With the news of free transfers coming to an end on Janurary 28th, I wish to make an urgent plea to the WvW focused guilds of Europe.
1. If you are sitting in a low tier server, hoping everyday that 1000s of WvW focused players will join you. It seems very unlikely.
2. If your guild is suffering for members leaving, low representation, and difficulty to communicate, there will no longer be a large influx of players for you to recruit because there will be no sudden influx of players who bandwagon to your server, you can only grow organically from now on, much to slow for the rate players are leaving. Especially if you are low tier
3. If your members are burning out, suffering from long late night hours to play just to stay ahead, the dreams of a low cost American savior coming will soon come to an end. No one is coming to save you.
Currently, Sea of Sorrows has the best North American and Oceanic coverage, we have won 8 out of 9 Tier 1 weeks, the longest winning Tier 1 Champion in North America WvW. But it is NOT ENOUGH. Currently we are holding under 50 ppt in all empty boarderlands during European prime times. Often, Oceanic members need to stay up until 5am or Americans need to skip school and work to play in the afternoons to hold it.
We realize this is not sustainable.
We realize that Europeans are facing the same problem.
We need Europeans to watch our backs!
Why don’t I transfer to a low tier server and work my way up?
The next transfer you make is going to be the last free transfer ever. Do you want to transfer to an unproven server, where you risk the WvW alliance falling apart due to consistent under performance? Or, will you for the sake of your guild members come to the server who has proven to be number 1 time and again through hard work, mature community and capable strategies?
SOS has worked their way up. We understand that you may think working your way up from beaten dog to top dog is a very romantic notion. But trust us, T1 survival is no laughing matter, 24/7 coverage is only the beginning. If you cannot guarantee that, you should not think about other issues. We have seen time and again servers who enter tier 1, fail, and completely fall apart because of the shear hopelessness they feel.
It’s always full
Please contact myself or this forum via in-game mail or private message and I will help to administer a very success transfer for you. We will provide the man power and administrative tools to help your transfer succeed. SOS has experience doing this, we have transferred over 1000 WvW players within 2 days to our seemingly “full” server before.
I don’t want to be labelled as a Bandwagoner
1. No server is a pure virgin anymore, even I, a native of SOS since Aug 25 2013, is often labelled as a “bandwagoner”. I take it with a smile. A winning smile.
2. Bandwagoner is just an insult, smack talk in a WvW environment. It is very similar to “your server is cheating” “your server is hacking” “your server is 2v1ing” “you server has spies” “you server is full of BANDWAGONERS” – What type of people have to resort to name calling? Losers who can’t win on the battlefield. Do you care about them?
3. Another name for people who change server to better WvW communities are: Responsible Guild Leaders who look out for the sustainable development of their guild and members. Do you want your members to keep suffering as losing martyrs? Or ride together into victory?
Lag is an issue
It is not, it has been proven time and again. No one has ever complained about lag. If you are worried about the issue of lag, please contact us and we will organize a way for you to test it first hand.
I can’t recruit anyone in NA
Very wrong. SOS actually has a reasonable amount of players during European times, but they have no leaders. As long as they have no leaders, we fear that eventually they will just up and leave. Be that leader, show them the way. You can probably double your member pool just by popping into our Euro Time Zone right now and picking up the stragglers.
Europeans, the time is now. Please, think about the future of your guild members. Do they want to play 10 hours a day only to lose because of lack of coverage? Don’t just just any server, your members deserve to be part of the best. Think of your children, your wife, your girlfriend, your career. Do they deserve to suffer because your server has no coverage and you need to pull extra hours every night to play? Now is the time the make the change.
Contact us now, the time is almost at an end.
My question is, what is the hardest part about transferring to the USA? Please write down your concerns and we will try our best to address them!
If you are interested in learning more about the people, guilds and community of Sea of Sorrows, please visit: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/78596-sea-of-sorrows-an-organized-community-for-wvw/
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
(edited by Jedahs.2713)