Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goos.9805


I tried twice to purchase this game online from this site and both times was told “service unavailable” just so happened to look at my mail at that point and lo and behond 2 mails had appeared with 2 game codes…

This site LIED to me telling me I couldn’t purchase and had in fact charged me on both attempts! I’ve dropped a ticket about this almost 2 weeks ago got a reply sure all it did was ask for more details which I GAVE and STILL I have not had my money returned and to be blunt my patience has run out because as it stands I have paid double the price to play this game and my patience has run out! So before I contemplate having this company charged with theft it would be nice if someone could pull the finger out and return my money. Ref number 120825-012178

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Umm you do know you can’t charge them with theft right? You tried to purchase there was an error that appeared to not go through but in reality it did. They will get it sorted out but if you don’t want to wait for them the recourse you have is to contact your CC for a charge back for one of the purchases.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goos.9805


Actually I can. They are legally bound to refund something if unused not to mention the fact I was essentially unlawfully sold something I didn’t want due to the problems on their end. Failing to return money gained from me I did not want to spend in the first place is comparible to theft and can be acted on. They have all the details they need to return my money and have physically not acted on it. A defence can be made that they have a lot of issues to sort through sure but 1. They have already achnowledged my problem and not acted and 2.This is not a tech support issue like the multitude of other problems it’s a billing issue. So because of them there is money I could really use right now not where it is meant to be. In my bank account!

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


I tell you what as soon as you get your local DA to file criminal theft charges against them I’ll retract my statement. Until then I stand behind you can’t get them charged with theft. Furthermore it would be faster and simpler to simply dispute the second charge with your bank/CC company and let them deal with it.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VanderBeltLegacy.4736


If you really need $60 right now, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing computer games.

needing it is not the point, getting it back is the principal.

i would say more on the subject, but the moderator, might see me as trying to inflame an argument.

but he is right, they need to refund for unused product, when it WAS a fault on there server, he did everything legit and asked for a refund on a UNUSED item,,, i have seen gaile promise a guy a refund, because 1 week later his graphic’s couldnt keep up, and A-Net did ALREADY acknowledge his GTX graphics card isnt fluid with the game. so in all fairness Goos is right.

^^look i did say more (dont delete my comment now mod, with some stupid reason)

nothing here in inflamatory, or offesnive, and im singling you out, because i got print screens where u removed/warned me for inflamatory post when i quoted facts like this above, not my fact’s, but from ARENANET STAFF…..

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kevhoran.1780


They will refund this, as it happened to other people as well, but as of this moment they are working on all cases for hacked accounts and the likes, so tickets like this gets pushed down the line and will be dealt with later.

They are legally required to give you your money back but not the when as this is something that still needs to be checked out

All I can say is to hold on to your tickets and whenever the hacking attempts die down they can deal with other tickets

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goos.9805


If you really need $60 right now, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing computer games.

Around £50 wich is closer to $80 actually. and that comment was just ignorant. Getting short on cash from time to time happens. If you actually paid bills you would have some concept of that. Your comment was neither smart nor constructive so please keep such comments to yourself.

I tell you what as soon as you get your local DA to file criminal theft charges against them I’ll retract my statement. Until then I stand behind you can’t get them charged with theft. Furthermore it would be faster and simpler to simply dispute the second charge with your bank/CC company and let them deal with it.

Your assuming American law clearly. I live in the UK but still your input is apreciated.

They will refund this, as it happened to other people as well, but as of this moment they are working on all cases for hacked accounts and the likes, so tickets like this gets pushed down the line and will be dealt with later.

They are legally required to give you your money back but not the when as this is something that still needs to be checked out

All I can say is to hold on to your tickets and whenever the hacking attempts die down they can deal with other tickets

See.. this is part of my complaint. Why should a billing issue have to compete with tech support ones for attention. Really poor business practice.

