t like T7 we will take your place.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


Sad thing is our prime forces are like 10 – 15 players… and 1 – 3 guilds. At one point tonight we had 0 supply 0 towers in all BL. We just get Zerged from both sides. And we start week strong and always end up about 100,000 behind due to no late night presence and zerg vs 15 – 20 of us.

Heck, just now Darkhaven’s zerg split into 4 groups and they’re smallest zerg group had more than we had in entire zone.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


Give up for a week, and that should be enough to switch places with us. You can have ET and FC. Things seem to be getting a bit bitter in T8 anyways.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


It would not be hard for ANet to change the positioning of some servers manually. SF hates stomping tier 8 and HoD hates getting stomped in Tier 7. Seems pretty simple to me.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Meadfreek.6789


I understand your frustration. We at Fort Aspenwood have frequently had the same opponents for weeks on end. Either losing badly or rofflestoming the matchup for weeks on end due (at least partially) to population or coverage issues.

But you do realize if they change the matchups like you suggest it would likely end up even more lopsided than it is currently, right?

Perhaps it would help if they randomized starting colors (made them independent of the server’s overall ranking at the rollover) it would switch up things at least a little to make it seem a little less stagnant. And/or seriously revamped the outmanned buffs.

Tol Acharn [PHNX]
Fort Aspenwood

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: ARM.3912


GOM doesn’t outnumber HOD, DH outnumbers us both and just gives you that impression.

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Not slinging stones (well, I guess I sorta am but not in a malicious way) – but I wonder if ANet doesn’t appear to care sometimes because we, as a player base, can’t ever make up our minds.

“Your Glicko system sucks. Doesn’t give good matchups.”

It appears that we have about as good as we’re going to get – right now, it looks like only three sets of servers are switching positions this week in the NA bracket, and only one of those involves a tier change. That looks pretty stable to me. The downside of that is when players say “good matchups,” they really mean “I want a nail biter, down to the wire, matchup that anyone can win.” That just doesn’t happen very often – even in a good 3-server matchup, one server tends to be better than the other two, one tends be worse than the other two. The outcomes are pretty predictable. I understand this is a bit of a generalization, but overall holds true for most of the servers.

So, we end up with the same (or very similar) matchups week in and week out. While I see the OP’s point, this is evidence of ANet’s system working as intended and I’m not really sure it’s worth complaining about – as previously stated, this is about as good as it’s going to get as far as “good matchups” imo.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


That’s what the score reset was about, to change things up. What it would have meant however was that you would either be stomped by a server for an entire week or you would stomp another server until it all stablised again.

The Glicko system is not zero-sum meaning that you just have to weather the same servers for awhile. Because as the tiers stablise the winning/losing degrees lessen.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


GOM doesn’t outnumber HOD, DH outnumbers us both and just gives you that impression.

GoM Prime force comes in around 10 AM EST. Head Hunters is a very large zerg force. During the time they are on, only about 5 HoD in EB.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


For one week I would like to fight someone other than Darkhaven and Gates of Madness… They have nearly 2x – 3x our population at all times in WvW.

Sure, your other option is fighting servers with 10x – 20x your active WvW population.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


As greatly flawed as I believe ANet’s choice of the Glicko-2 system for WvW to be, no rating system is going to give you both parity (roughly equivalent populations) and variety (different matchups). Beats the kitten out of me why so many players are unable to grasp that simple fact.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: yawg.4172


According to the rankings as they are right now, only 2 servers are moving up and 2 servers moving down, of these, only one of these up/down movements is across tiers and this is Yak’s Bend trading with Maguuma for T5/T4, the other movement this week is Eredon Terrace waking up a bit and Ferguson’s Crossing rolling over and going back to sleep while we on Sorrow’s Furnace continue to steamroll them.

I wonder how long it will take for the other 6 tiers to complain about the stale matchup of having to fight the same servers for the second week in a row…

GoM and HoD have been fighting for 9+ weeks and for the past 6 weeks it’s been GoM/HoD/DH while the past 7 weeks it’s consistently been FC/ET/SF in T8. Though at least the T7 servers have some fight and trade places occasionally, not down here in T8 where all three servers are losing members because it’s such a stagnant and un-fun matchup for everyone involved (except those in SF who are all about winning without a challenge).

