Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


you can pretend it’s a faceroll class to make yourself feel better for losing to them, but it takes a LOT of skill to play the glass cannon backstab build. You and all the other QQers should watch the video and listen to them talk about how squishy the build is and how much finesse and how much coordination and timing you need in order to properly play this build.

I have a thief, it takes very little skill to use compared to my other classes. It is just (possibly basilisk venom), steal→C&D→Bs and drop most people, if they are a defense warrior or guard, they might not die but they don’t hurt much either so repeat C&D and Bs until they are dead. Or if I am p/d, steal→C&D→1, then caltrops, then continue to chain auto attack and C&D. Stealth if things go bad and run in a different direction, switch to short bow to cover distance if running from people. You don’t have to even have much knowledge of other classes or their abilities to win, usually just use the same strategy every time and you won.

Seriously after playing a thief, they are one of the easiest classes to use in my experience, which makes how OP they are worse.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


People use overpowered when they dont know how to beat a class and then ask in the forums how to beat them.

Figure it out. Thieves can die pretty easy. Do you go and tell people how to beat you?

Most theives are glass cannon thieves anyway. Which means its not going to take alot to kill them. Heck Glass Cannon theives have what 11K health.

Put a group of 10 warriors or 10 guardians who know what they doing they will destroy 10 Glass Cannon theives.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Thieves are pretty fragile solo, but against a group of 5 cloakers there’s no way you’re going to make much headway unless they do something seriously stupid.

Like trying to res one of their number under the shadow of a fort with cannons. 4 red arrows.

Anyway, the only reason they’re able to gank people deep in enemy territory like that is the ability to permanently stealth any time a large group rolls past. They can’t hold supply camps anymore, so they have to find other ways to keep their enemies busy.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Edeor.9720


Glass cannon thieves are difficult to play because it is very easy to die.

Have you ever played a thief? I said this because, as a thief, I find really hilarious your statement. Maybe you have to pratice more with our class, because with the culling bug a glass cannon thief in WvWvW is just a god.

Kareha Silverwind – mesmer of Clan McBenwick (Gunnar’s Hold)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Corgibuttz.5849


I play a thief.

Thieves OP as kitten. I am not a “super awesome pro gamer hell yea I always win because i’m awesome!!” gamer.

I tear it up in WvW w/ that thief. I can engage any sized group of people, and 99% of the time make it out alive. I am the fastest. No one can out run me. I am the fastest. No one can catch me. I solo WvW all the time. Picking off a weak person in groups of 2,3,4, even 5 sometimes. Anyone saying this “try playing the thief, you will see they are not OP.” This is bullkitten. I play the thief, and I own face. I have never played an MMO and had this “top dog” feeling like I do in guild wars. I play other classes as well now, and they are not nearly as strong as the thief. As much as I love my thief, I want to see them nerfed.

Anet. I am a thief, and I’m way way way over powered. Please nerf me. My good time must be stopped… for the good of the land.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: grubnick.7849


One of the biggest issues with thieves is culling. My main is an 80 thief and have benefited from it as well have been on the receiving end of invisible attackers. Fix culling and most of the problems with thieves will be solved.

Another issue not mentioned in this thread is mug on steal. It adds about 4k to 5k to the thief’s burst damage and makes their opening attack that much more deadly. In my opinion mug should be replaced with something else. Thieves have enough burst damage without it.

Thief main plus a few alts – Sanctum of Rall

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


you can pretend it’s a faceroll class to make yourself feel better for losing to them, but it takes a LOT of skill to play the glass cannon backstab build. You and all the other QQers should watch the video and listen to them talk about how squishy the build is and how much finesse and how much coordination and timing you need in order to properly play this build.

I have a thief, it takes very little skill to use compared to my other classes. It is just (possibly basilisk venom), steal->C&D->Bs and drop most people, if they are a defense warrior or guard, they might not die but they don’t hurt much either so repeat C&D and Bs until they are dead. Or if I am p/d, steal->C&D->1, then caltrops, then continue to chain auto attack and C&D. Stealth if things go bad and run in a different direction, switch to short bow to cover distance if running from people. You don’t have to even have much knowledge of other classes or their abilities to win, usually just use the same strategy every time and you won.

Seriously after playing a thief, they are one of the easiest classes to use in my experience, which makes how OP they are worse.

dude, you can go through ANY CLASS in ANY MMO and say ‘its just this then this then that then one of these’ and explain a combo or rotation for every class.

you’re not clever and because you can explain a rotation doesn’t make them easy to play

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: FourTwenty.4268


Glass cannon thieves are difficult to play because it is very easy to die.

