Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blue.7893


This thread is designed to answer questions from people who deleted their Collector’s Edition items and would like replacements.

Please note that there are two safeguards against this:

  1. The player is warned to remove all valuable items from the character before deletion
  2. The player is required to type in the entire name of the character, to avoid a “mis-click”

Having said that, we do understand that some players were not aware that items like the Miniature Rytlock were given as one per account, and not one per every character. The developers are looking at this issue and hope to have a remedy in place soon.

I will merge threads about this topic to keep things aligned.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: blackthorne.4653


I got everything no problems. I got me preorder items, and my CE items, however, I was extremely upset to see they :

A: Aren’t permanent, at least the golem banker isn’t…This needs to change
B: Are only on one toon. This also needs to change.

I’m fine with the book and the chalice thing being one shotters. However the golem banker, and pet need to be account wide and on all characters, AND the banker needs to stay instead of disappearing in about 4 days. That is total trash, NO other game does that with CE items, especially with a product that costs $150+

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blue.7893


On the same boat as everyone else…

So is that mean after you delete your first character you won’t able to get the one time item again? if i knew that i wouldn’t delete my first character.

Are they currently fixing it so we can get the item again or is that it for the one who delete their first toon? because i was under the impression because the items is account bound so it doesn’t matter that if you delete your character…

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nothgiel.1890


Same here. I created my first toon at 9:01 PDT on the 25th. I had everything except my HoM summon stone for GW1 stuff. I was told to delete my toon and recreate. I did and the HoM stone was there, but not my Book, Chalice, or Mini. I haven’t made it to 30 yet, so I’m not sure about Mist summon. I have the Hero Band and Golem on all accounts created. I put in a ticket on the 25th, got the same reply (check the forums when they open). Forums are finally open, and my original ticket was closed. Reopened the ticket and still waiting on a response. Should be easy enough to have a DM send the items to anyone with a ticket, but I know they have hacked accounts and locked out players to deal with. Just missing my stuff :-(

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xzarcr.7046


Hello, I had the same problem, I guess some of us were so exited to start playing that completely forgot about the items.. I know you guys are busy with more important issues right now but hope we can recover our items soon. I just want to confirm, should I open a ticket to be queued for any possible fix ?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Paprika.1459


I don’t recall a warning, but I am glad this is being looked into. Here’s hoping its soon! This is the only reason i got the deluxe! (miniature)

Wakka wakka wakka.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: CorpraSalaith.8912


Okay now I’m TOTALLY worried. It would seem as though that I’m the only person who NEVER received any of their items…..ever. Everyone else made a toon and deleted their stuff, I logged on,( had played since beta weekends knew what I wanted everyone to look like), created them straight away and started playing. The only thing I ever got was a Hero’s band (which appeared on every toon). If I had deleted any of my toons and lost the items (I’m a big kid!) I would just take my lumps and be happy I have the 10" mini Rytlock on my shelf above my computer. But I didn’t my items just never appeared. They weren’t there during the last couple stress tests during which I saw loads of other folks running around with their mini’s, and they weren’t there at Headstart. I don’t receive the Golem Banker on any newly created toons either. (I pre-purchased the physical CE from Gamestop on April 10th)

In sympathy to you guys, I could have very well done the same thing. I think a large majority of players experience with MMO’s is with WOW (yeah….I know don’t talk about WOW blah blah blah….) but in Wow, whenever you get a collectors edition pet they all come in a new mail to every new character. Rift was the same way too (if you bought from Wal-Mart you got some little mini in-game froggy thing that was kinda cute) so I can understand how people were shocked after deleting a toon that it didn’t just reappear on the next one. (It never occurred to me that people would jump in, randomize a toon, and then come back later and make it just to save a name… but again Arena net DID encourage us to get in and get those names, since they are unique across the WORLD of Tyria, not just server-wide.)

I would also like to point out here, that the message on the support page about the Rytlock’s being a one time thing was only posted about 2 hours after Headstart began. I know because I had been looking for a solution as to why my stuff didn’t show up, when my BF deleted his toon because he made him too tall (little RP here but both our Guardians are brothers…. they were Bloodelves in Wow and Humans here) So he re-made his Guardian to fix the issue, and bam! all his stuff was gone. I start looking about his issue, and then I find the tacked on information about Rytlock being not-permenant. So don’t feel bad guys, it really could have been handled better.

