Bought from Shop

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179


I actually purchased GW2 at your online store here:

I bought the Digital Version. I have the credit card, the statement, the serial number, the order #, and I’ve logged in and played the game. I only just bought it on Nov. 4th.

The initial problem was authenticating on a new network. I was trying to play and I was on a different ip network and the email links didn’t work. [121109-000593]

When I got back to my usual network that was already authenticated and where I was playing from days before, I found I was blocked/suspended.

Thinking this was a simple mistake, I open a support ticket.

The responded that they are looking at it. A bit later, they respond that they are moving it to Payment Team Review. Why is that?

Their answer after reviewing: "This Guild Wars 2 game account has been permanently closed. … …. If you wish to access the Guild Wars 2 service going forward, you will need to purchase a serial code from another authorized retailer. A list of authorized retailers can be found here … "

I bought it from your online store.

What can be done now? Already spent hours playing. Already paid my money.


Any help appreciated.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Thats a pretty big problem with their system right now.

Submit a ticket to support and if possible provide the reciept that you would have been emailed upon purchase from the store. If it can be verified, they can grant your account.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179



I just called the credit card company. I wasn’t charged. No decline. No flags. No charge.

Then why oh why … when I ordered online, why did you email me an Order # and Serial #.

You’re such a tease … let me play a few days and then shut my account down. And now I have to start over again? Aaahhh…

If you didn’t actually charge the credit card, you shouldn’t send out serial #’s to your customers. Really.

But please, is there any way to save this so I don’t have to start over?

@Renegadeimp – ticket was already opened [121109-000593]

(edited by Ymindalor.5179)

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lion Guns.4961

Lion Guns.4961

This literally just happened to me as well, I bought the game from the Guild Wars 2 website, got the confirmation e-mail, got the downloadable client, got the serial number… everything. What is going on? I checked my account balance and they didn’t charge me and I have enough to pay for the game… how is this my fault exactly? I am beyond confused and don’t understand how such a big glitch can be overlooked.

My card has been permanently blocked from their system as well so it looks like I won’t be able to buy the game or anything from the gem store with it and it’s really the only way I can pay for anything.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lion Guns.4961

Lion Guns.4961

I guess the lesson learned is don’t buy the digital copy from the official online store?

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


If you have submitted a ticket, wait for a reply. If you dont get one within 3 days, post in the stickied thread. Theres no point posting a new thread for the issue as they wont look into it.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


I still think this is a relevant topic since I might need to purchase another code to have a legal one. Where to do so if not at the official site?! This issue has to be addressed!

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


YOU may think it is, but support says differently. If you have submitted a ticket, and still have issues, you need to update your ticket to keep in touch with them.

If you go through a period of 3+ days without a response, then post in the stickied thread.

If you havent submitted a ticket, then you need to do so asap.

Theres nothing at all that can be done via the forum. You NEED to go through the support system.

(edited by Renegadeimp.8439)

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Leira.9702


Besides doing so i still think there is a need of making this issue public so people know they are not alone. Also it needs an official statement on how this can happen.
I have never seen or heard a problem with “fake” keys or “fraudlent” codes when purchasing over paypal from the official website. That is something that should never happen!

To solve any personal problem with a suspension of course you need to fill a ticket. That does not mean the issue cant be discussed publicly.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BearArms.1654


Numerous topics concerning this issue have been opened and locked with little explanation, making our situation even more frustrating. If someone could just tell us what is going on and what’s being done to fix it, I’d feel a lot better. Obviously it’s affecting a good number of people. I’ve seen at least five others with this problem in the past two days and most of them bought from the official site. So maybe something went wrong with the pay servers and now the team is trying to do damage control. That’s fine, just tell us that is what is happening and we can be even more patient because we’re informed on the issue now.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


I hear ya bro’s and sisters… It’s a problem on ANets side obviously. My money has been deducted, in a way. The 55 euros is something I cant spend on anything else, it’s just waiting there to be claimed by ANet. Ie it is reserved for the purchase of GW2, which means that ANet needs to claim the payment!? Hell I dont know…
All I know is that I cant spend it and therefore i’ve paid.
What is annoying is that they take such a kitten long time to get back to you on these things… And the funny thing is that purchasing stuff on Steam or paying for monthly subscriptions for other MMOs has never been an issue.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179


@Renegadeimp – yes, ticket “closed” by them. there is no recourse.

But I kind of understand. Of course they closed my account. They failed to charge me.

But instead of blaming me for a fraudulent account, if there was a problem with my credit card, I would have gotten a Denied on my credit card. The credit card company would’ve been notified. (I didn’t get a denied. They totally missed charging me.)

  • The problem is that their store emailed out serial # and an order #, like as-if, everything went fine. There * should * have been an error — like “card didn’t go through.” “Please call your credit card company.” Or, even, if for whatever reason they didn’t want to accept my credit card, have a GOOD error message, "Sorry, we can’t accept that credit card. --- Try another one or use Paypal." **

But of course, now I can’t buy another GW2. What if I bought one and they said my serial # is bad? And this time, I actually did pay?

And, I see in the thread where people are waiting many days to get un-banned because their system thought they were a bot. How horrible… work all week, looking forward to pay on the weekend. Oh sorry, you’re banned.

This is so bad.

I can’t invest my time in a game where I fear I will be suspended. Or my friends will be suspended.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: horsicorn.8650


Same problem here…I expect we’ll all have to make new accounts and start from scratch. OR, maybe they could just take the money that I already cleared for them and un-ban my account, but I guess that would make too much sense. Making videogames is hard, maybe arenanet will get the next one right.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


Yeh, making videogames is not easy.. Trust me… But since this has nothing to do with the actual game ya gotta wonder.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179


add to this thread if you bought from their online store. state if it was credit card or paypal. and if you don’t mind, actually mention if you have a charge on your credit card or not.

Me: Credit Card
Charge: Not Charged
Store: shop

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drachdhar.7016


Moi: Visa Card
Charge: Bank says “Reserved”, meaning I cant do jack with the money or cancel the transaction.
Store: shop

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179


My Update: Account closed.

Go to the “Blocked/terminated/suspended” thread, to tell Gaile Gray about your situation. She is collecting information to investigate.

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: feigao.4768


Me: Bank of America Visa
Charge: No Charge
Store: shop

account closed for “fraudulent purchase”

Bought from Shop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ymindalor.5179



Go to the Blocked/Suspended/Terminated thread and answer Gaile’s questions.

[Gaile Gray.6028:]
I would like to look into the few cases where you, personally purchased the game from and then experienced an account closure.

I don’t want to hear from those who bought from a third party who claims to have purchased from our site. I don’t need to hear from people who did a charge-back or asked for a refund. I would very much like to hear from someone who bought the game from using a legitimate credit card and then found his/her account terminated.

There are now five things I want to know, so I can focus the investigation:

  • Please indicate the date you purchased the game.
  • Please confirm that you personally purchased from the site (not through a partner, not through a third-party).
  • Please check your credit card statement and verify if you were or were not charged for the game.
  • Please note if the charge on you CC statement is a completed charge, or is “pending.”
  • Please post your Incident / Ticket Number here.

The Support Team will be examining each of your tickets and will help you. I’m trying to ascertain if there’s an issue with purchases. So far I cannot see that to be the case, but I will use the information that you share — the answers to the five questions above — to look into the matter further.

Thank you.

Go to the Blocked/Suspended/Terminated thread and answer Gaile’s questions. She’s collecting information about the problem.