Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
And now that everyone is trolling i can put this vid down here without any problems.
To RIOT from IRON with love.
If you recorded your TS can i please hear it?
Is there any VoTF videos from 27.03? Or from any day after it?
And now that everyone is trolling i can put this vid down here without any problems.
To RIOT from IRON with love.[url][url]
If you recorded your TS can i please hear it?
lol that’s been doing the rounds for a while now We had a good laugh about it too… including the commander in question (in fact, I think he was rather pleased about being made famous). We don’t have TS speak recorded for you but apparently there was a lot of joy about still managing to take garrison… despite the commander set back (I was not fighting at the time – so just going on hearsay from the commander).
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Yeah i know. But i didnt want to make people upset on the forums. Thats why we didnt post it.
But after all this trakittenalking we could use a little joy in here.
But the vid isnt that old if im correct, max 2 weeks.
And if i where youre commander i would stay up all night to take the garri.
Next time he wont stand there anymore is my gues.
( we are still looking for more mr. riot commander, look behind you :P)
How can one brag about wipes at forums ? Tons of things that can tweak the outcome of a fight in WvW…
1 – some side has less guild players;
2 – some side has less guild players and less players counting with pugs;
3 – both sides have even guild players but one has some randoms;
4 – one guild catches other from side/behind or fighting any other blob.
WvW is not fking GvG. Want to see who is better ? Go make some GvG and prove that, no1 gives credit to what you say in forum, we have already enough proof every1 is the n1 at forums.
What a childish discussion. Why? Because game has no GvG in it and guilds use WvW for it, WRONG.
( we are still looking for more mr. riot commander, look behind you :P)
lol… I might flash my tag next time for a laugh. I tend not to command because I tend to be that mesmer who disappears from the zerg to hide somewhere after the gate goes down.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
Has anyone actually petitioned Anet to introduce gvg to the game?
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]
All this talk about the best guilds in fighting, that’s all in the past. Culling made some tactics, methods and the guilds employing those tactics far better than they might truly be.
No culling is now here to stay. New ways of fighting, new ways of staying alive.
May the new best guilds now emerge.
Guys, calm down :I
Anyway, we had fun yesterday after the little patch. We went to EB to lead a massive number of people lol, the minimap was kind of full of green dots haha
Reset today! Hope everyone is ready for some sick fighting!
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:
Im tired of reading this crap, you all think you are so good go prove it in a game format that matters
Like concerted GvG? Oh wait…
if you want we can 5v5 in spvp and I can show you guys what real pvp is.
Let me guess.. Ele, mesmer or thief amirite? Nobody cares about your “real pvp” (lmfao). Btw we got EUs #1 mesmer, bet he could melt you in 10s flat. And yeah, you guessed it, hes just another one of us, no special snowflake. Its a whole different ball game in the lakes, thats why u suck at it, Jackie of the Gold Capes (rofl)
You got us once on even numbers, yup the one were you bunkered uphill with a warrior cheese ac. Well played. Tbh Sac was hasty, but thats how he rolls. Balls deep, never hide inside other guilds/blobs, always looking for a fight. Thats why hes #1 and you are a footnote.
And on another note, Bull could swap tags to PUGS and nobody would notice. Think ive seen you rollin alone like twice since you betrayed me. You are a disgrace to your past. Im ahead by a mile in the “jump on u” race btw, keep trying.
Good night and good luck. Youll need it.
Since BuLL is on holidays and we’re on low numbers due to holy week stop trakittenalking.
It looks like VoTF hurts.
Reset today! Hope everyone is ready for some sick queuqs!
Here, I corrected it for you
Btw guys, the amount of flaming and fighting in this thread is too kitten high. Its a game, we are all supposed to enjoy it, by fighting in it, not on the forums. There is no use of arguing about blobs, every server is doing it right now. And no point in “I am better than everybode else” either, stating it on the forums aint gonna proove anything. If you feel that way, make a GvG and proove it on the field. All 3 servers are in T1 for a reason, and they make kitten sure they proove it. But let it not be on the forums.
Now, I wished I could come here at the end of this week saying how much epic this fight was after the patch, but sadly I cant do it right now. Why? Because of the stupid move Anet made with this free transfer to Medium populated servers, which is not a bad thing by itself, IF ONLY the pupilation indicator was not based on a momentary statistics. I mean, wth is Anet thinking?!?! Anyway, the 1st night after the patch was truly epic, and I hope things get back to normal in a week or so. And the only thing left for them is to fix the skill lag. But anyways, nice to see everyone that you are fighting agianst.
Guys, calm down :IAnyway, we had fun yesterday after the little patch. We went to EB to lead a massive number of people lol, the minimap was kind of full of green dots haha
Reset today! Hope everyone is ready for some sick fighting!
Hallo jumping Desolations guys at Bay on SFR borderlands, if you outnumber us and the inner wall is down you are supposed to go in not wait for our bigger force to come wipe you :> also epic skirmishes before that wipe, and later with Hold Up that ganked me good just because I was bothering the back of their group :d
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
With all this talk of blobs between everyone i feel there’s a special Blobby Anthem due an airing, its such a coincidence even the lyrics can be related to lol
GvG fight of VoTF and RG would be great fun. I dont know if we would win but we would be more of a challenge than last time I suspect
Your not allowed to do this while I am in Japan though … tsk tsk.