Glicko needs to be adjusted or completely replaced with some other system. Adjustments could be a ranking floor and ceiling, or any number of things. But SOMETHING needs to be done and at the VERY LEAST, ANet should step into one of the three threads we have going now on this subject and make some sort of statement or acknowledgement because at this point it’s completely about morale on these stagnant servers and even ANet stepping up and saying ANYTHING on this matter will be better than the silent treatment its received over the past two weeks.

ANet, please, tell us something is amiss and you’re looking into it, that’ll save some morale on our servers. Tell us you’ve identified an issue or anything and that you’re working towards a solution, that’ll give us a boost. Detail us a plan you’ll implement in the next week or two and morale and interest in WvW will resurge a bit.

But if you come down and say things are working as intended and things will work their way out eventually and you can literally just go ahead and sit back and watch the populations of FC/ET/SF/HoD/GoM/DH shrivel up and float elsewhere or die off completely.

The way things are right now is NOT FUN and that’s the bottom line here, this game is supposed to be fun, but WvW down at T8 is more demoralizing than fun. Our servers are suffering, please help us.

Ready and Willing Knights [RAWK] Leader – Founding Member (10 Years of GW!)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Otaur.9268


According to the rankings as they are right now, only 2 servers are moving up and 2 servers moving down, of these, only one of these up/down movements is across tiers and this is Yak’s Bend trading with Maguuma for T5/T4, the other movement this week is Eredon Terrace waking up a bit and Ferguson’s Crossing rolling over and going back to sleep while we on Sorrow’s Furnace continue to steamroll them.

I wonder how long it will take for the other 6 tiers to complain about the stale matchup of having to fight the same servers for the second week in a row…

GoM and HoD have been fighting for 9+ weeks and for the past 6 weeks it’s been GoM/HoD/DH while the past 7 weeks it’s consistently been FC/ET/SF in T8. Though at least the T7 servers have some fight and trade places occasionally, not down here in T8 where all three servers are losing members because it’s such a stagnant and un-fun matchup for everyone involved (except those in SF who are all about winning without a challenge).

Glicko needs to be adjusted or completely replaced with some other system. Adjustments could be a ranking floor and ceiling, or any number of things. But SOMETHING needs to be done and at the VERY LEAST, ANet should step into one of the three threads we have going now on this subject and make some sort of statement or acknowledgement because at this point it’s completely about morale on these stagnant servers and even ANet stepping up and saying ANYTHING on this matter will be better than the silent treatment its received over the past two weeks.

ANet, please, tell us something is amiss and you’re looking into it, that’ll save some morale on our servers. Tell us you’ve identified an issue or anything and that you’re working towards a solution, that’ll give us a boost. Detail us a plan you’ll implement in the next week or two and morale and interest in WvW will resurge a bit.

But if you come down and say things are working as intended and things will work their way out eventually and you can literally just go ahead and sit back and watch the populations of FC/ET/SF/HoD/GoM/DH shrivel up and float elsewhere or die off completely.

The way things are right now is NOT FUN and that’s the bottom line here, this game is supposed to be fun, but WvW down at T8 is more demoralizing than fun. Our servers are suffering, please help us.

We got zerged again, DH owned all of EB, we had 10 players trying to defend vs 25 – 40 DH. This is NOT fun, and I wish I could say this was a Rare occasion, but it is quite the norm.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

I agree with ARM, it isn’t GoM that is the issue or HoD, it’s DH. I think GoM and HoD are well matched. Sometimes we’re second, sometimes they are. As it stands now it seems like DH calls the shots about who gets second because they steamrolled GoM last week mid-week on, and they did it to us so brutally most recently. And let’s face it… I’m sure GoM is bored silly like we are. Being that bored doesn’t exactly make the less than obsessive WvWers want to play and there aren’t enough obsessive WvWers on HoD or GoM I’m sure to man BL/EB at most hours. I have seen 50 DH take a camp. Not run through a camp… TAKE a camp. They have so many people at peak hours that there’s more of them who just wander around dazed and confused (their newbies) or ganking people than GoM and HoD have actually defending.

