Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior
1) All siege now despawns in 30 minutes, so there is no point to sieging towers or keeps unless you have scouts refreshing siege every 30 minutes.
2) Couple that with no white swords for 30 seconds when something is hit, and how are you supposed to defend a tower?
You now need a scout or two in every tower permanently (not feasible/not many people will want to sit there idle), that both watches for enemy movement and refreshes siege.
This will either push everyone onto a pure offensive rampage, or make everybody play defensively. Silly.
Attached: AC new range pictuer
Also, a picture of the siege timer (right above siege name)
If some one uses the siege, the timer will restart?
Siege has always de-spawned after about 20-30min and refreshing siege has always been in the game.
Timer display doesnt seem that helpful, you have to get close enough to target it to see the timer , at which stage you may as well tag it to refresh it anyway…so nothing really changes.
In fact its a lot worse now they have fixed the “bug” that let arrow carts and catas last for hours.
The decay timer should be at least an hour.
Siege has always de-spawned after about 20-30min and refreshing siege has always been in the game.
It’s only true for trebs, if you didn’t use it for 30 min, bye bye treb.
The other entire siege will stay forever.
This favors even more the blobs.
Siege has always de-spawned after about 20-30min and refreshing siege has always been in the game.
In theory only. A lot stuff stayed for hours that was not being refreshed. It was unpredictable, other than for trebs and golems (as I understand it).
I was at first excited when I read the buffs to arrow carts because I’m a big believer in building siege well before the zerg comes, but if the timers are really working now, I don’t see continuing to throw down 20-30 pieces of siege in Garrison because I know I’ll get little to no help keeping them refreshed. It used to be they got destroyed by invading zergs because there weren’t enough people experienced enough to man them or there just wasn’t enough siege. Now they’ll get destroyed by, uh, termites, I guess….
If the stuff will really expire after 30 minutes, I expect most siege will still be placed at the last minute.
all siege has always despawned, unless it was placed on the ground or something
I’ve seen plenty of arrowcarts despawn before. The reason people have seen some arrowcarts last for hours is because often there are people actually refreshing siege when they see it. (though sometimes it just “forgot” to despawn as well)
The despawn timer doesn’t change anything and does not improve the zerging at all, it will make no impact to the meta.
I understand what ANet is doing with the 30s delay, it makes sense. It helps to bring back the old ninjas. Now groups under 25 have and advantage of being invisible for 30s. Groups over 25 kitten their efficiency. I do not understand how OP can not like this.
superior siege didnt have timers
this is a strange nerf to super siege, especially when it costs skill points and a lot of extra badges / gold / jp runs
Basically, this update screams “buy more siege” (or buy more gems so you can buy more siege).
- Arrow carts are much more powerful (zoomhack anyone?)
- Trebuchets cant no longer be blocked by swirling winds
- But now you need to build siege fast or else the build site disappears in 2 min
- And refresh siege often or else all your siege equipment will disappear and you’ll need to buy and build more.
The new arrow cart range is huge, from 2500 to 3500 for just 5 wxp points invested.
What’re you trying to show us in that first picture? I don’t see any indication of the arrow cart’s range in it.
- But now you need to build siege fast or else the build site disappears in 2 min
I think it will only despawn if nobody puts any supply into it for two minutes. As long as some supply goes in it it shouldn’t despaw.
What’re you trying to show us in that first picture? I don’t see any indication of the arrow cart’s range in it.
- But now you need to build siege fast or else the build site disappears in 2 min
I think it will only despawn if nobody puts any supply into it for two minutes. As long as some supply goes in it it shouldn’t despaw.
It didnt come up in the screenshot, but the center of the circle is a little past the NPCs on the ground
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