Have you ever played a thief? I said this because, as a thief, I find really hilarious your statement. Maybe you have to pratice more with our class, because with the culling bug a glass cannon thief in WvWvW is just a god.

have YOU played the class? i’ve solo’d mobs with a necro, mesmer, elementalist, and thief so far and the thief is by far the weakest(unless fully geared out, then it is barely even. and i say barely because you really have to work to do the same sort of damage that other classes do)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Yamiino.1827


I see as many thieves as elementalists, rangers, mesmers, guardians, warriors, necros and engineers. Don’t know about your server or what tier you’re in, but where I play it is very mixed.

I wouldn’t go 2v10 of any class though and then whine on the forums, you just QQ about thieves because you got literally ganked with them and they are right now because of stealth on aim of being OP, when a mesmer can pretty much faceroll most thieves. ijs.

Bet if you found a group of 10 rangers spamming arrows on your little group you would ask for a nerf over the changes they did to them. Lol.

More pver complains please.

(edited by Yamiino.1827)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


I play a thief.

Thieves OP as kitten. I am not a “super awesome pro gamer hell yea I always win because i’m awesome!!” gamer.

I tear it up in WvW w/ that thief. I can engage any sized group of people, and 99% of the time make it out alive. I am the fastest. No one can out run me. I am the fastest. No one can catch me. I solo WvW all the time. Picking off a weak person in groups of 2,3,4, even 5 sometimes. Anyone saying this “try playing the thief, you will see they are not OP.” This is bullkitten. I play the thief, and I own face. I have never played an MMO and had this “top dog” feeling like I do in guild wars. I play other classes as well now, and they are not nearly as strong as the thief. As much as I love my thief, I want to see them nerfed.

Anet. I am a thief, and I’m way way way over powered. Please nerf me. My good time must be stopped… for the good of the land.

So you roam solo, steal in and down a player in a group before they (prob bad) even know what hit them, but you can’t get the stomp off and blow all your CD’s to get away from the group as they rez the player in 2 secs. And that is OP?


also @ this post, any class that is considered the “stealth” class in a wvw type setting will attract people to want to gather a large group of them and roam together as a super secret stealth gang. Look for that thread about 2 months back of the guy starting a thief only group.

i fail to see the point of how this means theives are op

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

There are a lot of traits that do something nasty when you are imbolozied, they really mess a backstab thief up.

They hit their Steal+ Baskilisk combo, and then for example in the case of an Engineer, you go invisble. Steal has a long cool down, you just screwed up their plans for them.

Now if you want a real nasty group to encounter, multiple warriors can have people meleeing you, people meleeing you with an ability that stops them taking damage. Meanwhile their buddies sit in the back with a crit Rifle build and pop you for 25K every Killshot refresh, heck if they use shouts to build adrenaline, they do so while buffing their swords swinging bros.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


There seriously has to be some kind of computer issue here. I have seen invis players and not all of them are thieves. If you run into a zerg everyone is invis at first. What doesn’t need to render is your character turning into stone you know all gray and not moving.

Yeah, before they nerf Thief stealth they really need to nerf Ele Stealth, and Warrior Stealth and Guardian Stealth.

My biggest thing is all the stealthing. It’s one thing to combat someone you can see, it’s another to combat someone who disappears every 4-5 seconds and turns up somewhere else. It’s a pretty big annoyance to me. This is why I think bleeds or poison should break stealth or prevent it.

Stealth should be a means to initiate a fight or escape one if possible… not what we have now.

People who feel this way really need to play Thieves more. When a Thief stealths, he’s still there. It’s not like he vanishes and you can’t mess with him until he reappears. Throw some AoE around, ideally some PBAoE. Swing wide with melee attacks. Pretty much any class, at any time, can seriously kitten-up a Thief while he’s still stealthed. If you’re fighting a Thief and he goes into stealth, and you just stand around slack-jawed until you can see him again, then you deserve to die.

I play a thief.

Thieves OP as kitten. I am not a “super awesome pro gamer hell yea I always win because i’m awesome!!” gamer.

I tear it up in WvW w/ that thief. I can engage any sized group of people, and 99% of the time make it out alive. I am the fastest. No one can out run me. I am the fastest. No one can catch me. I solo WvW all the time. Picking off a weak person in groups of 2,3,4, even 5 sometimes. Anyone saying this “try playing the thief, you will see they are not OP.” This is bullkitten. I play the thief, and I own face. I have never played an MMO and had this “top dog” feeling like I do in guild wars. I play other classes as well now, and they are not nearly as strong as the thief. As much as I love my thief, I want to see them nerfed.