The last thing HoD should consider doing is dropping the ball and taking a WvW vacation for a couple weeks so we can sink a tier. Then all that would happen is we’d likely be the DH of tier 8 because all the fairweather WvWers would come crawling out of the woodwork. That doesn’t sound enjoyable at all. And unfortunately that may happen in time anyway.

I do admit this is boring, though. I wish once a month we just had some sort of random match-up. It’d probably involve getting steamrolled over, but it’d at least give us a chance to see new tactics and play styles and meet up with new players.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

Umm, we’re in T8 because of the Glicko System, not because we aren’t strong enough. At the moment, just before reset, we are winning by a 250k point lead. How will our Rating change based on this? A very meager amount I can assure you.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


I have been involved in the WvW in DH for a couple weeks now. its quite apparent that the ranking system is not the optimum setup for this game. as Our server has won Several weeks in a row but because we are a few points below the last place of the tier above us we cant move up. IMHO when you fight the same people for weeks on in nobody is trying their hardest and burnout occurs. and reaching the points of the next tier up becomes an even bigger chore.

Having said that, Im having a great time in the WvW and hope to see more great fights. Go Grim!

Engie of Grim

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

Umm, we’re in T8 because of the Glicko System, not because we aren’t strong enough. At the moment, just before reset, we are winning by a 250k point lead. How will our Rating change based on this? A very meager amount I can assure you.

If you consider that the case then no one from your server should have suggested HoD take a vacation so they can join tier 7. Because it wouldn’t do a thing would it? I never said you guys weren’t strong—you put that out there.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Baladir.2736


According to the rankings as they are right now, only 2 servers are moving up and 2 servers moving down, of these, only one of these up/down movements is across tiers and this is Yak’s Bend trading with Maguuma for T5/T4, the other movement this week is Eredon Terrace waking up a bit and Ferguson’s Crossing rolling over and going back to sleep while we on Sorrow’s Furnace continue to steamroll them.

I wonder how long it will take for the other 6 tiers to complain about the stale matchup of having to fight the same servers for the second week in a row…

GoM and HoD have been fighting for 9+ weeks and for the past 6 weeks it’s been GoM/HoD/DH while the past 7 weeks it’s consistently been FC/ET/SF in T8. Though at least the T7 servers have some fight and trade places occasionally, not down here in T8 where all three servers are losing members because it’s such a stagnant and un-fun matchup for everyone involved (except those in SF who are all about winning without a challenge).

Glicko needs to be adjusted or completely replaced with some other system. Adjustments could be a ranking floor and ceiling, or any number of things. But SOMETHING needs to be done and at the VERY LEAST, ANet should step into one of the three threads we have going now on this subject and make some sort of statement or acknowledgement because at this point it’s completely about morale on these stagnant servers and even ANet stepping up and saying ANYTHING on this matter will be better than the silent treatment its received over the past two weeks.

ANet, please, tell us something is amiss and you’re looking into it, that’ll save some morale on our servers. Tell us you’ve identified an issue or anything and that you’re working towards a solution, that’ll give us a boost. Detail us a plan you’ll implement in the next week or two and morale and interest in WvW will resurge a bit.

But if you come down and say things are working as intended and things will work their way out eventually and you can literally just go ahead and sit back and watch the populations of FC/ET/SF/HoD/GoM/DH shrivel up and float elsewhere or die off completely.

The way things are right now is NOT FUN and that’s the bottom line here, this game is supposed to be fun, but WvW down at T8 is more demoralizing than fun. Our servers are suffering, please help us.

We got zerged again, DH owned all of EB, we had 10 players trying to defend vs 25 – 40 DH. This is NOT fun, and I wish I could say this was a Rare occasion, but it is quite the norm.

If there is no chance to win the score or defeat the zerg or defend a tower, I don’t understand what you are doing by trying to do just that.

My recommendation for a more enjoyable game would be to get out into a borderland and pick your battles on your own terms. They are going to be lighly populated if they are in the others hands and therefore offer great opportunities to find smaller groups. Stopping anywhere at all for very long will get you caught by other players who are sure to come, in smaller groups to start with which could be fun. Moving across the map you are sure to come across smaller groups regularly anyway.

Pick your battles on your own terms. Have fun. Forget the kitten score because it means nothing.

