Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


HoD WvW night cap with ease?

There it is. Leave comments there, and leave comments here. Keep this thread alive! People say a lot. Here is what the top seed really faces off with.

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Wow, HoD night caps? I didn’t know this ….. xD!

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


OMG… And he has proof.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.2691


Dear God… he’s got video evidence of them using a tactic that the Devs have stated in a sticky thread is perfectly legitimate and working as intended. Guess we can close this case file.

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


wait a second, i see them attacking players, i thought they ONLY attacked doors wtf?!

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


And we should care about this why exactly? Night-capping is a perfectly valid strategy.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


Holy crap, a video of night capping on the weekend, the nights where people actually stay up late!

some terrible idiot in [pre]

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Wow, how wierd is that. People actually playing the game all night long on weekends, just like me! I thought I was the only one allowed to do that. You guys are all cheating!

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


This has been the best thread I’ve ever seen lol

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Goregash.4952


pvp still happens when defenses are weak? say it aint so!

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: wdspeck.8723


Let’s also point out that, by having this video, that means they were going to nightcap also lol. So why bring up the fact the other side is doing it, if you’re doing the same thing?

Westleyy – Ranger Lanan – Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks
Argonauts of Tyria

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Kindadrunk.4675


Was the point of this video just to show everyone how bad you are at WvW?

You look like I need another drink..

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Chorel.1720


Good job TC, you earned the stupid award of the day.

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


This only happens because other servers’ players are online but not queueing into WvW.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


Must be an exploit

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Video proof of HoD night capping Friday

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462



There is a thread oppened for Nightcapping where everyone is welcome to share ideas and participate in the discussion, as well as being able to check Anet policy regargind night capping. Please, in the future, refrain from making this kind of threads as they dont serve any purpose nor help.

This post is closed. Thanks