I just wish ONE person who had this problem didn’t get it through a deletion accident. Because I honestly logged on with my first toon release night and only got one email with a hero’s band….and that was it….

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lyconium.9416


I’ve had a similar problem, upgraded my pre purchase standard edition to a collectors edition and never got any in game items for it, haven’t deleted my main character. Opened a support ticked 8 days ago and haven’t had a reply. I’m a satisfied customer having bought the game twice.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cynikal.2637


I too am on the same issue.

Made a Norn Warrior, deleted it later on to Make a Human Warrior. Lost all of my items.

I realize there is that message to delete, but at the same time, it’s just a generic ’it’ll delete all items’ message.

I too didn’t use any of the items I paid an extra $20 for, which sucks for me.

One response I got was that due to the mail issue, i was to wait until it came back up and then i’d get my items within 24 hours due to a ‘back log’ of them. Understandable. The guy also then says I should contact them if I don’t get my items in that 24 hour window.

So, I wait, mails up. I wait 24 hours. I post up and say I didn’t get them. This was 4-5 days ago.

The support seems to lack.

My Ticket Ref is: 120829-015430 (If you wish to look at it).

I look forward to getting these items back. Thank you!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheAngryLuddite.1834


As someone else here mentioned, the Tome of Influence is bugged sporadically.

Some (like me) will use it, and it will disappear without the 1000 influence being added.

Now, for new guilds with a small roster (again, like mine), that missing 1000 influence is a pretty huge setback for advancement.

I’ve submitted two tickets on it with no response, but I totally understand that you guys are swamped with a myriad of more pressing issues.

Still, it would be nice to hear an official word on this bug, and hopefully get it resolved soon, as now that the guild rush has passed, our influence gain has slowed to a crawl, and that missing 1k would be a very welcome boon.

Here’s a GW2 Guru thread on the same issue if you need more details and instances of this occurring:


Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ebonite.5172


I too have submitted a ticket for this issue. I made a character entered the game yet I only got the heroband and the golem banker. The other mail was empty. I am in no rush either, but would like to have my mini Charr standing just as tall as my Asura
Also I did delete some characters, but none had mail with items in both.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DevQT.5209


Hi there i opened a ticket [120828-012966] for this when i noticed that the Mini Rytlock is only a one time gift even though i think this is the mostkitten feature of a collectible gift given to you after paying $80+ I would like my Rytlock given back to me … I received a response to my ticket through my email which was this:

Hi there;

We apologize for the delay in addressing your ticket, but we have been experiencing large influx of tickets as we move towards launch. Below you will find an automated response containing the most common support requests we’ve been receiving. We know that such form letter responses are less than ideal. However with the strain on our support department we want to get everyone’s issues addressed as soon as we possibly can.
I know the following message is quite lengthy, but please review all the sections provided below as there is a very good chance the issues you are encountering are covered in this message. If your issue is not listed below, then please first check our support page at to see if your issue is listed there.
If you don’t not see your issue in the response below or on the support page then please reply to this response and advise us again about the specifics of your individual issue. Again we apologize for the necessity of this response, but it should help us get any issues you and your fellow players are experiencing resolved much faster. Thank you for your understanding, and we hope that you have a great day.


The in game mail system is actually undergoing maintenance which is preventing all mail from being received. We are working to get that resolved, but in the meantime you won’t be able to receive mail from other players, mails containing Black Lion Trading post purchases, or the mails containing the Collector’s Edition/Deluxe edition items.

That said once the issue with the mail system has been resolved you should receive any back log of mails you have pending. We don’t have an ETA just yet on when the mail system will be up. However when it is, we should make an announcement on Facebook at, and on our Twitter account at #!/guildwars2. So stay tuned to those sites to get the latest information.

After the mail system is restored, please allow around 24 hours to ensure the back-log of mail has been delivered. At that time if you still have not received your items or mails then contact us and let us know what is missing.


In conjunction with the in game mail issue the Trading Post has been undergoing periodic maintenance which can cause it to be temporarily unavailable. Not to worry though any transactions you have made on the trading post are being saved and once it is available to you again you can pick up your items and or gold normally. As with the mail issue we will announce when the trading post is fully operational on Facebook at, and on our Twitter account at #!/guildwars2. So stay tuned to those sites to get the latest information.