*edit Unless you like sitting in a tower and then I have nothing to say that will make a difference.

(edited by Baladir.2736)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Gisei.5749


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

Umm, we’re in T8 because of the Glicko System, not because we aren’t strong enough. At the moment, just before reset, we are winning by a 250k point lead. How will our Rating change based on this? A very meager amount I can assure you.

If you consider that the case then no one from your server should have suggested HoD take a vacation so they can join tier 7. Because it wouldn’t do a thing would it? I never said you guys weren’t strong—you put that out there.

It would quicken the swap. Selfishly, that would be fine with me. The new T8 doesn’t concern me. The outcomes of T7 doesn’t concern me.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

Umm, we’re in T8 because of the Glicko System, not because we aren’t strong enough. At the moment, just before reset, we are winning by a 250k point lead. How will our Rating change based on this? A very meager amount I can assure you.

This. To score 378k points and only gain 28 rating because your opponents have ratings in the 600s is a crime.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: yawg.4172


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

I agree with ARM, it isn’t GoM that is the issue or HoD, it’s DH. I think GoM and HoD are well matched. Sometimes we’re second, sometimes they are. As it stands now it seems like DH calls the shots about who gets second because they steamrolled GoM last week mid-week on, and they did it to us so brutally most recently. And let’s face it… I’m sure GoM is bored silly like we are. Being that bored doesn’t exactly make the less than obsessive WvWers want to play and there aren’t enough obsessive WvWers on HoD or GoM I’m sure to man BL/EB at most hours. I have seen 50 DH take a camp. Not run through a camp… TAKE a camp. They have so many people at peak hours that there’s more of them who just wander around dazed and confused (their newbies) or ganking people than GoM and HoD have actually defending.

The last thing HoD should consider doing is dropping the ball and taking a WvW vacation for a couple weeks so we can sink a tier. Then all that would happen is we’d likely be the DH of tier 8 because all the fairweather WvWers would come crawling out of the woodwork. That doesn’t sound enjoyable at all. And unfortunately that may happen in time anyway.

I do admit this is boring, though. I wish once a month we just had some sort of random match-up. It’d probably involve getting steamrolled over, but it’d at least give us a chance to see new tactics and play styles and meet up with new players.

ANYONE RECOMMENDING A SERVER STOP PLAYING WVW FOR TIERS IS WRONG. This completely defeats the purpose of the game! These kind of suggestions are pure nonsense and deserve absolutely no attention from those of us trying to work toward a reasonable solution.

That said, suggestions like these pour in because they want to work within the system and it’s confines and having a server give up and drop a tier is indicative of a problem within the system. This needs to be addressed by ANet in a timely fashion to avoid severe negative repercussions. We can already see that people in FC and ET are fleeing their server for tiers with more competitive WvW action, this needs to be stopped because this just furthers the turmoil and misery on those servers and it’s doing a great amount of harm to the communities there.

Ready and Willing Knights [RAWK] Leader – Founding Member (10 Years of GW!)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


Either way, asking a whole server to give up something they enjoy to quicken the swap is kind of ridiculous, definitely is selfish, and wouldn’t exactly be feasible. No matter how coordinated a server is, it isn’t like any guilds/alliances are strong enough to speak for everyone.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


So Sorrow’s Furnace wants HoD to basically take a couple weeks off so they can climb up to our tier more easily? That makes zero sense. If a server feels they belong in a higher tier they should fight to get there. Or else it’ll be your people who make posts like this when DH, or it’s equivalent, leaves you at +0 because of Omegas.

I agree with ARM, it isn’t GoM that is the issue or HoD, it’s DH. I think GoM and HoD are well matched. Sometimes we’re second, sometimes they are. As it stands now it seems like DH calls the shots about who gets second because they steamrolled GoM last week mid-week on, and they did it to us so brutally most recently. And let’s face it… I’m sure GoM is bored silly like we are. Being that bored doesn’t exactly make the less than obsessive WvWers want to play and there aren’t enough obsessive WvWers on HoD or GoM I’m sure to man BL/EB at most hours. I have seen 50 DH take a camp. Not run through a camp… TAKE a camp. They have so many people at peak hours that there’s more of them who just wander around dazed and confused (their newbies) or ganking people than GoM and HoD have actually defending.