(edited by Goos.9805)

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Ahh ok yes I admit I was thinking US as they are based in CA and I am in the US. As for why your issue competes I suspect the billing/account department are the same department for all account issues related to ownership and billing of accounts but that’s just a guess.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kevhoran.1780


Ahh ok yes I admit I was thinking US as they are based in CA and I am in the US. As for why your issue competes I suspect the billing/account department are the same department for all account issues related to ownership and billing of accounts but that’s just a guess.

Yes, account and Billing are usually the same team as it allows more people to due which of the two is most needed.

I do hope that it gets fixed quickly for you but I fear it will take some more time

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


If you really need $60 right now, then maybe you shouldn’t be playing computer games.

Around £50 wich is closer to $80 actually. and that comment was just ignorant. Getting short on cash from time to time happens. If you actually paid bills you would have some concept of that. Your comment was neither smart nor constructive so please keep such comments to yourself.

I tell you what as soon as you get your local DA to file criminal theft charges against them I’ll retract my statement. Until then I stand behind you can’t get them charged with theft. Furthermore it would be faster and simpler to simply dispute the second charge with your bank/CC company and let them deal with it.

Your assuming American law clearly. I live in the UK but still your input is apreciated.

They will refund this, as it happened to other people as well, but as of this moment they are working on all cases for hacked accounts and the likes, so tickets like this gets pushed down the line and will be dealt with later.

They are legally required to give you your money back but not the when as this is something that still needs to be checked out

All I can say is to hold on to your tickets and whenever the hacking attempts die down they can deal with other tickets

See.. this is part of my complaint. Why should a billing issue have to compete with tech support ones for attention. Really poor business practice.

Lol how would you know if i pay bills or not? I work, i bought this game.. & im also upset with areanet because i got banned for no reason.

Im just saying if your in need of $60 dollars you shouldn’t be playing computer games & i will stand by what i said.

As for the guy who mentioned principles i never said that he was in the wrong for wanting his money back.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goos.9805


Lol how would you know if i pay bills or not? I work, i bought this game.. & im also upset with areanet because i got banned for no reason.

Im just saying if your in need of $60 dollars you shouldn’t be playing computer games & i will stand by what i said.

As for the guy who mentioned principles i never said that he was in the wrong for wanting his money back.

Let me be clear. In the last month I’ve bought 9 games (3 of which were for friends but hey it was on sale) and enough parts to rebuild most of my PC to bring it back up to a higher end system as well as pay several bills. Stop trying to sound smart and start an argument. After spending that ammount of cash it would be nice if more wasn’t going missing understand?

(edited by Goos.9805)

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CassiusNez.2395


I completely understand, not only do i understand but i am on YOUR SIDE, imkitten that after i payed $60.00 i’v been banned for no reason. & afters hours of submitting a ticket i still have no idea why.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gd Anubis.4951

Gd Anubis.4951

You can’t charge them for theft when you yourself made the purchases. If and when you try to file a police report, they will ask you: Do you have any suspects of who might have used your card to purchase this. And when you say you did, they will tell you to take it up with your CC company or bank. They will return your money but it normally takes max 30 days. Patience is key to everything and if you have no patience then you won’t get far in life.

Charged for 2 games only wanted 1. Almost 2 weeks later still no resolve.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goos.9805


You can’t charge them for theft when you yourself made the purchases. If and when you try to file a police report, they will ask you: Do you have any suspects of who might have used your card to purchase this. And when you say you did, they will tell you to take it up with your CC company or bank. They will return your money but it normally takes max 30 days. Patience is key to everything and if you have no patience then you won’t get far in life.

I aint gonna explain it all again. Patience is not key determination is and if you want to sit back and let others walk all over you then YOU really won’t get far in life. I’m in my 30’s I’m past requiring life advice thanks.

Anyone wanting to dispute this thread might be interested to know it has served it’s purpose and they have now snapped to with one message last night informing me such things are being dealt with and now next day they have refunded my account. Nuff said. Thank you and good luck with any problems you all may have.