If you have inadvertently deleted any of your CE or DE items, or deleted a character holding those items, please reply again to this message with as much information as possible to where the items were and how you lost them. We are currently working on a solution to this matter, but there may be a wait to ensure we get this resolved in a satisfactory way.

well i responded to this ticket with the information you asked and I have yet to even get a response back.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zubey.6172


My Tome of Influence bugged out on the first day and didn’t apply the 1000 influence to my guild. It’s gone and I’ve wasted this item. I understand that this has happened to a few people.

Can we recover the tome at all?

Same problem here. I know I was representing my guild when I double-clicked. It did nothing — no influence was added. I’ve created a ticket and a bug report, as well.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jyro.4723


I’m among those who deleted their characters shortly after making them, just thought I’d post.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: magom.3275


I was also one of those who deleted the first caracter created whith the mini rylock, the chalice and the tome, the only message i get was the delete caracter message, not the message to remove all items (at less i dont remember it).
Can you tell me please if Will take much time to get back those items?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Meijo.7415


Sent first ticket August 25th Incident: 120825-003557

No pet or other items returned to me after having lost them on making a new character.

Sent updated ticket September 02 Incident: 120825-003557

Got my headband and golem but have yet to get any of my other items including the mini pet etc.

I know there are a lot of others who lost their items or did not get them, we have all payed extra for these things. Also know and understand there are bigger things going on that are trying to be fixed with the game right now, but would really like my items back that I payed for.

My second updated ticket has had no response and I have yet to get my items returned to me still.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rhyft.7901


Same happened to me, never even got to use any of them. It sucks that the text in the mail messages is the same regardless of whether it’s a per-account item or per-character item. Hope this gets resolved soon -_-

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Goshee.3514


I spoke to customer support about this and they said that after I applied the serial code that came with my physical copy of the Collector’s Edition I would receive the items.

I did as was said and nothing has happened. I was under the presumption that the miniature Rytlock and tome of influence etc would be account bound and would appear on every new character (just as the hero band) though It wasn’t the case.

I don’t know why it’s not and it doesn’t make much sense to me. Though I would greatly appreciate if these items can be returned or just made available again through the mail.

Thanks for taking the time to look into the issue!

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lornhane.7182


Can we get an update on the mistfire wolf being grayed out?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Grizzly UK.1209

Grizzly UK.1209

Same problem as many others are reporting, deleted my first character who had the Miniature Rytlock, Tome of Influence and Chalice of Glory. Created a new character and didn’t receive those 3 items again. I had to go searching the internet to try and find out what might have gone wrong. Sadly I found out that those 3 items are only issued once per account! While I was asked to confirm character deletion there was no warning about the Miniature Rytlock, Tome of Influence and Chalice of Glory only being issued once per account! I haven’t found any such warning anywhere in my Collecter’s Edition either!

I therefore created a ticket on 08/25/2012 03:45 PM providing as much information as I thought would be required. On 08/25/2012 04:19 PM I received the same reply as others have already quoted:

The Hero’s Band and 3-day head start are bonuses for pre-purchasing the game, whether you pre-purchased the Standard Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition or Collector’s Edition. If you have a Collector’s Edition and did not receive the Summon Mistfire Elite Wolf Skill, Miniature Rytlock pet, Golem Banker, Chalice of Glory or Tome of Influence, you will receive those items when you apply the serial code contained inside your physical copy of the game, which will be available on launch day, August 28.

We are aware of the issue with Collector’s Edition/Digital Deluxe Edition items going missing after deleting a character that had them. It has happened to many of us, too. -_- A fix is coming as soon as possible, so please stay tuned to the Guild Wars 2 forums () once the forums re-open for updates!

I then replied, providing some extra info and clarification on 08/25/2012 06:57 PM and received the following reply on 08/29/2012 03:13 AM:

The items should appear in your mail (besides the Mistfire Wolf skill, that shows up in your slot skills tab) when you register the collector’s edition. If they have not, please let us know so we can try to solve this issue for you.

I replied on 08/29/2012 04:52 PM to ask for verification that upon registering my CE serial code the items would be re-issued.