The last thing HoD should consider doing is dropping the ball and taking a WvW vacation for a couple weeks so we can sink a tier. Then all that would happen is we’d likely be the DH of tier 8 because all the fairweather WvWers would come crawling out of the woodwork. That doesn’t sound enjoyable at all. And unfortunately that may happen in time anyway.

I do admit this is boring, though. I wish once a month we just had some sort of random match-up. It’d probably involve getting steamrolled over, but it’d at least give us a chance to see new tactics and play styles and meet up with new players.

We’ve been at over 150k leads for two months now. I don’t think it’s a matter of us fighting hard or not. ET and FC are probably just sick of it and they don’t care anymore, and our guys are feeling the repetitiveness of this nonsense. Aside from the few dedicated groups, SF isn’t exactly brimming with eager people.

Even if HoD didn’t take time off we’d still kick you guys out of your tier. Taking time off will just hasten the process of you guys playing against people of your own caliber.

And I don’t mean to be condescending, but lets be honest – the gap is closing in fast (I guess fast is a relative term) and I do hope we can play against you guys and DH so you can learn from us how to deal with Omegas.

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


Tier 7 is going to be the same matchups for quite some time in the forseeable future unfortunately. At theri current rate of progression DH will not leave the tier for at least another 15 weeks. SF at their current rate has at least another 3 weeks in Tier 8 and at that point either GoM or HoD will drop a tier but they are too close to predict at this time.

To make things more interesting if a server wins the tier 3 weeks in a row (3 weeks is arbitrary) they automatically move up to the next tier and drop the lowest server in that tier down one level. If a server loses 3 weeks straight they would drop and the highest server in the lower tier would move up. The point rating on the servers moving would then be manually adjusted to match the highest remaining server in the tier they moved down to or the lowest remaining server in the tier they moved up to.

Theftwind (HoD)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


ANYONE RECOMMENDING A SERVER STOP PLAYING WVW FOR TIERS IS WRONG. This completely defeats the purpose of the game! These kind of suggestions are pure nonsense and deserve absolutely no attention from those of us trying to work toward a reasonable solution.

That said, suggestions like these pour in because they want to work within the system and it’s confines and having a server give up and drop a tier is indicative of a problem within the system. This needs to be addressed by ANet in a timely fashion to avoid severe negative repercussions. We can already see that people in FC and ET are fleeing their server for tiers with more competitive WvW action, this needs to be stopped because this just furthers the turmoil and misery on those servers and it’s doing a great amount of harm to the communities there.

Exactly. And I feel for ET and FC and even SF because let’s face it being lodged in at tier 8 is a kind of miserable experience overall if the servers aren’t perfectly balanced. I mean, HoD could go up a tier one day if more people trickle in—we get more coordination, people are more generous about siege donations—or we could go down a tier. At least in either scenario it means CHANGE. Maybe slow change, but change. If you’re always coming in second or third place on tier 8 the best you can hope for is whoever is number 1 moves up and the replacement isn’t as bad.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

For one week I would like to fight someone other than Darkhaven and Gates of Madness… They have nearly 2x – 3x our population at all times in WvW.

Henge of Denravi is proud of how we fight, but it gets old when the 2 servers always gang kitten our side due to Numbers. Tactics and gameplay can only do so much when you cannot even load all the enemies onto the screen at one time.

Can we please fight a different server for a change?


Edit: Been fighting DH and GOM for about 2 months straight now.

I have heard from HoD posters a number of times that DH and GoM are somehow double teaming HoD. Enough times to convince me that they believe it. But I don’t see it from our side… most of the time we focus on DH. I certainly don’t see GoM and DH coordinating their efforts. There may be small groups that get together and do their own thing, but that can always happen.

It is confusing to me how HoD was able to pull off a victory the first week of the DH/HoD/GoM matchup, but since then doesn’t seem to have the same focus and drive. I’ve played against some tough groups from HoD. Genesis Theory comes to mind, but there are others. It seems to me that you all have the players to compete.

