TC Guild Alliance Proposal

TC Guild Alliance Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: cannedflame.3597


Hello all,
As the creator of a small WvW guild that has only recently begun to expand enough to contribute significantly in our WvW activities on Tarnished Coast, I have started to realize the number of skilled players that reside in other guilds. Rather than hopping guilds myself, or hoping that other players will come to my guild, I thought it might be more beneficial to discuss uniting the various guilds through an alliance.

To this end, I would like to invite the other guild leaders on TC that participate in WvW, big and small, to discuss this idea in-depth.

The few ideas I came up with that could make this idea possible are:
1) an alliance-hosted voice-over-IP server with a high player limit
2) a leading or governing guild that has the final say over alliance disputes/issues (could be elected by vote, or any other appropriate means)
3) an alliance website, forum, or thread that lists its member guilds and participating commanders.

Being a small guild, we don’t have the means to start something this ambitious on our own, so it would be great if one of our server’s larger guilds would step in and contribute. Again, these are merely ideas and hopefully good discussion-starters on the subject, so feel free to jump in and contribute your opinions. The objectives to remember are to
1) promote communication between guilds and their members
2) foster unity on the server
3) create a mutual respect and cooperative effort between the various guilds and players on TC.

Maybe this would give us the edge we need to finally break into T2!

Human Necromancer Marrow Doomherald – Charr Guardian Karn Aegispaw
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]

TC Guild Alliance Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: ASP.8093


There’s already a TC community website focused on WvW here:

I haven’t really checked it out much. But they do seem to have a shared VOIP and some other stuff.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

TC Guild Alliance Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: cannedflame.3597


Well that is splendid! Nothing like trying to plan the party only to realize it’s already started! XD

Well maybe this will promote renewed interest, at the least.

Human Necromancer Marrow Doomherald – Charr Guardian Karn Aegispaw
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]

TC Guild Alliance Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


I certainly do not speak for [PINK], but I do know that anytime we are on a map we make a point to communicate with whomever else is on the map fighting the good fight. If you see us, feel free to give us an idea what your intentions or plans are and we will keep you up to date with our own I should add that some of the charm of our server has always been we are allianceless and value as much the guildless militia member as we do the guilds running their private ops. Maybe thats why we have the best militia in tier 3 and below.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

(edited by Sunspots.9861)

TC Guild Alliance Proposal

in WvW

Posted by: Thrumdi.9216


Check out TCGW2 and sign up for the War Council, where I believe most of the leaders communicate.

We saw BIF playing on Friday, and definitely remarked on your skill and commitment. Our leader, Kendrick Duskomen, would more then happy to get you up to speed, if needed.

Thrumdi, Captain of The Tarnished Coastguard

The ultimate GW2 troll.