Dailies are Glitched out for me
Check your computer’s clock, and make sure the date/time/timezone are correct. There’s a bug where the achievement display is based on your computer’s time, even though the dailies are based on the real date. (So if your clock is a day off, it will display the dailies from yesterday/tomorrow.)
Ok i’ll check in a bit thanks!
worked! The time set on my computer was at AM instead of PM. Thanks for the solution!
This was a nice question/post. I have a friend who’s experiencing the exact same issue. Will try out this solution.
By the way after we fix that is their a way to regain our laurels I dont think it is fair to loose so many ive lost like 3 or 4 so far because of the bug.
By the way after we fix that is their a way to regain our laurels I dont think it is fair to loose so many ive lost like 3 or 4 so far because of the bug.
The clock issue wouldn’t prevent the acquisition of laurels in that high a number. The maximum is 1 per day. In any case, we do not have the capacity to give you laurels.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
worked! The time set on my computer was at AM instead of PM. Thanks for the solution!
Great to know, and thanks for posting the update.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events