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Amidst all the kitten waving and 150 man vizblobs lets remember the important thing here.
SFR 3. Viz 0.
Lot of numbers flying around. The reality is that last night Jackie turned off commader throughout the whole night to stop pugs following us. As a result most of the night, VoTF ran with an average of 25 people – which would have been higher but queue issues + between 3-6 adds varying as the night went on. Rarely this was higher, but it did occasionally happen, and sometimes another guild led raid got into the same fight as us, but again, not often.
Thats around 28-31 people. We didnt win every fight with those low numbers but had some good ones. And yes, some guilds did run away from us. I dont get why, in one particular case I think that a certain guild + friends would have beaten us despite us having just built 2 arrow carts; at the least it would have been a pretty dicey fight for both sides, but instead they legged it.
VoTF could not run with 45 players because queues stop this – most guilds are finding it difficult to get every player they have into WvW because of queues. Well that and it wasnt until around 10pm gmt we even had 45 online. A large number of whom could not get into our zone.
If certain guilds want to make excuses; thats ok. You know how many we had as culling is gone; we know how many we had to. You simply missed out on some potential great fights was all.
All guild tags and other blabblab aside. I will quote this post from my favorite tanky BW on warhammer, so finally someone bothers to reply to one of his posts. He is certainly not used to that from Warhammer alliance forums
Wuv you.
(I can also understand why ppl don’t want to fight vs 2 AC manned by leg specialist warriors.)
strangely enough I posted the same stuff for DAOC but I just dont get the same level of server hate in GW2 as matchups usually change too often. That said the present T1 is lasting a little while …
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Is there any VoTF videos from 27.03? Or from any day after it?
I think someone from VoTF did record videos of the 28th … so you might get one posted, who knows.
Ex Boon Control, Red Guard, Black Company, The Blackhand Order
Several pvp and WvW World / Europe various MMO game firsts
Amidst all the kitten waving and 150 man vizblobs lets remember the important thing here.
SFR 3. Viz 0.
SFR 5. Viz 17.
And now that everyone is trolling i can put this vid down here without any problems.
To RIOT from IRON with love.[url][url]
If you recorded your TS can i please hear it?
lol that’s been doing the rounds for a while now
We had a good laugh about it too… including the commander in question (in fact, I think he was rather pleased about being made famous). We don’t have TS speak recorded for you but apparently there was a lot of joy about still managing to take garrison… despite the commander set back (I was not fighting at the time – so just going on hearsay from the commander).
I was surprised my video got spread so much xD It was a good laugh indeed. Just wish I could hear their TS or see it from the commanders POV
(edited by Eskepesk.4106)
Will respect blob for egg, Genev.
Red Guard
I log to the forums…..i read this thread……i lol’d…..alot……..i have now left……thanks
lol so much fail. Wtf guys can’t we all just be friends? I was having a laugh last night about this crap but today when I read it it seems most of you have taken this so seriously. Calm down and take a step back. Nobody is saying you are bad. RG are one of the best guilds in this game and it is a pleasure fighting you but there is no need for all the BS. Let’s form a daisy chain of peace today then tonight at reset we can rip each other apart again eh?
Lot of numbers flying around. The reality is that last night Jackie turned off commader throughout the whole night to stop pugs following us. As a result most of the night, VoTF ran with an average of 25 people – which would have been higher but queue issues + between 3-6 adds varying as the night went on. Rarely this was higher, but it did occasionally happen, and sometimes another guild led raid got into the same fight as us, but again, not often.
No offense but could you please stop this. Nothing good can possibly come from this.
I’m not accusing you of zerging 24/7 but I can’t really understand where the “average of 25 people” come from.
Whole night yesterday we saw a massive blob of GoD, VoTF, GH, Bull and a few more guilds. It wasn’t exactly on rare occasions either.
If you look at this screenshot, you can see around 25 people.
Then if you take a look at the other side.
Once again, not accusing anyone of anything. But I’d say it’s better to just admit you’re blobbing up now and then. Let’s just face it. Every server and every guild blob up now and then, whether we like it or not. Including SFR and VcY.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
Easter has been cancelled….i killed the easter bunny
Once again, not accusing anyone of anything. But I’d say it’s better to just admit you’re blobbing up now and then. Let’s just face it. Every server and every guild blob up now and then, whether we like it or not. Including SFR and VcY.
Yea, go read Jacks post dude. Its too hard to avoid a blob especially when you are going for a keep take. No one is saying we don’t blob, just that a few times when we wiped RG we didn’t. This is where all the drama came from lol
(edited by Victim.3016)
I dominated a warhammer online server and retired #1 in all rvr related ladders, i pee on your gold capes friend. Got no time to check the fotm pvp charts, so Ill take Phantixxs word on the #1 mesmer thing. At any rate, i dont give a kitten
GJ on the bandwagon part tho, that one struck home.
looks like RG effect rubbed of on you, i used to love your posts for the respect u used to give to others, maybe u should read them for a change to see how u were before.