Anet. I am a thief, and I’m way way way over powered. Please nerf me. My good time must be stopped… for the good of the land.

And I’m a Quaggan Dervish.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


DD thief is a foo strat just like 100b wars. It’s there for new players to have something somewhat powerful with ease… but also easily countered.

Learn to counter their 1 trick. All burst dmg thieves do the same exact thing every single time.

Yes the reveal timer should be increased and they should appear faster… but at the very least you shouldn’t be dying from them…

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

(edited by Aberrant.6749)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Corgibuttz.5849


I play a thief.

Thieves OP as kitten. I am not a “super awesome pro gamer hell yea I always win because i’m awesome!!” gamer.

I tear it up in WvW w/ that thief. I can engage any sized group of people, and 99% of the time make it out alive. I am the fastest. No one can out run me. I am the fastest. No one can catch me. I solo WvW all the time. Picking off a weak person in groups of 2,3,4, even 5 sometimes. Anyone saying this “try playing the thief, you will see they are not OP.” This is bullkitten. I play the thief, and I own face. I have never played an MMO and had this “top dog” feeling like I do in guild wars. I play other classes as well now, and they are not nearly as strong as the thief. As much as I love my thief, I want to see them nerfed.

Anet. I am a thief, and I’m way way way over powered. Please nerf me. My good time must be stopped… for the good of the land.

So you roam solo, steal in and down a player in a group before they (prob bad) even know what hit them, but you can’t get the stomp off and blow all your CD’s to get away from the group as they rez the player in 2 secs. And that is OP?


also @ this post, any class that is considered the “stealth” class in a wvw type setting will attract people to want to gather a large group of them and roam together as a super secret stealth gang. Look for that thread about 2 months back of the guy starting a thief only group.

i fail to see the point of how this means theives are op

You are right, perhaps my first post was not very clear.

I guess my point I was trying to make was playing I win most of my 1v1s as a thief as a pistol/dagger spec by coming out shooting from stealth, shooting twice then cloak and daggering back into stealth. I use these two moves over and over and I beat every class. I never do anything different. The only time I “add” anything is when I burn Thief Guild and gain 2 extra guys for confusion/dps. That beats every class.

On top of that for 1v1’s I can target a class w/ less defensive tricks in groups of 4 guys and kill them, and then escape.

I use 2 moves over and over and over in 1v1, in 1v5, and I get kills.

If I see any other player I can run them down.
If a large group of people see me, no one besides another thief can catch me.

They recently buffed stealth so I can run 50% faster while stealthed. I have 14 seconds of stealth at 150% movement speed.

I can engage 10 people in a fight, cloak and dagger into stealth, drop my shadow field (whatever it’s called) and stay cloaked for 14 seconds moving at 150% movement speed away from them, then use shadow step while in stealth at the last moment and jump so far away from the people I was just fighting our names fade out and they can’t even see my tag above my head before I come out of stealth.

I can defeat any class using 2 moves, and escape any number of people every time and run down any player I see.

I guess my examples were not very clear the first time. I hope this helps. If you play a thief and are arguing they are not over powered, I think you are lying to yourself.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Only in Anet land does a class who is stealthed move FASTER while trying to avoid detection, the reality is they have it kitten backwards. Someone trying to hide in shadows and avoid detection should be moving very slow, not insanely fast.


Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

once you find the real mesmer ctrl + t and you’ll always know which is real and which is clone, the target will stay on the real one.


Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


Only in Anet land does a class who is stealthed move FASTER while trying to avoid detection, the reality is they have it kitten backwards. Someone trying to hide in shadows and avoid detection should be moving very slow, not insanely fast.

It almost seems the dev team plays thieves as their ‘main’ character sometimes doesn’t it? Mindboggling they actually buffed their ability to escape instead of reducing it.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.5479


thieves are making me rage this game pretty soon if the rendering doesnt get fixed.
anet needs to stop worshipping this bug abusing class and fix it, before releasing fail-events and content.
im done with this….

Kengo Miyazawa ~ norn warrior
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Dual.8953


Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

once you find the real mesmer ctrl + t and you’ll always know which is real and which is clone, the target will stay on the real one.

