[merged]Speaking about HoD

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


This is the summary of every thread about this week top tier matchup

Everyone complains about night capping, this is old
Everyone says we have a huge population, this is old
Everyone says that their playerbase is better than HoD’s, this is old
When SBI was doing well it was all skill and credit to the server and its players, Okay
When Hod does well its all about population imbalance, brb everyone in HoD sucks apparently.
How do you guys on ET and SBI explain all of the 24 hour matchups? I hope you guys remember that even during primetime for all of the servers HoD were 90% of the time leading in score at all times of the day. Read someones post in the huge QQ thread
I guess its normal that the top server gets flamed by the 2 under it.
Sure people are going to keep complaining but as more people buy gw2 HoD’s GROWTH WILL STOP because the server is full and the OTHER SERVERS WILL FILL UP. Dont expect changes instantly.
Honestly these threads need to stop, and start making threads that help make the game better.
Btw, night capping is a legit strategy you mad?

(edited by Derek.9254)

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: NapalmITM.6170


You didn’t honestly think we were going to give up after the weekend, did you?

[LUC] Luciform
Henge of Denravi

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Tijo.9857


Would be really good if this Server kitten stroking had its dedicated forum

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Math.6904


Would be really good if this Server kitten stroking had its dedicated forum

there is one in gw2guru, but you wont find anything usefull there.

just people venting or trolling to be honest…

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Would be really good if this Server kitten stroking had its dedicated forum

It does. This one.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


I never saw the outmanned buff on SBI lastnight. I did see it for a short while on ET.

SOR – [Boss]

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Ezkeal.7589


We had it last night when HOD took our tower at like 2am on ET’s borderlands Sad all our Koreans xfered to HoD…

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


You didn’t honestly think we were going to give up after the weekend, did you?

You know….I think they did.

We haven’t even hit out second wind yet. This isn’t over.

The Royal Guard – http://theroyalguardclan.enjin.com
Isle of Janthir

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


To the guy in SBI chat Saturday who thought I was completely insane for telling him, “I wouldn’t get too kitteny yet” for which he replied, “Are you serious? I think we’ve earned it” , well let’s toast to second place shall we?

I was proud of how well SBI came together this weekend, the coordination and the amount of people online and in TS. A few times I felt the pride fading each time someone would start getting kitteny and complacent. Granted they were only a small handful of people, but for that small handful of people, I’m actually kinda glad this face slap of reality hit. I think in order to acknowledge where we need improvement, failure has to happen. SBI thus far has done an amazing job of learning from each and every battle and adapting in the next round. I truly hope to see this pattern continue.

For those that busted their rears and fought with everything they had…..amazing work, this weekend was some awesome fights and our commanders were on top of their stuff.

And for our opponents, please don’t let the vocal minority of chest thumpers and QQers jade your impression of SBI as a whole. We have a few of them ingame too and I assure you, they’d get vote kicked from WvW if there was an option. This server fought it’s heart out and let’s all pull back and see how the next four days go.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Prototype.7361


the only reason HoD took over was because they zerged at server reset when they had the numbers and no one else did. not skill, just tactic. cant blame them though for taking advantage of the oppourtunity

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Recently.1043


Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Calae.1738


HoD vs wooden door. HoD wins. It would be funny if the door would of won.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: I AM.2186

I AM.2186

Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.

Or the fact that everyone not HoD can’t understand that having 24/7 coverage (BY DESIGN) in a 24/7 game is not a BS tactic. I guarantee anyone in that alliance is not taking general credit for the win. They all know it was a team effort.

Salvo – Ranger – SoS
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


like seriously 90% of the posts here are just complaining and ranting its terrible and embarassing to read like someones TLDR (too long didnt read) 3 page essay about why hod sucks ect.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


Dunno whats funnier, the oceanic hod guilds talking kitten when they roll over the map against empty towers and keeps, or the NA hod guilds that take credit for the work that happens when they are asleep.

Or the fact that everyone not HoD can’t understand that having 24/7 coverage (BY DESIGN) in a 24/7 game is not a BS tactic. I guarantee anyone in that alliance is not taking general credit for the win. They all know it was a team effort.