HoD made a strong push on GoM (and apparently not DH) today, so the sever’s will seems to be to stay in T7, while at the same time giving the impression that it doesn’t think it can compete with DH. DH doesn’t seem to be playing to escape from T7, so they are apparently happy here. As far as I can tell, GoM is more or less happy in T7.

So with whom would you like to be matched against if not GoM and DH? The higher tier servers have even greater WvW populations than we do and yet HoD does not seem to want to move down to T8. The question is genuine and is not meant to be insulting in any way.

Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


So with whom would you like to be matched against if not GoM and DH? The higher tier servers have even greater WvW populations than we do and yet HoD does not seem to want to move down to T8. The question is genuine and is not meant to be insulting in any way.

I think that maybe HoD, like FC or ET just don’t have many people interested in facing the same servers again and again. While having a rating system is great – without being able to adequately rotate matchups, it really becomes tedious.

I know on SF at least, there’s a fair group of people that just ignore objectives and go around looking for a fight (and you can count on Yarr to be there to stir up some trouble lol). But that’s just it. People leave objectives and other things required to progress behind, and do what they can to have fun. And for those who are bored of the fight altogether, are busy trying to RNG a precursor lol

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: QuadJunky.2736


Anet needs to enable free transfers from overpopulated servers to under populated servers.

Seems people in the upper tiers are crying over queue times while those of us in the lower tiers need more people.

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: yawg.4172


Anet needs to enable free transfers from overpopulated servers to under populated servers.

Seems people in the upper tiers are crying over queue times while those of us in the lower tiers need more people.

First none “fix the rankings!” suggestion I’ve seen lately that I 100% completely agree with! Though I imagine it would have to work with WvW populations as opposed to overall server population to work correctly on this issue.

Ready and Willing Knights [RAWK] Leader – Founding Member (10 Years of GW!)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


For one week I would like to fight someone other than Darkhaven and Gates of Madness… They have nearly 2x – 3x our population at all times in WvW.

Henge of Denravi is proud of how we fight, but it gets old when the 2 servers always gang kitten our side due to Numbers. Tactics and gameplay can only do so much when you cannot even load all the enemies onto the screen at one time.

Can we please fight a different server for a change?


Edit: Been fighting DH and GOM for about 2 months straight now.

I have heard from HoD posters a number of times that DH and GoM are somehow double teaming HoD. Enough times to convince me that they believe it. But I don’t see it from our side… most of the time we focus on DH. I certainly don’t see GoM and DH coordinating their efforts. There may be small groups that get together and do their own thing, but that can always happen.

It is confusing to me how HoD was able to pull off a victory the first week of the DH/HoD/GoM matchup, but since then doesn’t seem to have the same focus and drive. I’ve played against some tough groups from HoD. Genesis Theory comes to mind, but there are others. It seems to me that you all have the players to compete.

HoD made a strong push on GoM (and apparently not DH) today, so the sever’s will seems to be to stay in T7, while at the same time giving the impression that it doesn’t think it can compete with DH. DH doesn’t seem to be playing to escape from T7, so they are apparently happy here. As far as I can tell, GoM is more or less happy in T7.

So with whom would you like to be matched against if not GoM and DH? The higher tier servers have even greater WvW populations than we do and yet HoD does not seem to want to move down to T8. The question is genuine and is not meant to be insulting in any way.

I don’t feel DH and GoM are double-teaming and I’m from Henge. The thing too is, if you read all the posters it’s every server in T7 now that has had multiple people week after week saying it. DH even complained of it, and their own commander criticized them for actually going there. lol GoM isn’t infallible, either, they’ve said it. And it’s just how it goes, unfortunately. People always think there’s some conspiracy and disregard coincidence. Plus, if DH is attacking GoM and five minutes before they took a HoD tower, would GoM REALLY pay that much attention to HoD’s loss or vice versa? If you read every (and you’d lose it lol) every WvW thread, chances are if the match-up has been going longer than 3 weeks the whole double-teaming garbage crops up. I hate it, it’s frustrating, I wish people wouldn’t go there….

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Anet needs to enable free transfers from overpopulated servers to under populated servers.

Seems people in the upper tiers are crying over queue times while those of us in the lower tiers need more people.

I swear, it really doesn’t matter what ANet does. People won’t be happy.

