Can i get a refund?
It is not Arenanet’s policy to refund or replace items in case of a user-error. But sometimes they do. To make such a request you can file a supportticket
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
It is not Arenanet’s policy to refund or replace items in case of a user-error. But sometimes they do. To make such a request you can file a supportticket
Thank You Mercury
I hope they give you a refund. They shouldn’t allow you to buy bank slots if you are maxed out. It used to be on the bank itself, not in the gem store. I think if you tried to buy too many there it wouldn’t allow you. They changed to gem store item because it was non intuitive how to buy them but still, there should be a fail safe.
ArenaNet Communications Manager
As stated, you should contact Support by filing a ticket through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page and they will try to assist you.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events