It’s not a tactic at all in the first place; it’s a population imbalance. When the populations are balanced, we all know the outcome — see HoD’s results this weekend.

Being proud of “ha ha ha, just wait until you guys log off and we cap the stuff back” is what’s truly embarrassing.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Tali.4259


I think everyone on both sides should pull back on the tears. Grab a tissue/tampon/midol. Any attempt to discredit a servers success is going to result in a vicious cycle of retaliatory posts. Period. Not to mention it’s a complete slap in the face to the hard fought battles put up by all sides thus far.

QQ you only win because you double team us.
QQ you only win because you night cap.

Both true to an extent and false to an extent. Neither whine serves any positive purpose. No amount of QQ is going to change the cycle.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Vehementi.1094


The thing is, population difference really does discredit the server’s success. You can’t talk smack about winning when you won because of a fundamental population imbalance issue. It wasn’t skill or coordination or communication that won; it’s because they had more people. It’s not something to be proud of or brag about; it’s just something that is true.

The people who win primetime fights or kick butt when both servers are capped have something to brag about.

Commanders that move their zerg around super fast and always outnumber their opponents due to mobility and agility have something to be proud of.

Taking credit for a win when the reason the win happened was a population issue is silly.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: I AM.2186

I AM.2186

No… It’s harder for the alliance to get their people in due to the population. If we had lower pop, we’d have better coordination… And we’d STILL have the 24/7 coverage.

Salvo – Ranger – SoS
Shiver Me Timbers – Elementalist – SoS

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

The title of this thread should be:

“HoD, Holy Night Cap!”

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: NapalmITM.6170


To set the matter straight, during the 24-hour matches HoD was told repeatedly that our wins meant nothing. Apparently the 1-2 week matches were going to decide who the real winners were.

Fast forward to the week long matches, HoD is now being told repeatedly that the week long matches mean nothing. Apparently 2 out of 7 days are enough to decide who the real winners are.

There’s really no pleasing you people, and it’s a bit painful to see you embarass the rest of us who live in NA by taking it out so blatantly on the rest of the world who doesn’t live in our timezone.

[LUC] Luciform
Henge of Denravi

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sachimura.9641


Im from hod, oceanic player, I feel strange that u guys are speaking like you don’t have any player/guild in the oceanic time zone??
Then who am I fighting with last night?
As far as I know, SI has Korean(well known PvP country),et has Taiwanese and aussie, and that’s only what I know
What the fact is, we hod oceanic are doing better then othes in the same timezone, its not a matter of numbers

(edited by Sachimura.9641)

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


You know….I think they did.

We haven’t even hit out second wind yet. This isn’t over.

When is your 2nd wind? Tonight at midnight?

Or the fact that everyone not HoD can’t understand that having 24/7 coverage (BY DESIGN) in a 24/7 game is not a BS tactic.

Out of 51 servers your sever is the only one with that 24/7 coverage. That’s the BS part.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Ezkeal.7589


This post was not to discredit HoD from there tatic. It happens its a 24/7 Game, they have the population to be able to night cap.

HoD by any means are not “terrible” players the guild PRX have an overwhelming presence and definatly turn things around for there server. This just goes to prove that there is something Arena Net needs to work on in WvWvW.

I think Arena Net really really needs to look into the undermanned buff that people get. TBH its useless to put people on the same playing field.

Good Game HoD

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


No… It’s harder for the alliance to get their people in due to the population. If we had lower pop, we’d have better coordination… And we’d STILL have the 24/7 coverage

You know you can fix that.

Server transfers are FREE!

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


NA Henge players are like a Baseball player getting subbed in for the 9th inning to play left field. Oh did I mention there are 2 outs and 2 strikes. HoD NA players get free score while they sleep then act like they did something to earn this. It’s pathetic. Honestly.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

what I find funny is people starting their posts with “we at HoD…”
we? chances are the guy speaking transfered to HoD 2 days ago…

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Hype.9361


“we” = someone woke up to a +500 Henge then went to sleep when it was +150. Henge would be demolished if it weren’t for their night cappers.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Namu.5712


If night capping wasn’t legit Anet wouldn’t have put it in the game.

Just like if double teaming wasn’t legit they wouldn’t let you do it.

But both are viable tactics.