On 08/30/2012 08:52 PM I updated my ticket to confirm that I had registered my CE serial code but had NOT been re-issued the Miniature Rytlock, Tome of Influence and Chalice of Glory! So far I’ve received no further reply from CS, it’s now 6th September so I’ve now been waiting for over a week for a reply to my last update!

It now seems that ArenaNet/NCsoft are taking the approach that it’s the player’s fault for not taking notice of some sort of warnings, but I don’t recall any warnings about the Miniature Rytlock, Tome of Influence and Chalice of Glory only being issued once per account! I only found that piece of information by searching the Support site’s FAQ! I fell that ArenaNet/NCsoft failed to ensure that information was properly promoted! I didn’t even know anything about adding items to a collection or anything like that until a few days ago because ArenaNet/NCsoft decided not to include any sort of printed game manual that would have provided such information to the player!

While I do understand that ArenaNet/NCsoft are currently having to deal with a huge number of issues I fail to see how they think that blaming players for not reading warnings is, in any possible way, of any help to anyone! I just get the impression that this particular issue will simply continue to be relegated as other, more important, issues arise.

(edited by Grizzly UK.1209)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Freyar.3254


I don’t mind the consumables not coming back, but the Rytlock Mini really does need to be sent with every character, especially as I have to keep it in my inventory to summon it.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vannick.8601


I must have missed the info that it was only on one character as well. I sent a support ticket during the 3 day head start and was pretty much told “We know about it, check the forums when they come back up for updates.” Hoping they can at least restore it for us as an “oops moment.”

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chief.1647


this basically was my problem..can u help retrieve my Deluxe edition items i am new to this game..i lost them due to character deletion please help me get them back please

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wthermans.4093


I have an open support ticket originating from release since I mistakenly deleted my character that was holding my Pet. I don’t really care about the one time use items, but I would like to get the Pet back. My ticket has been replied to with the current information. It’s nice to have swift communication on the issue (less than 24 hour turnaround from when I placed the ticket) and I’m happy to see Areanet are working on the issue!

My little Rytlock just wants to come home.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KibaOokami.6942


I’m having a similar problem to the ones all of you have however I had a guild issue. I used my tome of influence and well..our guild was eaten? we were all kicked? and so its gone used and worth nothing.. Help me get it back so I can use it in a guild thats not going to disappear due to bugs?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: JReene.9702


Okay now I’m TOTALLY worried. It would seem as though that I’m the only person who NEVER received any of their items…..ever. Everyone else made a toon and deleted their stuff, I logged on,( had played since beta weekends knew what I wanted everyone to look like), created them straight away and started playing. The only thing I ever got was a Hero’s band (which appeared on every toon). If I had deleted any of my toons and lost the items (I’m a big kid!) I would just take my lumps and be happy I have the 10" mini Rytlock on my shelf above my computer. But I didn’t my items just never appeared. They weren’t there during the last couple stress tests during which I saw loads of other folks running around with their mini’s, and they weren’t there at Headstart. I don’t receive the Golem Banker on any newly created toons either. (I pre-purchased the physical CE from Gamestop on April 10th)

I just wish ONE person who had this problem didn’t get it through a deletion accident. Because I honestly logged on with my first toon release night and only got one email with a hero’s band….and that was it….

I’m with the few here that never deleted their first characters and still never got the emails. I created 2 during the headstart, got the CE on release, made another character after the serial code was applied. NONE of them have ever received the in-game emails for the items. Also I keep getting the same initial cookie-cutter responses that everyone else has been receiving with no response going on 2 weeks later (I’m putting GM Alura on blast specifically). Why not just respond to the players who didn’t lose their items firstly? It’s not hard to scan a support ticket for key words (Ctrl+F).