10 mesmer’s out of 40 figures. Plus they may have decoy. Also, 30 clone shatter spike. Sounds insane.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Trump.9803


Something is definitely off. I was 1v1ing a Thief in WvW EB with my exotics Knights/Toughness/Shield Warr. Got him down to 1/4 health, myself was at about 6K. He stealths, I’m like ok, he’ll be back get ready and I’m spamming Axe1 while I wait. Was only a few seconds later, he appears and downs me in 1 hit (I think it was a Backstab + Sigil of Fire proc) so that was pretty bad. There really was zero time to react. Now I’m cranking 3400+ armour so that a bit rich. But here’s the kicker – he was at full health when he came out of stealth?? so he was able to stealth, setup his next burst and full heal all at the same time, wtf? At that point I just shrugged, I didn’t feel like I was outplayed, the class is just uber at the moment.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


You were definately outplayed, and by quite a large margin it seems. At the very least you should try a thief in spvp to figure out how/why this happened to you.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Just make those core thief attacks channelled. Then, if used from stealth, they appear the moment they click the CD (as opposed to when they deal damage).

That’d make people happy. Other than thieves of course….

Still, they get to keep their numbers AND stealth.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Monztor.9207


Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

once you find the real mesmer ctrl + t and you’ll always know which is real and which is clone, the target will stay on the real one.

You can drop the targeting with stealth moves from mesmer as well. Decoy/Veil/Mass Invis/Prestige

Also. I have seen a 20+ man mesmer zerg. The amount of mesmers fielded for that push was 22-25 mesmers.That was entertaining.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


A coordinated group of 10 anything will ‘decimate’ smaller groups walking by. Whining on the forums about this just makes you look foolish.

My point being, the class is so overpowered you now have a situation where this is happening.

I wasn’t complaining about the decimation part.

Foolish? I think not.

I did this with 10 eles in TS and we wrecked EVERYTHING we came across, even leveled a Zerg of ~25 people or so when they stormed our keep, does this mean eles are OP too? No, it means a group of 10 coordinated players will be able to wreck a larger group of uncoordinated minions.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


If you can’t faceroll any class besides a mesmer or guardian as a thief you need to L2P. Those two, if it goes badly just run off. Only two classes I couldn’t plant face down with a 99.9% success rate on my thief.

If they can’t really fix culling completely then they need to consider breaking up the stealth chain. Easiest way to do this would be to replace the stealth component of CnD with something like Distortion/Evasion.

If I saw a group of 10 rangers I’d laugh wildly and prepare for 10 killcounts on any class (except well maybe if I was playing a ranger).

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Tulisin.6945


But here’s the kicker – he was at full health when he came out of stealth?? so he was able to stealth, setup his next burst and full heal all at the same time, wtf?

Probably has a lot to do with the fact that he used his heal skill to go into stealth, and he has so little HP that his heal skill alone will get him back to full HP. Doesn’t really take much when you’re capping out at 13K.

(edited by Tulisin.6945)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


But here’s the kicker – he was at full health when he came out of stealth?? so he was able to stealth, setup his next burst and full heal all at the same time, wtf?

Probably has a lot to do with the fact that he used his heal skill to go into stealth, and he has so little HP that his heal skill alone will get him back to full HP. Doesn’t really take much when you’re capping out at 13K.

They can get more than that, or you can be like my friend who has 10k health and like 2k armor, sure he rips people to shreds but the second he fights someone smart enough to keep attackin him while he’s in stealth he gets destroyed.

How long will it take for people to realize that you don’t need a target in order to use most skills?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: thiagoperne.7340


When people are going to realize that if the class needs a nerf they would nerf it already. but instead you keep making non-sense threads because you can’t handle some players that plays thief, the problem is “you” not the class.

Also you dont realize that “you” making these thiefs threads are the very very minority and when a anet guy looks in a thread like this they just laugh at you.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591


If an thief /points at you, he only show you how much time you got to live
The main point of WvWvW is to follow the zerg like an sheep, unless you got own small team that can take supply camps or can create diversions at towers / keeeps. The ideea of solo in an World fight is not viable . You risk to engage in an 1 vs 1 and end in an 3 vs 1 or 30 vs 1.
no.1 WvW kills

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


When people are going to realize that if the class needs a nerf they would nerf it already. but instead you keep making non-sense threads because you can’t handle some players that plays thief, the problem is “you” not the class.

Also you dont realize that “you” making these thiefs threads are the very very minority and when a anet guy looks in a thread like this they just laugh at you.

Just like bots weren’t a problem for several months until Anet got off their fat backsides and made some attempt to fix it the issue right? I guess all those exploits that took time to fix by Anet were not worth complaining about since Anet did nothing for a long time?
Judging anything by Anets lackluster response time is ignorant. You obviously have nothing useful to add to this thread other then some kitten weak fanboy crap.


Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


I guess my point I was trying to make was playing I win most of my 1v1s as a thief as a pistol/dagger spec by coming out shooting from stealth, shooting twice then cloak and daggering back into stealth. I use these two moves over and over and I beat every class. I never do anything different. The only time I “add” anything is when I burn Thief Guild and gain 2 extra guys for confusion/dps. That beats every class.