The fact is some people are just sore losers, never once in my TS was anyone complaining this weekend, we had a blast. A few even said its about time we get a good fight…. granted it took two servers attacking at the same time to give us that fight everyone loved it…. even when we were losing.

Some of you are acting like kids all you see is numbers and if the numbers aren’t in your favor your looking for a way to discount the server thats winning. Good job 12 year olds.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


We have some top guilds pulling this off. The Elite [ELTE] / Ruphio was making it happen for us lastnight. I am sure he was communicating with the other top guilds there as well IE: [CND] Condemned.

SOR – [Boss]

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Uruu.3468


what? its a 7 page test and i only want to do 2 pages of it, and ace the 7 page exam

everyone else shouldn’t be allowed to do the remaining 5 pages cuz i dont wanna do mine.

i dont know where you are getting population imbalance from, most of the top servers populations are always full / high, even ET is at full/ high mostly too

hod have better coordination overnight than others, the maps are NEVER empty during non peak hours at all, quite the opposite. Its intant queques for hod players during off peak hours too, there are plenty of NA players that play during off peak hours by choice, often times i feel i was the minority server on some maps also.

all the said servers most definately have the population at their disposal on AND off peak hours, what you do with that resource is your own. (tho with all the qq and negative attitude i highly doubt more serious ‘off peak’ hour guilds would want to support you)

what do you want next, hod to give you gold to upgrade to fight them too?

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


people who are not from HoD should really stop whining about HoD nightcapping this and that… it is not their fault if they night cap… it is your server shortcoming, so get more people from Asia/Oceanic to your server to cover yourkitten while you’re sleeping…

duh !

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


lmao this forum is a joke. Just got a post deleted because i said there are alot of butthurt people ITT. What a joke

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


what I find funny is people starting their posts with “we at HoD…”
we? chances are the guy speaking transfered to HoD 2 days ago…

hoope you know you can almost never transfer into hod right now its full 95% of the day

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Binafus.8153


It is not like a baseball game, a football game, a soccer game, a horseshoe game, what it is like is a war.

You can team up 2 vs 1.

You can cap a tower anytime.

What happened to all the posters that said that the 24 hour matches were too short soon as they go to two weeks HOD is toast.

The reason why you lost this week is you gave up, people on your side got tired, they don’t have the drive to stay in and win.

Most loosers always have reasons why stuff is not fair, they never step up and say they got beat fair and square.

The more you cry about it is not fair, the more you make HOD players want crush your spirit.

(edited by Binafus.8153)

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: ginzo.8792


if you are typical of hoD’s player base i’m glad i don’t play there. I would venture that most of their population would opt for someone less arrgoant and immature sounding as their spokesman

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Smallpoxx.6935


Btw, night capping is a legit strategy you mad?

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


ginzo you must be on ET or SBI have you even read some of what they are saying

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


^this point exactly i play on HoD and when i read these i smile

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Zimba.6192


It is in the human nature to complain…

People cry when its hot, cry when its cold, Too much of this and not enough of that!

Just grab some cookies and relax ;p

Z I M B A – 80 – Mesmer – [Ruin]

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Hux.8739


Op has no idea what he’s talking about does he? HoD does night cap, HoD does have a larger player base, HoD did get beat over the weekend when the number of players was closer to even. Does that mean they’re bad, nah. Does it mean they are not particularly more skillful, yes, yes it does.

To think that the answer is, when all the other servers are full it will be even is really pretty dumb. MOST people would rather lose than wait 3 hours to get in. Only people such as the OP obsessed with his ego would put up with such an inconvenience to brag about his server. I’m glad they are group up on only a few servers, enjoy not playing but thinking you are better.

Huxer(EC) Economic Collapse
Asura Warrior

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


Honestly, I’m just getting tired of seeing people complaining…

-Nightcapping: This will ALWAYS be a factor, that’s why the matchups are long (so you can COME BACK just like HOD did. Not only is the “nightcapping QQ” insulting to people NOT in NA primtime, it’s just plain silly.

- Complaints about zerging: Stop. Just stop. You lost a fight. Either organize better, throw together a strategy that works to tip the scales in your favor, or go do something else.