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Byron.3187


Got a Digital Deluxe. Got invited to a guild. Got accepted. Clicked on my Tome of Influence and it poofed. Got the achievement but no 1000 influence. I bought the Digital Deluxe specifically for it. No Influence granted to my guild. Need another copy or the Influence credited properly.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yerquetan.8302


I upgraded my standard edition to digital delux edition right after launch especially for the mistfite wolf skill. Even though I’m already lvl 44 the skill stays greyed out and I can;t use it on my main….I filed a support ticket at 31-08 (120831-017351) but I have yet to get a reply.
It’s pretty frustrating that it doesnt work on my main….

other than that really awesome game^^

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Oblivion.5293


I have upgraded my standard to Digital Deluxe Edition using the Gem Store and I have gotten all of my items for it with the exception of the Mistfire Wolf Summon skill, greyed out and unpurchasable even if my character’s well over the level 30 requirement. I haven’t checked it out with another character but I thought it would be worth mentioning this.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ysabeau.3904


Got a Digital Deluxe. Got invited to a guild. Got accepted. Clicked on my Tome of Influence and it poofed. Got the achievement but no 1000 influence. I bought the Digital Deluxe specifically for it. No Influence granted to my guild. Need another copy or the Influence credited properly.

I had the same thing happen to me

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Nightwind.9024


I got a response to my Mistfire Wolf skill not available ticket…

We are very sorry to hear you have been running into this issue. We are aware that there does appear to be an issue with the Mistfire wolf skill. It can’t actually be used at all right now. We have our development and QA teams hot on the case though. So we hope to see this resolved very soon. We know it can be frustrating not having access to everything you should, but we are greatful for your patience and understanding while we work on getting this fixed.

So thank you very much for your report, and we will be hard at work getting this taken care of for you.

…So, looks like it is a known issue and they are working on it. Wish they would add that notice somewhere on the main support page or the wiki page.

Guildmaster for the Mystical Hunters [MH]
Henge of Denravi server

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gajeel.4578


I’m in the same boat. My first moments in the game are now a bit hazy, but I really don’t recall reading a warning about deleting the pet and the guild xp scroll, etc. Please allow those to be reclaimed. It’s been an awful way to start my experience with this game, having shelled out an extra $20 for these items and having them vanish unused.

Thats because there isnt one. I Lost my Rytlock, and my Chalice/Tome.
There was no warning on the day of early access, and i’d be shocked if there was one now.

Poor service at its finest. Mess up; then blame the customer for not seeing the nonexistant warning.
There is also NO INDICATION that the CE items are one time only.

GG arenanet. I’d like my CE items, or a partial refund.

(edited by Gajeel.4578)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Breydon Deathwalker.8193

Breydon Deathwalker.8193

Incident: 120825-035330
I agree, how can we be penalized for deleting characters without a fair warning that these items were one time use only for only one character. I didn’t find that out until I went on the support page after the fact. I too thought it would be like Guild Wars 1 and just resend me my items. I think we should all get the items back.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GroundXeron.5097


So only way to solve this, its a ticket? =(
I create charr then delete him, and lose this items too =(

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pipra.7580


I’m in the same boat. My first moments in the game are now a bit hazy, but I really don’t recall reading a warning about deleting the pet and the guild xp scroll, etc. Please allow those to be reclaimed. It’s been an awful way to start my experience with this game, having shelled out an extra $20 for these items and having them vanish unused.

Thats because there isnt one. I Lost my Rytlock, and my Chalice/Tome.
There was no warning on the day of early access, and i’d be shocked if there was one now.

Poor service at its finest. Mess up; then blame the customer for not seeing the nonexistant warning.
There is also NO INDICATION that the CE items are one time only.

GG arenanet. I’d like my CE items, or a partial refund.

Agreed. At this point, I’d be just as happy with a $20 credit (or an equivalent amount of Gems) than the DDE items that vanished.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GroundXeron.5097


post ticket, hope my items will be restored…

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Samael.1597


A friend had the same issue with his Tome of Influence not working. I was able to create the guild and he joined it. I used my tome and it worked, he used his and nothing happened. Both of us were representing the guild at the time and had no error messages. He opened a ticket but has not had it resolved yet.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gajeel.4578


This is good PR for your game guys. You’re gonna go places with service like this.
I cant imagine that it is very hard to just re-send the CE items to people that have a CE.

Apparantly Arenanet has a bigger issue with people receiving a second Tome/Chalice than with a horde of people that are angry about NOT GETTING WHAT THEY PAID FOR.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jahbu.2953


I didn’t receive my collectors editions digital items. I was told that once the issue with the mail system has been resolved I would receive any back log of mails you have pending, and would receive the items. The mail system has been up for three days now and still nothing. Sadly I am still missing Miniature Rytlock, Chalice of Glory, and Tome of Influence. The digital items were the biggest reason for buying the collectors edition…please help me resolve this issue as soon as you can. It would be a HUGE help to me.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Malthraz.7105


I appear to have suffered from deleting my Rytlock as well as my Chalice of Glory. I used the Tome of Influence already, so I’m not concerned with that.