Why don’t you die when they drop hellfire on you once you stealth?

They recently buffed stealth so I can run 50% faster while stealthed. I have 14 seconds of stealth at 150% movement speed.

Ok, now you’ve got me curious, how do you engage Stealth for 14 seconds in a row without using Shadow Refuge? I mean, you could theoretically use Shadow Refuge, but you’d have to camp out in there for five seconds to get the full buff, and they would never let you leave that circle alive.

I don’t know, it sounds like someone who’s theory-crafted a Thief based on rumor and wiki entries rather than actually using any of those abilities in practice.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Formana.9283


In all honesty, I read that as “I can’t even beat one thief, now you allow them to group up?” This is a very serious l2p, which most people will never admit to being outplayed and will almost always say that it is due to game issues, which is still true, don’t get me wrong.

All I can say is, people need to figure out things themselves and stop complaining. Plus, killing people and getting away with it (which thieves are best at) isn’t the only way to play WvWvW. Don’t go kitten this I’m rolling thief since my Elementalist or Guardian or whatever can’t kill 1v1 for kitten and my kitten is getting smaller.

No matter how many thieves may run you over, they will still never be able to do what the other classes are capable of. Which people will never figure out since they will always either go “thief op” and build their profession to have “anti-thief” (Which will make you more useless to your team) or reroll a thief themselves.

Mind games, really. Don’t lose!

1. Whoever gets frustrated first, loses.
2. Group up! Coordinate!
3. Play for objectives!
4. Have fun!

Just my two cents, see you on the battlefield!

Fray Formana – Warrior
Bear Hat | Tom Cruise | Chuck Norris
[Urge] Blackgate – Commander | Warrior Question? Mail me! :D

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

at least I will see them.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


@Catista – what are you talking about? ANET addressed bots even before people started botting, they included report functions in anticipation of this even. Addressing bots require collection of data and that takes time. They made sure what they’re banning are true bots and not players just acting like one. You cannot expect them to magically solve everything overnight but the fact remains that they were recognizing it, working on it, and finally addressed it the entire time. They weren’t sleeping at their couches the entire time. It’s unfair to ANET to assume that they slept on this issue when there are proof all over the forum that they’ve been repeatedly coming out, collecting data, you’re the one who has nothing to add to this forum. This has got nothing to do with thieves at all.

Complaining is different from constructive feedback, this thread is “complaining” most people don’t even understand how a thief works yet they are fearless to say nerf. Constructive feedbacks require good understanding of both sides, this thread is one-sided against thieves. Provide stats, data, and solid proof that would show that Thief needs further nerfing. Show us calculations, photos, other hard evidence that would provide that thieves can WTFPWN any class anytime it wants. This is what I don’t like about this forum compared to WOW, in WOW, people at least give intelligible comments, everyone knows their stuff down to the decimal, here, it’s all about vague QQ’ing, don’t even know if it’s trolling or serious. I only see people crying because they got their kitten handed to them. All I see are unsportsman like behavior of players that don’t have enough skill, congregating in a thread QQing, as I have personally dealt with all sorts of thief with no problems…I am my own proof, I can provide you with screenshots, even a video if warranted to debunk all these claims, but I’m not going to do it because the burden of proof is on YOU hater. I have encountered good thieves that owned me, but any class has that.

I will say it again, it’s not the thief class that’s the issue, it’s the culling, if you understand how a thief works, you wouldn’t even be here QQ’ing as thieves have already been nerfed several times over. Those examples provided of how godlike thieves own you and you could not do anything about it? Either they are lying, or they’re just a really bad player because how come that never happened to me? Am I playing a different game? TO the guy who said he’s a bunker guardian and a thief was able to burst him down? Really now? Come show a video of it, not photos, I have a bunker guardian, I have NEVER EVER been bursted down by any class, heck even groups of thieves cannot burst me down unless I’m caught being stupid roaming in the middle of nowhere, meanwhile, as I play my Guardian, I can charge in the midle of a zerg and tag everyone and run unmarked and get like 30 kills everytime, easy as pie…stop QQing, it’s really getting old.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

(edited by Bananasmile.4126)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


stealth is tied to culling. thiefs get much higher benefits from culling than do others because they can re-stealth. I advise everyone who is tired of getting 3 shotted by enemies you can never see nor hit, to give tons of feedback to anet.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Avalon.4809


Just wait until you get a group of 10 mesmers. Instant zerg. Have fun trying to find the real ones in stealth.

at least I will see them.

ahaha xD good point

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: THuGaNoMiX.5036


Thieves are OP and overplayed. Signed.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


I thought I didn’t have a problem with thieves anymore since I got to lvl 80 and got a full set of exotics. But today it was just ridiculous. First there was an incident in which a thief downed me in about 2 seconds. I’m lvl 80 and have a full set of exotics and 2500+ armor. I don’t think this should be possible. There is definitely something wrong here.