“Get rid of free transfers! They’re ruining everything!”

Now that they’re gone, you want them back? Our player community is so fractured and fickle, I’m pretty glad that ANet doesn’t appear to listen or respond to us. As soon as those free transfers start, everyone and their brother will QQ about bandwagoning and how unfair free transfers are, OMG they destabilize the system! Lived that dream already, yuck.

We have NO CLUE what we want.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


Anet needs to enable free transfers from overpopulated servers to under populated servers.

Seems people in the upper tiers are crying over queue times while those of us in the lower tiers need more people.

First none “fix the rankings!” suggestion I’ve seen lately that I 100% completely agree with! Though I imagine it would have to work with WvW populations as opposed to overall server population to work correctly on this issue.

Guys. Most guilds/players in the top tiers will not move to a lower populated server at this point, even if it’s free. The queues on Blackgate range from non-existent to under 10 minutes most nights during NA prime time (except for reset night but reset night should always be thrown out when evaluating queues). From what I understand, they’re a bit worse on average on JQ and SoR during NA prime, but they’re not bad either. The bottom line is, unless a lot of players become more active following the March WvW update, queues are not going to be the motivator to move to a lower tier server as they once were.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Anet needs to enable free transfers from overpopulated servers to under populated servers.

Seems people in the upper tiers are crying over queue times while those of us in the lower tiers need more people.

A server can have a high population but a small WvW playerbase…

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Durand.5369


I have been playing on GoM for about 7 weeks. Just to give you an idea of the state of things, Commanders regularly tell new players asking to take SM. “We don’t have enough people to take SM, let alone hold it.”

There has not been a day that I have played that I have not seen the outmanned ‘buff,’ and I have been playing every day since the laurels were added.

There are regularly complaints in chat when people see us fighting in HoD’s territory. “Then we are playing for 2nd?” is a common complaint. It is certainly not everyone, but it happens fairly often.

I have not seen DH loose their Keep or Garrison in 7 weeks. That means that neither GoM or HoD have anyone that have completed their POIs in that time. (feel free to correct me on that, but I have been fairly stubborn about chasing completion).

It is possible DH is not a tier 6 team, but….they are not tier 7 either. I think after 7 weeks of winning the rating system would have reflected those victories and allowed them the opportunity to face tier 6 teams…if only for a week.

The same goes for SF, but it has been 10 weeks in tier 8 without a tier change.

The current system needs more variance, not static slots where there is a dwindling WvW population chasing second place.

Gates of Madness – Black Dragon Legion

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: FilthyRat.4652


Either way, asking a whole server to give up something they enjoy to quicken the swap is kind of ridiculous, definitely is selfish, and wouldn’t exactly be feasible. No matter how coordinated a server is, it isn’t like any guilds/alliances are strong enough to speak for everyone.

Lol…I said it as a joke in response to the name and first post on the thread. The people that are on the forums are only a tiny fraction of those that play the game and hope nobody will take it seriously.

Barodd-80 W/Kremklin-80 Me/Dokast-80 Nec
Nine Divines (ND)
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by FilthyRat.4652)

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Well it’s looking more and more like NSP is going to drop into Tier7 on Friday, I’m very curious as to how we will compare to the other two tier7 servers, and how DH will fare against BP/AR.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Seriously... Can we get a change?

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I daresay from the numbers you’ve thrown out that your server may be a better fit for tier 8 than tier 7, although even FC and ET frequently field 30+ in two maps simultaneously or 15 in one and 30 in another depending on the time, and that’s with a significant portion of both our WvW numbers on break/transferring due to boredom of the constant match-up with SF. I’d say a little less than half our optimal capacity (since there were times when we could queue a single map) when things really get going, although the same probably applies to your server as well.

Darkhaven is moving up as I understand also, which will allot you a new member in your tier and possibly more balance. Eventually SF too may manage to move up which in its prime when its not bored, probably won’t be too different from the situation you suffered with Darkhaven.

You could purposely drop to tier 8 if you want, although such things are hard to coordinate, and even doing it purposely takes a long time, and you will be stuck with the same partners for A VERY LONG time if you choose to do so, so that’s also something to be aware of. Worth it if it creates a more balanced match-up imo.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)