Finally, the journey is over.

Finally, the journey is over.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: passion.5481


I guess that’s it – I have my account back. * cheers *

Thank you for your help and I hope we won’t meet again that fast and if we do, let’s hope the circumstances will be more pleasant.

Thank you.

Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

Finally, the journey is over.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zack.3721


Congratulations Passion, hopefully mine gets fixed soon.

Finally, the journey is over.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: marcusbash.8642


yeah maybe I should threat a chargeback so they will listen to me, they say that doesn’t work, but look at all the forum posts, IM CHARGING BACK UNLESS YOU RESET MY EMAIL/UNBAN MY ACCOUNT. “Oh okay terribly sorry team is on it now”

Finally, the journey is over.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thatoneguywtf.3172


Word of mouth is great advertisement. I have a friend who was going to get this game and play with me, but since I’ve had all of these issues, he has changed his mind. That’s 50 bucks ArenaNet won’t be making because of their poor customer service. I’ve been waiting for a week to get my account back now, and not a single reply to any of the emails I’ve sent them.

Finally, the journey is over.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bedlam Dye Wig.7415

Bedlam Dye Wig.7415

well, assuming their working in order, i should get mine back soon..

however, i saw someone who got their account back yesterday, and their ticket was newer than yours, but older than mine (morning of the 6th)..

so, there doesnt seem to be any order.

i had hoped to play guild wars 2 to pass the time until borderlands 2 and torchlight 2, but its looking more and more like ill be playing them while i wait to get my account back…

wish i had known how long it would take to resolve any problems before i ordered the game.. feel like ive spent more time looking on the forums/checking email/checking support than i did actually playing the game.

120906-009144 – hacked 9/6/2012.

Account hacked 9/6/2012