The second incident was with 2 thieves against 5-6 of ours. We play quite well and no matter what happened, we couldn’t kill either of those two. They would not leave either. Just walk around and kite a group 3x their size. It was all about the stealth. And I tried to do what Anet asked me to kill a thief. We tried so much doing AoE damage on their stealth and it didn’t work at all. Of course those two were really skilled. But so were we. We were not some group of noobs.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Glass cannon thieves are difficult to play because it is very easy to die.

Have you ever played a thief? I said this because, as a thief, I find really hilarious your statement. Maybe you have to pratice more with our class, because with the culling bug a glass cannon thief in WvWvW is just a god.

My only level 80 is a thief.

I still play her and I play much more W3 than PvE. I still do some PvE but it is more fun playing against real people. AI is very stupid.

I ran a D/D 30/30/10/0/0 back stab and it was squishy. Couldn’t go near a zerg because they often have AOE going. I could pick people off that came out of the mass of people.

Arrow carts sucked real bad if they had a few and it seems they always had me targeted.

I could not repair a door under fire. Helpful when you are tying to buy some time for your side.

I’ve tried other versions such as the 10/30/30/0/0 for the heal under stealth but then I wasn’t killing very well and I was still squishy.

I’ve tried a bunch of different ways to run a thief and didn’t like being squishy. Just too easy to die. If you can instagib and get away, that is one thing but you are again waiting upon cool downs to make it work so you are not helping your side out when you are waiting.

I prefer P/D condition now. I can go near a zerg without dying from AOE right away since I have more HP. You can even see my bullets when I’ve fired my modified #1 so I’m giving away my position.

I also don’t play to the culling bug. I know it will be fixed, I’m counting on ANet to deliver. I play expecting the other player to know I can be seen because I do not know when the culling issue will work to my benefit. I dislike the culling but because it had effected me and it isn’t because of a class. Get enough people around and you to can exploit the culling bug.

Any nerf to damage potential will also affect my build as well as other thief builds and it takes long enough to kill as it is as a condition thief. That is how nerfs end up working. People say that it will be focused but it doesn’t end up that way. I don’t need it to take any longer for me to kill just because people can’t counter one build type of a thief.

Finally, people have countered my instagib and I’ve been able to counter other thieves instagib. People are learning how to counter this class just like I’ve had to learn how to counter other classes. It isn’t hard to do.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Honestly, when a game is being sold around PvP and WvW, they shouldn’t have added any stealth or illusions. I really question the morality and virtues of the design team on many levels, this especially. I’d rather face my enemy and brawl for 3-5 minutes than these tissue paper characters we have now. Honestly, how long is your average 1v1 fight?

I had a great one Rifle Warrior vs Rifle Warrior fight last night in EB. We downed each other at the same time. Then both popped Vengeance and went at it more. I was the victor by the smallest margin. THAT was fun and honorable.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