Would it be possible to get the other two items replaced? If the Chalice can’t be because you can’t confirm my deleted character didn’t use it, that’s fine with me, but I would like my poor little Rytlock back!

Should I submit a ticket or is posting here sufficient? Don’t want to add another to the flood if I don’t have to lol

(edited by Malthraz.7105)

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: brado.3240


hey guys im in the same boat, i kept my first made chracter(norn ranger) i put my mini grimlock in my golem banker but asoon as i did thta my golem banker diapeard? so i was wondering how to get them back or if i could on the update?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Firesoul.2794


Me too. With password reset out, very hard to get into support to even log an issue.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Connor Big.4073

Connor Big.4073

So I entered in my CE Serial Code and it said "Serial Code Overlap" but the code still worked because I am still play the game. The only problem is I didn’t receive any of my CE items. Has anyone had the same problem or know a way to fix it?

Connor Big

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in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: AcidDogZA.4679


I wanted to add my voice as well. I too deleted my first character during headstart when he didn’t have the HoM stone in his inventory as expected. Unfortunately that took all my one time only use DE items with it. I lament that if the HoM stone was there and the hall working as intended I would still have my items… Wish there had been a notification upfront when I bought the DE that certain items were one time spawn only even though they were account locked and couldn’t be traded or thus exploited…

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Alfdis.5890


I am one of those lucky persons with the greyed out Mistfire Wolf skill and the Tome of Influence just vanishing without effect after using it.

I purchased the Digital Deluxe Update from the gem store on sunday after release and recieved my ingame items without problems.
When I tried to use my Tome of Influence the item vanished and I got nothing in return (and yes, I double checked that I was representing at that time).
On my main character the Mistfire Wolf skill is greyed out and not available to me.
This is the only character with the skill greyed out as it is the only char I did not recreate after I purchased the Digital Deluxe Upgrade.

I transferred the Chalice of Glory to one of the recreated characters and I was able to use it without problems.

Today I received a mail in response to my ticket telling me that the ingame mail with the one shot items was sent again. I checked ingame and claimed my items once more.
I tried to use the Tome of Influence again and got the error message that I was either not representing (I was representing) or that I already used the item before.

While I am happy that resending the mail will fix the problems for those who deleted them (and that you put mechanics into place to avoid possible exploits), but it does not help those of us who did not receive the influence from the tome and the Mistfire Wolf skill is still buggy for some characters.

Still I appreciate the effort you put into fixing the issues and the frequent updates you send me to keep me informed on the progress.

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Just wanted to say I have received positive support with regards to these issues which have now been resolved. Thank You.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Blaze.8127


Just wanted to say I have received positive support with regards to these issues which have now been resolved. Thank You.

Did they re issue your items?

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ZoDD.8623


I agree to the comment about it confirming that the character and the items will be deleted but until today there wasnt anything saying that those items were for 1 character at all. not in my book that came with my collectors edition or online. now i get online today and the email for the collectors edition items says items are for one character. would have been nice when i deleted the character cause i was reserving a name. i feel those that lost their items due to this should get their items back this once for your guys lack of informing us of the items being one time use and not for every character on the account like every other mmorpg out there does.

so please let me get the items on my main… the items i paid for and never got to actually use/see….

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SpiderPIG.4150


Like I posted above. In the headstart I submitted a ticket regarding this issue. I now saw that the mail reads “can only be obtained by one character”.

In the head start this didn’t exist and by ‘account bound’ clearly a lot of people assumed it applied to all characters. I really hope they can solve this issue and resend out the mini’s and other items to those affected. The only reason I paid for deluxe was because of the mini anyway…

Collector's Ed/DDE Item Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ShadowVyper.8219


I upgraded to the deluxe edition using gems in game and My 78 Thief cannot use the Mist Wolf ability. It is greyed out completely and cannot be put on my bar. I have seen it lit up on some of my lower level alts but I don’t have a slot to see if they can use it yet. Please unlock this skill. Ninja Ninja lvl 77 Asura Thief.