Keeping up with the party line is a good idea.
Got to make Chairman Sacrx of the People’s Republic of Red Guard proud.
Was quite odd to see Redguard do tournaments today.. I was expecting more from the considered best GvG guild though.. Anyway, still good fights guys!
*Create new thread ‘’RG and Votf talk about stuff’’
There ya’s go, thanks very much, can’t be the only one sick of the constant trolling tripe in here.
*Create new thread ‘’RG and Votf talk about stuff’’
There ya’s go, thanks very much, can’t be the only one sick of the constant trolling tripe in here.
I actually left to go look for that thread
I’m not going to argue with you about who’s the #1 mesmer, But Phantixxx being good has nothing to do with RG especially since you just bunched up good players from all servers. Phantixxx was good before he joined RG, I ran with him a bit when he was in IRON and there’s no doubt he’s very very decent, But again it has nothing to do with RG.
And what team is he from then?
Was quite odd to see Redguard do tournaments today.. I was expecting more from the considered best GvG guild though.. Anyway, still good fights guys!
This is funny.
Amidst all the kitten waving and 150 man vizblobs lets remember the important thing here.
SFR 3. Viz 0.
SFR 5. Viz 17.
ah relying on past glories…..
3 nil this matchup. Wonder if it’ll be 4…..
Nice duel there in EB with one awesome siN ele
Up for more later this week!
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
Nice duel there in EB with one awesome siN ele
Up for more later this week!
You guys where awesome as well ^^
Pm me whenever you want!
Thank god I could ask Offski for your names lol!
Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay [SP]
Youtube Channel- Elementalist Gameplay:
I was busy typing a message here when he asked us on TS.
was awesome stuff, next time i’ll back off a bit faster when people interupt us.
Got tunneled! OH EM GEE
The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.
I once finished a game of minesweeper. Medium difficulty.
Come at me …
7.2k+ hours played on Minesweeper
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
RG and their ego… you act like a bunch of immature kids. Can’t stand that they got defeated by enemy guilds or blob, you can call it whatever you want.
They have luxury of being able to let their ego free. Closest they got to defeat in a controlled environment (GvG) is 3:7 in their favor. Obviously you would be kind of disappointed to be defeated in an uncontrolled environment and then face “we pwn RG” kind of attitude on the forums.
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
Just the 3 guilds? they’re slacking
Asura – Desolation
With all this talk of blobs between everyone i feel there’s a special Blobby Anthem due an airing, its such a coincidence even the lyrics can be related to lol
I’m crying…
Thanks for the link!
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
Just the 3 guilds? they’re slacking
Well tbh it was Vcy+ “some more”
I lol’d.
Who the duck is this guy? You do realize some VoTF do record, I mean if you are gona talk kitten I could just post this
and ask you to count how many members we had…. Looks about even right?
Eh? Any more bs for me to punch holes in?I didnt post a screenshot because it is simply stupid to do so. A screen proves nothing just shows what you want to show. There is a few RG and VoTF streamers that we can refer to.
Just as an example of how worthless your screen is ill post another worthless screen, at the exact same minute, once your “25 man” charged our position:
see? two different worlds. And on the same minute!
Really, reading a bit on this thread makes me think that maybe VoTF are all 12 y/o.
What is all this screaming for attention in the forums? Relax kids, you are not the guild you think yourselves to be. But that is life you gotta work things to achieve them.
I encourage you to keep trying. This game really need guilds like the one you want to be.
Heh, my screeny was took to show as many of my guys as possible. Your one was was very selective eh
kitten it there ya go mate, both fights from a noob guardian pov
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
Just the 3 guilds? they’re slacking
Well tbh it was Vcy+ “some more”
We all got in with 3 portals so ~60 together vs 80+ deso
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
Saw some VoTF too, numbers are almost even, with Deso having the most. Nice fights, glad we wiped you after you wiped us a few times earlier :p.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
I love how you picked DeX even tho it was 4 of our people. We also have 5 man supply team running around.
Gratz to Vcy who just owned BULL+GH+DEX full mega blob while capping bay.
Not bad.
GH was ~25
BuLL ~5
DeX ~4
VcY 60+
Not bad…
Lol 60. We have never had more than 30 in WvW ever. Instead of saying awesome fight, gg, you go for the good old ‘they blobbed up’. No wonder there is little respect in this thread.
Putting aside personal prejudices and VoTF v RG stuff… does this thread not tell you something… SFR and Deso have some great fights and while we may rib and troll each other over them, we actually have quite a bit of mutual respect (on average… obviously, there are one or two who don’t) for these fights regardless of whether we are on the winning or losing side. We appreciate the good sport and fun of engaging combat.
If anything has changed since the non-cull update… I no longer rush into a group solo that I think is only 5-10 ppl knowing I will die but at least will take ppl with me… now I am left thinking how many groups of 20-50+ I have tried to solo and lol alot.
BUT…. I digress… Have you noticed that SFR and Deso have some great fights but there is very little talk about SFR/Deso vs VS here.
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]