@ Victoitor – For a thief to burst down a bunker build in seconds, he must be a full glass cannon type and invested used up all his skills in that burst attack: Assassin’s Signet + Haste either on D/D or S/P. This being said, that thief, after that attack, would have been a sitting duck to your team mates because that build means he has less utility skill to re-stealth. Let me remind you that WvW is not a 1v1 map, so take into account team play, those kind of thieves can down players but they don’t finish them off due to the fact that if they stay longer, people can kill them just as fast since they’re squishy. Just now, my guild came across a group with around 3 glass cannon thieves…you know what we did? WE WAITED FOR THEM TO ATTACK ONE OF US..we were anticipating them, the moment a pixel of them showed in our screen, we they fell down like marshmallows. You know how we dealt with culling? Simple, we had 1 (ONE) mesmer that has clones that attacks them on sight. Now, why am I saying this? Going to your second scenario, you must have encountered 2 non-glass cannon thieves using P/D or D/D that’s very good in stealthing…did you know that thieves can stealth more, the more enemies they face? NON GLASS CANNON STEALTH THIEVES LIKE FIGHTING AGAINST NUMBERS because it increase their chances to initiate a CnD. In a way, the best way to fight against this kind of thief is to spread out because it will diminish his chances of restealthing plus he cannot burst you down as effectively as a glass cannon…you see, thieves are not one dimensional…you encountered two totally different breed of thieves…Understand the profession first. Again these are not unbeatable builds, glass cannon thrives on single target, therefore don’t be alone which is not really hard to do in WvW…sure they can down you, but unless your allies are dumb, they won’t be able to dunk you…for the non-glass cannon builds….spread out, you have time to do this because their bursts are lower, just be at least 2-3 seconds away from your allies…lower his chance of re-stealthing. You may not be noobs, but it seems like you have no idea about thieves which makes you noobs in a thief’s POV. Your AOE mean nothing if you’re up against non-glass cannons as they will keep on re-stealting and gaining back their HP, if you bunch up, spread out and you hurt their chances of restealthing and remove their bread and butter, their autos suck, all they have are backstab crits, without this, they’re powerless. Many many things to discuss. The point is, thieves aren’t all powerful, people just don’t know how to deal with them. Each build has its PRO and CONS, I have a question for you whiners, how much time and dedication did you actually put in in order to figure out thieves??? Did you even try running one in order to get better understanding? You know back in BWE days, I couldn’t beat guardians…what I did was to run a guardian and internalize who guardians think so I know when he will use his skills or when not…I can write an entire essay about this, of course, I rather not, I rather watch people QQ here in forums, I guess as a thief, it flatters me that people seem to not figure us out.

PS: People who do figure us out own us. There are already videos in youtube in proof of this. Especially the Tankcat engineer or something like that. A good mesmer can easily make a fool out of thieves, didn’t you know that? Thieves KEEP classes in check, just as how some builds of other professions keeps thieves in check. There are proof that thieves are easy once figured out, complain if NOBODY can outplay a thief using a different profession. All I see are people with limited knowledge, and rather dismiss stealthing of thieves as a bad thing rather than trying to figure out how to beat it.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

(edited by Bananasmile.4126)

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Xirin.8593


Wow, 6 threads on page 1 about thieves.

Either it’s time for me to finish gearing my thief in exotics, or it’s time for me to forget about him. Only time will tell…tick tock, tick tock.

[AoN] All or Nothing

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Corgibuttz.5849


I guess my point I was trying to make was playing I win most of my 1v1s as a thief as a pistol/dagger spec by coming out shooting from stealth, shooting twice then cloak and daggering back into stealth. I use these two moves over and over and I beat every class. I never do anything different. The only time I “add” anything is when I burn Thief Guild and gain 2 extra guys for confusion/dps. That beats every class.

Why don’t you die when they drop hellfire on you once you stealth?

They recently buffed stealth so I can run 50% faster while stealthed. I have 14 seconds of stealth at 150% movement speed.

Ok, now you’ve got me curious, how do you engage Stealth for 14 seconds in a row without using Shadow Refuge? I mean, you could theoretically use Shadow Refuge, but you’d have to camp out in there for five seconds to get the full buff, and they would never let you leave that circle alive.

I don’t know, it sounds like someone who’s theory-crafted a Thief based on rumor and wiki entries rather than actually using any of those abilities in practice.

Shadow Refuge is what I use to escape, I just forgot the name like I said, in the part of the quote you decided to leave out to try and discredit me. It’s not really that hard to find a small sliver of space not getting hit by AOE (you can see all the circles after all) and just stand there until I get my full stealth. It’s so easy it’s a joke. You sound like the one who has not played a high mobility pistol/dagger thief in wvw. I don’t die when they drop hellfire on me in stealth because I simply dodge away once I stealth. I have very high endurance regen via runes and traits, I can dodge very very often.

Once again, Arenanet, I’m a thief, please nerf me.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: sahand.9138


It is much more difficult to defeat them, you dont need a youtube video or long paragraph to figure out how to kill other classes. ive killed them all except a thief glass cannon or good at stealth.

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Shadow Refuge is what I use to escape, I just forgot the name like I said, in the part of the quote you decided to leave out to try and discredit me.

I’m not “trying to discredit you,” I’m just pointing out the parts where what you’re saying wouldn’t make any sense if you’d actually tried it.

It’s not really that hard to find a small sliver of space not getting hit by AOE (you can see all the circles after all) and just stand there until I get my full stealth.

If so then you aren’t facing very skilled opponents, since most AoEs can hit every corner of a Shadow Refuge. To to mention the capability of just running in there and swinging around with melee attacks. Not every AoE attack is a ground targeted circle attack. If you try to take a swing back, you get Revealed and are a sitting duck.

You sound like the one who has not played a high mobility pistol/dagger thief in wvw. I don’t die when they drop hellfire on me in stealth because I simply dodge away once I stealth. I have very high endurance regen via runes and traits, I can dodge very very often.

