105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrdead.3156


ticket num : 120831-004682

open 31/08/12
i received “We received your answer and we will unban your Guild Wars 2-Account within the next 72 hours” 02/09/12 at 6h am (paris GMT)
still banned

Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal – approved

Thread de discussion
Réponse Via e-mail (Horace) 02/09/2012 06:17
Bonjour Cyril,

Nous vous informons que votre compte sera débloqué durant les prochaines 72 heures. N’oubliez pas que nous contrôlerons votre compte afin de savoir si vous avez tenu votre engagement.

Merci de votre collaboration.


GM Horace
Client Par messagerie (cyril ) 01/09/2012 01:41
Je prend compte de l’avertissement, et je me tien responsable à la suppression de toutes les armes acheter avec le karma ainsi que les armes obtenue par la suite avec la forge mystique et le marteau transmuté pour le skin, et pour finir environ 10 pièces dargent.

Je vous vous remercie pour cette deuxième chance, et vous donne ma parole que ce-ci ne ce reproduira jamais.
Réponse Via e-mail (GM Roderich) 01/09/2012 01:29

Merci d’avoir contacté l’équipe de support Europe.

Veuillez bien comprendre que l’utilisation intentionnelle des failles ou des programmes est tout à fait inacceptable quelle qu’en soit la forme.

Veuillez nous répondre cet émail en vous compromettant à effacer tous les objets,argents obtenus de cette manière.

Soyez sûr que nous contrôlerons votre compte afin de savoir si vous avez tenu votre engagement. Si tels n’est pas le cas, Votre compte sera suspendu définitivement.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter de nouveau si vous avez d’autres questions.


GM Roderich
Service Clientèle de NCsoft
Client Par formulaire Web (cyril ) 31/08/2012 04:29
Je confirme que je supprimerai toute mes armes obtenue par le marchand de karma à 21 karma/u ainsi que les les armes obtenue par la suite avec la forge mystique.

Merci de votre compréhension,

I confirm I will delete all my weapons obtained by the merchant karma 21karma / u and the weapons obtained subsequently with the mystique forge.
(sorry for my bad english i am french)

Yours Sincerely,

But i take 3 frends exemple :
ticket open 31/08/12
approved 02/09/12 at 6h am
unbaned 03/09/12 at 8h am

ticket open 31/08/12
approved 03/09/12
unbaned 06/09/12 at 9h pm

3th :
ticket open 31/08/12
approved 04/09/12
unbaned 05/09/12

Pliz tell me the logic, where is your priority ?
I have only 1 ticket, i must go open a new ticket ? or waiting 2 week …

(sry for my bad english “french”)

(edited by Cyrdead.3156)

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ONEone.4823


wow, so not only do we have to wait a week or so for a response? but then we have to wait another up to 72 hours to actually get back into the game? that’s pretty much it for me. i’m done with this game. enjoy my $60 Anet, you basically stole it from me.

sorry for my negativity, i’m really fed up with this wait. so far it is 3-6 times the length it takes for any other company to reply to a ticket.

ticket: 120902-003411

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cyrdead.3156


5 days after “approved” still banned.
all my frends are unban exept me ….

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Skandal.8614


I honestly am not the least bit disappointed about the ban, I am majorly disappointed that we cant even get a response, a phone number, anything, just wait and update your ticket from reddit.

I really liked the game for the whole 8-10 hrs ive played, but I wish I could just get a refund, maybe purchase it another time when they have their “stuff” together. This is absolutely a terrible business practice, one that would not be acceptable in ANY other type of industry

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sinclair.3106


Reveive the same message from the same “GM Horace” lol and i am in the same situation than you !

105 hour after "Approved" but still banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zajczyk.6459


So after 9 days of waiting, if i get response i will have to wait another 3 days to unban? logic.