- Complaints about the game being unbalanced : The game is new. Things will change, but if you’re complaining that the game is not balanced, there’s a good chance you’re a little whiny, a little impatient, and probably losing your matchup.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Soulitice.9031


Most people only hate HoD’s ability to field full crews during times when most of NA is at school/work and all night long.

Look at the weekend when both SBI and ET had queues all day and night, HoD was 3rd place. Sunday night hits and HoD’s numbers finally shine. Once all the servers start filling up it will be nice to see how WvW plays out, but until then HoD will dominate because of a 24 hour full status.

I was playing during the day yesterday and it feels pretty hopeless being apart of the 20 man zerg agaisnt the 50 man hoD zerg…. At least we had 20% increased magic find to help us win the battle!!!!!!

All of this is IMO, if you feel a strong emotional reaction towards what I have to say; grow up.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


I play on SBI and I don’t see many people crying. Seeing one person make a post does not mean everyone on SBI is a cry baby…

The guilds on SBI that take WvW seriously know that HoD is currently the best server and leave it at that. We don’t cry about it, so please stop letting a few people speak for everyone!

HoD has some very large guilds compared to SBI. You also have a large dedicated player base that’s on 24/7 compared to most servers.

The game just came out so I’m not worried about it.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Derek.9254


Op has no idea what he’s talking about does he? HoD does night cap, HoD does have a larger player base, HoD did get beat over the weekend when the number of players was closer to even. Does that mean they’re bad, nah. Does it mean they are not particularly more skillful, yes, yes it does.

To think that the answer is, when all the other servers are full it will be even is really pretty dumb. MOST people would rather lose than wait 3 hours to get in. Only people such as the OP obsessed with his ego would put up with such an inconvenience to brag about his server. I’m glad they are group up on only a few servers, enjoy not playing but thinking you are better.

If my post seemed arrogant it was NOT my intent.
I know we night cap i know we do everything that i listed its just old that its these same points over and over. Did you not read what i said about everything evening out? Does that seem like a boast to you?
Are you being serious?
This post was to list the major points that are being argued.
Only someone from the mentioned servers would read that post and think it was boakittenl or an attack on you. You are the one that needs to grow up.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: tertle.4621


if you are typical of hoD’s player base i’m glad i don’t play there. I would venture that most of their population would opt for someone less arrgoant and immature sounding as their spokesman

Most of HOD is not that bad. Unfortunately due to our current standing we have acquired a large amount of tools.

The arrogance and complaining (especially when we were actually losing) of some people in /map/team chat at times is quite disgusting though.

(edited by tertle.4621)

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


Honestly these threads need to stop, and start making threads that help make the game better.
Btw, night capping is a legit strategy you mad?

So you started a new thread about how there shouldn’t be so many threads and end it with the popular meme from 2003, “you mad”. What are you, my dad? Get current!


The real question is, how does HoD do during prime time when all participants have queues on all servers? That’s the real measure.

Night capping is “legit” but you have to admit there’s little skill required to defeat outnumbered opponents. People whine over the scoreboard but it’s usually a boon to the “losing” servers because there’s a lot more money, XP and karma rewarded for defense than for offense.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Most people only hate HoD’s ability to field full crews during times when most of NA is at school/work and all night long.

Look at the weekend when both SBI and ET had queues all day and night, HoD was 3rd place. Sunday night hits and HoD’s numbers finally shine. Once all the servers start filling up it will be nice to see how WvW plays out, but until then HoD will dominate because of a 24 hour full status.

I was playing during the day yesterday and it feels pretty hopeless being apart of the 20 man zerg agaisnt the 50 man hoD zerg…. At least we had 20% increased magic find to help us win the battle!!!!!!

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Estus.1726


Thanks for making yet another thread about the same topic. No, really… Thanks.

[RE] Isendale – Tarnished Coast
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Malarky.9546


Once all the servers start filling up it will be nice to see how WvW plays out, but until then HoD will dominate because of a 24 hour full status.

I’m just glad to see posts like this…..patience is a virtue people.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


This is basically it. HoD has some great guilds and players that others will follow, but the diverse play times is key…

SBI was 30,000 points ahead over the weekends! During the early mornings on weekdays I don’t even get queues…most of our map control comes at around 5-12 eastern time zone.