No, I have very high endurance regen, and even still I can only dodge three times in a row and then I’m down to only one every few seconds. A solid AoE barrage should be plenty, especially if it’s all aimed as a Shadow Refuge.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


Honestly, when a game is being sold around PvP and WvW, they shouldn’t have added any stealth or illusions. I really question the morality and virtues of the design team on many levels, this especially. I’d rather face my enemy and brawl for 3-5 minutes than these tissue paper characters we have now. Honestly, how long is your average 1v1 fight?

I had a great one Rifle Warrior vs Rifle Warrior fight last night in EB. We downed each other at the same time. Then both popped Vengeance and went at it more. I was the victor by the smallest margin. THAT was fun and honorable.

Well said! This is the kind of fights that most people want to have. Unless you are a griefer type of playing who gets their sadistic jollies killing basically killing players who cannot fight back. How can they enjoy it otherwise? It must be like running around killing white chickens, rats, and cats or whatever. How can you be proud of your accomplishments playing such an overpowered class?

And you know the players who are victims of thieves certainly don’t like dying to thieves…especially when don’t get a chance to fight back. We will never know, but I bet there are hundreds who quit the game or stopped doing PvP or WvW because of one class. How can this be good for the long term health of the game?

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: RedOwl.7496


@ Victoitor – Each build has its PRO and CONS, I have a question for you whiners, how much time and dedication did you actually put in in order to figure out thieves??? Did you even try running one in order to get better understanding?

Why is it that thieves think other classes should have to play a thief, watch videos, go to school or whatever to figure out how to beat them? How much time to thieves have to spend playing other classes to figure out how to beat them? All they really have to do is figure out which classes give them trouble or are too hard to kill and either avoid them or run away.

All most good thieves have to do is walk up and hit 3 or 4 buttons and kill someone. Rest of us are supposed to always be on extreme alert and hope like hell our reaction times are in nanoseconds, there is no lag, and thief renders so we can attack. And we are supposed to cover inch of ground for 6 square miles around us with AOE to try to kill them. Better luck buying a lottery ticket sometimes. Why are other classes supposed to have to work so hard to kill a thief? Why should a thief not have to do the same?

Why do you think it is fair for thieves to so easily pick and choose who they want to fight while most other classes cannot do the same? One class is supposed to be able to roam and kill at will while every other class is supposed to travel in zergs only and feel like a sheep in a herd? This seems fine to you?

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

OK, from now on I will facepalm everyone who says thieves are overpowered without showing proof. You guys are officially scrubs in my book that got their kitten handed to them and now runs to forums. A good player will never become a victim to any of these things people keep QQ’ing about. I’ll do this game service, I would love to kill you until you quit the game. I hope we have more logical people join this game, people who present with clear evidence and not just one instance with god knows if it’s even true. GG. I’ll have fun making you rage quit. XOXO.

A member of the play to win mentality, good for you.

In response to you then, I’ve only played mesmer since release. I’m not afraid of thieves. I’ve figured out how to beat them. I think a lot of that is tied to the mesmer class though. All that aside, I’ll support those who are anti-thief in it’s current form. Are they invincible? No. Can the mechanics use some adjustment? Yes. Unless you’re suggesting the class is perfect in it’s current form?

Thieves - this is getting ridiculous

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


I’m not suggesting the class is perfect, do you even read the demands of these haters? Do you see their arguments? They argue that thieves are WIN button when it’s not. They argue that thieves can kill ALL profession in any given scenario. They argue that the game will be run over by thieves. I don’t have the mentality of play to win. But I don’t have the mentality of whiner as well. If I cannot beat something, I won’t go to the forum and QQ. That’s how I became decent in PVP, by dying a lot and accepting rather than crying. You must have forgotten how many times thieves have been nerfed so as far as the battle between pro and anti thieves, the anti has actually been winning, don’t act like you’re all oppressed, we thieves have been slapped repeatedly except last time due to the pistol buff, but that’s hardly a compensation. It’s far from perfect, but these haters want thiefs to lose everytthing….lose stealth when hit…lose damage…lose backstab…lose mobility…OMG…what the kitten is a thief supposed to be? I don’t disagree with nerfs and balancing, but all these suggestions of haters are geared towards destroying the profession…and what’s funny is, they’re not even aware of it…because they don’t know how a thief works…“sure, we want to remove backstab but we don’t want to destroy profession”, or “sure, we want to expose thief when hit, but we don’t want to destroy the thief” LOL…

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

(edited by Bananasmile.4126)